Complaints about the licensing systems in Europe were made by both iTunes and Napster as they created services in European countries. The problem is that, to launch a music store in Europe, consent needs to be given to dozens of license holders in each state including record labels, royalty collection societies, music publishers and sometimes artists. The result of this system was delays of iTunes and Napster launches in Europe in the past.
Some music services like Yahoo haven't dared yet venture into Europe because of this problem. McCreevy said he planned to introduce a proposal "based on the premise that territory-by-territory management of copyright clearance is too cumbersome and too costly." Sales of music downloads in Europe were far less than in North America so far because of the launch delays and other complications.
"It is not efficient for content users and it does not serve the interests of right-holders who want their content disseminated as widely as possible," McCreevy added, commenting on the current system. "In a territory-by-territory model, the weakest link in the chain will hold up the quick and effective roll-out of their latest creative content."
Written by: James Delahunty @ 8 Oct 2005 20:04