321 Studios shuts down

321 Studios shuts down
321 Studios, the makers of the well known X Copy backup and authoring solutions has shut down its operations.

The company, which was the first to offer software for backing up DVDs, was the target of the movie industry from day one. After fighting, and losing, several lawsuits the company eventually ran out of resources and was forced to cease its operations.

The statement posted on 321 Studios' website states that "Despite 321 Studios’ best efforts to remain in business, injunctions entered against 321 Studios by three US Federal courts earlier this year has resulted in 321 Studios no longer being able to continue operating the business." The company can no longer offer any kind of support what so ever: "Unfortunately, 321 Studios can no longer offer phone, email or live chat support for any of its products."

Also the DVDXCopy website is currently closed.

The DVDXCopy forums hosted by AfterDawn.com are still up and running, and will not be closed. You might also find valuable information in our other discussion forums.

Written by: Jari Ketola @ 2 Aug 2004 11:59
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  • Pop_Smith

    They provided a (now worthless, i will admit) easy to use one-click operation that was truly (for its time) worth paying for (i will admit), even though there are better free copiers (Shrink) i wish the owner of 321 studios a good future to come, sense the lawsuits where only pointed at them

    2.8.2004 12:07 #1

  • ispy

    I feel that 321 Studios have been made scapegoats by the movie industry "men in suits",lets all just hope its not just the start of a witch hunt against similiar products or worse still their users as in some P2P cases.:o(

    2.8.2004 12:36 #2

  • frr00m

    As a user of 321 products i feel very sad for for all the good work you guys and gals tried to do for us all the best in your new venture i will be behind you 100%

    2.8.2004 12:37 #3

  • smsmike

    Since we no longer have a contact of any kind at 321, how do we go about activating the software we currently own if we move it to another computer? I have the "Perfectly Legal" programs DVD Xmaker and Xshow as well as Xcopy. They ALL require activation codes.

    Anyone know how to activate the products off line?

    - Mike -

    SMSgt Mike (U.S. Air Force) Retired

    2.8.2004 12:48 #4

  • dlc2000

    www.nycsoftware.com is taking care of activations from here on out as far as i know , also the software can be downloaded there , hope this answers your question

    2.8.2004 13:19 #5

  • andmerr

    well now that 321 is out of the picture who do you think they will go after next?

    2.8.2004 14:02 #6

  • billsissy

    Oh, so sad... Another great one bites the dust... They had a great program, thats why I bought it... And still use it all the time... Yes, there is other programs out there and at one time or another have used most of them... But I bought 321... Wishing the owners of the previous 321 the best of luck on their next software venture, until they P*SS OFF the powers to be...

    2.8.2004 15:16 #7

  • Toiletman

    This had to happen sooner or later, given the amount of lawsuits that was slapped on 321. I wish you guys the best of luck in whatever you pursue.

    2.8.2004 16:22 #8

  • Cyprien

    hehehehe... im happy they got shut down ^_^....

    2.8.2004 19:06 #9

  • thukieu

    They give me the best service when I need them. Hope they best of luck on the new prgram. The people will find the way to do what want to do... We all know that.

    2.8.2004 20:00 #10

  • flip218

    You can also download from here. For the RF versions you'll need a RF license/password.

    Dell 8250, Pentium 4 2.80GHz
    1.5 GB RDRAM, 200GB HD
    TDK 840G, Sony DDU-1612 DVD-ROM
    XP Pro, ATI All-In-Wonder 9000 Pro

    2.8.2004 21:52 #11

  • prowler19

    It is sad considering I can walk into my local Walmart right now and purchase a dvd ripping software program for under $10, I think it might even be just under $5. The name on the package is DVD Ripper even!!!

    Sure it says Not Intended For Illegal Use, but I mean WALMART is selling this!!!

    I guess those morals just keep going down at the big blue, plus the fact they have a whole Fort Knox full of cash.

    WinXP Pro
    AMD 2100+XP
    512ddr pc2700 ram
    Asus 7v333
    Visiontek GeForce 4 Ti4200 w/128mb
    WD 40gb
    WD 80gb w/8mb cache
    SB Live! 5.1
    Pioneer 104 DVD-R/RW
    Samsung 16x DVD-Rom
    TDK 24x12x40

    2.8.2004 22:26 #12

  • landesman

    Captfig here,I am discusted with the HIPPOCRITICAL US gov regarding the copying of personal DVD's for personal use.
    The world has Spy cameras,Video survailance,GPS,Audio monitoring(YES! YOUR PHONE CALLS<98% of them), Video recorders,Tape recorders,CD recorders and now DVD recorders,DVD/CD Burners, All this hardware is available to the public (legally),But you don't see the big ass movie companies taking on the likes of sony,pioneer,toshiba,lg,liteon,mitsubishi and so on and so on,Because these useless lard enhanced assholes (the movie companies) don't have the guts, because of the millions/billions of dollars that they poor into the movie industry.But they have to go and fuck! and screw! the only company that made an actual product that can backup/copy your own personal DVD's from your computer.
    It pisses me off!!!!!!!!, as you can gather and i wonder what the fat turds are going to do when HD DVD/Dual layer/ software comes out.
    Are they going to shut down one more good business,costing the US idiots millions in legal costs or are they going to come to their moronic scences and work with these people.Just look at Mr Gates,If you find someone who can stuff your system/business you should emply them.
    Just remember you Hollywood idiots,Keep your friends close,but keep your enemies closer.
    Your day will come and eventually you will be dead and life will go on.

    3.8.2004 00:21 #13

  • geestar20

    POLOTICS! my friends, polotics. Where theres money their lawsuits. Governments give you the product then take it away.

    3.8.2004 05:53 #14

  • hijacker

    POLO TICS?? what?? ummm....ok, anyhow I just wanted to buy games x copy and now I can't.I guess I'll just burn with shrink and alcohol 120%.I just don't understand they made sure that their software was legal and now the courts say they must stop business.I glad I got my x copy even though it won't work on my older computer I don't know if it is because it's fat32 and not NTFS for the file system.But I hope it works for the next computer.I think that Robert Moore is an honest businessman but I think that he was just a prime target.

    3.8.2004 10:55 #15

  • xgin11

    If I reformat my computer, will I be able to activate my software again?

    3.8.2004 12:45 #16

  • buzzoon

    Mr. Moore's company and product probably would have survived if he wasn't such a "fair rights" grandstander. When you rub it into the face of a huge organization like the MPAA, you have to expect to get hammered back.

    It's got nothing to do with politics ...

    3.8.2004 14:35 #17


    Five words ... Only the good die young

    3.8.2004 19:02 #18

  • geestar20

    I was being 'SARCASTIC' with politics thing. Next time I'll send a memo >:S

    3.8.2004 20:07 #19

  • Sgt_USMC

    I remember them saying that if this day comes; they will give everyone access to an FTP site with free downloads of all their products, well?

    3.8.2004 20:53 #20

  • landesman

    Sorry all, for get a little p!!!!!!! off about the US Gov Law Idiots and the movie Mongrels(sorry!mogels).But having bought Express and then Platinum legally in Aus, I was annoyed to find that 321 had to send their last update world wide(platinum)without there being any legal precedance in australia for the US Govs courts findings, or the rest of the world for that fact. Does the US Gov think it has some sort of legal monopoly "World wide"!!!!.
    Just remember you Legal morons and Movie As@#%%((&* your day will come. What goes around, Comes around.
    And just remember your history and look at how many hollywood studio,s have gone down the tube over the years.Your day will come.

    4.8.2004 00:20 #21

  • andmerr

    the us gov. is flexing its mulsce s and with a lapdog like howard i wonder is the worst still to come!!!!

    free trade agreement whoopi!!!!!!!!

    4.8.2004 00:42 #22

  • hijacker

    321 Studios got the final blow from these pricks.What a bunch of assholes.321 studios had some awesome software that I thought I would never see in my time,oh well it just takes some game industry and mpaa to screw things up.It's just like afonic said , "It's fucking unbelievable" and I can't agree anymore with that statement.I just pisses me off to no extent.If someone pirates some games now from these company's I'm going to just laugh my ass off because this is so unfair to this company to get screwed they way they did.What about alcohol 120% and 123 studios some other wannabe dvd software.What make them any different.

    4.8.2004 06:35 #23

  • buzzoon

    I am honestly hoping that you guys aren't serious! Moore was fully aware of the DMCA but violated it anyway, and he gave the MPAA the finger while doing it. He baited them to come after him and he and his company got exactly what they deserved.

    The ones who got screwed are you and I and others who purchased his product in good faith, hoping that we could use it as long as we owned it.

    You can't honestly believe that his efforts had anything to do with "fair rights". Ask him to share some of the money he made with this venture and see how friendly he is :)

    4.8.2004 07:51 #24

  • thejake

    Well, at least you can still buy it -somewhere-

    4.8.2004 09:32 #25

  • wgrimes

    It appears that the 321 products are still being supported. The link to look at your 321 products is: http://secure.smarterimage.com/solo/customers/

    321 Studios reset activations to 10 before they went under.

    The above link was the one that always was used for product support. However, instead of 321 Studios being listed, it is DVDXCOPY.COM.

    DVDXCOPY.COM is for out of country support of the 321 products.

    4.8.2004 14:01 #26

  • flip218

    All activations should have been reset to 75. Login here:

    As of 8-3-04 you can activate online and if you choose activate from another computer you can put the activation file on a floppy. Do this for all ye product and get several activations and rename them so you can save them on the same media. It appears that they gave us up to 75 activations today but you should be able to clone the same activation. This way if you format you can still activate. but you better activate today if you want to use it.



    Dell 8250, Pentium 4 2.80GHz
    1.5 GB RDRAM, 200GB HD
    TDK 840G, Sony DDU-1612 DVD-ROM
    XP Pro, ATI All-In-Wonder 9000 Pro

    4.8.2004 15:17 #27

  • Mickey11

    We purchased via retail two 321 Studios products, DVD X Show and DVD X Point, and now cannot get them activated. Neither of these products were the source of contention.

    Any suggestions ??

    8.8.2004 11:01 #28

  • flip218


    Can you login to here?

    If you can, use that password to activate. And double check you license info.

    If not, you should contact the sellers of the software.

    8.8.2004 20:01 #29

  • Mickey11

    Thanks Flip, it worked!
    The process was slightly different for X Point, but we still succeeded in activating both apps. Appreciate the assist! With 3-2-1 tits up, looks like users will need to rely on one another for support.

    10.8.2004 06:43 #30

  • chinpark

    Valenti et al got fat from your dollars, with the prices they charge for their products. Now to show how grateful they are, they are sticking it to you.
    I guess that it is fair comment on your views on life, as it is seen from the colonies.

    14.8.2004 02:21 #31

  • chinpark

    Valenti et al got fat from your dollars, with the prices they charge for their products. Now to show how grateful they are, they are sticking it to you.
    I guess that it is fair comment on your views on life, as it is seen from the colonies.

    14.8.2004 02:24 #32

  • MaineMike

    I cannot get my X show to register. can someone please help?
    I tried going to the links posten in earlier messages but they are all dead ends. Does anyone know where to find the author of the applicaiton in order to 1) compliment him or her on such a fine program and 2) to see if there might be any further development but perhaps under a different name? I would buy the application again if I could know that I could get it to function again.

    Any help / support would be very welcome at this point.

    Mike in Maine

    4.3.2005 17:08 #33

  • mathboy

    Has anyone figured out how to register their license Id or a crack to go around it on dvdxcopy plat

    30.4.2005 16:33 #34

  • aabbccdd

    talking cracks will get you BANNED big NO NO in here

    1.5.2005 00:35 #35

  • arniebear


    Why don't you use the free programs DVD Shrink, DVD Decrypter and stop trying to get around not paying for a program.

    1.5.2005 03:43 #36

  • MaineMike

    I do believe that Cracks and work-arounds are not a good topic for discussion in a public forum - trying to evade a lock to personally gain and prevent a company from profiting is not a good thing.

    However when that company has gone out of business and has openly made it very known that they do not want anything to do with a past product anymore then I can't imagine who would get hurt if there was a crack or work around published.

    As I had asked once before in one of these public forums, if the author of the DVD-X-Show would kindly step up and be identified I would personally like to thank him for the application and find a way to perhaps pay him (or her) for upgrades and support.

    Can I be any more open about this??

    I know of a half dozen other people who currently feel the same way - I even have their names and mailing addresses for what it's worth and I know that all would be willing to offer support to the author.

    But until this person steps up to be identified, if anyone does know a way around the registration block - so that we don't have to hassle the group who is currently graciously volunteering to help with this, then please count me in.

    Respectfully, Mike in Maine

    1.5.2005 16:10 #37

  • flip218

    Quote:However when that company has gone out of business and has openly made it very known that they do not want anything to do with a past product anymore then I can't imagine who would get hurt if there was a crack or work around published. If XCopy International will not help then your screwed. None of us know who the author is, at least I don't know of anybody who does.

    And Yes, it may not hurt in your eyes ... but still asking about how to obtain a crack is against forum rules.

    If you must find one search for it yourself.

    Dell™ 8250, Pentium 4 3.06GHz HT, 1.5GB PC1066, HD's (2x200 & 4x250), XP Pro SP1
    Plextor PX-716A, Lite-On 167T, Plextor Premium, ATI X850 XT PE, 19" Dell™ UltraSharp™

    Forum rules!! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487

    1.5.2005 18:24 #38

  • aabbccdd

    MaineMike just cause a company goes out of business doesnt mean that its a free for all for everyone to crack (STEAL).The goverment put them out of business.thats like putting a rock though the window of a business thats closed and taking everything you want.dvd x copy is over,outdated and is never coming back so move on to other programs and forget it DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter is freeware and AnyDVD is the best program i ever used and its has LIFETIME UPDATES. and the quality is better than x copy of all these programs.

    Laura -Antec Overature ATX Quiet Media Case w/ TruePower480Watt/Asus K8V SE/ Seagate160GB Barracuda/ ATI-Radeon-X850 XT Platinum/ 512 PC-3200 DDR400 X 2/AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 512K/4 Fans/Plextor712A Drives/View Sonic VP201b 20.1"LCD,16 MS Respone time

    1.5.2005 21:38 #39

  • lechner80 (unverified)

    Originally posted by smsmike: Since we no longer have a contact of any kind at 321, how do we go about activating the software we currently own if we move it to another computer? I have the "Perfectly Legal" programs DVD Xmaker and Xshow as well as Xcopy. They ALL require activation codes.

    Anyone know how to activate the products off line?

    - Mike -

    20.8.2011 18:20 #40

  • Jeffrey_P

    Please use the forums search function.

    Cars, Guitars & Radiation.

    20.8.2011 18:38 #41

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