Price ranges for the service are generally $2.99 - $4.99 but there is a selection of titles that can be gotten on the 30 day rental service for as little as 99c, the company said. You can watch the movies as many times as you want as many times as you want before the 30 ay limit runs out. The downloads can be viewed on a PC or a television connected to a PC without being online all the time.
Movielink was the first broadband online video rental service to allow legitimate downloads of major motion pictures. Verizon is entering into new partnerships with entertainment companies as part of its strategy to make inroads into the paid television market using its fiber-optic network. "Our new movie rental service helps our broadband customers get even more out of their high-speed connection," Eric Cevis, vice president of retail markets at Verizon, said in a statement. "With top content from Movielink and the speed of Verizon's broadband networks, customers enjoy the flexibility and convenience of accessing affordable entertainment in ways they want to receive it."
Written by: James Delahunty @ 21 Apr 2005 20:07