Users unlikely to pay for digital music downloads

According to a study by G2, a subsidiary of the Gartner Group, on-line users are quite unlikely to purchase digital music on the Web. The survey of the purchasing plans and habits of 4000 online adults showed that only half of them use their computer to listen to AudioCDs, and only a quarter listens to downloaded digital music.

``Digital distribution needs to be brain-dead simple for consumers, and any digital rights management solution deployed should work with all music software and hardware,´´ said analyst P J McNealy from G2. ``The percentage of Internet music buyers is not likely to increase with new Internet services being developed by the big five music companies unless they make their copyright protection systems more flexible to entice consumers.´´

It is rather unlikely that the on-line music sales will be a success unless the customers can listen to the music they've purchased not only on their computer, but also on their home stereo etc.

Written by: Jari Ketola @ 29 Aug 2001 10:54
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