Blank DVD media prices to drop

According to, it seems that blank DVD media prices are coming down -- rapidly. Well, at least this is the case in the UK, where cheapest blank DVD-R media sells for way less than 50 pence ($0.75) a piece.

The reason for the current price drops seems to be the fact that new multi-format drives, such as Sony DRU-500A, aren't very compatible with the existing media types -- neither "plus" or "minus" discs. And retailers are afraid of the upcoming flood of these multi-format writers that are about to hit the shores by Christmas -- if they're picky about the media they use, retailers can end up having thousands and thousands of discs in their stock that no one wants to buy.


Written by: Petteri Pyyny @ 31 Oct 2002 13:56
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  • A_Klingon

    A nice thought, but a very transitory and short-lived event, I fear.

    I wonder if this small quirk would or could last long enough to filter it's way into the maritime provinces of Canada, where I live? I doubt it. It'll be over before it's hardly begun.

    I think it's going to be a long long time before we ever see inexpensive bulk packs of +RW media in my part of town. {sigh....}

    (Jewel cases take up *way* to much space anyway).

    -- mgb --

    31.10.2002 14:45 #1

  • tumbar

    I also seem to remember reading that cd manufacturing plants are retooling to produce dvd media.

    generic CD media manufacturers aren't making much these days. no brand = no price leverage. they are virtually giving the cds away. They make you do the rebates but this week I bought 100 for 5 cents each and a 75 pack for 2 cents each. Granted its generic, but it will burn just fine. I haven't paid for name brand media in the last couple of years. :-P

    you can call me Mr. T

    31.10.2002 15:12 #2

  • Ghostdog

    I prefer brand-name CD-Rs. TDK to be exact.
    The reason: MMore 24x discs didnīt let me copy a disc burnt at 24x with Musicmatch jukebox to Minidisc but TDK (Reflex metallic ultra) discs burnt at 24-speed with Nero work fine.

    (Sorry,, I didnīt bother finding out the ATIP info)

    1.11.2002 00:03 #3

  • A_Klingon

    You know, it's really odd.....About a year ago here, I mused about how long it would take for blank cd prices to fall down to the point where it would cost more to *ship* the things, than the actual value of the discs themselves.

    Well, it seems we have arrived.

    It's almost inconceiveable to me how or why any manufacturer on earth would bother to sell blanks for .02c each. That is incredible. Surely the packaging and shipping expenses cost *way* more than this, right?

    (Oh, please understand, I think it's *great* you can get them that cheap), but just thinking about it, what can there possibly BE in it for the manufacturers when the *retail* price is two cents?


    Anyway, yeah, I only seem to use no-name generic discs these days too. No brand stamp, plain silver tops. At $0.46c each Canadian, I think * I * am getting a bargain!

    And at over $10.00 Canadian for a single DVD+RW, I am in pain.

    -- Mike --

    1.11.2002 03:11 #4

  • tumbar

    75-Pack 700MB 40x CD-R Disc Spindle Free AR, Oct 31 has this 75-Pack Precision 700MB 40x CD-R Disc Spindle (search 57700075) at $11.99 - $12 rebate = FREE after rebate. Free shipping! Rebates expire 11/2. (Thanks cisco_tomx@)

    I just try to stay about 100 ahead or so, cheaper than flooppy' :-)

    you can call me Mr. T

    1.11.2002 04:34 #5

  • Ghostdog

    Wait a second, their actually giving away the discs?

    1.11.2002 04:41 #6

  • Odyssey

    Its about time that the DVD-R market is becoming more available to the average man who cannot afford outrageous prices for media that does NOT cost that much to produce in teh first place. My only question is, does that mean that the market is gearing up for the release of DVD-Rs that have a higher capacity than their current 4.7 GB limitations in a more marketable approach? I believe that is something that DVD-R/+R owners are anticipating more than anything.


    1.11.2002 05:09 #7

  • A_Klingon

    You may be thinking of the up-and-coming 'Blue Laser' format, Odyssey.

    Yep, blue laser has the potential to drive current dvd prices down to where current cd levels are. (Well, not *quite*). I can't see manufacturers selling blank dvds for .02c.)

    I'm no expert of course, but I don't really see all that much difference in construction materials between a dvd and a cd. The manufacturing tolerances might be a little tighter with dvds. But I bet the organic dyes used with write-once discs are similar to cds, and I imagine the metal alloys used with rewriteable discs is similar too.

    The dvd format is still new-ish, so manufacturers and retailers are taking full advantage of that. We need more blank dvd disc-makers to jump onto the wagon to create some healthy price competition. With blank DVD+RWs costing over $10.00 each here in Canada, it is not a very practical idea to spend 2 discs in backing up a single dvd movie. This situation has got to *change*, or else I'll be using recordable dvds solely for testing purposes.

    -- Mike --

    1.11.2002 11:34 #8

  • hkusp40

    I believe when Blue laser gets as big as DVD is now, DVD-R will be as cheap as CD-R is now and CD-R will disappear from sight all together shortly after that. I saw a HP DVD+RW DVD200i for $340 yesterday, how much longer till its as cheap as a CD burner. I currently pay 4500won ($4.00) for DVD-R locally, but it is cheaper for me to buy them online ($0.70 - $0.99) free delivery to the states and my friend then ships them to me here in ROK. takes about 2-3 weeks for all that shipping but is still cheaper.

    4.11.2002 02:04 #9

  • Ghostdog

    Thatīs a pretty good price. I wish the drives where cheaper though, and that there was more use for DVD. Currently you donīt really have use for DVDs when it comes to music and such, except if you want to take your whole collection to a friend and listen at his house. DVDs could be "the next CD" if only the prices ever come down to "friendly". Sony Music and co. could shove their fobic (is this a real word?) little ideas about copy-protection and make hybrid-DVDs containing the album, videos and interactive content. Hurrah! Iīm a pioneer!

    Will DVD-R/RW-drive prices fall enough before Blu-ray hits the market?

    Then thereīs the matter about standards, there still isnīt a clear winner. With recordable CDs you have two options, write-once and re-writable. Not to hard to chose :)
    I really hope blue-laser will have a easier time coming through with one clear standard. Having competitors might not be too bad, if there still is a clear choice on what to put your money in. And competition could force prices to a exeptable level. But all-and-all one standard would be the simplest way of getting Blu-Ray the same position as CD-R has today.

    Then we have blue-laser CD-Rs, another cook in the kitchen to mess things up. Are these really an alternative or should one jump right into the realm of DVD? Opinions anyone?

    4.11.2002 09:22 #10

  • A_Klingon

    I had not heard about that one (blue-laser "cds") -- seems like a contradiction in terms. <cd=lowest capacity; blue-laser discs=highest capacity> That doesn't quite mix right. Surely there will be, simply, a Blue Laser Disc. (?)

    I still love oridinary blank cds of the 700 mb variety. I doubt they are going to go away any time soon, because retail red-book music cds still flourish in the stores, and copy-protected or not, people will still be able to make perfect, *ultra*-inexpensive backups of them. Also, still, most of ALL computer software comes on standard cd-rom. And backing up your most important computer software is a most viable idea on standard cds. I would not be too hasty in dismissing the time-tested, proven cd format.

    I can see the 1.44 mb floppy dissappearing though. Bootable cds are common enough these days, and can replace the a: drive easily enough. A single rewriteable cd-rw can comfortably hold your Entire OS with room to spare.

    It is only when we get into media files that we have had to look to higher-capacity alternatives. DVD has, and Blue Laser *will* address these problems.

    Throughout it all, our best hope is that these various formats will be as compatible as possible with each other, at *least* during playback. Red book music cd - the grand-daddy of all modern optical-disc systems, remains compatible with just about *everything*, and dvd, only a little less-so.

    -- Mike --

    4.11.2002 23:27 #11

  • Odyssey

    Mike, you bring up great points. One of the major reasons I bought a DVD-R was NOT just to attempt to make back-ups of all my favorite movies that I own, it was to give me a second alternative to backing up my hard drive and the use of a high-capacity 4.7 disk allows me to do this with little effort rather than juggling several CD-Rs. But I would hate to see 1.44 floppy drives disappear mostly because of their heritage in our home PCs. Its kinda like that old baseball glove that you have in the back of the closet that you bring out every now and then just to reminisce and you realize that it will always be there in case you find someone who wants to use it.


    5.11.2002 04:32 #12

  • Ghostdog

    Jeez, itīs been awhile since I used my disk-drive. I still have use for it sometimes in school-realated stuff, those geezers donīt have CD-RW-compatible CD-drives.

    I just read an article about writable DVDs and it got me thinking about a few other points.
    Currently media-prices are a bit high for me to switch from CDs to DVD-R/+R etc., and as Klingon said, CDs arenīt going anywhere.
    Current media-standards prices will come down, but when BluRay hits the market they will probably start off expensive.

    The write-speeds off current drives arenīt too impressive. I donīt want to wait 30 minutes - 1 hour for the disc to be burnt. Of course the situation will hardly improve with larger discs. Current drives are fast, but since the discs have a bigger capacity it takes longer to burn them. Obviously the speeds will decrease drastically when the capacity is multiplied by ten. Hopefully theyīll find a solution for this, blue-laser wonīt grow if it takes hours to write the discs.

    5.11.2002 08:32 #13

  • Odyssey

    Blu Ray does seem a fantastic concept but I personally feel that the willingness of the open market to grasp such a product may be a little far off. If it is introduced too quickly after the major influx that DVD burners have created, the marketability of such a product could be snuffed out due to the fact that people are still getting a firm grasp on the fact that they can now store above the previously stone-rule of 700 MB in one disc. I'm all for the progress of technology and would like to see as many formats available as possible but it just seems a little pre-mature to take things to the next level.


    5.11.2002 11:05 #14

  • MuRf

    Cheapest dvd-r media --where????? i live in Ireland so where on net????
    any1 want help wit dvd or xbox backing up software etc---contact me @

    They have the internet on computers now!

    4.9.2003 03:03 #15

  • Oriphus

    Yes, its good if the quality remains. Im happy to pay Ģ1.15 a disc for high quality Traxdata and clone disc, because it is guaranteed good.

    4.9.2003 15:56 #16

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