MTV to partner with MusicNet

MTV to partner with MusicNet
MTV, the world's most popular music TV channel, is expected to partner with MusicNet to provide an online music service later this year.

MTV and its parent company Viacom have previously expressed their desire to enter the online music business, but haven't done so yet. Now, as the business is booming due the success of Apple's iTunes, it seems that MTV -- just like virtually everybody else in the online world -- is ready to capitalize their strong brand in online music market.

MusicNet acts as a business service provider for various online music stores and the company itself is owned by three major record labels and RealNetworks. Its customers include AOL, Real itself and Virgin.

Source: Reuters

Written by: Petteri Pyyny @ 9 May 2004 14:29
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  • Nephilim

    Let's see, I haven't watched MTV for well over a decade and won't pay for lossy music. Guess I'm not interested.

    10.5.2004 16:14 #1

  • literatix

    MTV made an excellent choice chosing to be powered by Musicnet. I think all of the on-line services are pretty swell. AOL will bounce back their subscriber numbers soon; their reorganization of thoughts pertaining to the open source internet move will be a
    brilliantly proven strategy for them in the long run as far as competing against the other start-ups for those spreadsheet numbers. "Sound of Literati" thirty four tracks of raw spoken word Xplosive power. I had a hangman's noose around my neck with the court records to prove it--so the Album cover experience is truly my own!: Still love humanity:Emusic,Lindows,Buymusic,
    Music is Here,PureTracks,AppleiTunes as well as a few others; if I missed you I'll have it next time around. Peace and love.

    16.5.2004 16:52 #2

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