MP3 services for universities?

Graham Spanier, the president of Pennsylvania State University, has proposed a scheme where universities would provide their students with a legal MP3 downloads within the campus network. The costs would be covered by increasing each student's fees by a few dollars. If the student wishes to burn the tracks on CD, he or she would have to pay extra.

Spanier's concept has two main goals: to provide an alternative to digital piracy, and, what seems to be the ultimate goal, to reduce the load P2P file sharing causes on the university networks.

Even though there's still alot to discuss with the music industry, Spanier expects pilot programs to begin as early as this fall at some universities.

Boston Globe

Written by: Jari Ketola @ 27 May 2003 16:10
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  • webe123

    Well....mabye it will work? Who knows? Depends on how MUCH it will cost extra.

    28.5.2003 03:14 #1

  • Bike_13

    Hmm, do you really think so? Apples iTunes online music store worked in the first few weeks, but we all know that music is (for all practical purposes) free - once your connection to the net is paid!

    I am struggling to come up with a new music distribution method that'll work, and pay! When I do, I'm keeping it MY secret!

    Bike_13 - Invisible, because I'm gone before you see me ...

    28.5.2003 04:56 #2

  • tribal-t

    WHat? College Students paying for music? Give Me A Break! Computer Labs are the place to download music in college campuses, why pay for it?

    28.5.2003 13:11 #3

  • maryjayne

    Why not just send email amongst peers for CD's and burn them? It worked easier than searching the network when I was in college.

    Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
    - Benjamin Franklin

    Time is never wasted when you are wasted all the time.

    28.5.2003 13:35 #4

  • Actuator

    Everybody has to have a stupid scheme these days!

    quote: "where universities would provide their students with a legal MP3 downloads"

    provide u with legal mp3? like what, mozart and church tunes - the campus fight song and the new marching band diddy

    30.5.2003 08:24 #5

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