Sony bracing for a wave of PSP piracy

Sony bracing for a wave of PSP piracy
Being at the top of the most wanted gadget list is exactly where Sony wants its Playstation Portable (PSP) console to be, but with any gaming console, there is always the fear that piracy might hit... and it usually does. Now Sony is beginning to realise that this time it is no different despite their best efforts to keep piracy at bay. Sony PSP games use Sony's proprietary Universal Media Disc (UMD) format, which gave Sony hope that copying games was impossible.

However, we reported when PSP Firmware v1.50 was cracked and anybody who knew how was able to use an exploit to run homebrew files on the PSP (which Sony likes to refer to as "unauthorised programs"). Since then emulators for other consoles have appeared for the PSP but Sony accepted it (but highly opposed the PSPs use to run unauthorised games) and stuck to the belief that Sony PSP games were still safe.

PSP games spread across net... A loader on the horizon?

Paradox, a well known group on the Internet was first to publicly release several PSP games on the net, which then had no way of being played. However, now it appears that a working game loader is just days away from public release which means that users with large capacity memory sticks may be able to play their PSP games from them.

However, it is important to point out that v1.51 firmware has not been cracked, and for some time at least it will only be possible with v1.50 firmware. Sony has warned PSP users off the exploits saying it’s possible to damage the console and void warranty. These claims were founded with the first exploit for v1.50 firmware which required two memory sticks and swap which if done incorrectly could have lead to damage.

However with the release of KXploit 1.50, it became safer to take advantage of the discovered loophole in 1.50 firmware, as it did not require the use of two memory sticks. It is also reportedly a very easy method. There is of course one thing that Sony plans to do to battle the problems with past firmware and that is to make sure that PSP users have no choice but to update their firmware as time goes on.

Firmware checks on PSP games

Coded Arms, which is set to be one of the most popular games for PSP users to date has a built in mechanism that will check the firmware of the PSP and literally refuse to load if the firmware is too old, which is a good way Sony has thought up to ensure that PSP users will keep their firmware up to date. However, its a good idea but it is far from flawless.

While it is a good idea, it seems possible that these "firmware checks" could be defeated the same way early PS2 users made backups of DVD games to CDs and booted them - finding and altering DVD media checks. The same thing could possibly be done with PSP games to remove firmware checks and more than likely will be done by "warez" groups who will spread the games around. Even if this is impossible, there is still one more option.

PSP Modchips?

Yes you better believe that the prospect of PSP mods is very real, in fact, one British man already claims he has a useful chip for PSP users. He has already been in legal trouble with Sony, and now has made a chip which can be used to rollback PSP firmware to older versions (like 1.50) that can be exploited. While this would still have problems playing firmware check protected games, it would give users the option to rollback afterwards if they needed to update in order to play a game.

In conclusion

In the battle between Sony and the hackers, Sony is losing big time. It is now possible using existing tools to rip entire games to memory stick using the PSP and with a loader reportedly on its way, piracy of PSP games is inevitable. However, this also provides the ability to sort of "backup" your existing Sony PSP games in case your originals get damaged.

The amount of developments in the "PSP Scene" is phenomenal and I think Sony wasn't expecting so much so soon. Literally every day, something new is released, discovered or announced and it appears things will continue to go that way for some time. A new spark of filesharing of PSP games has also begun, with several large torrent sites and P2P networks making it possible to obtain and share the games.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 6 Jul 2005 16:30
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  • Auslander

    some corporations just don't know when to give up, do they? money is one hell of a motivator.

    6.7.2005 16:47 #1

  • benjers

    It's all about Delaying The Inevitable. We Know It, They Know It....It's Only A Matter Of Time


    6.7.2005 16:59 #2

  • Auslander

    "delaying the inevitable"...that's a good metaphor for life and death...morbid, but good, lol. it would be nice for Sony to care a little less about their money and more about their customers' satisfaction, though.

    6.7.2005 17:04 #3

  • Liez4Love

    Well, this will increase psp sales, thats what i beileve, however it wont increase the game sales.

    6.7.2005 17:08 #4

  • serranoX3

    They have to give up now, if the people hacking it are winning the battle.

    6.7.2005 17:26 #5

  • gsuscrazy

    they dont lose money from hackers. they say they do, for sympathy's sake. Anyone willing to hack into a psp wouldnt buy a game anyways, so its one more psp sold where it wouldnt have been otherwise. regardless of the games, sony will still sell games to people who are willing to shell out the money.

    video game sales are at all time highs...cant argue with numbers...

    but on a personal note..

    mod it to get online? sure. that would be worthwile...but to mod games/, honestly, its the new millinum rebellion against big business..instead of pickets, sit ins etc. ppl just steal from them.

    cuz u know thats what it is...stealing. i know i know, yall are salivating to argue with me, saying "oooooo i only back up my games" ya right, and i dont masturbate...see we can both lie to each other.

    in all honesty, for those who do steal games, would u feel bad if u stole the game from a dept. store? or a friend? theivery is theivery, no matter how much u dress it up and put makeup on it.

    dont steal.

    6.7.2005 21:06 #6

  • showan

    First of all, gsuscrazy that was hilarius!!! especially the part about the masturbation!

    I think you're right on the money. Stealing is stealing. People tend to make up justifications inorder to put their guilty conscience at ease.

    However, I believe that there are a lot of crappy games out there. Same with music; I used to spend $17 on a cd and there were only 2 good songs. The rest were just crap!!! So when the whole napster/mp3 thing came along it was awsome! And the artists/recording companies who cried "we're losing money!" F**k off! My thoughts were "maybe you should focus less on marketing these artists and more on building talent to make the good songs so when we pay $17 per cd we will feel like it was money well spent. And it's the exact same thing with games. Produce good quality/original games and people will buy them. Most however are just cheap knock-offs of something or other. Why would people want to pay for those??? There are very few games I would buy and once I beat them I would feel like keeping them. Most I would just play until I finished and not even think twice about them.

    6.7.2005 22:12 #7

  • amirza

    so what?

    all property is theft

    6.7.2005 23:38 #8

  • spooky2k

    Most everything that can be said in this thread has been covered.
    I agree that no matter how you dress this up, it's theft.
    though, its the same catch 22 as P2P. yes there are people who use it for theft, but there are legitimate uses for it too.
    I think maybe if SOny embraced this...can u imagine how awesome it would be if SOny bought the technology and sold it?everyone would be happy.
    Sony is only doign what any company would do...Protecting their product and investment.

    Amirza: the only reason you say all property is theft (and this only applies if you're being serious, if you're joking, ignore this and know it got a laugh) is because you own none. IN a short sentence: Get a job.

    7.7.2005 03:54 #9

  • elroyjet

    showan hit the the spot with his/ur her comment...u spend all that money on a game or music CD and 97% of it is the comment says if they spent as much money building talent or making great games as the spent on protection .. we may be more inclined to go buy the material!!!!!

    7.7.2005 04:15 #10

  • jAmEsTn


    7.7.2005 04:31 #11

  • ToxicFish

    well, what about roms... I own most of the games, and i would love to play them on my psp. There is no part of my conscience that tells me that i shouldn't.

    Has anyone gotten doom 1 to work by anychance... I saw that guy on g4 do it yesterday.

    7.7.2005 07:35 #12

  • steve7059

    Here's a possible outcome that I don't think anybody's addressed yet. As most people are probably aware, Sony's profit margin on the console is pretty narrow. Where they make the money is in the games. But if the PSP is getting hacked this quickly, and the sales on the games drop because folks are copying and downloading them for free, Sony is likely to raise the price on the console, or at least not drop the price as quickly as we might otherwise expect. They're going to make their money one way or another - that's why they're in business.

    7.7.2005 07:51 #13

  • Toiletman

    Again, the facts are there. Corporations and organizations will never give up, neither will the release groups, crackers, hackers, and whatnot. Neverending cycle in which we benefit. =)

    7.7.2005 10:05 #14

  • arcanix

    Quote:at least it will only be possible with v1.50 firmwareF'ck dat, homebrews work just fine on v1.0 too. Actually they worked only on v1.0 until it was cracked.
    Quote:a working game loader is just days away from public releaseThere are already several working loaders you know...

    7.7.2005 11:12 #15

  • arcanix

    And by "it" I mean v1.5.

    7.7.2005 11:13 #16

  • irishjoe

    gsuscrazy: No need to mod the psp to get it online.
    Play here...

    8.7.2005 00:45 #17

  • goke11429

    that's what they get for charging $250 for handheld,and $50 for games
    so i don't give fuck

    8.7.2005 06:17 #18

  • Toiletman

    Quote:that's what they get for charging $250 for handheld,and $50 for games
    so i don't give fuck
    Why'd you post then?

    Everyone is entitled to their own true opinion. Either respect that or don't.

    8.7.2005 12:04 #19

  • showan

    Steve 7059 raises a good point. It sounds like a lot of people think Sony makes a lot of cash on their consoles. The amount of $ made off of the xbox and PS2 was like a few dollars. Not much at all. Actually the Gamecube is the only system that makes a profit on every system they sell. At the time I was doing the research I believe the GC cost like $80 to make and everytime they sold one they made a profit. I think for the longest time Ps2 and xbox consoles were being sold at a loss. So obviously it was the games that made the money for those consoles.

    8.7.2005 22:29 #20

  • p.monkey

    if i was sony i wouldnt bitch because in the end even if they only make 2bucks off each psp how many do they make and sell in an hour worldwide no one really knows.lots of companies have crappy profit margins,and i bet sony is above most of those,even if they say so.everything tecninical now days gets ripped off im sure before they even put it on the market,the theft part was slightly factored into the price. the truth is ill probably buy one when the price is fair or a good bundle comes out. I do beleve if the games were reasonably priced people wouldnt waste the time or even go through the hassel of using or stealing the pirated games,I know I wouldnt. because using pirated stuff is very touchy stuff some times i know because i had a moded ps2.

    9.7.2005 17:04 #21

  • Reasons?

    As far as PSP cost/games-

    Sony is losing money on the PSP no doubt. Think of it this way. The PSP has all the specs of a $500 palm pilot, 333MHz CPU, 4MB embedded RAM, 32MB system RAM, Memory slot, and wifi. Not to mention an amazing GPU that a palm pilot wouldn't have, also not to mention a opitcal drive (UMD), infra-red (ad-hoc), that palm pilots don't have any type of. The screen may not be touch sensitive, but it is much richer in color and better viewing angle. Most Palm pilot displays are good res. but have such washed out colors.

    You payed $500 for that tungsten, the PSP has way more and only lacks software, which doesn't cost anything like hardware does. This is all just to illustrate that SOny loses money on the PSP. Don't get t oo excited Palm lovers, even though you did get seriously ripped off. (Can't wait for Sony to release the official web browser, did anyone else know that korean PSPs shipped with it? Waiting can be good I guess.)

    Sony needs to make money off the games, piracy is stealing. I however, am not against DVD piracy, because they make Millions in theatre anyway...

    12.7.2005 07:45 #22

  • lxhotboy

    Can it be verified that sony is actually loosing money on the PSP? Lets not start saying they are losing money just b/c we compare it to some palm units. Just want to know if that is a fact or just peoples opinions. I do know for a fact that the sony PSP outsold the Nintendo DS for the month of June with good numbers. I think that the numbers of units sold will go up with all the homebrews and hacks but it will surely hurt there game sells Anyone know how much exactly it cost for sony to make a psp, please post it. Thanks.

    13.7.2005 04:58 #23

  • Reasons?

    I looked briefly for something eluding to the PSP's manufacturing cost, but came up empty handed. If your retarded I guess you can look for evidence yourself, because it's blaringly obvious to those with any knowlege of computer hardware, that the PSP is worth a hell of a lot more than $250.

    13.7.2005 08:06 #24

  • gsuscrazy

    yes because multi million dollar companies always produce products that lose money right?

    come on now, do you really think they are losing money with each system that goes out the door?

    if you believe that, then ive got a great new offer for you. its premier real estate located in the bogs of florida. come on now, get yur heads outta your butts and think..would YOU sell something to lose money on it?

    14.7.2005 07:10 #25

  • veredes

    Im pretty sure all new age consoles take a loss on the systems themselves and try to make it up in the games.

    Rumors report that microsoft is trying to get the xbox 360 to retail around “the neighborhood” of $300. So, if you are saying you can buy the equivelent for $300-400, i would have to ask...prove it.

    14.7.2005 08:10 #26

  • Reasons?

    They make money off accesories and games. Nintendo supposedly did make money off the GC, but the XBox PS2 and PSP brought in a loss.

    There is one link showing the Xbox loses money on the console itself. They same, obviously, goes for PS2, but I am not goign to waste time finding one for the "special needs" people here.

    As the consoles get older the production cost goes down as new technology and methods come out. That is why over the course of five years (PS2) it went down from 300 to 150, and a new model too. The Xbox had to cut it's cost to match the PS2 and it also has a lower production cost as time goes on.

    The gamecube supposedly only costs $80 to make. But, it is a very under-powered and crappy system, in comparison.

    Think this through buddy, the consoles lose money, would the PSP? Do you think you can put a UMD optical drive, MSduo reader, 333MHz CPU 160MHz FSB 32MB RAM+4MB embedded, and a 166MHz GPU w/2MB embedded all underneath a 4.3" 480x272 LCD display all on the 90nm process in a handheld for $250. You'd have to a serious dumbass.

    Yes, I would sell a system for less money. Then over the following years I make billions off of games and accessories.

    P.S. Sony is losing losing ~$100 on the next-gen system. Is Xbox losing money? Again think it through. I am not wasting time giving people a link to the xbox 360, they take longer to find than you'd think. Most people don't care about prod cost.

    Formerly "cmmnsense", banned for lack of restraint.

    14.7.2005 08:33 #27

  • gsuscrazy

    i work for dell inc. we advertise a 299.00 Computer. 80 gig hdd, cdrw/dvd combo, 17 inch monitor, 512 megs of ram...alot of other configurations. you would think we take a loss on that too right? no we dont. everything any major corp. sells, they profit off of. why? because what happens is by putting in XXXX companies parts, he gives this discount, so u dont pay normal production costs because XXX company wants in the new system specs. I used to work for MSN- we worked hand in hand with Microsoft HQ when XBOX was being initially released. Theyve said "we are taking heavy losses" to the consumers, but that is using "STANDARD AGREEMENT PRICING" for the system. By throwing in a shitty companys dvd drive, and a shitty companies hdd, they reduce there reported cost because that XXXX company sells theyre shit at a 0 profit, relying on the marketing of the xbox to pay off.

    and no, im not saying "im this smart important guy working for a big company" saying "i am a shmuck who has spent his life doing call center work"..but i still have been the the dell hq and microsoft hq on special meetings, and conferences. And that is when i picked the brain of anyone and everyone involved in any area that involves production because i have no life.

    in all reality, if you dont buy into "RELEASED COST ANALYSIS REPORTS" then you can see what really goes on. No joke. A company doesnt sell something if they wont make money off it. Big corps. Dont pay the markup on hardware, they have leverage.

    theres my 10 cents.

    I remember when dinosaurs roamed the land
    I remember when thinkin the earth is flat was cool...
    but most of all...i remember when the Apple ruled the schools...GO NUMBER MUNCHERS!!!

    14.7.2005 09:48 #28

  • Reasons?

    They do make money, but's it's not off hardware. It's off games. I don't understand why you think that they do. These are not computers, these can be sold at a loss because they make it up hugely in games. If you truely doubt it, make a thread for it, and send me a link. People will proballly laugh about it, because most know they lost money on the hardware itself.

    Formerly "cmmnsense", banned for lack of restraint.

    14.7.2005 10:55 #29

  • p.monkey

    i have worked in reatail for many years and have seen the mark ups of many different things,there is no way sony doesnt atleast break even by buying cheapy parts from where ever for almost cost because there a huge company,they can afford to buy lots and the cost goes has been around for sooo long now that they are like the walmart of electronics if they want something for a certain price companies will probably do it and make a small margin of profit. do u really think sony would let u know what it really cost to make one? hell no they just tell us that they are losing money and people suddenly dont feel so bad shelling out the money to buy one.any money that they are out in the first initial year will come back to them in the next.electronics are cheaper than they have ever been now so i find it stupid for them to lose money.when i could go to london drugs and get a portable dvd player with a fairly large lcd screen for 149$ canadian with all the acessories included.the truth is if everyone else is making money why wouldnt they!because they say so? believe what you want,but definantly dont believe what they tell you,they have been in buisiness along time by now im sure they know what to tell people!

    horror movie fanatic

    14.7.2005 22:27 #30

  • gsuscrazy

    P MONKEY!!! someone in this thread breathes clean air!!! at least you have the common sense to think outside the box, and not eat what your fed without looking at it...finally another voice of reason.

    I remember when dinosaurs roamed the land
    I remember when thinkin the earth is flat was cool...
    but most of all...i remember when the Apple ruled the schools...GO NUMBER MUNCHERS!!!

    14.7.2005 22:29 #31

  • gsuscrazy

    oh and for your information reasons...

    Production costs are not defined in Hardware costs, and building costs alone. they also determine how much money was spent investing in developing new technology. the employees who designed the psp, redesigned it, and ANY other additional costs. so what they do is they take XX amount of years of development costs, add it to overall hardware, marketing, and building costs, and they post current profits off units shipped. So you read reports second hand online saying "sony is averaging 50 dollar losses on each system" or whatever number you throw out, then in year 3 they show enormous profits for the system. why? well its not hardware cost reductions alone. Its because they have recouped ALL of the PRE-Production costs, all of the technology development costs.

    So keep eating into the numbers game man...when u get full of all the B.S. your eating, come back and talk to me. Until then, go visit with your father for awhile, and have him waste HIS time explaining big business to you so i dont need to waste my time.

    is that clear enough for you?

    I remember when dinosaurs roamed the land
    I remember when thinkin the earth is flat was cool...
    but most of all...i remember when the Apple ruled the schools...GO NUMBER MUNCHERS!!!

    14.7.2005 22:41 #32

  • Reasons?

    Hey now, I never said they are losing money off the PS2 now, it's been five years and costs have gone way way down. How much was your computer then and how powerful was it? Just for example.

    When the PS2 was $299 it was priced like that for a reason, and they didn't make money. After 5-6 years they price a slim one at $150 and probally only breaks even.

    The biggest point is that Sony will lose ~$100 on the PS3 system, and MS will lose ~$76. I gave you the link.

    Formerly "cmmnsense", banned for lack of restraint.

    17.7.2005 15:43 #33

  • arcanix

    But it's only guessing how much the production of these consoles cost and how much they will retail. So at this point it's not very accurate to say the exact amount in dollars. But both companies (especially m$) have enough money, so it's irrelevant how much they lose.

    Motorola V180
    Athlon 64 3200+ & 1gb ram (pc-3200 400mhz) & radeon 9700
    Xbox livellä
    Playstation 2
    Playstation Portable firm. v1.0 (+.[____]·:·)
    Ixus 700

    17.7.2005 21:30 #34

  • lxhotboy

    good way to put things. I totally agree aracnix that there is no way to tell the exact loss since it is all really just estimates right now. Oh, also reasons no i am not retarded are you? I have graduated from college twice and then had to pass 2 state board test before i could even get a job in my field.

    As for the topic at hand, PSP will not fall to the piracy. A lot of my friends plan on getting a psp after seeing mine at that was before the EMU hacks. The Emu hacks will only make the PSP sell more units b/c it will then be able to replace some systems and allow on the go gaming with some of the EMUs that were limited to your household television sets. It might hurt their game sells though.

    19.7.2005 06:46 #35

  • Reasons?

    PSP piracy is pretty much over for those who want to play games online. New games like Coded Arms check to see if you have the lastest update, if you don't you can't play online. v1.0 or 1.5 is the only versions any of the good hacks work on, and they've been fixed.

    Sony is pretty much the god of copyright protection. DRM, firmware check-ups etc. They are relentless and are quite frankly victorious (except for those who don't care for online play) over the PSP. The PS2 wasn't built against modders, because they didn't exist yet. The PS3 will, according to Sony, detect extra or modified hardware and pull the plug.

    UMD discs are reserved by Sony and will never be sold as blank media. We just got owned again, because a movie won't fit on a 1GB (Yeah go pay $300 for a 2GB, you paid less for the system) MSduo without artifacts and ghosting. Cartoons work well however when compressed.

    Sony has won on the PSP and will on the PS3. For the most part anyway.

    P.S. lxhotboy, I believe nothing forum users say about themselves because I'm not an idiot. For all I know your a 12 year old girl in India so stf^ on that crap true or not. :)

    Alright, Arstechnica, a respectable and one of the foremost inforamtion databases on semi-conductors and computer hardware. It's a brief mention, but the author notes that the PSP takes a loss, and that the PS2 incurred heavy losses. Hmmmm, it's amazing what other people with actual knowlege of semi-conductors think about hardware costs...

    Formerly "cmmnsense", banned for lack of restraint.

    19.7.2005 09:23 #36

  • lxhotboy

    Reasons, It really doesnot matter to me wheter you believe me or not so chill out and stop acting like a 12 year old yourself. Just b/c someone does not know as much as the next man on a specific subject doesnot make anyone retarded. It would be correct to maybe say that an individual is ignorant to that specific subject or topic and doesnot know. Retarded people sometimes have trouble learning but ignorant people can be educated. I could probably easily call you certain names b/c you might not have the knowledge of the medical field that I have but it seems from listening to you that you are a smart educated person who probably have more ties to the computer field and for me to call you stupid or something just b/c you didnot study in that same area I did would really be imature on my part as an adult. Name calling was not necessary in the first place and only leads to arguments and people getting banned from the site and i did not come here for that and I am sure you did not either. If you are that mature person would you mind educating me on something you said? You said that PS2 was not made against moddersb/c they didnot exist then. Exactly what did you mean.
    I thought the original PS was able to be modded so Sony should have known better to not make the PS2 without making some way to stop people from taking advantage of it being exploitted. I had a PS and played backups without a modchip and a friend had one with a modchip. I am not asking this to be a smarta**
    I seriously just want to know man.

    20.7.2005 05:21 #37

  • Reasons?

    PS modding wasn't big like it is w/the PS2. It was almost unheard of, except for people like yourself, who were very interested and did it. This time around Sony is addressing it much better, obviously because they feel it is bigger. The PS3 will now detect added hardware (modchip) and will be using DRM.

    In short, they did exist, but no one really knew about them (Public), except themselves and their community such as AD. If it wasn't big, Sony wasn't going to invest into it for the PS2.

    As for the "retarded" point- I mentioned that Sony loses money on the PSP. Then when argument developed I brought in the PS2 and Xbox. Even though it was blaringly obvious to me, if I didn't have exact dated and notorized paperwork stating from the company how much USD it cost to make them, then all of a sudden they have to be making money and I'm wrong because people are so set into their idea of selling and making money (which is what happens outside of consoles).

    All I could do, because those companies don't generally want the public to know everything about their products, was to give links to other people (such as the Arstechnica writer) with knowledge in the field that agree. Yet it seemed to be not good enough for even yourself.

    Just read it, it's so foolish how they talk out of their butts on something they know nothing about. And yet, they can't even provide remote evidence for their side, except for "But it doesn't make sense to me." Excuse me, but it was really amazing the way they thought. Most people probally do, but when they refuse to take evidence of a different sales scheme, it's sad. It costs less than a few dollars to make the copy of an Xbox game. That's just the case, printing, and the disc. Then they have to pay the programming and developers for their work. When it's all said and done People who work for MS get the game for $10. We pay $50, how much money do you think they make on a game? They make good money even when it goes platinum for the $20 rack (Like "greatest hits" for PS2). Believe me when I tell you they take a loss, and don't care either after you buy your first two games and a few accessories.

    I like how you handled it though, without starting a flame, I was trying to avoid that too, if you notice my previous posts started to air aside from the argument except for last paragraph evidence.

    20.7.2005 07:58 #38

  • lxhotboy

    Nintendo might need to brace for piracy too now that their is an DS EMU on the way for the PSP. The DS is very close to being an obselete system.

    21.7.2005 05:00 #39

  • arcanix

    Yeah, but with 1-5fps and without touchscreen, ds game experience can not be emulated perfectly. But ds doesn't have any good games (seriously, I can't name even one) so who cares.

    Motorola V180
    Athlon 64 3200+ & 1gb ram (pc-3200 400mhz) & radeon 9700
    Xbox livellä
    Playstation 2
    Playstation Portable firm. v1.0 (+.[____]·:·)
    Ixus 700

    21.7.2005 07:16 #40

  • Reasons?

    DS is a childrens system at this point. It has no functionality, except poor quality games running on what? A 64MHz CPU, I think.

    Formerly "cmmnsense", banned for lack of restraint.

    21.7.2005 07:53 #41

  • lxhotboy

    Dang man dont rip the DS so hard!!! LOL!!! Naw man i am just kidding. I totally agree with you. You had better brace for a counterattact b/c some stubborn DS kid is sure to post with some stupid DS is better sooner or later. Dont make him cry dogging the DS like that man. LOL

    A lot of the piracy is going to come to an end soon when some really good, must have games come to the PSP and demand an upgrade of firmware to play. I can live without some of the new games now out but man when GTA is released for the PSP this year i dont know if i could resist. Maybe someone will have cracked the newer versions of firware by then or some new program that will bypass that crap.

    24.7.2005 16:34 #42

  • lxhotboy

    I know some games already have the upgrade must in the game but none are a must have yet for most people.

    24.7.2005 16:36 #43

  • Reasons?

    I keep updated, not for the games, but because it fixes more than just homebrew security crap. When your browsing the web with that wipeout pure browser, damn, people have no idea what could happen. The PSP has no online security yet, because they depend on the game and download servers to be secure. When you take it online you could get screwed.

    If I was dishonest, I am not, and I didn't respect people's $250. I would set up a program on the net to hijack the PSP through the Wipeout browser, then it would increase the voltage to the CPU (Overclocking) and the GPU simultaneuosly frying both.

    It's sooooo simple (Time consuming, very time consuming, but easy with crap firmware security), if someone wanted too, and had a few weeks to sit down at a programming workstation with a couple of PSPs and worked it out. The original firmware has no friggin security!!!

    I update for this^ because it's highly likely PSP hijacking programs are out there.

    Formerly "cmmnsense", banned for lack of restraint.

    25.7.2005 07:32 #44

  • 3085

    they r still making a lot more money then they r losing they still get money anyways because u have to buy the psp

    15.8.2005 13:04 #45

  • KillaFiat

    I Want To Buy a psp but i dont no how much they are, someone please tell me how much they are in Australia.

    16.8.2005 00:19 #46

  • Reasons?

    Just use an online program to convert $250 USD to your currency.

    Formerly "cmmnsense", banned for lack of restraint.

    16.8.2005 07:11 #47

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