It is time for us to take a short break with news and site updates, but we'll be back after holidays.
On behalf of AfterDawn.com Team,
-Petteri Pyyny
Written by: Petteri Pyyny @ 24 Dec 2005 4:40
Happy Holidays dRD, and a happy new year!
That goes for everyone :)
24.12.2005 05:38 #1
well done every one on the team.
have a really good and deserved holiday. have a drink for me
24.12.2005 05:43 #2
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!
24.12.2005 05:50 #3
Merry Christmas to all Afterdawners and have a happy new year :-)
24.12.2005 06:03 #4
Track Santa's Path With Technology
your children will love this,i use it evey year for my grand children.
read more here
24.12.2005 06:36 #5
Yep, I would also like to wish all fellow AfterDawn'ers a very merry christmas, and a very happy new year! Have a good one folks ;)
24.12.2005 06:50 #6
Happy Christmas to Everyone! :D Feliz Navidad!
24.12.2005 07:16 #7
Quote:well done every one on the team - that's a nice one gurnard, well put :)
Happy Holidays to the little scaley fellas, and also to everyone at AD
24.12.2005 10:16 #8
Thanks Peter I've learnt so much....thanks for the others as well.
gringle..:) Merry Christmas All.
24.12.2005 10:38 #9
Merry Christmas to you all!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful time with their families and friends, and be safe over the holiday weekend!
Catch you all afterwards!
Oh yeah, soon as it's over, someone should start a, "What I got for Christmas Thread" or something, just a thought.
Later pimps and pimpettes, and....
24.12.2005 10:41 #10
Merry Christmas to all aD users and a Happy New Year too!
24.12.2005 11:48 #11
have a very great holiday
24.12.2005 12:06 #12
24.12.2005 12:41 #13
better late than never: happy holidays one and all
24.12.2005 13:06 #14
Happy Xmas and a even better New Year :D
24.12.2005 15:11 #15
Merry Christmas and Happy Burning to All
24.12.2005 16:05 #16
have a safe and merry christmas and a happy new year to all.
don't drink and drive.
24.12.2005 18:47 #17
Merry Christmas Everyone. Accept a gift and learn how to manipulate the giver with it. Helps pass the time.
24.12.2005 19:40 #18
yep, Merry christmas
I would also like to see a thread what I got for christmas and compare it to the what I want christmas thread.
Peace,love and joy
24.12.2005 20:52 #19
Bah~Humbug. Nah really, merry christmas all.
24.12.2005 21:24 #20
would like to take a moment to thank all the AD staff for it's hard work this year. hope that you have a wonderful holiday, it's well deserved.
And for everyone else, Merry Christmas.
24.12.2005 22:08 #21
Merry Christmas everyone! I look forward to another year of AD.
24.12.2005 22:29 #22
it's now officially Christmas Day here (well it's nearly 12pm) so another Merry Xmas to all and here's to a great New Year too. gonna crack open the Southern Comfort methinks. i'm working for a bit but it's double time so it's worth it :)
25.12.2005 01:54 #23
i second that creaky,do we drink out of the bottle or use the christmas paper cups.
25.12.2005 02:07 #24
i'm a wuss, i have it with coke, but large amounts of Comfort in a large glass :)
25.12.2005 02:14 #25
@creaky @ireland
my only tipple(see we have a bit of class here)
have one for me :)
25.12.2005 02:15 #26
do you have a large bottle opener for the coke and a large glass,but ye have to ask the gal to move..
i like mine like this,no coke
25.12.2005 02:26 #27
lol buddy. have never tried it without coke but will happily try it now as my glass is empty now. let my cup runneth over
25.12.2005 03:09 #28
you could always share thge same straw
25.12.2005 11:30 #29
Merry X-mas to all this site keeps rocken
btw. Santa didn't give me my new Puter but o well in time i will have a l33t x64 box that my wife won't be able to break cause i will never bring it home :)
26.12.2005 23:47 #30
Happy New Year to all. On that night I will be painting my new house. Thanks to all that have helped me over the past year(JaguarGod) and all of the others. I hate to see the changes that are being foisted on this site.
27.12.2005 16:59 #31
Yeah, kind brings down the mood here on aD.
Nevertheless.. Happy thoughs eh?
28.12.2005 04:07 #32
Blesses to you all and a very good new year... This site has taught and given me much. I don't post much, only when I have something important (at least to me, anyway) to say, so I get the newb moniker, but I am far from that... Anyway cheers to all my friends at Afterdawn! Joe
28.12.2005 10:42 #33
What can I say? It's all been said, let's all do our best to have a Great New Year. LONG LIVE AFTER DAWN !!!
31.12.2005 00:09 #34
Sr. Perry:
Felicidades y éxito en su vida y agradesiendo su
atención del sitio, verse en el año 2006 con progreso.
Desea La Ciudad de MEXICO
31.12.2005 00:48 #35
Happy New Year from Wisconsin USA, Snow and all
31.12.2005 04:03 #36
Happy New Year from all of us in South Carolina, USA.
We're anxious to see all of the wonderful enhancements to AD next year!
31.12.2005 05:52 #37
Happy New Year From Scotland to all.
31.12.2005 06:04 #38