Halo movie coming from Universal and Fox

The developers of the infamous Halo game have finally confirmed that a Halo movie is being made by two major Hollywood studios, Universal Studios and Fox. Novelist Alex Garland (28 days later, The Beach) has witten the script. The main character in the movie will of course be Master Chief, the hero in the video game. The movie will not be released until summer 2007 and an issue date of a new version of Halo has not been announced.

The company responsible for the games, Bungie which is owned by Microsoft has worked out "all the kinks" with Hollywood studios and is now ready to begin work on the movie. Garland is delighted to be on the project and commented that playing Halo for him was an experience of "being in a movie". A director has not been chosen yet, but Bungie have made it clear that they expect the best director possible to get for this project.

They said they are looking for "someone who's as committed to the Halo universe as Peter Jackson was to Tolkien's Middle-Earth". The original Halo game sold more than 5 million copies and brought an excellent sequel released last year.

BBC News

Written by: James Delahunty @ 25 Aug 2005 0:26
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  • haz3

    Hmm...I hope it doesn't suck. Who will play Master Chief, I wonder?

    25.8.2005 01:03 #1

  • Phantom69

    i have to agree it would suck balls if the game was ruined by this movie, anywhose what the f*ck would it be about hmphf <?>
    The game itself has a story line (I got it on PC YEY!) but the movie wouldn't be suited to the game story line <!..!>
    what to do huh, what to do...

    25.8.2005 01:38 #2

  • Lethal_B

    I REALLY HOPE it isn't a flop... Remember the Likes Of Tomb Raider....Resident Evil... They Spoiled It

    25.8.2005 03:51 #3

  • Lethal_B

    @Phantom69- Do U Play Online?/

    ....I Have it too! :P

    25.8.2005 03:52 #4

  • Ryanm1311

    that could be a very interesting movie to watch but like you all say i hope it doesnt suck cause the game is good!! and then again some of those sceens in the game are going to be interesting to see in the movie, well thats if they take it on a close line to how the game goes!!

    25.8.2005 04:07 #5

  • deezp1

    This is some old news, but it seems as if this will do pretty good because Bungie is not going to let the movie studio change to movie to their liking, they are going to have say on what is going on.

    25.8.2005 09:56 #6

  • goodswipe

    I wanna see someone use the energy sword and sever heads!


    25.8.2005 10:50 #7

  • mikey_ray

    "I REALLY HOPE it isn't a flop... Remember the Likes Of Tomb Raider....Resident Evil... They Spoiled It "

    what man tomb raider rocked and resident evil was pretty bad azz

    maybe not as formatted as every scene from the game
    but to see the heros and enemy's and creatures on screen wer awesome---

    thats one man's opinion

    25.8.2005 12:18 #8

  • Lethal_B

    I Think You'll Find That Angelina Jolie Pouting, Undressing, Pretending to speak english accent (And sounding horny) along with her in action is what made Tomb Raider a hit. But After That, The Games Flopped. Resident Evil Was Slightly Better But, Come On, They Had Such A Head Start on your average movie and were still not films u'd even put in your top 25, if you were honest with yourself.

    25.8.2005 13:27 #9

  • rihgt682

    Not a good idea

    25.8.2005 13:48 #10

  • Budokkan

    Vin Diesel will be in the role of Master Chief. I heard the Jennifer Love-Hewitt will be casted in the role of Cortana.

    The part I am interested about is the person who is writting the script....Why did they pick him? Why did not not go with Eric Nylund, the guy who wrote the novel version of Halo.

    25.8.2005 16:04 #11

  • mikey_ray

    i didnt say anything about putting in my top 25
    but as compared to some video game remakes these are near the top

    just compare them 2 --super mario bros,street fighter 2,---etc.....

    ooh yeah won that battle---lol j/k
    in a crazy mood

    25.8.2005 17:43 #12

  • Liez4Love

    The most overated game in the world will soon be the most overated movie in the world,, atleast the books arnt overated.

    25.8.2005 17:51 #13

  • ligerzx

    I have great faith in Bungie. Their know waht their doing when it comes to good story's. Cept the ending to Halo 2 they're done a really good job.

    Tell you a movie that is going to blow bigtime is that new Bloodrayne one.

    25.8.2005 22:29 #14

  • deezp1

    Quote:Vin Diesel will be in the role of Master Chief. I heard the Jennifer Love-Hewitt will be casted in the role of Cortana. that is all rumors, castings has not started yet. ntm, Vin Diesel and Jennifer Love-Hewitt would be the death of the film

    26.8.2005 02:13 #15

  • axisuk

    @ Budokkan - Writing a Novel is very different from writing a film script, just because your good at writing novels doesn't mean you will be good an writing movies, most books that are turned into movies are adapted by the novelist but by someone else, a script writer.

    26.8.2005 03:05 #16

  • Liez4Love

    omg, if vein dissel played in this film along with jen love hew, it would hands down be the worst movie ever... think of like movies where one guy goes around killing everybody else, and says stuff like "Its gona be a long die" and "I hate my job" and "You have option A, we leave peacfully, or option B, and i reccomend option A" (other person) "uhh, option C?" (vien dissel) "Wrong Option" *starts killing everybody* thats what kind of movie it would be if vien dissel joined....

    27.8.2005 17:26 #17

  • dtomybomb

    does any one have any info on casting calls, when, where. i would apreciate any info. thanks

    5.9.2005 15:23 #18

  • dtomybomb

    one more thing, how are they gonna get enough cg to make vin diesle 7 ft tall? his voice could be used but not his body.

    5.9.2005 15:26 #19

  • Ditch91

    Van Diesel??? Way no guys. He would make a horrible master chief. Lets think...THE ROCK! Now I know when I said that you guys are saying to yourself "Yeah that wouldn't be that bad of an actor" the only problem is...he's doing the new movie DOOM. =( I still think he would make a bad @$$ master chief. C'mon! You can see it!

    2.10.2005 17:30 #20

  • Lethal_B

    no, lol.

    the rock is more of a 'sam fischer' type!

    i have to say, Vin diesel, though i don't think hes a great actor, would be the closest thing to master chief.

    Don't know if i'm Gods child or Satan's angel..........

    Dont Get It Twisted!
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    3.10.2005 03:35 #21

  • Lethal_B

    Quote:The most overated game in the world will soon be the most overated movie in the world,, atleast the books arnt overatedyou should try playing online (pc vers.) its just addictive :)

    Don't know if i'm Gods child or Satan's angel..........

    Dont Get It Twisted!
    Bittorrent Quick Starter
    1. Get a Client - recommend Azureus -http://azureus.sourceforge.net/download.php (note you may need the JAVA plugin).
    2. Make sure you are sufficiently protected from fake files and 'other stuff'
    Get Peerguardian2
    3. Do you have a router or a firewall?? Port Forward http://www.portforward.com/routers.htm
    4. Search Torrent sites - pick of the bunch are -

    3.10.2005 03:38 #22

  • Ditch91

    I'm online all the time on Halo. Send me friend requests people! RedVirgo ^_^ It's getting really gay with all the modders and shit. But yes I do agree the the Rock quiet isn't suitable for master chief...so let's think...let's say Hugh Jackson? He may be a little small but I can see it.


    3.10.2005 12:02 #23

  • dtomybomb

    why not cast the original voice and use someone elses body. its not like you get to see master chiefs face anyway.

    3.10.2005 19:57 #24

  • Ditch91

    Well this is a movie...And movies bend a lot. It's not like its going to be EXACTLY like the game and not show his face.

    4.10.2005 12:42 #25

  • Phantom69

    for the rock he is already making a game movie:

    see the trailer at:

    if you ask me it looks kinda corny...

    6.10.2005 00:04 #26

  • Ditch91

    Notice in one of posts when i was talking about the Rock, I said he would be in DOOM. Yes it does look very corny. A first person movie!? How gay is that.

    9.10.2005 17:14 #27

  • Ditch91

    Woah! I just read this, and this might sound like something everyone knows about. But "according to my research" Peter Jackson will be one of the producers.

    That's really going to spice things up for this movie. We better see some damn creative alien looks! Go Jackson!!

    (I need some more friend requests for XboX live! Send me an invite at RedVirgo)

    9.10.2005 17:17 #28

  • dtomybomb

    yes, peter jackson has a part in the movie, i just found out.

    9.10.2005 17:55 #29

  • Ditch91

    Peter Jackson is the Shizz........yo.......i'm sorry guys I can't play this whole Wigger role very well.

    9.10.2005 18:09 #30

  • Doggy_Bot

    Well just heard but Bungie realeased that a charachter from the Halo Universe will be featured in Dead or Alive 4! Cool, guessing its Miranda or Cortana? Dead or Alive 4 will be on the X360!!!

    Kill a person a way you wouldn't want to be killed!

    9.10.2005 19:25 #31

  • Ditch91

    I don't even like thinking about Cortana after what she's done to Master Chief and the humans...*cry*


    10.10.2005 13:19 #32

  • Ditch91

    Oh no, Peter Jackson might not be producing this movie.
    Quote on Gamespot.com

    "Two weeks ago, rumors began to swirl that Peter Jackson, the auteur behind the Oscar-winning, billion-dollar-grossing Lord of the Rings trilogy, would direct the movie adaptation of Halo. GameSpot contacted the executive overseeing the project at NBC Universal, which is cofinancing Halo with Fox, to ask if the rumors had any merit. We were told bluntly that they were "completely untrue" and reported it as such."

    10.10.2005 13:28 #33

  • dkbaked

    Just read this off of IMDB.com,


    Jackson Wins 'Halo' Franchise
    10 October 2005 (WENN)
    Academy Award-winning director Peter Jackson is turning his favorite video game Halo into a feature-length film. The Lord Of The Rings movie-maker grew addicted to Halo while shooting his latest film King Kong - so he jumped at the chance to snap up the movie rights and take it to the big screen. Jackson will produce the sci-fi film in his native New Zealand. A cast has yet to be announced and it's unknown if he will direct as well. Halo follows hot on the heels of a string of computer games which have been adapted for the big screen, including Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, Resident Evil and Doom. The game has sold over five million copies around the world and charts the adventures of futuristic super-soldier Master Chief in his quest to save mankind from aliens. Bungie, the Microsoft-owned business which developed Halo, says, "We're delighted to have someone who's as committed to the Halo universe as Peter Jackson was to Tolkien's Middle-Earth".

    10.10.2005 14:32 #34

  • dtomybomb

    its too bad it gonna happen in new zealand, i wanted to show up for casting. you know, an extra

    10.10.2005 14:37 #35

  • Ditch91

    Who are you going to be? The guy who has 2 lines in the movie?

    You-"Master Chief..."

    Master Chief-"Corporal..."

    (Next scene)
    lol im just messin with you.
    IF Peter J. is producing it, when you think about it New Zealand would make an excellent covenant planet. From the all the scenes from LOTR.

    10.10.2005 16:01 #36

  • Budokkan

    Posted by deezp-------that is all rumors, castings has not started yet. ntm, Vin Diesel and Jennifer Love-Hewitt would be the death of the film-----

    Not it is not rumor. How do I know this? Because I was one of 400 called to a closed casting call in July, during the 3rd callback, in mid July we (those of us who made first and second cut) where informed the role was taken by Mr. Diesel.

    The Government breaks your legs, then hands you a pair of crutches, and says, see, if it was'nt for the Government, you could'nt walk...Alex jones from Infowars.com

    12.10.2005 21:32 #37

  • Ditch91

    Then I think we can all predict that this movie will not be a good one, considering his lack of acting skills. He was horrible in "Pitch Black" and "Chronicles of Riddick"

    When I think about it...Halle Barry would make a good Cortana.


    13.10.2005 08:03 #38

  • dtomybomb

    i think i would have to agree. on both counts. barry is hot and vin diesle needs to work on some skills. i dont thing that acting will be a big part of the halo movie anyways. cg is usually what dominates movies now.

    13.10.2005 15:21 #39

  • Ditch91

    Not that we'll see much of Ven's face...I just really hope nothing shows with him and his acting. I think the fact that he'll be hidden behind the suit and all is a positive thing to think of.

    13.10.2005 17:41 #40

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