B***ards! I have been using Kazaa for a while and many attractive film titles are just garbage, I just thought the users where playing practical jokes, but quick tip: If it is a movie,or audio, you can preview it in Kazza and see if it is what you want. You have to wait a little while, but it is worth it so you don't waste your time.
6.7.2002 15:07 #1
This thing'll never fly.
Always try to check the filesize(s) of anything you are interested in, that's a start.
The Internet Community is much, *much* smarter than this.
A desperate ploy by a desperate conglomerate.
-- K.A. --
(P.S. Is *this* the best they can come up with?)
6.7.2002 17:17 #2
What I'm surprised of is the fact that it took three żears for them to figure this method out, even that I and I guess everyone who ever actually thought this issue, had figured out already back in 1999.
What this will, most likely, create, is better P2P tools that use hashing and auditing methods, which will make sure that the tracks are accurate -- which would also bring down the number of porn clips named as "Lord of the rings: Two towers" :-)
7.7.2002 00:22 #3
Absolutely, even when downloading 'normal' files, you have to dredge through lots of crud, I would say less than 50% of the files I end up clicking on and selecting end up being what I wanted.....How would they improve the auditing methods?
7.7.2002 07:47 #4
The problem I see with improved hashing and auditing is that there will be increased liability. One of Napster's main defenses was that they didn't know what was being traded.
7.7.2002 08:52 #5