HD DVD drive to be released for Xbox 360

HD DVD drive to be released for Xbox 360
After much speculation around the subject, Microsoft has revealed that it plans to release an external HD DVD drive for the Xbox 360 later this year. Microsoft Corp. Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates revealed the plan during his keynote speech at CES. He didn't give any details about the price of the add-on or any more details on when it will be available. Microsoft's decision to use the existing DVD format for games has been frowned upon by many, considering the PS3 console will use Blu-ray Disc technology.

Whether games will ever be released for the Xbox 360 on HD DVD discs is anybody's guess but it is unlikely. It is intended to be a solution for consumers to watch HD-DVD movies with. Of course, with Blu-Ray Disc holding most of Hollywood studio support under its belt, you have to question whether there will be much reason for Xbox 360 owners to purchase this add-on, if it is only really intended for video. There will be plenty of HD DVD movies available soon, but with the format war ongoing, such an add-on could become less useful if it goes bad for HD DVD.


Thanks to bpitt for News Submission.

If you would like to discuss this with other Xbox 360 fans, then visit our Xbox 360 - General Discussion forum. Interested in HD DVD? Visit our HD-DVD and Blu-Ray discussion forum.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 5 Jan 2006 16:49
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  • akkuma

    this might be a mistake on microsofts part if the add-on is pricey. i suspect they will eventually sell units with it already built on the system.

    5.1.2006 18:24 #1

  • SGSeries2

    How ironic. "You just spent $400 on a new xbox 360. You may have to get it repaired, and our emulator doesn't currently support all of your old games, but you can upgrade to a hd-dvd drive if you like... for a price. We can't guarantee any games will use it, but it's there." Microsoft is pushing a lot of buttons out there, and it hasn't even been a year. How well is this going to be adopted? I guess we'll have to wait and see. And how much on top of that $400 will you need to spend for this bad boy? I'm just glad I never bought one (aside the fact that I could have sold it for a huge sum of money last christmas. *sigh*)

    5.1.2006 18:57 #2

  • neo1000

    I`m guessing it will cost around $100 more

    5.1.2006 19:48 #3

  • Ofnir1

    An external drive with read-only capabilities... I wouldn't get it. Even if I DID have a 360! :)

    I agree, they are pushing too many buttons too early. It seems to me that die-hard 360 fans and retro gamers will get it if its costy.

    5.1.2006 23:29 #4

  • Reasons?

    Only a fanboy woudl not be ENRAGED.

    You have any Idea how fucked over I feel by Microsoft after I purchased two Xbox 360 Premiums on Nov. 22nd???

    I am never buying shit from them again, because you have to be retarded to buy all this BS.

    How long befor ethe games are on HD-DVD too??? Cause it is happening!

    So angry, so mother &%#^&*& pissed right now.

    If I saw Bill Gates right now I woudl kill him, strangle him to death and smile while I spent the rest of my life in prison, enjoying every memory.

    6.1.2006 08:28 #5

  • arcanix

    I'm going to buy one for sure. Much cheaper than full hd-dvd players. I'm tired of crappy dvdrips, I want high definition movies god dammit ^_^

    6.1.2006 09:16 #6

  • arcanix

    Quote:Toshiba America Consumer Products, L.L.C. ("Toshiba") has unveiled the details of its line-up of HD DVD players for the U.S. market. The two players, HD-XA1 and HD-A1 will cost $799 and $499 respectively and will be available in March 2006. I'll rather pay 100$-200$ for a hd-dvd drive for my xbox 360 than buying a 500$ player. I don't even have to mention that 800$ player, that's insane price for a movie player.

    6.1.2006 09:19 #7

  • WesleyHes

    Any word on if the recently anounced Blu-Ray players support HD via Component Video output?

    Microsoft's HD-DVD is more likely to support 1080i (1080p too?) over Component Video since the Xbox 360 already supports 720p/1080i over component. However with HDCP and Hollywood who knows. Would the Xbox 360 HD-DVD add-on have a seperate HDMI output?

    I know I'm going to have to upgrade my aging (component video only) HDTV in the near future but any HD player that supported true HD over component could be a great short-term solution.

    6.1.2006 09:46 #8

  • arcanix

    Quote:Would the Xbox 360 HD-DVD add-on have a seperate HDMI output? That will most likely be the case. There might also be a hdmi/dvi cable for 360 itself. I remember microsoft saying, that they'll release those cables in future, but because of low demand they're not selling them now.

    6.1.2006 15:38 #9

  • Reasons?

    Too bad you'll be forced to watch all those HD movies in a maximum of 720p.

    COnsidering you can get a 20" deep DLP TV that is 56" 16:9 and 1080p for $2500, I'll go with 1080p now.

    6.1.2006 18:54 #10

  • JoeyCool

    I LOVE MY Xbox 360 !!!!! And I REALLY Love the $600 I got for it on ebay. I think I'm going to put some of that money away for when PS3 comes out. Why would they choose to give us a regular DVD drive rather then just package it with an internal HDVD Drive? Most regular Xbox games already fill up an entire DVD-5. Wouldn't the 360 NEED that extra space to push games to they're fullest potential. They must think that they're huge marketing campaign is enough to make us overlook the fact that they're being more than sneaky about getting our money? Just a thought.

    9.1.2006 06:28 #11

  • ZippyDSM

    This is beyond stupid..they could have waited 6 months made sure the 360 had no overheating issues and such and had the HD DVD in them already for a smaller price......
    Altho I do like the HD DVD a bit more than blue ray BR seems a bit to fked up(sorry couldnt think of a better word *L*)?

    10.1.2006 16:29 #12

  • Reasons?

    You couldn't think at all bud. Why don't you tell me why Blu-ray seems "fucked up."

    10.1.2006 17:55 #13

  • JoeyCool

    What advantages are you saying that HDDVD has over Blu-ray? I don't believe there is any. Isn't it all about storage capacity and doesn't the Blu-ray disc excel?

    10.1.2006 19:27 #14

  • Ofnir1

    I'm not the expert at the new formats, what I'm about to say is just something I've noticed. Ever had a DVD with the option to select the wide screen size and the full screen size on the same disc? HD-DVD uses 2 layers, one for High Definition and the other not so HD. I can't remember how much both layers combine up to, but it isn't the same as a single layer for Blu-ray, which is 25GB. Wouldn't it be cost effective (if it is) to just have both movies on one layer with the option to choose HD or non-HD on the same layer, and with more space?

    10.1.2006 20:44 #15

  • ZippyDSM

    you got a point by the end of my last post my mind died *L*
    BLu ray has the DRM whitch I dont care for,as much as I hate M$ at least HD DVD dosent have a messed up copy protrestion scheme altho it might have soemthign as bad *L*
    I wodner if theres a HDvrsBR on tomshardware guide...mmmm I need more info..altho..it might just roll out the other ear ;_;

    11.1.2006 02:32 #16

  • Reasons?

    Content studios required unified DRM standards for both HD-DVD and Blu-ray. They both suffer from the top 4-5 five pain in the ass DRM methods. AACS, HDCP, PVP-OPM and PVP-UAB.

    Only a someone who hates Sony becaus they can't afford the better products pull out DRM.

    11.1.2006 04:55 #17

  • danielmid

    Just a point from a couple posts ago, original xbox games did not fill up dvds, the biggest one ive seen was about 5 gigs. In comparison, ive seen some movies get up in the 8-9 range, and Gates himself has said that developers are fine with the DVD-9 disks for now. In 2 or 3 years once the potential of 360 is realized, it might make more sense to start making the switch to HD-DVD. By then the cost of the drive will have gone down too. But if you make a game only on HD-DVD, you alienate the owners of 360s who dont have the add-on drive. Dilemma.

    GT: danielmid

    11.1.2006 05:32 #18

  • ZippyDSM

    I know they should have waited 6-8 months and just had the HD DVD in the 360 at the start.....

    I have a brain...I think......

    11.1.2006 06:07 #19

  • JoeyCool

    @ danielmid

    Although I have never owned an old xbox myself, I was under the assumption that the games were a little bigger in size than their PS2 counterparts ( which usually go about 3 or 4 Gigs). You obviously know more on that. Hopefully when the HD-Dvd Games start to come out, microsoft will use the same strategy as Vid Game companies use for their consoles, selling the HD-DVD drive at a loss to give more users access to more games and increasing their profit in the long run.

    11.1.2006 06:20 #20

  • danielmid

    @ joeycool

    I am sorry if I came across rude, I wasn't trying to. Just inform and participate.

    That will probably be the case, and due to the length of time till the drive comes out, then till games start coming out (which gates said isn't the purpose, its for movies) the cost per unit should be pretty low to m$, so it will be reasonable for us to buy. Plus, they didnt say it would be backwards compatible for dvds. We can assume it will be, but no official word, so building a 360 with the player inside might not be possible. It might be just for movies, as they said.


    11.1.2006 07:40 #21

  • ZippyDSM

    you have a point sicne games size's havent gotten much bigger than 9GB if that.its the size of the aera on screen thats limited more than "space on disc".

    I have a brain...I think......

    11.1.2006 07:52 #22

  • danielmid

    Well, sort of. Plus, as with the xbox, the hard drive plays a major part in holding and caching data. And with the enhanced online features of the 360, it wouldnt surprise me to have a bigger hard drive released soon. After all, it is just a laptop drive in that huge chunk of plastic. And then the next step would be downloading new parts of games and stuff. Kinda like Halo 2, but more expansive.

    GT: danielmid
    aim: danielmid84

    11.1.2006 07:58 #23

  • Reasons?

    Hello? [Echo], empty empty evidence. Where do you gather that XBox 360 has space to spare on a DVD?? Hmm?

    Because in the Dec issue of GI, they reported on the gaming show X05, just after the release of the Xbox 360. The big talk of the show was all the developers complaining about having to struggle to fit launch games on one disc for Microsoft. And there is currently, according to a dev from the same issue (It's too bad the articles aren't put online, but I guess that's what make syou pay for the subscription.) said that a game still under developement was 36GB in size.
    Do a quick net search for Xbox 360 4 DVD game and I'm sur eth enews is spread. I however prefer my info come in print from somethign that has to maintain journalistic creds.

    Besides that, put a 360 game in a DVD drive and use a UDF file system compatibl edisc analyzer to look, and see for yourself if the disc is full or not. If you just pop in th edisc an dlook it will say 7MB, that's just the partition that says to put it in a 360 if you try play it like a DVD.

    These discs are full people, full, f-u-l-l, and four disc games are already on their way. It'll be like PS1 and FF games on four five discs.

    Xbox 360 was rushed and is faulty in the hardware dept ave of 3% of the time, generates far too much heat, and is so featureless for next gen hardware and consumer goods. I own one, and sold my second, they generate far too much heat, has no thermal efficiency and has no features that haven't existed for years. A DVD drive? Wow that's next gen, oooh lets sell them the HD-DVD drive for big profit though!! Even though HD-DVD is already legacy in any professional's mind.

    Formerly "cmmnsense", banned for lack of restraint.

    Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.

    Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.

    Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K

    Socom 3?: I'm 01001010001, ask if you need a clan, must be good. Rank doesn't matter, higher kill than death ratio does.

    My advice: Wait for PS3.

    11.1.2006 12:10 #24

  • kaosX

    Quote:You have any Idea how fucked over I feel by Microsoft after I purchased two Xbox 360 Premiums on Nov. 22nd???

    I am never buying shit from them again, because you have to be retarded to buy all this BS.
    so dont buy it... there are currently no plans for it to support games

    11.1.2006 14:59 #25

  • kaosX

    and to above post.. it could be anything.. USB, wireless, or who knows... and yes wireless has the capabilies to transfer HD content... proof? wireless connection from xbox to PC can stream HD content using windows media PCs

    11.1.2006 15:00 #26

  • kaosX

    .... capabilities*

    11.1.2006 15:01 #27

  • Reasons?

    There aren't currently plans for it to be used fo rth egames, no. But they are already crunched for content space, launch games were trimed and currently developing games ar eupwards of 36GB.

    What does the connection have to do with anything?

    Everyoen talks up the price diff of 360 and PS3, at leats PS3 has a BD-R drive built in, wireless adaptor buil tin, unlike 360.

    And stopposting one after another, posting a ton and getting a member deal by your name doesn't mean jack. You could be a moderator and fanboy will still be wirtten all over you...

    11.1.2006 19:31 #28

  • danielmid

    Do you honestly think with all the time that will be between the launch of the 360 and the launch of ps3 that sony would let it be inferior? Sure, in some ways it will, things that sony has to much invested to change. But obviously ps3 will be better at some if not most things. It would be bad marketing, no make that EXTREME STUPIDITY on sony's part. Thats just plain logic.

    But then again, the 360 is out, and both companies have been known to lie a lot. But it's harder to lie about a product already in the market.


    GT: danielmid
    AIM: danielmid84

    I have an amatuer modded xbox v1.1, 120 gig hd, x3ce, usb port, xbmc. I have also softmodded too. Any questions, just ask, I will answer to the best of my ability.

    12.1.2006 04:53 #29

  • JoeyCool


    12.1.2006 05:05 #30

  • ZippyDSM

    Hes saying sony can added enough stuff to the PS3 to make it look better than the 360 becuse the 360 came out frist,it gives sony enough time to give the PS3 more bells and whistels the basic form of the PS3 might not change but they can add enough extra to make it alot better than the 360.

    I have a brain...I think......

    12.1.2006 07:26 #31

  • Reasons?

    Wow, I'm surprised, danielmid, good call, I htought you were going flame out your rear for the 360 side.

    It's obvious that Sony will put out a better system, because they have 360's to tear apart, work on and compare.

    Do you see what I mean with price though? Sure, the Xbox 360 is $300, but it doesn't have a next gen drive ($100 to manufacture for Sony) and it has next to no connectivity built in. The PS3 will have wireless and 5 memory stick compatibility with almost double the USB ports of the 360, and a nice 2.5" HDD bay. Of course it's going to be more expensive, but it's worth it, that doens't even include the better hardware.

    So form here on out, no one shoudl touch the price issue, what's $400 instead of $300? Nothing when your getting hardware like either.

    Formerly "cmmnsense", banned for lack of restraint.

    Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.

    Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.

    Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K

    Socom 3?: I'm 01001010001, ask if you need a clan, must be good. Rank doesn't matter, higher kill than death ratio does.

    My advice: Wait for PS3.

    12.1.2006 08:06 #32

  • danielmid

    I dont flame often, I think it makes people sound unintelligent, and it makes for bad forums.

    I like you have a 360 and am not totally impressed like I expected to be. Granted, most of the features they were excited about (media stuff) I could already do on my chipped xbox. Plus more.

    I will be buying a ps3, if for nothing else, just to make a fair comparison. I have plenty of non-gamers in the house that I can ask which looks better.

    I also haven't been impressed with the 360 games. I hope the next round of games are better developed. Im sure they will be, they have time now.

    The ps3 teasers ive seen all look really good, but they aren't rendered on actual hardware or so ive been reading. AKAIK, and IIRC


    GT: danielmid
    AIM: danielmid84

    I have an amatuer modded xbox v1.1, 120 gig hd, x3ce, usb port, xbmc. I have also softmodded too. Any questions, just ask, I will answer to the best of my ability.

    12.1.2006 11:31 #33

  • Reasons?

    The two best games for Xbox 360 right now are direct PC ports, Quake 4 and Call Of Duty 2. Those are my two favorites though, and the only games I care to play. I bought PGR3 and felt really ripped off, same with PDZ.

    Formerly "cmmnsense", banned for lack of restraint.

    Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.

    Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.

    Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K

    Socom 3?: I'm 01001010001, ask if you need a clan, must be good. Rank doesn't matter, higher kill than death ratio does.

    My advice: Wait for PS3.

    12.1.2006 11:50 #34

  • danielmid

    I own pgr3 and cod2. I beat cod2 after 2 days, and as posted before, the multiplayer sucks. I played the quake 4 demo, i understand its not the full game, but being a halo 2 fan, it felt like a BAD imitation. I played the demo for condemned and it looked pretty awesome. I have not been able to play pdz yet. Honestly the game I play the most is halo 2. By far. And I have not experienced the overheating or lockups others have described. Even in my 9 hour playing sessions, then leaving it on to charge the controller. No problems.

    GT: danielmid
    AIM: danielmid84

    I have an amatuer modded xbox v1.1, 120 gig hd, x3ce, usb port, xbmc. I have also softmodded too. Any questions, just ask, I will answer to the best of my ability.

    12.1.2006 15:23 #35

  • Reasons?

    COD2 takes plenty of skill and determination on Veteran mode. I beat it on Medium in no time, and now in Veteran mode it's insanely fun adn realistic.

    Halo is a rip off of Quake if anything bud, Quake and it's same basic principals, concepts, and mothod of mission and multiplayer play have been around longer than Xbox. Never blaspheme the Quake franchise like that.

    Quake is a little bit out of Halo's league if you ask any long term adult gamer, sure they screwed up with the multi-playe rhti stim earound for the XBox 360, but that's it. Quake 4 played on PC is one of the best, combining beautiful gameplay with team immersion and some good scare factor (PC version alone, at 2am).

    I have never liked Halo, just so you know :)

    Formerly "cmmnsense", banned for lack of restraint.

    Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.

    Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.

    Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K

    Socom 3?: I'm 01001010001, ask if you need a clan, must be good. Rank doesn't matter, higher kill than death ratio does.

    My advice: Wait for PS3.

    12.1.2006 18:07 #36

  • Ofnir1

    I thought it was fun, just not what it was cracked up to be.

    PlayStation 2 [version 7]
    DMS4 PRO
    ToxicBIOS 1.4 w/ ToxicOS 0.4
    80GB HDD

    Ultimate newbie guide for the PS2: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/252193
    Extracting music from a PS2 game: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/269197
    List: Games that do or do not need special steps: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/162734
    NTSC DNA$ Codes: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/198137
    Best DVD media to burn with: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/240341
    PC to PS2 via LAN: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/122897

    12.1.2006 19:57 #37

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