LAPD busts DVD pirates

LAPD busts DVD pirates
This week, the Los Angeles Police Department and the Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA) busted a major counterfeiting operation. The bust started with traffic cops being given wrong information. Officers had pulled over a vehicle because it had expired registration plates. The driver also did not have a license with him and claimed to have left it at home. He then went on to provide a false date of birth so the officers decided to impound the car.

On further inspection, Officers found significant evidence of the possibility DVD Piracy and decided to investigate further. A 3am raid on the driver's home uncovered over 12,000 pirated DVD's, 20 VCR's and 42 DVD writers. Three men were charged later. The MPAA have referred to the raid as a "significant haul".

The Register

Written by: James Delahunty @ 3 Sep 2004 17:44
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  • neewbie

    Well that goes to show you that there are alot of pirates out there. 12000 dvds must be alot of room with that equipment and stuff in there.

    4.9.2004 07:38 #1

  • esoterix

    Geez, downloading just about anything these days is getting risky. These guys obviously weren't the smartest of crooks in the genre, but it still makes you think. It's only a matter of time... I think I may install a self destruct key on my computer, just in case this situation comes my way in the near future :)

    4.9.2004 11:56 #2

  • noshow

    there a diffrent between us and these A$$hole hole we copy to save what we own they copy to sell I HOPE THEY GET LIFE those F&^kers. they give us that do save what WE OWN a BAD NAME

    4.9.2004 19:41 #3

  • esoterix

    I'm going to lie, I download movies. But I'm not going to lie about this either, 90% of the movies I download, I then go out and buy the DVDs. Hell, most of the time it's a $30 Criterion Collection DVD. For me, they are all basically trailers. But I have to consider the fact that half the people do it to save money also. Sick bastards...

    4.9.2004 20:01 #4

  • signal

    commit the crime, do the time. what do the warning labels say on the store bought movies. a 250,000 dollar fine and or 5 years in prison. well lets see, 250,000 times 12000 movies equals 3 million dollars. well of course this would be the maximum sentence. sucks to be them.

    5.9.2004 16:40 #5

  • Pop_Smith

    or, basicly, life in prison, cuz 12 thousand times 5 years = 6,000 years in prison, for the Max sentence.

    5.9.2004 20:01 #6

  • esoterix

    When are they going to start crackin' down on Trackers/Servers/Users with BitTorrent? (Not that I use BitTorrent to download stuff...)

    5.9.2004 20:20 #7

  • Pop_Smith

    lol, they try but, P2P (eMule, KaZaA, BT etc.) are VERY hard to shut down/track. Sense they have no central server (like Napster 1.0 did) it is almost impossible to shut them down.

    5.9.2004 20:30 #8

  • neewbie

    yeah they will never stop p2p.

    Digital Versatile Disc

    5.9.2004 22:22 #9

  • The_OGS

    Not to seem too critical, but this fellow is as dumb as a shovel (doesn't have the common sense God gave a dog).
    Signal, your math is out - that's 3 thousand million dollars, or $3 billion.
    Well, in Canada you can get 18 months for murder but, I bet this guy gets more than that...

    7.9.2004 09:56 #10

  • esoterix

    18 months for Murder... thats it!? Wow, I bet this guy would rather he have blew a few guys heads off then pirate DVDs :)

    7.9.2004 12:33 #11

  • Hrdrk20

    The best way to be prepared is to have a small bucket filled with enough gasoline to cover the external harddrive and a match when the situation arises :) lol

    8.9.2004 16:25 #12

  • esoterix

    On the Broken (, this Indian guy made a 'button' that would set off thermite inside his laptop at 1000 degrees molten lava. It was really horribly done, they put the thermite in the battery slot, but from there, I see where you're going with the gas and match :).

    8.9.2004 17:26 #13

  • 2005

    its as simple as this... do all your downloading, get your hands on one of those government deleteing programs ( it writes over the entire physical surface about 10 times to enusre distruciton of the data) and after youve downloaded all the dvds music and games you want and have backed them up... erase all your tracks!!!!

    HP Pavilion 533w
    2.0 ghz (celeron :( )
    512 mb of pc2100 ram
    ATI radeon 9200 256mb
    NEC ND 2510a (1.16)

    8.9.2004 18:34 #14

  • signal

    7. September 2004 @ 13:56 Report an offensive post
    Not to seem too critical, but this fellow is as dumb as a shovel (doesn't have the common sense God gave a dog).
    Signal, your math is out - that's 3 thousand million dollars, or $3 billion.
    Well, in Canada you can get 18 months for murder but, I bet this guy gets more than that...

    Thanks for your input jerk... so i accidently did my math wrong. does not mean im dumb. if you dont like what i say, then dont read it..


    9.9.2004 19:41 #15

  • signal

    if that offends you, im sry, but you should watch what you say. as i should as well.


    9.9.2004 19:44 #16

  • The_OGS

    Quote:Not to seem too critical, but this fellow is as dumb as a shovel...Referring to the guy who got busted!
    Relax my friend, who cares about the math anyway - I just couldn't help noticing :-)

    Keep 'em running good! PCs run the marathon, not a sprint...

    ABIT AN7 nForce2 Ultra 400
    XP2500+ Barton @ 3200+
    2 x 512MB PC3200

    10.9.2004 14:12 #17

  • signal

    oh, ok...dont worry i was not in a good mood that day and it just looked as if it was towarded towards me.


    11.9.2004 11:47 #18

  • Soulreave

    i like to backup stuff i own in case something happens to the original.

    im against people that sell "backups" on the internet

    but common do you see that the mpaa is just bullying people around?

    25.10.2004 07:34 #19

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