The organization has contacted ISPs asking them to issue warnings to users who are engaged in infringing activity. The service providers would not have to hand out subscriber details to RIAA -- just send a warning email to the subscriber using an IP address that RIAA provides.
"Specifically, when we determine the IP address of an infringer, we would like to send you the IP address along with a Notice of Infringement that you would forward directly to the subscriber matching that address," the RIAA wrote. "You would not identify the subscriber to us. However, we believe if you forward the Notice to them it will dramatically increase awareness and effectively discourage continued infringement."
It seems, however, that RIAA doesn't have too many friends among the ISPs, since not a single ISP has replied to RIAA's proposal. That is not to say that the ISPs will not respond, but obviously they are interested in exploring other alternatives as well.
Source: internetnews.com
Written by: Jari Ketola @ 16 Jan 2004 11:54