PeerGuardian: Protect your privacy on P2P networks

PeerGuardian: Protect your privacy on P2P networks
PeerGuradian is a special firewall software designed to block the IP ranges of RIAA, MPAA and similar organizations and authorities. The list of IP ranges to be blocked is freely configurable and you can add new IP ranges from a WWW service.

And the catch here is that copyright organizations and authorities ARE active on P2P networks like Direct Connect, Kazaa and quite likely others too. We have tested the PeerGuardian and yes - we have received reports of blocked connection attempts from RIAA IPs.

PeerGuardian is freeware and available at the following URLs. (PeerGuardian home)
PeerGuardian IP range database

Written by: Lasse Penttinen @ 15 May 2003 12:52
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  • Dela

    Now this sounds well interesting!!!!

    Afterdawn is run by great people who have ran this site perfectly for 3 years helping literally millions of people. The price of running this web site is very high so please visit some sponsors or consider a donation

    15.5.2003 16:12 #1

  • goodswipe


    15.5.2003 18:39 #2

  • goodswipe

    so what do you do...just keep this program running 24/7 or just as long as you are connected to a P2P network??

    15.5.2003 18:53 #3

  • YodaX

    you guys never heard of peer guardian?

    When Did I Realize I Was God?
    Well I Was Praying And Suddenly
    I Realized I Was Talking To Myself.

    16.5.2003 05:59 #4

  • YodaX

    btw link is not working :(

    When Did I Realize I Was God?
    Well I Was Praying And Suddenly
    I Realized I Was Talking To Myself.

    16.5.2003 06:00 #5

  • seanbyrne

    It would be nice if the PeerGuardian would have the option of allowing connections for the restricted IP ranges to show a list files that would be legitimate such as family photos, jokes, etc. (instead of Music, Videos, etc.) that if the RIAA/MPAA saw, would think the user is notsharing anything illegal. ;)

    Either that or present those IP ranges with a list of what appears "useful utilities" but instead a set of Viruses, Trojan Horses, etc. to get back on them. ;&

    16.5.2003 09:31 #6

  • maryjayne either link working? I dont need any tracking software thank you!

    Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
    - Benjamin Franklin

    Time is never wasted when you are wasted all the time.

    16.5.2003 14:24 #7

  • r4may

    Surely notmal firewals can be set to block the IP ranges of RIAA, MPAA etc without using this tracker

    18.5.2003 11:07 #8

  • msb5150

    Pyramid scams annoy me, but I have to say as of recently I have not seen one @ afterdawn, but I suppose there is a fist time to everything. If I ever did somethink like that I'd just use psuedonyms of myself with friends addresses and skip the sending in money part, I suppose I would be one of those undesirable people who aren't honest, but then again it is a pyramid scam and anyone who's stupid enough to believe that it works well deserves to loose a lot more money than $6 plus stamps. It also become dangerous because people online now know your name and address IE cashmonkey's real name and address(assumeing he was not intelligent enough to change them)are:
    Jeffrey Hershman
    3253A Ady RD
    Street MD, 21154

    This is an amazingly imformative site with many places to find information and help. Please support it.

    18.5.2003 13:43 #9

  • m3th0d is the mirror (it's also more up to date right now!)

    and msb5150.. what do pyramid scams have to do with PG???


    m e t h o d

    20.5.2003 06:45 #10

  • goodswipe

    yeah penis face

    18.8.2003 12:33 #11

  • m3th0d

    btw.. those who've had CPU-hogging issues with PG..

    v1.99 pr13-6-expver has finally solved the CPU/resources problem for most people and uses less RAM than recent releases. (The CPU issues have effected EVERY previous release of PeerGuardian.. should be different this time!!)

    You can download it from:

    Please let me know how you get on with it, it should be a MAJOR improvement over past releases.

    And yup, I'm working on a UDP version for XP+ too.

    Thanks. :)

    m e t h o d

    29.1.2004 21:38 #12

  • rickyjay

    Where do I get updated RIAA block lists for PeerGuardian.


    13.1.2006 20:43 #13

  • blib

    Hols on guys before you all go getting excited over this qute piece of software, Yeh, only one problem guys, it looks like Symantec has bought out PeerGuardian and will not be supporting the software anymore. Nor will they be providing the updates to IP blocking or the forum. They intend to include some features within their exiating software of Internet Security. But not the RIAA blocking! wiping out their competitors I guess!

    26.4.2006 02:24 #14

  • m3th0d


    It was an april fool's day joke.

    (The press-release that you are referring to was released on the 1st of April. - We thought a "buy-out" hoax would be the most believeable.)


    26.4.2006 02:52 #15

  • blib


    Guess that shows how often i spend time screening sites. Thank god! Sorry PoenixLabs for that!!!!

    You realise I nearly had a baby on that, Next time I will read the site a bit more intensly, promise! Now I will just have2go and find a toy2relief my enjoyment at the good news. Chers x

    26.4.2006 04:30 #16

  • Zee_Roh

    Whew!! Googled to this page and man what a big relief, you had me going for more than a month m3th0d. What a dumbass I am, I mean I went back and did not find that post again and thought it might be a hoax. Then yesterday I was talking to my son about it and today I tried to resolve the question. Thanks for the great software, you do a great job.

    Never @ Home

    4.5.2006 15:40 #17

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