Hewlett-Packard backs HD-DVD format

Hewlett-Packard backs HD-DVD format
As it threatened to do if the Blu-ray Disc Association did not give in to its demands, Hewlett-Packard has now thrown support behind the HD-DVD format as well. This all started when HP requested that Mandatory Managed Copy and iHD be part of Blu-Ray. While Mandatory Managed Copy is part of the Blu-ray Disc specifications, iHD is not. The XML-based interactive functionality provision is currently supported by the HD-DVD group and will be an integral part of Microsoft's upcoming Windows Vista operating system, expected to be released in late-2006.

The Blu-ray group did say that iHD may be included in a future iteration of the specifications but for now they were going to proceed using the java-based BD-J for the format instead for the time being. This is simply not good enough for HP and now the company is backing both formats, so effectively is neutral. However, it did point out the advantages HD-DVD has over Blu-ray for PC manufacturers. "[iHD] integration will reduce development costs and provide a more affordable solution for consumers," HP said in a statement issued Friday. "In addition, HD-DVD provides a rich, cost-competitive solution for the consumer and is easier to manufacture."

The main reason HP would prefer to see iHD support in Blu-ray as well as HD-DVD is the dominance of "Windows" in the operating systems market. Since iHD is included in Windows Vista, manufacturers would be paying for the interactive layer in the cost of the operating system, saving them from having to pay royalties for the Interactive layer. This makes an effective difference for PC manufacturers that ship millions of new PCs each year.

The Register

Written by: James Delahunty @ 19 Dec 2005 11:36
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  • evilh0ly

    if only the nation of China throw their support for either hd or bd then the game is over....

    19.12.2005 15:25 #1

  • Andrew691

    To little to late for HD-DVD...

    19.12.2005 15:32 #2

  • PirateDan

    Yes but where do you think Microsoft has their stuff made at???
    You guessed it China.
    But in the end it might just be HD-DVD that wins, cause are you going to pay $1000s of dollars for a stand alone unit or be will to eat the cost if it's in a new computer. And where do you think they will make the most money from?
    Stand alone units?
    Game console?
    Or a computer?
    Last time I checked even though everyone hates Bill Gates we still use his OS.
    And where would you gain the most benefits from by having larger storage media?

    19.12.2005 17:05 #3

  • shivang

    do u think there will be a burning software that tackles HD-DVD

    19.12.2005 18:04 #4

  • Ofnir1

    When it comes out, we'll find out.

    19.12.2005 18:33 #5

  • dubire

    i'm not sure about everone else but i remember mini disks were to be the next big thing but they never kicked off the cd stayed. i will not be in any hurry to upgrade my dvd player to one of these players and buy all the films again with there new special directors additions

    19.12.2005 22:49 #6

  • mudearies

    som interesting times are up a head i see..

    good thing my future ps3 will come with blu-ray player,and maybe will buy spiderman 3 on blu-ray format ,good stuff!

    20.12.2005 00:52 #7

  • Xsilver

    Yeah i agree with dubire! I am not willing to start rebuilding my DVD collection with Blu-ray (Totally unproven format) Blu-ray i suspect end up at popular as the UMD format used by the PSP. The difference between the new formats and blu-ray in particular is not different enough to warrent a change over.

    So HD-DVD is the format for me.

    20.12.2005 07:51 #8

  • dbldown11

    i was a blu-ray supporter from the beggining due to the amount of space allowed on 1 disc. But since sonys moves with the rootkits and everything else, i think im starting to lean toward HD-dvd. I thought i read about a watermark in Blu-ray that would make it hard to copy for a backup and i think HP wants users to be able to easily use the new hardware - after all hp makes burners, they want to profit there as well.

    In either case im not replacing a whole dvd collection with either format.

    20.12.2005 08:17 #9

  • Ofnir1

    Yeah I'm not gonna rebuild my collection either. If anything, I'm going for Blu-Ray.

    PlayStation 2 [version 7]
    is in California getting modded with a DMS4 PRO
    by teammodders!

    Get 'em all Mercury 1!

    20.12.2005 13:25 #10

  • rosedog

    after all hp makes burners, they want to profit there as well

    So does Sony.

    20.12.2005 15:16 #11

  • akkuma

    sony also wants everyone to buy a ps3.

    21.12.2005 04:29 #12

  • rosedog

    After MS piss poor release efforts of the 360, I will be one of the may to buy the PS3 with a smile.

    21.12.2005 08:36 #13

  • vegeta66

    i too will happly smile when i buy a ps3, while i make fun of my friends who bought a 360 =)

    21.12.2005 13:15 #14

  • Ofnir1

    Same here man. I honestly think M$ should stick to what they (kinda) know, and that is Windows. They should leave gaming alone, as Sony should do with their rootkits.

    PlayStation 2 [version 7]
    is in California getting modded with a DMS4 PRO
    by teammodders!

    Get 'em all Mercury 1!

    21.12.2005 23:05 #15

  • desertrat

    I have read several articles which say HD-DVD will be backward compatible with today’s DVDs, while Blu-Ray is still working on that.

    After yesterday’s news that researchers have found Sony Music CD's have yet another problem with code being loaded to your PC, I have just about had it with a company as big as they are intentionally adding malicious software to the CD's.

    Since last month, CNBC said the Stock Market has said Sony Music CD's and some Sony’s other products are showing a decrease in sales...Good!!! It is my opinion that Sony should face legal consequences should be considered as Malware.


    22.12.2005 10:35 #16

  • stumpied

    I for 1 hope that HD wins over BD. Not because I think it will be better or blah blah blah. I do not like $ony much. They have not done anything ground break in many years. PS was only made because they were pissed at nintendo. I think tey are desperatly trying to become more profitable in the last couple of years and are not doing a very good job. Take a look at forbes.com and see for yourself. Companies like Samsung are and will continue to be much more profitable. Untill they find another product to bring in tons of money again (like walkmans, not mini disks, they will continue to fall behind. I think they are banking on BD to be this product. Time will tell.

    22.12.2005 11:28 #17

  • Mr-Movies

    HP sucks as bad as Sony their just smaller so picking a format on who sucks would be difficault. BR (not BD) is better then HD and will be backward compatable. They both can be watermarked as almost anything can and will use DRM to prevent copying and illegal usage. I wouldn't buy a HP PC in the first place and if I did it would get a Blue-Ray (BR) drive even if it had an HD-DVD. In fact I might want bought just to cover all avenues but my BR would be a burner since it handles higher capacities.

    You mentioned poor release of the Xbox 360 well at least they were close to their targeted date, Sony has totally missed the mark and in fact MS has put out (2) superior units mean while we are still waiting for the PS3, don't hold your breath you may pass out waiting.

    22.12.2005 14:10 #18

  • prodigy42

    hear me out on this one, the only thing in technology that will benefit from the next generation discs will be the video games. Why? Because movies can not get any better than dvd in my view point because how can you improve the video recording of real life, you really can't. Games will benefit because there will be bigger areas to write to, thus the games will be better quality than ever. But opinions are like assholes everybody got one.

    22.12.2005 14:24 #19

  • bobsatguy

    say guys,, look at the score card,,sony-beta,jvc/tosh.-vcr. (not saying vhs is better, just who won. sony music disc, phillips-cd, sony memory stick,everyelse data cards (sd,md,& about 6 others). Sony at one time was a quality product, but not for the last 3 years.Directv pulled there lic. to build recievers 18 mos ago.They have never marketed themselves well, and now they make crap products. This format war won't last long.

    22.12.2005 17:27 #20

  • duckNrun

    Mr Movies.... I humbly correct your correction of stumpied's use of BD. You state "BR (not BD) is better then HD... a Blue-Ray (BR) drive...".

    BD <b> IS </b> the correct abbreviation, although I have seen BR used from other than you.

    link directly from bluray.com: http://www.blu-ray.com/info/

    "Blu-ray, also known as Blu-ray Disc (BD) is the name of a next-generation optical disc format...."

    Not making a big deal out of it, but thought that if you were going to try to help someone out by correcting them that the least I could do was to correct you for incorrectly correcting them....lol


    22.12.2005 21:46 #21

  • Ofnir1

    Quote:and in fact MS has put out (2) superior unitsFact #1, way over half of the first XBOX's sales were people only interested in the mods. You call that superior? When your customers have to mod the console just to get sales?

    Fact #2, the XBOX 360 has only been out for one month and one day, you're speaking a bit too early.

    PlayStation 2 [version 7]
    is in California getting modded with a DMS4 PRO
    by teammodders!

    Get 'em all Mercury 1!

    22.12.2005 23:21 #22

  • Askar

    I hate to see suck bickering between people who don't know anything. Neither Blu-ray or Hd-dvd even exist in a format anyone can see to compare. I think Sony will have the advantage because as technology goes, this time they actually have the superior product. I don't care for Sony myself and with the excetption possible of the PS3, I don't intend to ever buy a Sony product. We'll see about the PS3. I definately will buy an Xbox 360.
    And as far as the guy who thinks half of Xbox owners bought it for the mods... get a life man. The modders are such a small percentage of acutal xbox owners that's it's not even a significant amount to be worth wasting the time to mention. The Xbox was simply the more powerfull and better gaming system. Period. The PS2 sold many more consoles because they had almost a 2 year head start and were already established as the market leader with the original playstation. Quality and sales rarely have much to do with each other. It's all about timing and marketing. Personally, I like all gaming consoles that have games I want to play. I am not a fan boy at all. I love the Xbox and I will get an Xbox 360 as soon as I am able to find one in a store. I will aslo get a PS3. Though anyone who thinks they will have better luck finding PS3s at launch than they are having finding Xbox 360s is living in a fantasy land. If Sony's history (including PS2) is any indication, it will be at least as hard to come by for months after launch as the 360 has been. I remembe waiting at least 3 months after launch before I could find a PS2 in any store. Don't expect any better from the PS3 who doesn't even have a working harware model out yet for developers. This is just the way it will be with new consoles in the current age.

    23.12.2005 02:11 #23

  • Ofnir1

    Get a life, huh? I've read that from many web sites, which would be otherwise known as a FACT, or statistics. You said the first XBOX was the superior system, "period". And that is known as an opinion. I was stating my opinions, get better social studies skills.

    The one who needs to get a life is you. And as far as no one knowing what they're talking about, that person is you.

    PlayStation 2 [version 7]
    is in California getting modded with a DMS4 PRO
    by teammodders!

    Ultimate newbie guide for the PS2:
    Extracting music from a PS2 game:
    List: Games that do or do not need special steps:
    NTSC DNA$ Codes:
    Best DVD media to burn with:
    PC to PS2 via LAN:

    23.12.2005 02:24 #24

  • anne9660

    The fact that "way over half of the first XBOX's sales were people only interested in the mods" doesn't surprise me one bit. I think the manufacturers will soon realize that if they really ever did lock down their technology so much that it was never hacked, or at least if they make it so difficult to break into that only the most advanced and talented hardware hackers can do it on a one-by-one basis, and there are no PUBLIC hacks or black market mods, they will find their sales to "legitimate" users so low as to almost be a specialty market. Bottom line: half the people won't buy it. I think the same thing is going to happen with these new optical disc formats, and anything with DRM. The large masses that have made sales of CDs and DVDs and burners and media and computers and even videotape and the audio compact cassette in their day popular, did so because these technologies were open and free. (Mostly free like "free speech", not so much like "free beer" - but that was a side benefit that - let's admit it - everyone took advantage of now and then too).

    Technically, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act made exercising your freedom on purchased and encrypted DVDs illegal, that is one of those laws like speeding - plenty of people do it, and you really only get caught when you are careless or out of control with it. And similar to the freedom people feel by driving automobiles (another wildly popular technology in America), people could use, copy, move, cut up, share, create, and yes even STEAL the content on these media standards easily and freely. These formats became standards because they were all things to all people.

    Now if they really plug the holes and you can't copy and share and steal content, you just lost a large share of your market. I think we will all be surprised how large of a market share that really is. How many people will be downright unwilling or unable to pay for content they don't have control of. Instead of the media companies dreams of having this perfect format that can never be copied and is in every home in the civilized world raking in money from all those people who used to burn and share and steal, they will find no one interested in their content anymore. The appeal and "buzz" once created around large-scale shared-experience media content (that great new artist, that must-see movie or TV show, the must-have game or console or computer or software or operating system) will be lost. That will be a shame, because that dynamic has truly been a defining part of our culture for the past 50+ years. Hopefully we will find a way to evolve and things will end up better. But bottom line, a great many people have only and will only EVER get to experience this stuff through hand-me-down hardware, or stolen goods, or discounted BECAUSE it was stolen hardware OR AT THE VERY LEAST once the cheap knockoffs come out because they can barely afford that; and they will only ever see a movie or a game or a TV show or hear a song when there is no cost or very little cost to them. This situation can only get worse, as the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. Too many of us who grew up in the middle class now find ourselves as part of the upper working POOR, and can't spend like our parents did, or even like WE did as young adults. Those values (or, more accurately, limitations) will be passed on to the next generations, and suddenly only the rich care about spending money on the latest electronics hardware and entertainment content. BAM - fewer and fewer mass shared cultural experiences, and no place in the world for the large media companies to deliver them and make money on them. What grew from the humble beginnings of the music recording industry after the last turn of the century into the broadcast and television and film and music industries, and later the technology companies to deliver that content through hardware innovations (phonographs and radios and televisions and VCRs and tape players and cd and dvd players and crossing into computer and information technology) - all of that will change.

    It will be broken down, broken apart, and scattered. Who knows where that will land us. Will we still get advanced technology like the Compact Disc and DVD and the Playstations without the mass market to support it? Will only computer-based media survive? It looks to be headed that way, as more and more of even the lowest cost computers can handle video and music. If you've heard of the MIT research into making the "$100 laptop" and getting it into poor parts of the world, surly you can see that things are headed in the direction of having more and more of even the poorest of people using computer technology.

    In the future, will the average american family who once had so many hundreds of dollars to spend in a certain period of time on X-number of televisions, and VCRs and DVD players, and CD players and stereos - will they be able to justify ALL of that as well as the computer that seems ESSENTIAL for their child for school and for everyday communications and research? I think they will see if all they have to spend is, say $500 that year on hardware, well - that could buy a Wal-Mart TV and a dvd/vcr and a cheap stereo system for the family room - OR - it buys a computer (even if it is a Wal-Mart computer!) And the computer with the slightly more expensive speakers that sound just as good to them can play the music and the movies just fine. Maybe a simple wireless box (or at worst a cable) connects it to the old aging living room TV to send content over there with a simple click while someone else reads email. It handles their photographs, and daily communications. They get news and a library of information as well as communities of social interaction all with the same investment. Much of this is already happening.

    They realized years ago their obsessive friend who has just enough money to throw away on entertainment and has a large CD/DVD collection and is into video games and computers can copy things for them and their kids. Now, new to the world of the home computer, they soon learn they can do it themselves, so they "borrow" media from others. And then they learn they can get what little they care about seeing or hearing, and just enough to keep the kids entertained for free from filesharing on the internet. Suddenly the tiny bit of disposable income this family had instead of going into the living room entertainment system and maybe the occasional purchased CD and DVD for themselves and the kids, goes into computer hardware, blank media, and a high speed internet connection.

    Flash forward - if and when effective "rights management" kicks in, the large media companies will start struggling, because fewer and fewer people care about the latest awful but heavily promoted "blockbuster", mainly because only the rich can afford to see it in the theater and license their copy once it comes out for the home. The poor know they would have to pay for it (but don't do that very much anymore - even renting - because rent and the grocery bill and the electric bill and gas for the car leave them borrowing money from their friends and family every month). And they can't borrow entertainment media because their friend's copy is only licensed to play on his screens. And they learned a few years ago that new releases rarely ever get shared online anymore.

    Instead they are downloading some lower budget shows and films and games that they heard about on websites and at the office, maybe some from a subscription service that doesn't seem to cost too much, and doesn't worry how many times they watch it or how many copies they make. The shows are pretty good, maybe not the same as some big name stuff they remember watching in the 90's - but they get enough shows and games to entertain the kids without having to track down the free downloads all the time. That one new comedy is pretty funny, and a couple of the adult rated shows are provocative and catch they eye. The service also happens to carry a few things that the kids are starting to talk about and pass around at school, and THEIR kid is thrilled to be one of the cooler ones who sees it right away instead of waiting for a classmate to invite them over to watch. It costs less than cable TV _EVER_ did.

    The advertising is still there of course - innovative and eye-catching, if not simpler. Sometimes they don't have the patience and skip over it (not being forced to watch it), but sometimes they just let the short clips play and the show starts before they know it. Somehow, it never feels like the advertising is being forced down their throat. Sometimes, instead of picking every single show to fill their free time, they will select from a handful of different "broadcast schedule playlists" and be handed a pre-selected mix of some local news, some national current event newstalk, and a couple of entertainment shows throughout the evening. They could still pick-and-choose on demand programming at any time, but the commonly watched playlists are simple to manage and the routine is comforting even if they don't like every single hour every single night - reminiscent of the broadcast television they used to get before the changeover to HDTV rendered their 10-year-old TV's tuner (which looked great!) obsolete. They thought about getting one of those converter boxes - but the government was only giving out coupons to cover a little over half the cost, and they were getting enough entertainment to keep them happy off that high-speed network connection (which they had decided was more precious than cable TV when they had to cut another $50-$100 out of the monthly budget a year and a half ago.) And they still had some of the old stuff they bought and copied and recorded from years ago to dig out and watch over if things got really bad.

    Will the large media companies EVER relize that the saturation they achieve in the market is DIRECTLY related to the copying and pirating that they fight so hard to stop? They need to wise up and realize it is PART of their business model, not hurting their business model. When they stop it, they will disrupt the delicate balance that has exsited in one part or another for decades - and as it has grown, media and entertainment has become a bigger and bigger part of our lives. They're still making money, ferchrissakes!

    Once those large corporations collapse, I think a large part of our awful economy will also collapse. Combine this with so many other social problems that are coming to a head - well, as the dominos start to fall, we may just see a large-scale change in the entire base structure of our modern civilization.

    We should only hope!

    Sure, it will be hard to bear. The poor getting destitute, shortages of supplies and energy. Loss of jobs and probably even lives. Technology will take a hit (no capital to invest), it will be there, but not like it is. The robust digital communication network known today as the internet will be the last giant information network still standing. People will get smart enough to realize we don't need separate broadcast networks and telephone networks and cellular networks and a myriad of different hardwired content delivery networks, (not to mention political networks, retail networks, health care networks, financial networks and the like) and the big corporations and power struggles that come with it. All our communications needs can be handled over a mixed super high speed wired and very high speed wireless data communications network.

    The new social and economic networks that emerge will be very different. Everything else will get back to basics, and those of us who survive through the hardships and the chaos may just find after the smoke settles that we have a new and very interesting world to live in. Where we don't need to rely on big pharmaceutical companies and their "brain drugs" just to keep from being either sociopathic or suicidal (or both).

    The big business model is digging its own grave.

    They could get a clue, but ultimately, we might be better off if they don't.

    Personally, a major world change like this is all I can find left in our society to look forward to.

    Coming this decade, to a civilization near you!

    (edited for stupid typos and spelling)

    23.12.2005 02:52 #25

  • Mr-Movies

    duckNrun, Thanks for pointing that out its nice to be corrected for future reference.

    Ofnir1, I'm talking spec and usage wise your looking at it personally which is fine if you prefer Sony that is you opinion.

    Askar, they do exist even if you don't have them.


    "You said the first XBOX was the superior system, "period"."

    I didn't say that you did you are reading in and taking it personal. Spec and usage wise that is a true statement although it is arguable on which is better PS3 or 360 and you could say PS3 when it comes out. I like the controller for the PS2 better then the Xbox and if there were games specific to either that might sway one. I can find WEB sites that contradict each other I don't see what that proves. There is a strong PSx following, like a cult, they will not be swayed and that is OK if that makes one happy.

    23.12.2005 03:17 #26

  • duckNrun

    lol no prob, I was afraid that it was gonna sound *rude* or something *worse* I'm glad it wasnt taken that way.


    23.12.2005 14:30 #27

  • Ofnir1

    Actually, Mr-Movies, I wasn't looking at it personally. Take a closer look, I was pointing out the statistics for XBOX owners, the fact that way over half of its total sales were people only interseted in the mods. What came after that was an opinion, of course.

    "You said the first XBOX was the superior system, "period"

    Again, take a closer look, Askar said that, and you even read his post. As far as specs go, yeah its true XBOX has better specs than the PS2, as the PS3 and XBOX 360 has better specs than the Revolution. It sucks that people consider specs instead of the games that are coming out...
    And as far as usage goes, its a fact for yourself, cuz I didn't find much usage for the XBOX myself. Well duh, I know I can say its better for me when the PS3 comes out, I never said anything about it being better lol, although its pretty obvoius what I'm gonna get. I like the controller for the 360, the only thing I dont like is where the left analog stick is located. I was playing CoD2 on the 360 at Wal-Mart when I noticed they changed the positions for the white and black buttons, except I didnt notice until I actually looked at the controller trying to figure out why I kept throwing smoke grenades lol.

    About the whole PSX cult, I'm not even following them, they already sound a tad bit odd :P

    PlayStation 2 [version 7]
    is in California getting modded with a DMS4 PRO
    by teammodders!

    Ultimate newbie guide for the PS2:
    Extracting music from a PS2 game:
    List: Games that do or do not need special steps:
    NTSC DNA$ Codes:
    Best DVD media to burn with:
    PC to PS2 via LAN:

    23.12.2005 17:30 #28

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