The end of CD and DVD?

A study by market research firm Forrester Research suggest that immaterial distribution channels, such as iTunes, will completely replace any physical media.

According to the study already 20 percent of Americans download music in some form or another. Fifty percent of those say to be buying less CDs. The report estimates that in five years third of music sales revenue will come from download services. Almost 15 percent of movie rental business is estimated to be in on-demand online services.

The key to success is flexibility. Offering the consumers services without too many limitations is a sure key to success.


Written by: Jari Ketola @ 2 Sep 2003 13:34
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  • Dela

    I think its definately the end of Audio CD's! I don't know about DVD. If they were to sell them over the net on a service like iTunes. Basically because the best they could do is DivX and DivX is good but it's not DVD! - Check out a true artists music!

    aD channel on IRC: #ad_buddies
    Newbie IRC Guide-

    2.9.2003 15:43 #1

  • FrankTank

    I think its bullshit. Having a hard copy of music will always be advantageous. I for one will always use CDs until SACDs are released and afordable.

    2.9.2003 18:38 #2

  • brettussd

    I agree, FrankTank. I can't believe they would dribble such crap. Optical discs being replaced by totally digital music? Bah! What a joke! I like being able to swaps CDs in my discman whilest on the road, and CDs are a lot better quality than iTunes!

    2.9.2003 20:30 #3

  • Dela

    True but those cd's are rediculous prices! wheras if u only like 4 songs on an album u can get them at iTunes - Check out a true artists music!

    aD channel on IRC: #ad_buddies
    Newbie IRC Guide-

    2.9.2003 20:33 #4

  • signal

    ah, replacing cds with itunes. thats bogus bullshit. any person who has a true passion for music or movies would go for the hard copy. screw itunes.


    2.9.2003 22:01 #5

  • Powa

    Well said. I prefer hard copy of everything. Safe if your computer dies :) Plus how do you listen to these streaming broadcasts of music in your car or whatever? How do you make your digital music portable? You have to put it on cd / minidisk / tape etc. ffs.

    Broadband isn't good enough yet.

    Whats SACDs????


    2.9.2003 23:38 #6

  • Ghostdog

    I donŽt think these distribution methods will become mainstream until we see faster broadband connections and reliable download systems. Having broadband is faster, but it doesnŽt guarantee that youŽll transfer material any faster than with that old 56k.

    I also agree with the rest of you that having something concrete is still gold. It can be fun listening to music while surfing on the internet or doing something else on your computer, but it probably wouldnŽt be my no. 1 pick for where I listen to music.

    3.9.2003 05:25 #7

  • GrayArea

    Some people said vinyl RECORDS would never be replaced by compact discs. Having a physical backup copy of your "content" makes sense. But do you have to BUY (procure?)it that way? Its the distribution method, not storage that is being discussed here. Solid state memory WILL replace spinning discs for music playback. Then there's digital broadcasting. Just a little cage rattling...

    We mustn't lower ourselves to the level of those we loathe, lest we become loathsome ourselves.

    3.9.2003 08:03 #8

  • signal

    no matter what happens, cds and dvd will not ever be replaced. if it was true there would be more signs of it for one. and for two if "they" try to take our cds and dvds away, we will all complain so much that they will have to bring them back. like i said before, its bogus bullshit. why does every thing have to be taken off the internet? what ever happened off getting off of ass and going out to get somthing. is everyone that lazy, i mean come on. shit..


    3.9.2003 21:54 #9

  • signal

    yes grey area, ur comment does make sense, but unfortunitly not everyone thinks of it that way. a backup copy was only created so people can copy their shit, this is true. but whats to keep them from copying rented movies as well. the internet provides so many places to download movies its unbelivable. i can safley say, that whats people are trying to do is find a place to download thier data for free and make s(vcds, cds, or even dvds now for free. thats what the problem is. this has somewhat relation to this post becasue a true computer guru could easily "hack" his way into a web page and steal the movies the want.


    3.9.2003 21:59 #10

  • morpheusx

    sorry to say this but signal is right,i'm not saying i do this but "cough",if i wanted to say,rent a dvd from BB or a online rental service,i can copy any dvd i want,period,i can get any software i want,for free,i just hack the software if i wanted,any os system i can get for free,period,not saying that i do this but i know how to go about it if i wanted to do it,all it takes is time and a internet connection and the ability to read and wala!! free music,movies and software :0)

    4.9.2003 19:05 #11

  • signal

    thanks for the support. i like ur name morpheusx. thats cool.


    4.9.2003 20:53 #12

  • Oriphus

    Its not the end of DVD's. People will soon realise how crap DivX quality is compared to DVD and the new HD DVD systems when they are available. Unless im connected at 20MB a sec or something, there is not a chance of me using the internet for my movies and audio.

    5.9.2003 04:30 #13

  • vudoo

    They will figure out how to get Dolby Digital on line with HQ fideo. Yes the disk is going to be replaced someday it is the sure thing. This is why pay music services will be the future. Realone does provide good sound and now there needs to be SAudio Onlone. Mp3's are going to be replaced by a higher quality file that sounds way better that is a sure thing.


    7.9.2003 17:59 #14

  • signal

    vudoo i disagree, most people will still want a hard abck copy with the best quality available. check out 500gb dvr article on this web page. with the quality this can make, who cares about digital transfer. qulity out rules everything. downloads only offer quantity really. quality over quantity in this matter.


    7.9.2003 18:11 #15

  • vudoo

    Yes can't wait for the 500GB DVD's. When this happens it will set a new standard for storage. People can have DVD+ or -RW's and be able to hold more date then their HD and they can take it with them where ever they go. And if their computer gets destroyed the info will still be there. If a virus eats the OS they still have the disk. This well have alot more use then just Audio or video. DVD RW's are the future and they can be copied and archived just in case of a failure. It will be a welcome innovation in computer technology.


    8.9.2003 09:52 #16

  • signal

    indeed, that is true, but in further in the future dvdrw will be the thing of the past. soon enough, i behard drives will go up to 1000gigs. wont that be great.


    8.9.2003 12:38 #17


    WELL:) this is why technology is so great,,, This is the best part of technology,,, we always will find the way to create better and faster ways to store our data. Better compresions,decrytions, and connections etc, for eje ,, 5 years ago a 166mhz computer with a hd of 2,6gig was a kick ass machine,jeje, now we are over the 3g jaja and in the way to a 500g. DVD and cd medias will be replace, but in this times they are great inventions of our time, just like it was 20 years ago the mag type or the film.


    9.9.2003 01:30 #18

  • vudoo

    Yes 1000 GB would be GREAT. And this is why the computer will be the sole media jukebox for bot Audio and Video. Why do you think Microsoft is trying to promote the Windows Media Center? It is a fact that this is here to stay.

    Now I do think that we should at least pay the artist and mayme a subscription to Realone Rhapsody is not all that bad. It helps to pay the artist (I know that the RIAA is still under investigation) but when the govenment cracks down on the RIAA everyone wins from the artists we love to listen to and share to the promoter. Music is a necessity and we could possibly ruin a good thing if no one is willing to give a little. Internet is comming down in price and we are use to paying $49 for it. Yahoo DSL yas dropped to $29. So add $10 for our music we love to Download and you have $39. It really is not too steep. Maybe I along with others are acting like a child I don't know but I feel I can afford $10 per month and I am Blind so you know I have a suckey income just knowing I am Blind.


    9.9.2003 12:09 #19

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