RIAA sues another 784 file sharers

RIAA sues another 784 file sharers
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has again launched another wave of lawsuits against file sharers it alleges to have distributed copyrighted songs online through P2P networks. This time, 784 file sharers are on the RIAA's hit list, and will now be forced to settle out of court for thousands of dollars. If they refuse to settle, the RIAA could claim hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars in damages.

This brings the total number of P2P users sued by the RIAA to about 11,000, which is huge figure but quite miniscule when you put it up against the 5 million users that currently use the eDonkey2000 network to share files. This "sue em all" tactic is what the RIAA refers to as a deterrent, and claims from the group are that this deterrent is working. However, P2P monitoring services refuse to believe that and point out that the number of users of P2P networks is rising day by day.

Yesterday we reported on a series of raids targeted against internet "warez" groups whom the FBI claims are responsible for most of the copyrighted works being shared on the Internet. There were over 90 searches internationally, and about $50,000,000 in pirated material was seized. "We have shown law enforcement can find and prosecute those who try to use the internet to create piracy networks," said US attorney general Alberto Gonzales. This raid also followed the infamous decision by the Supreme Court on Monday.

The Supreme Court ruled that any owners/developers of P2P networks who promote its use for piracy can be sued, but that doesn't change the legality of decentralised P2P services. The MGM vs. Grokster case had seen two lower court decisions in Grokster’s favour. Some of the P2P users targeted in this series of lawsuits were users of the Grokster network.

BBC News

Written by: James Delahunty @ 1 Jul 2005 8:47
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  • dirkadirk

    Apparently we have solved all of the worlds bigger problems ,and our government should be spending its time and resources tracking down crappy bootleg copies of "mr and mrs smith" .My understandings is that the downloads are mostly .MP3,divx,or some other form of compressed "version" of the original, but not the original with linear notes ,album art etc. So they are not the original that is being swapped its a imitation and no one is making a profit. Maybe hollywood should get back to making real movies instead of generic remakes,and mr. alberto gonzales and his gang of toy soldiers should stick to stuff they know like spreading freedom and democracy.....

    1.7.2005 11:36 #1

  • nohelpme

    I have to be honest... why the government or any company would go after these stupid files makes no difference. The copies of various movies that are at the movie theaters right now are bad copies. They are not like full dvd quality and anyone who bought them on the street is really stupid. They are not good quality and a waste of everyones time. The government should spend more time going after other huge illegal operations...Terrorism for one. Maybe solving the crisis in iraq?

    1.7.2005 11:52 #2

  • evilh0ly

    i used proxies sometimes so i'm sure i'm under the radar.

    "Life is beautiful, when it is beautiful; so make it beautiful" TM

    evilh0ly aka HZ

    1.7.2005 11:56 #3

  • nonoitall

    I agree. The government has much bigger fish that it could be frying. I think they're too incompetent to deal with anything more than a few file sharers each month though. So far, the unsuspecting nerd who uploaded a Britney Spears song and got caught has been punished more than Osama Bin Ladin ever has, or probably ever will be. That's what they call justice. I used to be willing to pay money on music and movies regularly, but with what I've seen over the course of the past few years, I refuse to support such disgusting individuals.

    1.7.2005 13:13 #4

  • nonoitall

    A thought:
    What do you think would happen if the RIAA publicly announced that they were no longer going after file sharers or file sharing networks? I'm willing to bet they'd have a huge increase in sales almost overnight. Many people who don't buy music do it because they don't agree with the RIAA's methodology in dealing with copyright infringement and because of that don't want to support them. If they saw that the RIAA was giving up its idiocy, I'm sure many would go back to buying music more regularly.

    Of course, the RIAA is too stupid to realize this, but it's interesting to ponder anyway.

    1.7.2005 13:21 #5

  • Spiridon

    I disagree with you nonoitall, I started download music, movies and games way before I even heard of the RIAA/MPAA. Even if they would stop hunting down people who share files I would still continue downloading, and more and from more networks as well I would say since I woulnd't have the fear of being sued. (not that I have that fear right now)

    If the music companies and hollywood want to see my money they need to make more quality producs and charge less! And I am sure that that is the main reason for most people to download their entertainment instead of paying for it.

    That is my thought.

    1.7.2005 13:41 #6

  • toney420

    "We have shown law enforcement can find and prosecute those who try to use the internet to create piracy networks," said US attorney general Alberto Gonzales What I like to see is law enforcement find and prosecute the A-Holes that caused 911, cause they may not of used p2p but I'd bet the used the internet to communicate amongst themselves. But why find Osama when we can bend lil johnny downloads over a barrel for a few thousand dollars. I agree with everybody who says make better movies (instead of crap that they claim are blockbusters) and people might not have such a problem forking over the $$$$. But they'll keep pushing crap down our throats and telling us to like it. As for music downloads, I personally don't download music. But fault no one for doing it. On average a cd costs roughly 15 bucks and honestly what do you get for it 5 maybe 6 songs that are worth listening to. Anyways I done bitchin. Screw the music and movie industries anyway you can cause according to the article there are about 11,000 people who were on the receiving end of one of their screwings. Peace

    1.7.2005 14:18 #7

  • Neviar

    proxies dont do shit.

    1.7.2005 14:26 #8

  • phreaky22

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. People simply want equality when it comes to entertainment. I want it now not in 6 months time. I'm going to WOW tonight at the CINEMA. It's a stange place where popcorn retails at $7 or in real terms 15 blank DVDs. I want to see this quality product where it's supposed to be seen. However, if I was asked to wait 3/6 months to see this movie I might consider a bootleg. I DL 28 days Later 6 months after it was released in the UK. Watched a really bad copy as I was desparate. When it was actually released 14 months after it's UK release I went to cinema and watched it again. We now live on internet time. Desparate to get Lost Ep 13 and not willing to wait 30 Days then break the law and DL. I'm supposed to feel like a criminal for doing this. Yeah right!

    1.7.2005 16:12 #9

  • nonoitall

    Okay, guess there's more than one way to look at the reasoning behind file-sharers. Thanks for not flaming me though. (For some reason it always seems like people flame when theres a difference of opinion and I'm glad to see it didn't happen finally.) I respect your view and can see where you're coming from. I definitely agree with you that they need to improve the quality of the movies they dish out too.

    1.7.2005 23:44 #10

  • Jizmak

    Quote:"Software doesn’t steal content, people steal content, they convince them that if it can impact the music business,
    it should be outlawed because somehow it will"
    --Mark Cuban
    If they cant prosecute the software providers there going after the users.
    Its all Big politcs followed by corporate greed.

    Wait until someone in office figures out how to use
    newsgroups then we are in real trouble.

    2.7.2005 01:26 #11


    i don't know what all the fuss is about. i would never
    buy the stuff i download anyway. so where i'm concerned they losing no revenue

    2.7.2005 03:11 #12

  • nohelpme

    That is very true. Most people who are downloaders of movies and software are getting it becuase they can..most items are never considered to be purchased. I know the music industry has lost money becuase of file sharing, but they are now making double and triple in what they did in concerts. All those mp3's people download are driving concert revenue through the roof.

    2.7.2005 03:28 #13

  • Spiridon

    Jizmak: Or until one of them finds out that his son is a 0-sec racer on big topsite... They would suggest making the FTP protocol and or programs illigal becuase it could be used to share movies and music really fast!

    2.7.2005 04:19 #14

  • Letukka

    Quote:A thought:
    What do you think would happen if the RIAA publicly announced that they were no longer going after file sharers or file sharing networks? I'm willing to bet they'd have a huge increase in sales almost overnight. Many people who don't buy music do it because they don't agree with the RIAA's methodology in dealing with copyright infringement and because of that don't want to support them. If they saw that the RIAA was giving up its idiocy, I'm sure many would go back to buying music more regularly.
    Bingo. I stopped buying albums when the first lawsuits were filed. When they stop, I will buy all the records I have found to be very good. I will still continue downloading but atleast I will buy the albums I like. Doubt that day will ever come :-D

    And there are many, very many ppl who do the same.

    2.7.2005 08:05 #15

  • catman05

    alot more ppl would download from legal sites if they had freedom to do what you wanna do with the music you have downloaded (last time i checked you were limited anyway)

    2.7.2005 11:36 #16

  • punx777

    our legal system is so FUCKED up. They need to go after the people making it possible for us to get free music.

    its like this, My brother bought tint from a body shop and paid them to install it. A week later he was pulled over and given a ticket because the tint was to dark, it was illegal. Now, should they be ticketing the people using the tint? or the people making, selling, and installing the tint?

    Perhaps if our goverment wasnt busy COMMITING ADULTRY, or COMMITING TERRORIST ATTACKS* they would have time to see this

    * visit http://reopen911.org/freedvd.php for a FREE DVD. this is not a joke. dont let the lies cloud the truth any longer!

    2.7.2005 14:14 #17

  • jAmEsTn

    We need to take these bastards on just like they do with the "Tobacco Companies".... expose these inconsiderate and heartless assholes to everyone... find a way to air the topic in its entierty on nat. tv ..... Who's with me?

    2.7.2005 14:52 #18

  • nonoitall

    Quote:We need to take these bastards on just like they do with the "Tobacco Companies".... expose these inconsiderate and heartless assholes to everyone... find a way to air the topic in its entierty on nat. tv ..... Who's with me?That's kind of a good idea. The main problem with a boycott is that it requires the commitment of a lot of people. Unlike that, the spread of bad publicity might cause nearly as much damage and be much easier to accomplish. Imagine a public service-ish commercial on TV...

    2.7.2005 16:17 #19

  • jAmEsTn

    we've gotta remember though... alot of these companies also own the television companies (Disney owns ABC for one example) Pure Monopoly if u ask me! PBS? No way not an option.. community TV perhaps... any ideas?

    2.7.2005 16:42 #20

  • mayg27

    If the almighty RIAA can find anybody, why don't they
    let RIAA find Bin Laden, oh sorry, Bin probably doesn't
    like western music and movies.

    2.7.2005 23:41 #21

  • Rotary


    ok so lets say they totally stop all downloads of films, this still wont make me go to the cinema, or buy the film out right! so they get no money from me! its all about time span, films come out and get to dvd very quick these days so instead of downloading, wait 4 weeks and rent the dvd and copy it (its better quailty) or just use your neighbours disc, which is a copy from the rental shop anyway...

    sorry you film people i wont take the whole family to the cinema that cost stacks of cash with 6 peoples fees and coke and popcorn like 100 bucks, when i can have a copy in 4 weeks for 2 bucks! or just watch a mates he rented for free...

    and anyway after a few months its on cable/satelite/tv for free...

    try an stop that happening!

    like said use your government money for starving children in africa!

    3.7.2005 02:44 #22

  • nohelpme

    They do make it way to expensive for a family to go to the movies. For 2 trips for a family of 4 to go to the movies and get drinks and pop corn you can get a cheap home theatre system lol

    3.7.2005 04:06 #23

  • ikeika

    It's easy to say that you'd never buy any movie after you've seen it. You have the expirence for free. You are stealing the efforts of all the people involved in the making of a movie. Why not let me come over to your house, eat your food, let you starve, and then say, "I didn't like the food anyway". I don't care who makes the movie as long as they get their fair share so I may enjoy their efforts.

    3.7.2005 06:19 #24

  • ikeika

    I should say "anything that is produced that you use for free" without just compensation.

    3.7.2005 06:21 #25

  • Manu_DVD

    @Rotary (AfterDawn Addict)

    The downloading of content is another matter but..

    While I support your claims that a visit to the Cinema is a costly affair, especially as you pointed out with children, I however strongly disagree with the details you gave on your obvious copying behaviour.

    I love movies and music, I want to support the artists and studios, get prices down, I agree that the high prices is a turnoff but I do not agree that you come on here and blatantly tell of how to copy a dvd like no jobs depended on sales. Renting dvd's and copying them should not be supported here.

    rent the dvd and copy it (its better quailty)you said..

    With respect, I don't visit the afterdawn site often, I feel that little can be learned and most of the time it is a contest of popularity.

    3.7.2005 07:14 #26

  • jAmEsTn

    people everywhere need to realize this is a time for change. just imagine all the things the internet has revolutionized? email.. chat (who woulda known about 15 years ago you'd be able to talk to a complete stranger from the other side of the globe) ... not to mention my VoIP telephone i plug into a cable line.. anyway back to the topic... it's a time for change... and the Recording/Movie industries are just gonna have to realize that their "plastic discs" <-- will soon become obsolete as internet bandwidth increases everywhere... and that new legislation will one day not be able to help there sorry asses out as some "streaming media" company comes along and starts distributing their own content the way it should be delivered this day and age... all my imagination and opinions.. any thoughts?....

    "i just hope it's not anytime soon... i love my local video store too much not to be able to rent about 8 dvd's everynight for 4 bucks each trip"

    3.7.2005 09:43 #27

  • Rotary

    Quote:Manu_DVD (Junior Member) 3 July 2005 11:14
    @Rotary (AfterDawn Addict)

    The downloading of content is another matter but..

    While I support your claims that a visit to the Cinema is a costly affair, especially as you pointed out with children, I however strongly disagree with the details you gave on your obvious copying behaviour.

    I love movies and music, I want to support the artists and studios, get prices down, I agree that the high prices is a turnoff but I do not agree that you come on here and blatantly tell of how to copy a dvd like no jobs depended on sales. Renting dvd's and copying them should not be supported here.

    rent the dvd and copy it (its better quailty)you said..

    With respect, I don't visit the afterdawn site often, I feel that little can be learned and most of the time it is a contest of popularity.
    hi all

    @ Manu_DVD

    i think you missed the piont chap, it was to say that yes stop downloading all together, you can a get a film to watch in better quailty 4 weeks after release...

    but i must say i found this very interesting from your own words as you like useing mine - muhahahaha,

    check out my personal favourite below from you!

    Manu_DVD Junior Member


    5. May 2005 @ 10:12

    From MY experience, the current version of DVD Decrypter rips 100% DVD's, I am in a position to test many region mastered(PAL NTSC)DVD's regulary and more Importantly it's free!

    But any combination of the mentioned software could work too.

    Manu_DVD Junior Member


    3. February 2005 @ 09:12

    I don't own a DVD Standalone recorder but I own a Standalone Minidisc and CDR Recorder. Reading your reply's, It reminds me of a copyright protection system called Serial Copy Management System for Audio CDR. (SCMS). I'm unsure if this still is used, I assume it is because it was difficult to break or get around. that basically added a bit flag to the CDR disc and this prevented Digital Copying. Now there was ways around this and even so but it sounds like CPRM is similar?
    If I had known more about SCMS when I bought my minidisc/CD recorder etc, then I would have left the shop.


    My personal favourite is this one below from you!

    Manu_DVD Junior Member

    26. May 2005 @ 10:31


    ISO images..

    I too would be more interested in getting an ISO image over AVI or compressed formats. I Got some classic DVD Rip BBC stuff at http://www.mybittorrent.com/

    Like IRC some ppl are nice to send massive ISO images on their fast connections were applicable.



    we all human chap - and very much not perfect...


    Although on this part i am with you!
    Quote:With respect, I don't visit the afterdawn site often, I feel that little can be learned and most of the time it is a contest of popularity.laters...

    We/I help out for free, so dont shoot us ;-])...

    3.7.2005 10:33 #28

  • punx777

    lol you have to much time on your hands

    3.7.2005 12:21 #29

  • nohelpme

    Rotary will chew you out if you don't back up your comments that is for sure!

    4.7.2005 04:50 #30

  • Mr_Taz_UK

    LMFAO way to go rotary, that was sweet.

    The innocent truly are the minority. Yet there are those who feel that they can download and pass judgement on others. Nice to see one get shot down in public.

    Manu_DVD ..... anything to say ...... ?

    4.7.2005 23:28 #31

  • Reasons?

    When will people just learn that netflix is 17.99 a month. Rent them, copy them. 10+ movies a month. How do you think I have the complete boxsets to many of my favorite tv shows, HA, Futurama would have cost me $200, would have.

    5.7.2005 07:09 #32

  • nohelpme

    Well i would edit that comment... but to be honest I have said this on other forums...why does netflix exist??? Lets be honest they are endorsing so called Piracy....they might as well sell the blank dvd's themselves.

    5.7.2005 07:19 #33

  • Reasons?

    The button to edit is gone, your right, crap, I have to edit that. It won't let me the dit button is gone. HELP

    5.7.2005 08:04 #34

  • nohelpme

    I would not worry reasons...just make sure when you "back up" those netflixs disks you "already own" lol....that they don't have a copying chip built in.

    5.7.2005 08:06 #35

  • Mr_Taz_UK

    Oh no, not the damn copying chip thing again!!!

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    5.7.2005 08:10 #36

  • nohelpme

    Hey man it exists...its right near the flux capasitor of the dvd

    nooooohelpme (I need help lol)
    Comp Stats-
    Celeron 2.4 o/c'd to 3.2
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    FX5200 Card overclocked appx 10%

    5.7.2005 08:13 #37

  • tsteege

    I don't agree with outright stealing on either side. If you don't own the original VHS, DVD, BetaMax, license, whatever it is called stealing, and in turn ripping off the public by charging $80+ for a family to go to the movies is also STEALING.

    I wish everyone would get this worked up over the government taking private property or the total lack of reguard for our tax dollars. Maybe we need to start at the core problems with our government. Once the people speak out instead of just standing by and letting the lawers and big business dictate to us through our elected officials, then and only then will the trickle down effect help us with this matter and let us have the country we are supposed to be. A nation by the PEOPLE and for the PEOPLE.

    Sorry for rambling just my $.02

    5.7.2005 08:17 #38

  • Mr_Taz_UK

    I decorated my house in lead lined wallpaper, so I'm safe.

    Besides, if you put em in the microwave for a few seconds before you play em, it disables the chip :Þ

    Welcome - For New Users http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/183136
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    5.7.2005 08:18 #39

  • nohelpme


    Your point is very valid...he is alluding to the recent US Supreme Court decision that someone can take your land if the government feels that it is in the public good and will help the economy to sell your land to some type of developer. This is nothing new actually its called the something clause and its been around sense the 70's. The difference is that during the ruling it was just the government who could take your property...now a private developer has gained that power. They have to give you fair market value, and it is only intended to be like if your property lies in the middle of a 7000000000 sq foot developement and you are the only one who won't sell..but we know people abuse these rullings and it opens up the green light for a lot of other abuses. So i agree... who care about file sharing and dvd copying when we have things like this happenneing in america.

    5.7.2005 08:23 #40

  • nohelpme

    Ok there is no chip.. i don't want some nood blowing up his house with sticking the dvd in the microwave lol

    5.7.2005 08:24 #41

  • Mr_Taz_UK

    Hehehehe, told ya.

    do not put DVD's in the microwave !!!

    there. I said it, feel better now :)

    5.7.2005 08:28 #42

  • Reasons?

    Right, I just use Netflix to back-up my Futurama discs. They got too scrathced to back-up so I got good ones from them to back-up ;)

    Putting a chip on the DVD, that could detect what's happening to it, being copied... Would make th edisc thicker than a DVD player could play. The entire disc is already pretty muched used for the layers and support of them.

    Do you think you could profit out of getting the gold layer off CD-Rs? Hmmmm 33 cent CD-R, gold layer....

    Too bad it's probally microscopically thin.

    5.7.2005 08:29 #43

  • Mr_Taz_UK

    to late to redeem yourself now Reasons. The feds are already on their way to your house.


    5.7.2005 08:35 #44

  • Reasons?

    I've got a multi-million dollar security system and my trusty 12-gauge Remington (sweet 6-inch eye relief scope by the way, get one) waiting, hahaha they'll never take me down... Ok, maybe they would own me. Especially since I don't have a security system anyway, lol.

    5.7.2005 08:40 #45

  • ToxicFish

    Quote:I don't agree with outright stealing on either side. If you don't own the original VHS, DVD, BetaMax, license, whatever it is called stealing, and in turn ripping off the public by charging $80+ for a family to go to the movies is also STEALING. Stealing is going to a bar and getting a roman coke for 5 bucks. If they charged what it was worth (50¢), everyone would be wasted and people would be throwing up left and right... Do you really want people to be throwing up from movie overdose? Think about it.

    5.7.2005 08:43 #46

  • tsteege

    OK lets all go to our respective politicians and throw-up in their offices. :)

    I'm going with Nachos, Gummi Worms, and coke. I wonder if I could write that $30 off my taxes???

    5.7.2005 08:49 #47

  • ToxicFish

    Quote:I've got a multi-million dollar security system and my trusty 12-gauge Remington (sweet 6-inch eye relief scope by the way, get one) waiting, hahaha they'll never take me down... Why would you get a scope for a shotgun? Personally, i have twin darengers. When the cuffs go on :::cap::: right in the eye.

    5.7.2005 08:50 #48

  • Reasons?

    tsteege, I am definitely going with mexican food.

    I have two barrels for my 12 gauge. One if rifled and the scope, 1.75x-4x, is attached to the barrel. This I use for deer hunting in MN where rifle zones are scarce. Then I have a smooth barrel with just the bead at the end. This I use for bird/trap/skeet. The scope is really handy at 100 yards against a runner. The barrels are easy to change, 20 seconds. I like how the scope is on the rifled barrel.

    Are we getting off topic?

    5.7.2005 09:09 #49

  • Mr_Taz_UK

    Hmmm RIAA .... self defense .... nah sounds ok to me.

    5.7.2005 09:37 #50

  • Rotary

    hi all

    RIAA - sounds like some upper class hooker...

    Guy goes into a red dimly lit back street dive, i'm looking for RIAA - shes busy! i hear cry down the corridor, anyone know when shes free? - be ages yet buddy, shes downloading *WAR OF THE WORLDS*

    lets reflect on that, war of the worlds??? ermm, isnt that happening for real!!!


    5.7.2005 10:03 #51

  • hursty

    Quote:With respect, I don't visit the afterdawn site often, I feel that little can be learned let me tell you something,pretty much everything i know about dvd,was learned from this site,with other members giving me all the help i needed.

    little can be learned??,then i suppose you are a teacher of all things great on this site then,as obviously nothing on this site is of use to you,and the content of these forums is all baby talk,no ones knows everything,and i suspect you know very little, coming out with comments like that,against a respected member of these forums.and above all, against the good nature of this site.

    i will quote again

    I don't visit the afterdawn site often, I feel that little can be learned
    you should chose your comments wisely against members whether they are new to the site or not

    enough said,and laters

    5.7.2005 10:15 #52

  • nohelpme

    With respect, I don't visit the afterdawn site often, I feel that little can be learned

    Man lets get Neph in here and let the thunder role....

    nooooohelpme (I need help lol)
    Comp Stats-
    Celeron 2.4 o/c'd to 3.2
    1.5 Gigs of DDR 333 Ram
    40 Gig Hard Drive
    FX5200 Card overclocked appx 10%

    5.7.2005 10:38 #53

  • Manu_DVD

    @ Mr_Taz_UK:

    Sir your obviously a guy that has no concept of what your even talking about. Go back and have another read shall we!

    That goes to anyone here that quotes and requotes the same old thing.

    If you guys were any brighter you could read why I posted that post. Sorry it seens to be against a low and behold " a respected member ". No disrespect to rotary or any other member for that matter but the comments made justified casual copying and i'm afraid I can't agree with that but I am not surprised to find many uninspired 'I'm cooler than you' nonsense.

    @ hursty (AfterDawn Addict) 5. July 2005 @ 14:15 and also the bandwagon wannabe below his reply.

    Before you blabber your sentences all over our screen's, please stop for a moment and read. I think rotary was more than agreed on the last point from my reading.

    Finally, There are alot of very good and helpful people that use afterdawn, But there are soooo many that are here for other reeason, so unless you can bring some f#####g humour or originality, please don't spit your hatred at me.

    5.7.2005 11:25 #54

  • Toiletman

    Manu_DVD: What about your quirky response to Rotary? Tried to ignore it? We didn't.

    Everyone is entitled to their own true opinion. Either respect that or don't.

    5.7.2005 12:00 #55

  • hursty

    @ manu.lets get this straight,what exactly are you against?
    piracy as a whole? or just the bit that that effects you?
    have you got a rental shop?,is that what bothers you?

    so are you telling me that you have never copied anything,in any way?
    whether you own the original or not?

    5.7.2005 12:07 #56

  • darthnip

    you know there's a real simple solution, if you dont like it here, then leave! Quote:With respect, I don't visit the afterdawn site often, I feel that little can be learned and most of the time it is a contest of popularity.on that point you may be correct, and it's something we will always have to deal with. So seeing as how this is a contest, you just lost.
    Buh bye.

    Count the bodies like sheep to the rythym of the war drums.
    http://www.Lonero.net - check out bill, he rocks and he's way cool.
    irc.stormchat.org #ad_buddies
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    5.7.2005 12:07 #57

  • nohelpme

    and the thunder roles lol

    nooooohelpme (I need help lol)
    Comp Stats-
    Celeron 2.4 o/c'd to 3.2
    1.5 Gigs of DDR 333 Ram
    40 Gig Hard Drive
    FX5200 Card overclocked appx 10%

    5.7.2005 12:24 #58

  • ToxicFish


    ..::Brought to you by the fine people at T-Fish inc::..

    5.7.2005 12:51 #59

  • Reasons?

    Please don't turn this thread into a flamefest...

    6.7.2005 09:37 #60

  • rae2

    I think all of this is a ridiculous waste of time and effort. The ultimate irony though is that 99% of what's being pirated ISN'T EVEN WORTH THE ELECTRONS TO DOWNLOAD IT. The RIAA should be PROSECUTED for FRAUD for by even allowing most of today's recordings to be MADE!

    To my ear and eye, what today passes for "music" and "video" is PURE, UNADULTERATED C.R.A.P. It should be an OFFENCE for the thousands of "me too" virtually indistinguishable no-talent performers to foist the most monotonous, unimaginative, tuneless NOISE on the public and falsely label it as "MUSIC" OR "ART."

    My sympathies to anyone and everyone who wastes their time listening to or watching this garbage!

    8.7.2005 08:43 #61

  • Mangalore

    Ive learned a lot form this site when it comes to DVD/CD copying. I will contiue to learn. Thanks.

    BUT this thread makes me laugh. At least at the people trying to justify stealing.

    Lets see the two basic excuses:

    1) Charge to much.
    a) Dont buy it dont see it.

    2) The product is crap.
    a) Dont buy it dont see it.

    By downloading it you are proving a point in number one BUT regardless you are breaking the law. You can wait till it goes "discount"/rental. What to much peer pressure to see/hear/play it the day it comes out? No excuse.

    By downloading using number 2's excuse you are not teling them the product is crap you are saying I want it but I dont want to pay for it. I mean if its crap why steal it?

    O wait another excuse.....

    1) The Government/Law should worry about other things.
    a) Let me guess you are speeding and you get pulled over for it. Let me see you tell the officer he should be out catching rapist, murders, etc. instead of stopping you for breaking the law. You wont.

    Sad thing is YOU know it is against the Law/wrong. Why do it? Then why have the "guts" to try and justify what you do is right?

    If you did not "break the law" then the Government wouldnt have to spend so much time/money going after people breaking the law.

    Remember these Movies/Games/Albums,etc. are a LUXURY not a NECESSITY. Some of you people need to wake up and get your priorities straight. Now if you said I know its wrong I do it I will deal with the repercussions if caught, thats fine but to sit here and try to say what most/some of you are doing is right or justified is really really sad.

    Please feel free to comment I love a good discussion.

    8.7.2005 10:07 #62

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