Ok, if these companies buy a dvd, so they own it, then I don't see why they shouldn't be able to do whatever they want with it, so long as they are not just making copies and distributing them, that would obviously be piracy. But if they buy 1 copy, then edit and then resell, whats the big deal, they paid for it and they perform a 'service' and then ppl pay for the dvd and the 'service'. So what? People are getting sue-happy, or should I say these companies, sueing everyone, poor students, old women, children, dead people, other companies.
20.4.2005 20:58 #1
So the Director's Guild qvetches that the "artistic integrity" of their flick is ruined by unauthorized editing. So why don't they release their own "family friendly" cut?
Funny thing, though, they don't complain about the edited versions of their "masterpieces" that the airlines routinely show in-flight or that get shown on broadcast TV in the US. Wassup wit dat?
Jayzus, they should be glad anybody is buying their crappy "product" at all!
21.4.2005 06:13 #2
well if its ok to edit and them resell
what would stop me from buying a dvd editing out that ugly girl or like one stupid sex shot or vulgar word--etc...and then selling it to people-----seems to me that this will open up a bigger world of piracy
21.4.2005 06:32 #3
The "big deal" is that you can't take what someone else has created and change it a little and then make profit off it. Although, technically that's not what these compnaies are doing. They are selling devices that allow the changes to be made. This is very much a gray area.
As for the director's guild not complaining when T.V. networks butcher their movies, that's because the networks PAID for them. I'm sure the director's guild would happily let these companies alter their movies if they gave them a cut of their profits.
It's all about the money people. Whether you agree with Hollywood or not, don't make ignorant comments that have no logical reasoning.
21.4.2005 11:40 #4
"[D]on't make ignorant comments that have no logical reasoning."
Aw, you say the sweetest things!
So, enlighten us, RunRiot95, how much DO the networks -or the airlines - pay to broadcast edited movies?
Yes, it's about money. It's ALWAYS about money. I repeat my earlier statement: Why don't [the Director's Guild} release their own "family friendly" cut?
That would end their whining and provide them an additional revenue stream.
21.4.2005 11:55 #5
I love, if the wording of the above is the letter of the act, that you can only do this and not get prosecuted if you edit ALL the sex, violence, etc. from the picture. So, if you remove all the violence, but, you forgot to remove the sequence where someone slaps a hysterical person to calm them down, oh, no! You've left in a scene of violence! Go to Jail! Go directly to Jail! Do not call your attorney! Pay the MPAA $200,000!
21.4.2005 13:53 #6
It's all about the money people. Whether you agree with Hollywood or not, don't make ignorant comments that have no logical reasoning.
wow u are rude-----everythings about money
but if the law does pass then i can do the same---edit out--and sell
21.4.2005 20:19 #7