Happy holidays!

Happy holidays!
Its, once again, the time of the year when AfterDawn.com team would like to wish all our users very merry Christmas and happy holidays!

It is time for us to take a short break with news and site updates, but we'll be back after holidays.

On behalf of AfterDawn.com Team,

-Petteri Pyyny

Written by: Petteri Pyyny @ 24 Dec 2005 4:40
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  • Lethal_B

    Happy Holidays dRD, and a happy new year!

    That goes for everyone :)

    24.12.2005 05:38 #1

  • gurnard

    well done every one on the team.
    have a really good and deserved holiday. have a drink for me

    24.12.2005 05:43 #2

  • Doggy_Bot

    Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!

    24.12.2005 05:50 #3

  • Dela

    Merry Christmas to all Afterdawners and have a happy new year :-)

    24.12.2005 06:03 #4

  • ireland

    Track Santa's Path With Technology

    your children will love this,i use it evey year for my grand children.


    read more here

    24.12.2005 06:36 #5

  • Mik3h

    Yep, I would also like to wish all fellow AfterDawn'ers a very merry christmas, and a very happy new year! Have a good one folks ;)


    24.12.2005 06:50 #6

  • Binighted

    Happy Christmas to Everyone! :D Feliz Navidad!

    Dont make things harder than they are...

    24.12.2005 07:16 #7

  • creaky

    Quote:well done every one on the team - that's a nice one gurnard, well put :)

    Happy Holidays to the little scaley fellas, and also to everyone at AD

    Creaky B

    Forum Rules - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
    Main PC - ECS EZ Buddie case (v small & sexy), Athlon XP 2800+, 1GB PC2700, WinXP SP2, LG GSA-4167B, LG GSA-4163B, & LG GCC-4480B.
    Laptop - AMD Turion64 ML-30+, 1GB PC2700, WinXP SP2 dual-boot with Mandriva Linux 2006 64bit version.
    'Verbatim Taiyo Yuden', Verbatim DataLifePlus, Taiyo Yuden & Ritek G05 are the ONLY media allowed near my Burners.
    ..Newbies pls see this, cheapy media is BAD.........- http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/193298
    ..Memorex/CMC/Imation - don't let them near your Burner... - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/232406
    ..Burning at too high speeds... - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/266706

    24.12.2005 10:16 #8

  • Gringle

    Thanks Peter I've learnt so much....thanks for the others as well.

    gringle..:) Merry Christmas All.

    24.12.2005 10:38 #9

  • venomX05

    Merry Christmas to you all!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful time with their families and friends, and be safe over the holiday weekend!

    Catch you all afterwards!

    Oh yeah, soon as it's over, someone should start a, "What I got for Christmas Thread" or something, just a thought.

    Later pimps and pimpettes, and....


    24.12.2005 10:41 #10

  • mika

    Merry Christmas to all aD users and a Happy New Year too!

    24.12.2005 11:48 #11

  • luisis1

    have a very great holiday

    24.12.2005 12:06 #12

  • ireland


    24.12.2005 12:41 #13

  • andmerr

    better late than never: happy holidays one and all

    24.12.2005 13:06 #14

  • p4_tt

    Happy Xmas and a even better New Year :D

    24.12.2005 15:11 #15

  • taylor30

    Merry Christmas and Happy Burning to All

    24.12.2005 16:05 #16

  • evilh0ly

    have a safe and merry christmas and a happy new year to all.

    don't drink and drive.

    24.12.2005 18:47 #17

  • jlg895

    Merry Christmas Everyone. Accept a gift and learn how to manipulate the giver with it. Helps pass the time.

    24.12.2005 19:40 #18

  • NINVIN21

    yep, Merry christmas

    I would also like to see a thread what I got for christmas and compare it to the what I want christmas thread.

    Peace,love and joy

    24.12.2005 20:52 #19

  • Bubba1982

    Bah~Humbug. Nah really, merry christmas all.

    24.12.2005 21:24 #20

  • zippyd

    would like to take a moment to thank all the AD staff for it's hard work this year. hope that you have a wonderful holiday, it's well deserved.

    And for everyone else, Merry Christmas.

    24.12.2005 22:08 #21

  • Ofnir1

    Merry Christmas everyone! I look forward to another year of AD.

    24.12.2005 22:29 #22

  • creaky

    it's now officially Christmas Day here (well it's nearly 12pm) so another Merry Xmas to all and here's to a great New Year too. gonna crack open the Southern Comfort methinks. i'm working for a bit but it's double time so it's worth it :)

    25.12.2005 01:54 #23

  • ireland

    i second that creaky,do we drink out of the bottle or use the christmas paper cups.

    25.12.2005 02:07 #24

  • creaky

    i'm a wuss, i have it with coke, but large amounts of Comfort in a large glass :)

    Forum Rules - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
    'Verbatim Taiyo Yuden', Verbatim DataLifePlus, Taiyo Yuden & Ritek G05 are the ONLY media allowed near my Burners.
    ..Memorex/CMC/Imation - don't let them near your Burner... - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/232406

    25.12.2005 02:14 #25

  • gurnard

    @creaky @ireland
    my only tipple(see we have a bit of class here)
    have one for me :)

    25.12.2005 02:15 #26

  • ireland

    do you have a large bottle opener for the coke and a large glass,but ye have to ask the gal to move..

    i like mine like this,no coke

    25.12.2005 02:26 #27

  • creaky

    lol buddy. have never tried it without coke but will happily try it now as my glass is empty now. let my cup runneth over

    Forum Rules - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
    'Verbatim Taiyo Yuden', Verbatim DataLifePlus, Taiyo Yuden & Ritek G05 are the ONLY media allowed near my Burners.
    ..Memorex/CMC/Imation - don't let them near your Burner... - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/232406

    25.12.2005 03:09 #28

  • andmerr

    you could always share thge same straw

    sorry you must have me confused with some one who gives a fork
    gif created by phantom69

    25.12.2005 11:30 #29

  • joebaxter

    Merry X-mas to all this site keeps rocken

    btw. Santa didn't give me my new Puter but o well in time i will have a l33t x64 box that my wife won't be able to break cause i will never bring it home :)

    26.12.2005 23:47 #30

  • christ93

    Happy New Year to all. On that night I will be painting my new house. Thanks to all that have helped me over the past year(JaguarGod) and all of the others. I hate to see the changes that are being foisted on this site.

    27.12.2005 16:59 #31

  • Mik3h

    Yeah, kind brings down the mood here on aD.

    Nevertheless.. Happy thoughs eh?


    28.12.2005 04:07 #32

  • jpc1958

    Blesses to you all and a very good new year... This site has taught and given me much. I don't post much, only when I have something important (at least to me, anyway) to say, so I get the newb moniker, but I am far from that... Anyway cheers to all my friends at Afterdawn! Joe

    28.12.2005 10:42 #33

  • Joewho

    What can I say? It's all been said, let's all do our best to have a Great New Year. LONG LIVE AFTER DAWN !!!

    31.12.2005 00:09 #34

  • estean

    Sr. Perry:

    Felicidades y éxito en su vida y agradesiendo su

    atención del sitio, verse en el año 2006 con progreso.

    Desea La Ciudad de MEXICO

    31.12.2005 00:48 #35

  • nelmquist

    Happy New Year from Wisconsin USA, Snow and all

    31.12.2005 04:03 #36

  • ddbord

    Happy New Year from all of us in South Carolina, USA.

    We're anxious to see all of the wonderful enhancements to AD next year!


    31.12.2005 05:52 #37

  • Mik3h

    Happy New Year From Scotland to all.


    31.12.2005 06:04 #38

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