Last month RIAA sued 90 named and 500 unnamed "John Doe" defendants. One of the named defendants is a couple from Iowa, who had no clue that their children, teenagers of 18 and 15, were downloading music off the Internet. Sandy and Richard Nauman are both completely computer illiterate -- according to Sandy Nauman neither of them could retrieve a song from the Internet to save their lives,
A lawyer has adviced the Naumans to settle with RIAA out of court. The settlements have been around $3,000.
"To me, it's very ridiculous," Sandy Nauman said. "To be honest with you, I was more worried about other things they're getting off the Internet other than songs."
Amen to that.
So far RIAA has sued more than 3,500 individuals. Luckily they still have millions of users more left to target.
Source: USA Today
Written by: Jari Ketola @ 4 Aug 2004 14:19