DeCSS trial ends in Norway

DeCSS trial ends in Norway
The trial against Jon Lech Johansen, the author of DeCSS, closed today in the Oslo Appeals Court. The prosecutors are demanding a 90-day suspended jail sentence and a fine of NOK 20,000 (about $3,000) to cover legal expenses. Johansen's lawyer in turn demanded that Johansen be acquited of all charges.

Johansen was cleared of all charges in January, but was immediately sued again, when the Norwegian economics crime division appealed the ruling.

A final verdict from the Appeals Court is due on December 22nd. Both sides can still file a new appeal to the Supreme Court, should they wish to do so.


Written by: Jari Ketola @ 11 Dec 2003 9:22
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  • GrayArea

    The MPAA must be promising virgins in the afterlife to those who do it's bidding...

    We mustn't lower ourselves to the level of those we loathe, lest we become loathsome ourselves.

    11.12.2003 13:11 #1

  • Nephilim

    Spot on, Gray. My hopes are for Jon.

    Gun Control - The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, strangled with her pantyhose is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to the police how her attacker recieved that fatal bullet wound.

    11.12.2003 13:37 #2

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