Microsoft loses $126 per Xbox 360

Microsoft loses $126 per Xbox 360
According to a study by BusinessWeek, Microsoft is losing about $125 per every HDD-equipped Xbox 360. Back in 2001, Microsoft also lost an estimated $125 per Xbox console. After sacrificing billions, the Redmond-based company was proud of its number two position in the worldwide games console market. Microsoft has sold 22 million Xbox consoles, ahead of the 16 million GameCubes sold by Nintendo but still very far behind the 90 million PS2s Sony has sold.

Tech researcher iSuppli disassembled an Xbox 360 and came to the conclusion that it would cost $470 to manufacture, meaning Microsoft loses $71 before each HDD-equipped Xbox 360 goes to the factory. iSuppli's research only takes the console itself into account however. When adding in the peripherals included with the HDD-equipped Xbox 360 "premium pack", the loss rises to $126. Remember this is also before any money is spent on labor.

The demand for the Xbox 360 during its North American launch yesterday was huge, leaving many gamers disappointed when they couldn't get their hands on one. However, a large amount of complaints about the console have already surfaced, including claims that some owners experience crashes within 20 minutes of switching on the console, during normal usage or use of Xbox Live. Some other owners are also disappointed with the console's multimedia support.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 23 Nov 2005 22:28
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  • sssharp

    Remember that will all be made up with the cost of 50-60 dollar games and all the accesories people purchase.

    24.11.2005 03:59 #1

  • ireland

    like this,so we know what your talking about

    Microsoft's Red-Ink Game

    Redmond will sell every Xbox console at a big loss, says researcher iSuppli. Not to worry, the profit is in the associated software

    Microsoft's newest gaming console marks an improvement on the earlier version in some decisive ways. To name a few, the pricier Xbox 360 is sleeker and more powerful (see BW Online, 11/22/05, "Xbox: How It's Designed to Thrill"). And unlike its predecessor, the Xbox 360 is being released months ahead of the comparable next-generation console from Microsoft's chief gaming rival, Sony (SNE).

    But when it comes to profitability, the new machine won't change anything. Microsoft (MSFT) will carry on its tradition of taking a loss on the console, according to a preliminary analysis by market researcher iSuppli.

    BREAKING IT DOWN. An up-close look at the components and other materials used in the high-end version of the Xbox 360, which contains a hard drive, found that the materials inside the unit cost Microsoft $470 before assembly. The console sells at retail for $399, meaning a loss of $71 per unit -- and that is just the start.

    Other items packaged with the console -- including the power supply, cables, and controllers -- add another $55 to Microsoft's cost, pushing the loss per unit to $126. These estimates include assumptions that Microsoft is getting a discount on many components.

    That was the case with the first Xbox console, which contained about $323 worth of parts and materials when released, but sold at retail for $299. It's certainly not going to help Microsoft reverse the trend of losses in its home-entertainment segment. In the fiscal year ended June 30, that unit lost $391 million on sales just shy of $3.25 billion. That's a little more than 8% of Microsoft's total sales of $39.8 billion.

    A Microsoft spokeswoman said that the company's plan calls for a "gross margin neutral" strategy through 2006, meaning that between the sales of consoles, game software, and accessories, it expects to essentially break even. Profits should follow in 2007.

    PLAYING TO WIN. Microsoft's strategy with the Xbox family has always been one of taking a loss on the hardware in hopes of cutting a profit on game-software sales. Redmond would like nothing more than to narrow Sony's lead in computer games (see BW, 11/28/05, "Robbie Bach Is Ready to Rumble").

    The Xbox 360 was released widely on Nov. 22 with 18 game titles from companies such as Electronic Arts (ERTS), Activision (ATVI) and Microsoft's own game unit. It hit store shelves in the U.S. and Canada at the stroke of midnight, with consumers lining up outside stores from San Mateo, Calif. to New York hours before the official launch. Chairman Bill Gates showed up for a sales event at a Best Buy (BBY) store in Bellevue, Wash., and Microsoft held a launch party that drew hardcore game enthusiasts to California's Mojave Desert (see BW Online, 11/22/05, "Hardcore Offer Mixed Verdict at Zero Hour").

    Semiconductors alone account for $340, -- more than 72% of the materials cost -- iSuppli estimates. One key component, the IBM-designed microprocessor chip at the center of the console (see BW Online, 10/25/05, "Inside IBM's Xbox Chip") costs about $106. Both IBM and Chartered Semiconductor (CHRT) of Singapore are building the chip for Microsoft.

    ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. Analyst Chris Crotty with iSuppli says that as both companies improve their manufacturing efficiency and production yields, they will likely reduce the chip's cost by 20% to 25%. The same will likely apply to ATI (ATYT), which is building the graphics-processing unit, or GPU, for the Xbox. iSuppli estimates that the chip is the most expensive component in the system at $141.

    The graphics chip also includes embedded memory from NEC (NIPNY). "There's room to improve the yields on both chips," says Crotty. "We expect that could cut the materials cost by as much as $50." That would bring the materials cost down to $420 and total expense to $475 -- within $76 of break-even. Costs of other components could come down over time as well, further narrowing Microsoft's loss on the product.

    Other components in the system include a hard drive from Seagate (STX), which costs $53, and memory chips from Samsung at $65, iSuppli says.

    EVERYBODY LOSES. IBM also has designed chips at the heart of the competing video-game systems -- the Playstation 3 from Sony and Nintendo's forthcoming Revolution system, both of which are due next year. Crotty expects that Sony's loss on the Playstation 3 may be even wider, as the cell processor that IBM, Toshiba, and Sony designed for the system is more complex.

    Estimates vary as to how much the cell processor will cost. Richard Doherty of Envisioneering Group in Seaford, N.Y., expects the cell chip to cost about 50% more than the Microsoft chip. "Based on what we've seen so far, the Playstation 3 could cost as much as $600 to make in today's pricing," Doherty says.

    And Crotty says that since it's a more complex chip, its price will fall more slowly than the price on the Xbox chip.

    FIRST TO MARKET. "The cell processor is a great chip with a lot of power, but we're hearing that it's a little more difficult to develop games that take advantage of that power," Crotty says, adding that the cell chip and Blu-Ray DVD drive will also add to Sony's materials cost. The Xbox 360 uses a conventional DVD-ROM drive that costs $21.

    Sony has yet to set final pricing for the Playstation 3 in North America, but the unit is expected to sell first in Japan for the equivalent of about $450. Microsoft beat Sony in timing, but Sony could get at least some of its thunder back by shaving about $51 off that price tag.

    24.11.2005 04:08 #2

  • ireland

    Happy Thanksgiving Morning To All

    24.11.2005 04:13 #3

  • evilh0ly

    well they earn from the licensing of the games which will make up later

    anyway Happy Thanksgiving Guys

    24.11.2005 06:50 #4

  • PirateDan

    For one thing since the processor is made for the 360 it is going to cost alot to start out. But as the numbers go up in the sales the cheaper it gets to make.
    You see I build planes for a living, the less you make of a product the more it cost.
    It like this if I make cookies and only sell them 3 dozen at a time no would make me deal on the ingredents. But if the amount I was making is 3000 dozens. Well I am keep those folks that sell me the ingredents rich.
    Plus like they say they will make it back also in the software side.
    Like we do on the parts and service end of our business.

    24.11.2005 22:43 #5

  • jetyi83

    sorry but thats not how it works..

    you sell a dozen cookies at a time until you become successful. then your new cookie sells 3 million its opening day. and less everyday after that.

    the # of sales wont go up.. they go down.

    26.11.2005 23:45 #6

  • Jason8

    When you look at it, $126 isnt that much for a multi-Trillion dollar company. Just wait till PS3 launches. If they sell it for what ppl have been saying, ( which is anywhere between $300 - $400 ). then sony will be losing about double of what Microsoft is losing with the 360. and remember in Canada, we're paying 100 bucks more than what u americans r paying for ur systems.(ex. the Xbox 360 is 399US, changes to 499Cdn)
    So. Hypothetically, if the PS3 were to sell at say 450US, then itll be like 569Cdn.

    27.11.2005 09:56 #7

  • oofRome

    There is an error in the story:

    The Gamecube had sold somewhere between 18-19 million units
    Xbox is 22 million
    And as of November 29th, the PS2 has sold over 100 million units.

    Just thought I'd mention that.

    6.12.2005 07:45 #8

  • Jason8

    But dont u find it funny how Nintendo has been in the gaming business ever since it started, and Microsoft just recently joined in ( in 2001 ) and has become 2nd in the best selling consoles & 2nd Marketshare. oh ya, Xbox 360 sold more than 500,000 units in the 1st day, 150,000 - 300,000 on launch day in Europe, and who cares about Japan, all they are over there are Playstation addicts. and Besides, PS3 wont sell too much in Canada, because I dont think we'll be able to afford it and there are no good games except MGS4, which is almost like Splinter Cell and Killzone PS3 which will prob. be the game to get for it, other than that, PS3 sucks as far as games go.

    6.12.2005 13:15 #9

  • jdeboer

    Umm I think sony counts its sales in units shipped, no actually sold.

    7.1.2006 15:10 #10

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