Memorex introduces mini DVD-Rs

Memorex introduces mini DVD-Rs
Memorex is the first media brand to release smaller DVD-R media. The capacity is reduced to 1.4GB, which still equals to two CD-R discs.
"We believe our new line of Mini DVDs proves once again that Memorex offers the most comprehensive and affordable optical media solution available at retail today," said Brad Yeager, senior product marketing manager for digital media. "With Memorex Mini DVDs, consumers can capture life's important moments with their DV camcorders, and easily share them with family and friends."
Source: Biz.Yahoo.Com

Written by: Lasse Penttinen @ 23 Mar 2004 8:51
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  • pcshateme

    and in latter news the game cube modchip is released.

    23.3.2004 15:19 #1

  • Motomatt

    Yeah that makes perfect sense..

    23.3.2004 17:20 #2

  • billz

    has anybody tried that free loader disk, with these> ;)

    23.3.2004 20:03 #3

  • nato1200

    what is the capacity of the gamecube mini's?
    do standalone dvd players support this media?

    that press release is funny: "With Memorex Mini DVDs, consumers can capture life's important moments with their DV camcorders, and easily share them with family and friends."

    how much easier is it to share a disc of that size? post will be the same, and so on.

    23.3.2004 22:39 #4

  • Ketola

    Since GC discs are based on DVD technology, I suppose the capacity is the same (if the diameter of the discs is the same). The advertised capacity for GC discs is 1.5GB.

    24.3.2004 01:46 #5

  • Pop_Smith

    The GCN won't read them. It does not have the ability @ the moment. But, Free Loader might help. I'll have to try it.

    25.3.2004 18:24 #6

  • foneman

    i wonder if they'll release/rent movies on minis now?

    26.3.2004 08:58 #7

  • billz

    i doubt it most dvd are dvd9 if not full dvd5 so the chances of 1.5 gig movie rentals it's slim to nil

    26.3.2004 18:16 #8

  • Kamran

    OMG my mate has the freeloader got one of these burnt a game of suprnova put feeloader in and vola it worked. hacked gamecube

    27.3.2004 08:39 #9

  • billz

    can anyone confirm this?

    27.3.2004 19:41 #10