More Xbox 360 details leaked

More Xbox 360 details leaked
More Xbox 360 details have surfaced on gaming websites today, just a few hours ahead of the MTV unveiling of the console. Scans of the Danish magazine "Game Reactor" appeared online confirming earlier leaked pictures of the console, controllers and logos that leaked a few weeks ago. Details leaked a couple of days ago including those of a removable 20GB drive were also confirmed by the scans.

The console will also feature a 12x DVD9 (double-layer) player and the default memory card size will be 64MB. According to the article the console will be released in the United States within the next six months and in Europe just over a week later. It will then be launched in Japan in December. The console will be launched with about 10-16 games ready and a further 40 games will be available in the first quarter.

The article also gives another interesting detail. The console will not run on full power while playing a DVD to keep the noise down. The console will be unveiled on MTV over the next couple of days with the first showing in North America at 9:30pm tonight.

Here is a list of the times it will show around the world from

North America: Thursday, May 12, at 9:30 p.m. EDT (21:30)
Japan/Asia: Friday, May 13, at 11:30
France: Friday, May 13, at 19:00
Germany: Friday, May 13, at 19:00
Italy: Friday, May 13, at 23:30
Netherlands: Friday, May 13, at 19:30
Poland: Friday, May 13, at 21:00
Portugal: Friday, May 13, at 20:00
Romania: Friday, May 13, at 20:00
Scandinavia: Friday, May 13, at 22:00
Spain: Friday, May 13, at 21:30
U.K.: Friday, May 13, at 20:00
Australia: Friday, May 13, at 19:00

We added a new Xbox 360 General Discussion forum today also, you can post on it here.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 12 May 2005 13:21
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  • nonoitall

    Same old awkward controller I see...

    12.5.2005 13:41 #1

  • Doggy_Bot


    12.5.2005 14:01 #2

  • toney420

    What I wanna know is how long till there is a modchip for that badboy.

    12.5.2005 15:50 #3

  • gozilla

    ghost recon looks bloody awesome. to bad i hate FPS(both tactical & brainless point and spray).

    12.5.2005 16:21 #4

  • GiantMike

    looks pretty cool, but are they just gonna have the same old games? and whats this i hear about downloading games for it ???

    12.5.2005 17:38 #5

  • gotisos

    I also saw this blog:

    12.5.2005 18:43 #6

  • NFSU2

    i saw the MTV debut about an hour ago. It was alright.
    But still PLayStation 3 all the way.

    12.5.2005 18:49 #7

  • nuttin_88

    i have to admit i really like all the features and looks and everything for this system. I'm still going to wait until ps3 comes out though and even after it comes out i'm going to wait months before i buy it.

    12.5.2005 20:51 #8

  • Hrdrk20

    Just finished watching the MTV "unveiling"...What a bore! Still the same rubbery puppets. It's just an xbox upgrade, nothing to get excited about. I'll wait for the PS3 and Nintendo.

    12.5.2005 21:00 #9

  • bobbyfree

    So much negativity and hostility. I thought it was sweet. And w/memory like that imagine the mods.

    12.5.2005 22:03 #10

  • jrg9662

    Nice looking system but having the DVD drive up and down creates a read/disk problem doesn't it? I'll buy it anyway.


    13.5.2005 03:24 #11

  • Logik666

    i dont care what anybody says im very exited about this.

    13.5.2005 14:19 #12

  • jimmer

    Hrdrk20 is a dumbshit ps3 fanboy. the xbox2 is an upgrade?? Compared to how ps1 went to ps2, the xbox2 is more of a quantum leap. I for one will be waiting until the ps3 comes out, not exactly to buy...but to compare specs and more importantly the price. If the ps3 is too expensive, then i will stick with the xbox2.

    14.5.2005 09:45 #13

  • NeoRio

    As impressive as Microsoft's new device appears to be, unfortunately, it will not be able to stand up against the PS3. Sony's use of the blu-ray disc will totally blow this system out of the water. Therefore, I will not be buying an Xbox 360. I'll just be content with my Xbox and PC and hold out until Sony releases their new much more advanced system.

    16.5.2005 08:54 #14

  • Liez4Love

    ohhh that's a cool computer with a whole bunch of limitations

    18.5.2005 08:29 #15

  • GiantMike

    whats this about the new nintendo ?

    9.6.2005 03:51 #16

  • canis

    Once again, if you like Sony's gaming systems, that's nice, but do you really have to brag about the Playstation 3 before it you even know for sure if what you are saying is correct? Confirm these rumors and you can be annoying all you want.

    9.6.2005 11:05 #17

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