You are quite welcome. I am sure I am responsible for at least half of them ;-)
2.5.2003 04:44 #1
Yep. I've downloaded some awfully good programs from this site. Permanently archived on CD-R. Can't imagine being without 'em. Thank you afterdawn.
-- Mike --
3.5.2003 08:57 #2
It seems to get better by the day also. Always something going on or coming in. Keep up the great work guys we gota have it.
3.5.2003 22:14 #3
It seems to get better by the day also. Always something going on or coming in. Keep up the great work guys we gota have it.
4.5.2003 21:06 #4
yup thats why i love this place, so in return i will click on all your banners atleast once every time i visit ;)
6.5.2003 16:06 #5