Legal music downloads way up in 2005

Legal music downloads way up in 2005
In the United States, the sale of legal downloads has jumped dramatically over the same period of last year. Between January 2005 and June 2005, Internet users downloaded 158 million individual songs, compared to 55 million in the same 2004 period. Nielsen SoundScan, a company that tracks the sale of music products in the US, made the report. However it is not all terrific news for the U.S. Recording Industry as the sale of CDs decreased by 7%.

Legal downloads now account for 6% of all music sales. Analysts say the creation of new pay sites is responsible for the giant leap and pointed out that users are still flocking in increasing numbers to Apple's iTunes Music Store (iTMS) to buy music to store on their iPods. The British Phonographic Industry (BPI) also announced excellent results in the UK for this year so far. They saw over 10 million downloads so far, that's double the entire 2004 figure.

As for the decrease in CD sales, this time the recording industry can’t really point the blame completely at illegal filesharing, considering there are now so many legal alternatives that are doing fantastic. In the early days of P2P, it was easy to blame it for losses due to the fact that the recording industry offered no legal alternatives. However that has not put them off perusing file sharers for sharing their music collections with each other.

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has kept up its non-working sue-em-all tactic in the United States and several more attempts have been made elsewhere and have mixed results. In Ireland last week, the High Court in Dublin ruled that ISPs must hand the details of 17 alleged Internet pirates to the Irish Recorded Music Association (IRMA). However, Dutch anti-piracy foundation Brein didn’t get such a warm welcome in their country when a judge declined to force the ISPs to hand over details, saying basically the evidence gathering tactics (spying on shared folders) has questionable legality due to he countries privacy laws.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 14 Jul 2005 4:23
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  • kapkirk

    79 cents US for a song I can not move around or use as I like is still too much.(Yahoo Music)

    99 cents US for a song is still too much, even if I can move it around.(Itunes)

    I've NEVER downloaded or made an illegal/copyright, fair-use infringing Mp3 yet(3000 tunes and growing)

    Some bands give a free MP3, if I like it, I buy the CD. Won't pay more than 9 bucks US for ANY CD either.

    Wow! It's not rocket science this marketing thing. If the major labels would quit fousting off lousy music on us I might even buy some from them.

    Kiss my @$$ RIAA/MPAA, you $u@k!!

    15.7.2005 09:55 #1

  • whoozhe

    Illegal downloads way up. Quality of legal CDs way down.
    Hey artists if you had to soley depend on selling your music hardly anyone would ever get to hear it, that is unless you are the 5% elite artists that suck 90% of the total royalties from the system leaving none for the majority. So rejoice and be happy that at least you do have a real good chance many will listen to the odd mp3 of your music and may even turn up at your performance, which is probably you main source of income.

    15.7.2005 10:20 #2

  • vudoo

    Two subscription music services you want to stay away from because of bait and switch tactics are Rhapsody which use to be kewl with the To Go service and Yahoo. I saw all of Bad Company as For Sale Only. While MusicNow does not play these bait and switch tactics. So if the industry is going to play around with false ads and try to woo people over to paying $.99/Song all that will do is piss people off and the p2p community will once more rule the entire world. I guess they need tons of jail cells. As for an uprising? I think it is only going to be time till the lazy americans stand up for themselves and then the RIAA will be exposed to these dumb lawmakers who don't know the difference between a full featured computer and web TV.

    20.7.2005 18:09 #3

  • whoozhe

    That is not the only "dirty tricks" being played out.
    Try the recording companies puting up bogus files all over the net, some which may contain viruses and/or trojans. That in itself is illegal in some countries and as far as I am concerned no better than the low life's who send letter bombs.
    Imaging if someone was to place bogus files on their web sites, all hell will break loose.
    These parasites just get worse and any Government supporting their half baked excuses for hounding anyone may as well fly the Nazi flag.

    21.7.2005 00:48 #4

  • kapkirk

    Lazy Americans?? Yeah, those damn Americans are known for their laziness (GMFB) Those 'lazy Americans' are the ones keeping the world economy floating. Good luck should those 'lazy Americans' tell the whole world to get f'd, destroy their enemies, and go home.

    Let this Jihad thing run amok for 5 more years in Europe, then everyone would be calling for U.S. to come in and save them from their boogeyman in short time.

    So, let me check the logic here. Because local governments are allowing those multinational corps to run over those soveriegn countries citizens' rights to swap illegal downloads and non-fair use, makes it the fault of the 'lazy Americans'?

    The large multinational corporations (RIAA/MPAA)have bought off the local politicians in these countries and its the U.S. citizen that allow this to happen? Fight your OWN government, not our problem if you can't keep them in check. They got the same problem here.

    Then again, maybe the local countries are trying to respect trade agreements and might be attempting to enforce the concept of International Law and intellectual property rights?

    The lazy people are people who won't go out, get a job and BUY a product rather than steal it. Of course, there are other issues at hand with unresonable search and seizure, etc. but that is a human rights issue unlike music/movie piracy, which is not covered under any International Human rights forum I know of.

    Once again, the Americans have to come in to save the day to the rights of people giving their own rights away to their own governments and judicial systems. Wah!! If the Americans can't change the multinational corporate grip in their own country, how the hell are they supposed to do it in Britian??

    You say, 'Nazi flag' like its a bad thing? (kidding, I understand the hidden 'meaning')

    At least Germans had a sense of pride in their country and worked together to build a stronger nation.

    The U.S. only wished it had that kind of unity. With all the Kool-aid drinkin'-utopian-seekin-pseudo-hippie-welfare-sucking-self-appointed-intellectual-superiors running amok, that will NEVER happen.

    Unless of course the Kool-aid drinkers get into power and form a communist/nationalist state out of the U.S. Now THAT would be scarier than Oprah going for a dropped donut in a mini-skirt w/out any skivies. But, I digress...

    You are attempting to equate the American Gvt. to Hitler's regime because of money influence. Yes, I see so very clearly now, the logic is solid. (please read as sarcasm)

    Rant off.

    21.7.2005 10:12 #5

  • whoozhe

    Whoa, Hold your horses thar partner.
    We are getting off the trail here a bit.
    Politics notwithstanding ( and I have no intention of standing for any office because i prefer to speak my own mind and not that dictated by a party)the RIAA is not a corporation but an association consisting of a minority of recording companies who just happen to control the majority of the market. As usual the little guy, the backbone of all economies, has little say except through forums such as this and the once every four years vote.

    21.7.2005 10:59 #6

  • kapkirk

    Got ya. Rant off, volume down. Not toeing any party line, as much as it looks like one.

    2nd set of bombings got my American criticism meter on 'zero'. Just my opinion, valid or invalid. No disrespect ment.

    I don't want gvt. on my back and I want an evil corporation/conglomerate having any control over me even less. Its bad enough with the solicitation and having to endure endless commercials for things I don't want,spam,pop-ups,etc. Anyway...

    Yes, the RIAA is consortium, absolutely. Likely treading into the realms of a monopoly which has turned its back on what people really want and spending more time trying to control data and do market studies of how a picture of Britney's nether regions will increase sales, rather than produce a quality music product that does not need to be lip-synced. Best regards.

    22.7.2005 10:53 #7

  • vudoo

    What I meant in my last post is simply this:

    1. When we had the chance to change things and put Pres Bush out of office we chose to look at things such as not allowing gay's to get married. Stupid. If Americans have no jobs cuz of the auto industries moveing fo foreign soil it won't matter cuz we'll be too poor to care. 2. When the RIAA started this bash the publick for Downloading FREE music campaign we chose to sit back and do nothing and it was business as usual. And if they think 14 thousand lawsuits is a grand victory over 60 million people who Download and share files everyday its laughable. 3. We all know that Kazaa is the biggest virus infested service even b4 the RIAA began planting viruses on its service. Why because childish hackers saw it as a safe heaven for planting viruses and trying to take down America. But instead of posting the truth about p2p we just left people to destroy their machines. I've knowen Kazaa to be shit along time ago and began searching for other p2p programs. Its funny how LimeWire pro is takeing p2p by storm and not Edonkey crap. I can get just about any pre release movie on LimeWire pro with the help of peer guardian. Yet people are using easily traceable clients like Bit Torrent where as the RIAA, MPAA, FBI, or anyone else can hack the tracker site and nab everyone using it. Poor excuse for intellegence I say. It is way better to use decentralized p2p where their is no tracking server. Better yet we need to work on anonymous p2p services like Freenet, Mute, or anything else that uses proxies. We can only win the war if we stick together. I am not talking about militery or anything else. Just the American peoples way for being content while their basic rights are taken away from them day by day. We need to educate the masses about how the record companies cheat, lie, bait and switch, and do whatever dirty trick they can to earn money. Yet if the common businessman were to do any one of these tricks they'd see themself in prison for a very very long time. Just look at Martha Stewart if you don't believe me.

    24.7.2005 10:46 #8

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