Madonna's site gets hacked

Artist Madonna launched her latest album with an anti-piracy campaign in P2P networks, distributing MP3 tracks that looked like actual songs from artist's latest album, but contained simply a voice of Madonna asking "What the fuck do you think you're doing?".

Well, some clever hackers who obviously got relatively angry about artist's attitude against P2P networks, managed to hack her official website,, during the weekend and posting all the tracks from her album American Life for download.

The hacked website simply stated: "This is what the fuck I think I'm doing". After the hacking was noticed, Madonna's site went offline for good 15 hours.

Source: The Register

Written by: Petteri Pyyny @ 23 Apr 2003 15:26
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  • Dela

    Yes I read this the other night and I was in bits laughing at it! I saw some screen shots of it too, very funny indeed. Well thats what happens to stupid people who try to stand against p2p!

    Afterdawn is run by great people who have ran this site perfectly for 3 years helping literally millions of people. The price of running this web site is very high so please visit some sponsors or consider a donation

    23.4.2003 16:27 #1

  • UMJ

    My first time ever visiting ever just because i wanted info on that new political album of hers and there was just a full version of the album just sittin' there chillin'. Heh, I know about madonna or the hackers, but I knew what the fuck I was doin'.

    All I want to do, all anybody wants to do, is play free games on they ps2.

    23.4.2003 20:51 #2

  • Timinem

    Very clever hack! I'd buy 'em a beer for that one ... P2P's are being flooded with erroneous files and users should bind together to eliminate the waste! Just my 0.02

    24.4.2003 12:19 #3



    "Everytime it rains, it rains - Pennies From Heaven"

    25.4.2003 00:09 #4

  • carlitob

    This rocks!!!!

    Pioneer A05
    PS2- Magic 3.1
    Over 50 Movies so far to know what I got PM me.

    25.4.2003 06:01 #5

  • nik99

    was pretty amused with the nutsbustin response on her again.

    ok.,dont know if ul have heard this one..heard it fm sum pals..but wann to chk it out fa meself..
    the story went,,some streamin audio stations(now i dont know if its the stations or the record companies or who does it actaully)
    when u hear certain songs on stream it sounds prfect but when u rip the stream ..u get the track interspersed with sounds fm a porn movie..all the oohing and aahing. and shit..
    chked it out my slef..and its sveral mp3 s like that..
    did anyon get this too?or is it stale news..

    25.4.2003 07:57 #6


    yea i wanna know about that (porn audio mixes)

    26.4.2003 18:03 #7

  • Jarpo

    Madonna is stupid woman who loves Uncle-Saddam, RIAA and IFPI.

    Shit and Skit.

    28.4.2003 01:06 #8

  • nik99

    well vic ,chk out THE mix-station on shoutcast

    29.4.2003 03:07 #9

  • j02

    quanto sono contenta!!!!!

    2.5.2003 07:20 #10

  • Donuts

    Hahaha that bitch deserves everything bad people can throw at her.

    btw, American Life sounds like crap, but for some reason it's popular? Just like al those crappy "groups" the "moan" to bass. (Opinion only) Do u share the smae views?

    8.5.2003 01:40 #11

  • chet

    anyone ever hear the expression the customer is always right... apparently Madonna feels her customers are criminals...

    8.5.2003 07:53 #12

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