To tell you the truth, in some ways, I'm glad I don't own a dvd burner just yet. Blu-ray is always in the back of my mind, and considering it's massive increase in data-density per disc, I'm (maybe) going to wait until the blu-dust settles on this one before I take any major plunges/committments.
Make sense?
(Actually, I'm holding out for Pink laser. It hasn't been invented yet, but when it is, I'm sure it will beat the pants off everything else). :-)
11.9.2002 22:54 #1
Same here, Iīm perfectly happy with my CD-burner. I donīt even have the time for "serious" DVD-backup and digital-video as a hobby.
Itīs sad though how you were hopping not to have to face the same standards-mix-up as with red-laser and now we already have two manufacturers introducing a new "standard"
Then again, competition on the market is always good for the consumer.
12.9.2002 11:36 #2
Yep, but the multi-standards coming up just underline the logic in waiting this one out a bit. I tend to 'sit on the fence' a little longer than I used to; I'm not the early-adopter-type so much anymore, not one to flash the credit-card around too much every time a pretty new format waves her long blonde hair at me.
I too, am perfectly happy with my current cd-burner, which has never let me down. You don't miss (much) what you don't have, and I wonder how many current-&-soon-to-be dvd burner-owners will regret their purchase(s) if blu-ray *does* catch on in a big way? Archiving a half-dozen dvds in native, mpeg2 form (without further compression) on a single blu-ray disc seems to me like something worth waiting for.
I'll let the formats flog it out for a while and let the companies sue themselves all over the place for a little longer. It's fun to watch this tech-fiesta as it unfolds in front of my very eyes on this website anyway!
-- Mike, The Procrastinator --
12.9.2002 19:35 #3
uuhm... blonde hair.
13.9.2002 07:14 #4
Yeah best to wait.
13.9.2002 12:43 #5