I first heard it in september 1999, if I remember well (France), prices were to increase "the next week", according to the salesman, but nothing happened.
It was the same in 2001, we talked about it a lot, but still nothing.
However, I can't say if this time it's true or not.
In France, a branded CDR is about 1.80 € (in a box of 10 CDRs with thick jewel cases). It had dropped to 1.50 € around year 2000, now it's 1.80 € again.
29.5.2002 02:22 #1
I'm not worried about it. In fact, current prices are SO low, I've often wondered at which point it becomes more expensive to *ship* the discs to stores, than the actual discs themselves are worth.
Don't forget, widespread DVD-R use is imminent. It *fully* has the potential to render cd-r impotent. (Or at least much less desireable than it presently is). It may or may not supplant cd-r altogether, but I'm convinced that cd-r prices will always remain at or near their current level.
My 2c worth.
-- Mike The Klingon --
29.5.2002 23:58 #2