European IPR enforcement directive passed with amendments

European IPR enforcement directive passed with amendments
European Parliament today voted to approve the proposed Directive on Intellectual Property Enforcement that gives copyright holders wide powers to attack against people who violate intellectual property rights of copyright holders. Some of the directive's wording was amended after huge pressure from consumer groups, but the main point that consumer groups demanded -- the clear distinction between large scale commercial piracy and copying/sharing for personal use -- wasn't made very clear in the approved directive.

"Under this Directive [that now has been approved], a person who unwittingly infringes copyright - even if it has no effect on the market - could potentially have her assets seized, bank accounts frozen, and home invaded," said EFF staff attorney Gwen Hinze.

Some late amendments were done and now the directive states that action shouldn't be taken against individuals who download music "in good faith" for their own use. But it is left solely on multi-million dollar lawyers of record labels and movie studios to decide what can be considered as "good faith" in music downloading.

Now the EU ministers will most likely approve the directive by the end of this week and eventually it will become a law within European Union. The directive was originally introduced by a MEP (member of European Parliament) Janelly Fourtou, who is the wife of Jean-Rene Fourtou, boss of media giant Vivendi Universal (that owns world's largest record label Universal Music and also various movie studios).

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Written by: Petteri Pyyny @ 9 Mar 2004 11:48
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  • seamonkey


    big brother is extending his nasty arm...

    we need to fight the good fight... these times are still pioneer in our digital/technological revolution as humans... what we do now, can and will have an effect on the direction of technology and its integration into our daily lives and culture and beings... so we must stand together and at least make sure our side is heard and represented...

    just my $.02,


    9.3.2004 13:29 #1

  • DaOsT

    I agree seamonkey n coming from europe its not a good sign to Me
    I suppose big brother want us to become more like lemmings or sheep

    ::LivE ForeveR OR DiE TryiN!!::....::DonT FinD US WE WilL FinD YoU::..
    ChecK OuT ThE PenguiN GamE AnD PosT YouR HighesT DistancE ON ThE ForuM

    9.3.2004 21:08 #2

  • Rodgers

    This is getting contageous!
    Best to All

    10.3.2004 07:25 #3

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