Nintendo plans wireless gaming service

Nintendo plans wireless gaming service
Nintendo has announced that it is planning a wireless gaming network for its Nintendo DS portable gaming device. The service would allow gamers around the world to link wirelessly to play games.

Sony announced a similar service for its PlayStation Portable (PSP) handheld console in March.

Sony and Nintendo are both competing for the $4.5 billion global handheld entertainment market. While both Nintendo DS and Sony PSP have built-in WiFi capabilities, and require no additional hardware for wireless connectivity, PSP has more multimedia capabilities including movie playback (see our guide) and internet connectivity. Then again Ninteno DS costs "only" $150 compared to PSP's $250 price tag.

Nintendo's gaming service will use IGN's GameSpy technology to connect gamers around the globe.

Written by: Jari Ketola @ 11 May 2005 1:33
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  • Alien13

    Will this cost ne thing?

    11.5.2005 14:05 #1

  • wick780

    I hope not...But it probably will...I'm on the edge of buying a PSP now...if they gave free internet access I'll give up and buy it :)~

    12.5.2005 02:35 #2

  • bernal11

    i have been real intrested in getting a PSP for myself but not quite yet. Im going to wait utnill they come out with UMD disks, becuase this whole memory card shit is not wokring out for me. im not going to spend 500 dollars for a 1 gig memory card. now with the whole internet thing psp is looking a lot more interesting....

    5.6.2005 10:51 #3

  • bernal11

    that sounds cool

    10.6.2005 15:06 #4

  • daleweb

    I have a router and a wireless internet connections.
    I am planning on getting Nintendo wi-fi connection for my ds but I dont actualy know what it is i have to buy.

    25.10.2005 06:59 #5

  • bluntman7

    The PSP is awsome i bought mine and love it
    i just cant wait for the wireless internet!
    its worth buying and the new games a really cool,
    i think its the best handheld ive ever bought
    and probably ever will buy!

    1.11.2005 10:49 #6

  • daleweb

    PSPs SUCK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    copaired to the Nintendo DS

    2.11.2005 05:49 #7

  • daleweb

    Ha Ha
    I spelt campared wrong.

    2.11.2005 05:50 #8

  • bluntman7

    Oh, well i guess everyone has the right to a bad opinion! I think the DS sucks. The PSP has so much better graphics and can play full-length movies. the games are awsome and the layout of the system easyly has the DS beat. DS sucks ASS!!!

    2.11.2005 10:34 #9

  • Alien13

    Why are you fighting????

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    I like the ds and psp, both for different reasons.

    DS - I like Mario and Zelda games.

    PSP- I like to watch movies.


    2.11.2005 19:05 #10

  • lxhotboy

    I am sure both are good systems but i could not stare at the screen all day on the DS. The psp huge LCD screen is breath taking. Love hot shots golf and i just got GTA LCS. It is awesome.

    3.11.2005 03:21 #11

  • bluntman7

    i have the new GTA LCS on resovation and cant wait to get it, i hope its really awsome. so far the PSP games have been cool. I just cant wait to get my hands on the GTA!

    3.11.2005 10:15 #12

  • daleweb

    HANG ON!!!!
    peple are entitled to their own opinion but I think they should know what they are talking about first.

    1. The psp is just a PS2 but with a small screen and a couple of pointless additions.

    2. The videos are rubbish because the cost on average Ģ20 and you can only watch them on your PSP small screen. If you buy them they wont work on your DVD player so it will be a big fat wate of money unless you are absoloutly loaded.

    3.The PSP has a crappy sytem where it had to load.

    4The DS doesnt have to load

    5. DS has a freakin' touch screen which makes it amazingly fun.

    6. DS has a wires;ess connection(what this forum is about)that will connect you around the world instantly.

    7.Yeah the PSP has better graphics, but you tire of them in like five minutes.

    8. PSP games are ctualy more expensive.

    9. PSP has a web browser but don't forget it also cost around about Ģ100 more.
    and finaly

    10. Even sony admmits that they are being beaten in the sales by nintendo but they hope tovercome but it is not looking good because DS is just too popular in Japan.

    There now read those carefuly and think to yourself "have I made a huge mistake in trusting sony".

    5.11.2005 07:02 #13

  • daleweb

    and another thing about point nine.
    The web browser will abviously only work around your wireles conneection at home. And unless you are stupid then you should only have a wireless connection if you have a computer. And if you have a computer whats the point in using the PSP to access you internet.

    5.11.2005 07:05 #14

  • daleweb

    sorry but I forgot.

    Nintendo DS also has a freakin microphone to talk to people around the world and you tell your charactors in your game what to do and where to go (if you would like)

    I'm not sure about you but I can clearly see how sony is ripping everyone off here. If you buy a game for PSP then you can;t play it on your PS2 so you would have to buy both. But nintendo always slightly modify their games for portable consoles so that if you wanted to there would be reason to but both

    5.11.2005 07:10 #15

  • daleweb

    I also have something else to say about sony.

    Notice how all of their great ideas come out soonafter nintendos great ideas come out. ITS BECAUSE SONY COPY NINTENDO AND COMPLETELY RIPP THEM OFF OF ALL THEIR IDEAS.
    Remeber the rumble pack (nintendo). Sony stole it. Remember the analog stick(nintendo). Sony stole it. And their new PS3 console isn't doing well either. They took it in for testing to make the new games. And after five hours of playing it overheating and actually set on fire and had a massive meltdown so now sony have to re-think the design and start again.

    SONY ARE CRAP!!!!!!!!

    5.11.2005 07:15 #16

  • lxhotboy

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion as i am entitled to mine so in response to daleweb opinions i give my response. First did you know that the PSP is a NES, SNES, Sega master system, Sega genesis and gamegear, Atari and lynx, Amiga, Turbographic 16, and more. Sounds like hating to me as also all those systems listed and others would be portable. Oh forgot to mention that the PSP plays Nintendo gameboy and gb color, and gb advance games. Can the DS do all that???Movies can be watched on your TV though i admit it is costly and still overpriced right now. Movies can be ripped from dvd so what are you complaining about price for??? Now your best argument is that the PSP has to load and the DS doesnot so i give you a hand. But lets remeber that along with loading time comes larger data capacity for games to be developed. I dont think the DS could hold 1.8 gigs on a cartridge. The PSP has more pixels on that one screen than the DS has when you combine both screens and all of the PSP pixels are for viewing the game. That makes the PSP have the biggest screen on a portable and its a LCD that has better display quality than any HD TV in your home unless you own a LCD or plasma and then the psp may still be better in quality. The PSP is also wireless and can be used to get online which is does not cost hardly anything at all. Stop hating on the PSP man.
    At least you could admit the PSP is far superior in graphics. Most of the games can be downloaded from the net if you are into that kinda thing and i dont think DS has the same capabilities. So you could save some money with PSP games. Last the DS was released about 6 months ahead of the PSP but lets not get confused with thinking it is not doing well in sales. The PSP is sony's fast selling video game console ever even faster than the PSX and PS2 so to the comment about maybe making a mistake of trusting sony, I actually think you were the one who made the mistake in not knowing all the things the PSP was capable of and not knowing some of those other facts i listed. Your mistake daleweb.

    5.11.2005 21:08 #17

  • daleweb

    ok hold on.
    Explain how you can play all of those games and rip from tv.
    And I was right about the sales and DS wasn't released 6 months before psp in japan. I have read about three interveiws on ign and gamespot from sony and nintendo explaining what is actualy happening in sales.

    Yeah the psp's screen is bigger and it has a internet browser but like i explained itmy other paragraphs how to hell does that make the gaming more fun. I like nintendo DS not because its pixels and all of this scientific stuff. I like it because they revoloutionised the way to play and made it different. Whereas the PSP is that same old thing. You could basicly say that PSP is sega game gear all over again.
    I have played on my mates brothers PSP and got bored of the games within minutes. I also watched spiderman 2 on his PSP and ended up extremely dissapointed. When it had finished my arms were sore and so were my eyes. Its just a plain bad idea for a gaming console. And I'm hopeing not to carry this on but even PSP lovers have to admit that the battery power only lasts about 4 hours whereas the DS can stand a couple of days.
    We are all entitled to our opinion but I can't stand it when people lie about the PSP tomake it sound better than he DS.
    I dought it could play GBA games unless there was some hacking involved.

    6.11.2005 02:06 #18

  • daleweb

    So much forthe brilliant idea from sony PSP with UMDs. I still don't like the idea butI have ujst found out that they robbed this off Nintendo as well. I ujst found out that fir ages now you have been able you watch movies on GBA in high definition quality.
    SONY SUCK!!!

    6.11.2005 02:17 #19

  • lxhotboy

    daleweb...If you are telling me that you dont know how you can play all those diff systems of the psp then you really should not be giving your uneducated opinion on the topic of the PSP. I didnot lie about anything the psp is capable to do. You can search the net and find all i said is true or just ask others here on AD who are educated with what the PSP can do. Se you sit and call me a lie but the truth is you should be called ignorant which means that you are uneducated in that area of discussion. People have been playing all those sytems for a long time now. It is not something that just came about a week ago and to boot all the systems you can play and all the games ever made on the systems are free via the internet. Can i play the old Sonics on the DS. How bout all the old NES games for free... FREE... No you cant. You said the PSP is just a game gear.. LOL All the DS is is just that, a DS. Can i play Turbographics games on it for free???Can i rip movies from DVD and put it on the DS???Can i download MP3 music and play it on the DS???Man you sure cant do much with it, No it is just a DS. Not a Snes, NES, gameboy color and gamboy advance and other systems too and remeber all the games madein the past for the sytems are free on the net. Can you do that on the DS. LOL I dont think so. See the problem is that you dont even know anything about the system but you got a lot to say about it. Do us all a favor and go and search the net and see what all the PSP is capable of then come back and have an educated discussion. By the way let me educate you some more. I dont feel sorry for Nintendo when you say sony ripped this idea and that one b.c they had a chance to be the big boys on the block. After the SNES, sony was working with nintendo to make a cd based system. Guess what the name was of the project was??? Playstation. Nintendo did not agree with sony and backed out of the deal and continued to do their own thing. Sony said screw nintendo and made their system on their own. Now look where nintedo is today and where sony is. Nintendo is in dead last. Not to say anything like nintedo is not great b.c i love them too but they made their own decision that came out to be a big mistake.

    6.11.2005 08:21 #20

  • lxhotboy

    If you really want to play all the systems on the PSP, download and play games that sit on your store shelves for the psp and more search here on AD forum and you shall find your answers.

    6.11.2005 08:25 #21

  • daleweb

    look I'm sorry about this but you are a retard!!!

    What the hell does burning DVDs and playing movies and listening to MP3s and downloading stuff off the internet browser have to do with playing freakin' games, nothing! Your acting like your PSP owns all but infact sony are making a gaming console they are making some sort of MP5 player. Whereas nintendo are concentrating more on the gaming side of their consoles. Does it really matter that DS doesn't have these turbo graphics, it doesnt make it less fin. I went to the trafford centre today and in the game shop a man asked me if i wanted to go on the ds and play nintendogs. I said yeah alright ill give it a go. And they were absoloutly amazing. You can blow your screen and it blows bubbles at your dog. I would say that PSP is a good system and it was well designed, but if they didn't call it a gaming system and took away some of the game features to make more space for it I would probably have one. Thats the thing, Sony concentrate more on how the game looks and all of the fancy PSP functions that they don;t even think about how to make the game funner. Even though i just recently discovered that nintendo have had the gaming video feature for ages and sony copied it I still think it sucked.

    6.11.2005 09:54 #22

  • lxhotboy

    Dude... LOL what the hell are you doing blowing your screen. That along with blowing bubble at dogs sounds really perverted. I dont have time to play little kiddy games with puppy dogs and bubbles. Is that really your idea of nintendo concentrating on games. If they where they would have gotten GTA LCS for the DS b.c it is proven to be a line of games that will sell. Nintendo has had GTA on the gameboy before but that was not the same game as the home versions. They sucked. Let me ask you this b.c i dont think you comprehend what i am saying. Do you even know what a turbo grapics 16,SNES, NES or mp3 is??? You cant play anything on the ds but ds games and that is a big deal. The system is limited to what it can do. As far as fun games goes, I just got Grand theft liberty cities for my PSP and right now i dont think you could get to much more fun out of a handheld game. Does the DS have a GTA that looks like a home system version???

    6.11.2005 19:59 #23

  • Alien13

    The DS can play DS and GBA games, and if you get the flash rom set you can get any gb game you want and put it on the empty cartrige and play it :)

    6.11.2005 20:02 #24

  • lxhotboy

    My point exactly

    Why would you waste money on a ds when the psp can play so many diff types of games and the ds is handicapped.

    6.11.2005 20:10 #25

  • moguo25

    Actually the DS can play pretty much any systems roms, including GBA and SNES, if you get the flash card. It can also play movies and mp3's if you buy the media centre. All for less than the PSP and a 1 gig card. Plus it doesnt slaughter your hands and give you RSI if you play it for long periods.

    6.11.2005 22:18 #26

  • Alien13

    Ohh yeah i forgot about the media center :)

    (If im wrong please correct me i dont want to give wrong information)
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    I live in Australia :) Verbs, and TY's :)

    6.11.2005 22:21 #27

  • bluntman7

    lxhotboy... i agree with you and think you have all the facts right. i have had my PSP for a while now and am still not bored with it because of all the extra stuff it can do such as downloading movies and games. The DS doesnt have all the capibilities of the PSP and thats why i think it sucks! who cares about 2 screens, who wants to blow bubbles at a dog, personally it sounds a little stupid to sit there and blow bubbles at a dog on a screen. The PSP is much better and as for thinking its boreing, your wrong there! the new GTA LCS is awsome i can play that game just about forever and not get bored!
    Lxhotboy... Iam glad you know your facts! maybe others out there will also realise how good the PSP really is!

    7.11.2005 10:34 #28

  • daleweb

    alien 13 and mongou really know what they are talking about. But that guy i forgot your thingy name. You are so stupid, you aresaying things like"oh can you do bla bla bla on DS no!" wen actualy we can be saying the same thing about PSP. Can you make music on your PSP or make art .NO!!! but i bet you will come out with some stupid thing like
    "you can you just have to buy 3 thousand cable bla bla bla and go on pain for three our and uplaod bla bla blsa CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP. and also you dont even need the media centre to watch movies on gba or ds they sell them in cartridges.
    can you wirelessly connect on chat rooms all the way around the world for free. No!!! Do you even know what this forum is about, its about how cool the free wireless internet service that nintendo has. I think that you are the one who is uneducated. And just for a record i know what all of thise things are

    7.11.2005 11:02 #29

  • lxhotboy

    Quote: Can you make music on your PSP or make art .NO!!!YES.......The psp can do that too. You need to stop making yourself look stupid daleweb... Stop embarrassing yourself when you dont know what the psp can do you making yourself look like a real ass here.

    7.11.2005 14:22 #30

  • lxhotboy

    Can the DS play Sega genesis??? How bout other systems that are not made by nintendo.

    7.11.2005 14:32 #31

  • Lethal_B

    Quote:You need to stop making yourself look stupid daleweb... Stop embarrassing yourself when you dont know what the psp can do you making yourself look like a real ass here*sigh*

    My friend, all you seem to do is spread your fanboy messages around these forums. You generally only appear in the event of a debate involving sony.

    I have done a search on you. 80% of your posts are just pure rants in which you react hotile towards other members. From what I see you rarely ever help....

    Maybe it's time to stop flamin' and start helpin, eh? ;)


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    7.11.2005 14:49 #32

  • lxhotboy

    If you look and read above i actually did offer help Lethal B. Exactly what is your definition of hostile and fanboy. To me going around saying things that are not true while you have no knowledge of what you are discussing to be true or false is fanboy and that is why i posted here. Is that not fanboy???? Remind you i wasnot the one who was here fanboying. So chill B.

    7.11.2005 21:12 #33

  • Lethal_B

    Quote:look stupid daleweb... Stop embarrassing yourself when you dont know what the psp can do you making yourself look like a real ass hereThat is hostile & unnecessary

    Well you are a fanboy. There are people around here who like the psp more than other consoles. Absolutely no problem with that. But with you, if somebody doesn't agree with you, you start getting really hostile, hence my first quote.
    Quote:So chill B. I am calm here my friend. I am just trying to help you on your way and well, if you don't want to listen, that is your funeral...



    Lethal's "Converting video to iPod" Guide -
    Lethal's "Creating Torrent's" Guide -

    8.11.2005 08:43 #34

  • Rexzor

    Wow u can paint and make music on the DS if i wanted to do that crap i would go on the computer and do that... and who the hell would want to pick dog crap up and blow bubbles on a stupid game called Nintendo Dog... First of the all. why would you keep your DS on for a alarm clock.
    And PSP got its web browser before DS and i cant see a crappy DS with a Web browser.

    14.12.2005 11:19 #35

  • Lethal_B

    Quote:And PSP got its web browser before DS and i cant see a crappy DS with a Web browserYou contradict yourself when you say..
    Quote:Wow u can paint and make music on the DS if i wanted to do that crap i would go on the computer and do that... Same thing applies to web browsing - You use a PC for that aswell
    Quote:and who the hell would want to pick dog crap up and blow bubbles on a stupid game called Nintendo DogKids do - you know, the four-year-olds that aren't quite ready for grand theft auto...
    Quote:why would you keep your DS on for a alarm clockcome on dude, nearly everything electrical has an alarm clock on these days. Just a little feature which some find handy~ no biggie ~ certainly not enough to break into song about.

    You are entitled to your opinions, but let's have a little order around here. Try and give reasons for giving the DS a complete bashing

    Anyway, here's my version.

    My cousin has a PSP~ very nice sleek etc and the games are top notch. My mate has a DS - graphics are not all that, but it is fun to use also. PSP is more media conscious, whereas the DS still has that 'nintendo' feel which will keep it behind. To suceed, they need to appel to a wider audience rather than the donkey kong and mario fans.

    14.12.2005 11:43 #36

  • daleweb

    well you really know what you are talking about lethal b person.
    Its a bit of a shame though that, that lxhotboy or whatever it is person was lieing all along about what the psp can do. I researched it and it turns ouyt it was a lie, yes it is possible to do all that stuff but most of the things you said are illeagle anyway.
    My vote is for the DS.

    16.12.2005 06:32 #37

  • kflasdh

    Everybody is talking about how PSP can and cant do this and DS can and cant do this, well i personally dont really care what each system is capable of doing. I look at games. I own a DS and a PSP and I own 2 games for PSP and 6 games for DS. Pretty much the only reason I still keep my PSP is because the internet browser (only 2 computers in the house and one is my brothers the other is a family one and it gets tied up some times). I own GTA and its fun and all and I play it once in a while but I get much more enjoyment out of playing Mario Kart or playing WarioWare Twisted or Animal Crossing. I have played online with both systems and I feel each system could work on their internet services, but the DS is a much nicer and easier to use for online games. Yes both systems are nice in their own respects, but if you are looking for a gaming machine your best bet is with DS. If you are looking to spend a little more and are looking to have more than a gaming machine, like being able to watch movies on the go and listen to music, then you should head for the PSP. But let me warn people, there is not that many good games out for PSP at the moment. Yes this is my personal opinion but honestly the only games I feel worth playing for PSP is GTA and SOCOM. Just like to add my opinion, hope nobody gets too mad! :)

    2.1.2006 13:41 #38

  • ireland

    quote kflasdh
    Just like to add my opinion, hope nobody gets too mad! :)

    welcome to afterdawn

    you have a right to ye opinion,it a good post.

    2.1.2006 14:19 #39

  • SetsunaX

    LOL this daleweb character really has me laughing at his posts...

    seriously mate how stupid can you be that you donīt realize the sheer ignorance of all your posts, ps3īs overheating, sony being a ripoff, psp only having boring games? really mate, the psp isn`t doing that great in sales, but there ARE some good games out there, Initial D, Ridge racer, guilty gear XX #reload, darkstalker chronicles, GTA. by the way, do you really believe nintendo invented the analog stick? thatīs hilarious, the analog stick was out there way before nintendo put it to use, and where the HELL did you get that stupid info that ps3 overheats?

    3.1.2006 06:16 #40

  • daleweb


    its all over the freakin world everyone knows that they didn't put a fan in the stupid consoles.
    they sent a few copies off about 2 months ago so that people could make games for them and after 5 hours of running it set on fire so sony took it back and are redesigning it and sticking fans in it.

    if you dont believe me then search ign or gamespot or one of those things. And i played on ridge racer and its the worst game ever made it got given 4/10.

    3.1.2006 11:08 #41

  • SetsunaX

    lol mate really, info from a former gamestop employee, lol seriously man, lol he also says he heard it from his district manager, LOL!!

    get real son, and go to real sites, both ign and gamestop are full of shit

    3.1.2006 11:57 #42

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