Top ten pirated movies in August

MediaForce released their latest top 10 charts for month of August, 2001 for most pirated movies. List is based on MediaForce's searches through various P2P networks, such as Gnutella (clients like BearShare and Gnotella) and FastTrack (Kazaa, Morpheus and Grokster), IRC, FTP sites, Web sites and newsgroups.

Once again, movies that are still in movie theatres in U.S., dominated the charts, getting 5 titles in the top 10. Others included movies recently released on DVD or movies that are "all-time-favorites" among pirates, such as Matrix. Also, the #1 spot went for American Pie 1 -- it's rather old movie (in terms of digital piracy), but its sequel obviously boosted its popularity. American Pie 2 didn't quite make it to the top 10, but climbed to 16th anyway.

Top ten pirated movies in August, 2001:
  1. American Pie (Universal Pictures)
  2. The Fast and the Furious (Universal Pictures)
  3. Shrek (Dreamworks SKG)
  4. Jurassic Park III (Universal Pictures)
  5. The Matrix (Warner Brothers)
  6. Planet of the Apes (Twentieth Century Fox)
  7. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Sony Pictures)
  8. Swordfish (Warner Brothers)
  9. Traffic (USA Films)
  10. Fight Club (Twentieth Century Fox)

Written by: Petteri Pyyny @ 24 Sep 2001 6:12
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