PS3 launch date in early November

PS3 launch date in early November
Ken Kutagari and Sony said what the whole world was waiting to hear. Sony's next-generation console will have a worldwide release date in November. As reported in earlier, "Instead of rushing it, we want to make sure we execute a solid launch... We wanted to make the Thanksgiving sales," said the president of Sony Computer Entertainment, Ken Kutagari.

Sony states that the monthly production capacity of PS3 is 1 millions units and that the console is hoped to go mushrooming simultaneously in Asia, United States and Europe. According to Sony, the fast-paced release around the world will feature a "strong and attractive" liveup of games.

David Reeves, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe touted the importance of European market. And he probably has all the reasons, as far as analysts estimated, the European launch would have been scheduled to first quarter of 2007.

The technical specs didn't get much airtime, but Sony announced that the Blu-ray drive included in PS3 will handle both standard definition and high definition TV sets. They also added that consumers will be able to connect their PS3 to a network using a high-speed connection through Gigabit Ethenet and enjoy a variety of services.

Now that the launch date has been cleared up, it's the time to wait the pricing details which might not be too far away. Next week Phil Harrison from Sony will perform a speech entitled "Playstation 3: Beyond the Box" at GDC, lets hope that it contains some information about the pricing, which are estimated to go beyond the box.


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Written by: Matti Robinson @ 15 Mar 2006 1:06
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  • p4_tt

    At lest its going worldwide at the same time :) November is not that bad at lest it gives some people time to save up, just wondering if MS will hold Halo 3 off till then?

    16.3.2006 03:38 #1

  • sukhvail

    halo 3 is supposed to come out in 2007 but a release date hasn't been set so it might come out earlier.

    16.3.2006 04:07 #2

  • lawndog

    HA HA

    16.3.2006 05:20 #3

  • heappi

    With every new detail the whole PS3-plan turns stranger. This is from IGN's article: "At the PlayStation Business Brief, Kutaragi also revealed that the PS3 will require the addition of a 60GB hard drive in order to play games, and was somewhat unclear as to whether the HDD would be a standard feature or a separate purchase."

    So... a user would buy a gaming console but cannot play games with it unless he buys the HDD?

    16.3.2006 05:54 #4

  • mystic

    hey this is what drew me to install a hdd in my ps2 with the dial up /broadband adapter and some soft ware you dont need to buy the game just rent it and burn it to the hard drive and you never need the cd again..... this will be a major down fal on their part if having a hard drive will be manditory to their game sales.... sony also needs to lead the revelution not wait for it to pass them bye. In the past Sony always made a product that you could count on cross platform ps1 games played on the ps2s now will the ps1 games play on the ps3? if it does then they will save the sales, but if all your old games become obsalete then you might as well but a computer or an xbox. and for those waiting for Hallo 2 on pc didnt microsoft annouse that you'll have to upgrade to "Vista" in order to run it wow Bill figured out away to make you pay him for either the xbox or a new os.....

    16.3.2006 06:34 #5

  • MrMexican

    If the PS3 comes out on November then I will buy it for 3 reasons.

    1. I will have saved enough money the buy the console, some games, 2 controlles, and any 1st or 3rd party accesory that might catch my eye in interest.

    2. November 15 is my birthday so I have an excuse for my parents not to get mad at me for spending a lot of money on a system. (Thats what what they said about the PS2, but they use it more than me to watch movies, to listen to music.)
    I think of it as a present for myself for working hard to getting this system, and also to get my friends jelous that they can't afford it and they can't work so the only money they get is from theire parents. I am 15 and they are 14 so I am older than them giving me a lot of advantages.

    3.The PSP was hacked reall quick and you could play homebrew stuff on the originall psp firmware 1.50 and something liked that might happen to the originall system before sony gets wise that people have successful backed up for theire games and have to improve the PS3 just so that wouldn't happen.
    (Sony didn't think that the PSP couldn't be hacked but I guess the modders proved them wrong.)
    (Xbox360 is next to be hacked just wait and see.)

    16.3.2006 06:58 #6

  • hot_ice

    I wonder how long it would take to make a backup of 50 gb game.

    I'm not sure why they even bother with copy protection. They should allow backups to be played when you own originals. Fudgers.

    16.3.2006 07:12 #7

  • MrMexican


    A lot of people are working hard to mod the 360 and they are getting somewhere. And its only been a couple of months so I think that we would be able to play back up games in a couple of months the PS3 comes out.

    It just will be a little sad if the PS3 gets modded first than the xbox 360 that will make a lot of people sell theire 360 for a PS3.

    16.3.2006 07:21 #8

  • heappi

    Quote:I wonder how long it would take to make a backup of 50 gb game.

    I'm not sure why they even bother with copy protection.
    A 50GB-game most likely has lots of "useless" extra in it such as background audio, videos, intros etc. Some people don't mind getting rid of the extras and consequently shrinking the game to 10GB or less.

    16.3.2006 08:22 #9

  • JaguarGod

    How can they make a game that is 50GB??? I know nothing of game development, but the only way I can see this done is if they have 3 hours of 25mbps video along with a very long and complicated game...


    BD Drives will start with an initial read and write speed of 2x. This is 72mbps, so it will take about 90 minutes to rip and 90 minutes to write (3 hours total!!!). Eventually they will go to 8x which will be much better.

    16.3.2006 09:32 #10

  • Toiletman

    Well, it's for the best. I hope. By the way, it doesn't matter who wins the console sales because it probably doesn't affect you.

    16.3.2006 10:01 #11

  • UK_Gamer

    I hope it plays AVI movie downloads I can't bloody wait, the 60 GB harddrive sounds pretty cool and the £250+ price tag is worth it as I'll still be able to play and buy PS2 games.

    16.3.2006 10:06 #12

  • Jigen

    This article seems so cheery, like this is GOOD news or something. What Kutagari said was that Sony was delaying the promised spring 2006 launch to go for the fall 2006 because of problems with the Blu-ray drives.
    So, if they get those issues worked out, and they actually start making some PS3's instead of running their mouths, they may hit the fall target. There's no way they'll have enough to sell to everyone that wants one this x-mas, so be prepared for that when Santa doesn't bring you one.

    16.3.2006 11:34 #13

  • vegeta66

    a 60gb hard drive wouldn't cost much anyways
    like 40 to 70$ usd

    16.3.2006 11:37 #14

  • hot_ice


    3 hours! For one game to backup? Assuming you don't have to rebuild the damn thing!! LOLLOLL Or remove dummy files...

    I wonder how much the chip will cost? Honestly, I think the chip is an antiquated operating device, they should change it with something much more accessible.

    Damn consoles, so expensive, so difficult to come to really enjoy the system in its early stages.

    Why doesn't Sony even consider making the PS3 read backups? Why don't they cater to their customers needs?

    Those are the real questions to ask.

    16.3.2006 11:57 #15

  • hot_ice

    Oh! And I can't wait to hear how much the prices are going to be. Maybe a nice 1000 dollars or maybe if they are feeling a little bit generous, 700$.

    What type of target buyers do they seek to aim with those prices?

    16.3.2006 12:02 #16

  • paul1085

    Hell the problem is how long are the Blu-ray drives gonna last before they conk out, I mean take for instance the Thompson drive for the Xbox that has about 1 year life span yet DVD Drives have been knocking around for about 7 years, suppose you can always replace it with a new one yet we don't have a fixed price on Bluray drives yet. Hell PS3, Bluray combination is just gonna be another consumer rip off yet again, and they are totally against us taking matters into our own hands.

    Just you watch call me crazy but theres gonna b a war between consumers and producers just you wait and see.

    16.3.2006 12:08 #17

  • Jigen

    There's just no guarantee that Blu-ray will go anywhere. Beta, Laserdiscs, Videodiscs (RCA), Super VHS, VCD, SVCD, they all were touted as being so great, and even though VHS looked worse in comparison, they all flopped on the consumer level.
    Sony better get lucky for their sake. If you release a $600 item that you lose a few hundred bucks on, and it tanks, you're looking at serious financial trouble. No matter what they do, I am not even considering buying one until some of the really good games start coming out. I got a PS2 in week 2 or something and I was spending most of my time playing the flipping Dreamcast because there were like 3 games worth playing at launch.

    16.3.2006 12:23 #18

  • bluejet

    Lol the ps3 coming with a hard drive? Sony's asking for it. Can anyone say PS3 HDLOADER!!!!! LOL

    16.3.2006 12:48 #19

  • hot_ice

    I think its safe to say, that anyone in afterdawn is waiting just to modify the PS3.

    16.3.2006 13:30 #20

  • rihgt682


    16.3.2006 13:59 #21

  • lcarbutt

    Quote:I wonder how long it would take to make a backup of 50 gb game.

    I'm not sure why they even bother with copy protection. They should allow backups to be played when you own originals. Fudgers
    There are going to be no 50GB games on the PS3 ever, in fact I doubt there will be a 50GB game in 15 years.

    16.3.2006 14:31 #22

  • lawndog

    never backed up a game but have done alot of movies, and when it says sony on th cover I know it's a little more difficult to backup than any other dvd. Sony has gone the extra length, at least on DVDs to make sure thay are hard to "backup". Just a thought.

    16.3.2006 14:37 #23

  • bluejet

    It doesn't matter, ps3 will get hacked just like all the rest of their stuff. I know that if you buy the first consoles they'll have some defects but I also know that they'll be easier to hack then the newer ones. I already have mines preordered.

    16.3.2006 15:26 #24

  • Invasian

    I think the PS3 will do great if Blu-ray wins the battle of the new generation dvds. And if it doesn't it still has a lot of loyal Playstation fans.

    16.3.2006 16:53 #25

  • lxhotboy

    True it doesnot matter who wins the console sales b.c none of us here probably will see any money in our pockets from sony or microsoft unless you own stock. It will play a part later down the line as the next gen systems have really shown how well they are able to move units bc there are always going to be some developers that might release a game as an exclusive and how many systems available to have the game marketing for does make a diff if you look at it that way.

    Sony just needs to drop the price so i know how many hours overtime i need to work to pay for this crap.

    16.3.2006 17:00 #26

  • heappi

    Quote:a 60gb hard drive wouldn't cost much anyways

    like 40 to 70$ usd
    True, but I'm guessing Sony will do their best to make standard off-the-shelf HDD's unusable with PS3 in order to sell their own brand for a lot more $'s.

    16.3.2006 18:13 #27

  • ZippyDSM

    50GB game? WTF thier putting blueray in it at the start?

    16.3.2006 18:34 #28

  • Jigen

    Sony put a DVD player in the PS2 from the start but the games were still on CDs for years afterwards. Probably will be the same this time around. If it can read older Sony discs then the drive will be compatible with DVD so they'll probably keep putting the games on DVD for the first few years at least.

    16.3.2006 18:41 #29

  • noprobalo

    Blue-ray may mean more size but I don't see the tradeoffs being worth it. The blue-ray market has shiftily avoided just how fragile blue ray discs are in terms of scratching and the trouble in producing blue-ray DVDs looks to me like were never going to see a nice way to burn blue ray DVDs ourselves, letalone dual layers (which are required to reach the 50 gig mark). Thats totally avoiding all of the harsh anti-piracy stuff they're talking about having on blue-ray discs. For those reasons, I'm avoiding the PS3 out of principle.

    16.3.2006 19:30 #30

  • sick_unit

    Sweet, worldwide release on the same day! We get everything late here in Australia. Xbox 360 still hasnt been released comes out in 6 days, but that doesnt worry me because im a Playstation boy :P

    Convert your Pioneer 109 to a Pioneer A09 which removes rip-lock + get RPC1 firmware for the Pioneer 109 and A09 -

    16.3.2006 21:12 #31

  • NINVIN21

    I say $500 at the most

    16.3.2006 23:06 #32

  • lmtlmt

    yes we in australia do get tha shit end of the deal i just hope next time its the x-box360 was ment to come out ages ago but it kept getting delayed and delayed and delayed.damn m$

    16.3.2006 23:10 #33

  • spooky2k

    i think this article should be edited.
    On all the gaming sites i've read (places like ign), its very obvious that the PS3 will ship complete with a 60GB Hard drive.
    As for the games, PS3 games are required to utilise Blu-ray, but it can indeed play DVD and CD disks.
    Also, its widely speculated that there'll be around 6 million units available on launch (1 million units a month are being produced accordin gto sony, and from the date they gave, the outcome simply points to 6million units being available).
    Sony aren't stupid guys. This console isn't just for gamers. This is why it'll beat the 360. it has a much bigger target audience, and is the first actual next gen console. Only thing which makes me worry is that the price will undoubtedly reflect this. However, i think the people who foam at the moouth for this thing will be the ones paying £400-£450 for this, and in turn, it'll get cheaper for the casual people.
    Oh yeah, and its a cheaper Blu-ray dvd player. Basically means that anyone who spends so much on a PS3 would have the common sense to support blu ray.
    Dan x

    17.3.2006 00:40 #34

  • priusone

    From what I read, the PS3 will be able to handle linux (according to one of Sony's spokespersons). In the past, Sony has releaved upgraded consoles in Japan that could handle multimedia, so it seems as if it may be true that the PS3 may have Tivo type capabilities. That and coupled with the PSP's ability to stream video from the PS3, it might be kinda cool.

    17.3.2006 06:46 #35

  • pirkster

    @ rihgt682


    "It's obiouvs that xbox 360 won."

    Yeah, maybe if the contest was who delivers the most unavailable console (and the most defective console), without a hard drive standard, without a next-gen DVD drive standard, and a weak software lineup launch, then I suppose the XBOX360 did win that contest.

    Sounds like the purpose for Sony's delay is to get right all the things XBOX360 failed to accomplish. We'll know better "who won" in November.

    17.3.2006 08:28 #36

  • bluejet

    That's strange, at the gamestop i'm at their saying it's $400 dollars and I already paid for the whole thing. They said if the price is more then that they'll still give it to me for the price I paid.

    17.3.2006 08:29 #37

  • Jigen

    What are you talking about? The 360 works fine. Some were bad, and WOW what a surprise, that's normal for electronics. As far as the launch games go, only the Dreamcast had better launch titles than 360. PS2 sure didn't. PS3 won't.

    "Yeah, maybe if the contest was who delivers the most unavailable console (and the most defective console), without a hard drive standard, without a next-gen DVD drive standard, and a weak software lineup launch, then I suppose the XBOX360 did win that contest."

    No, the purpose of the delay is to fix problems they've been having with the Blu-ray. This article here is so candy coated that it doesn't mention that, but that's the truth. To date Sony hasn't even produced one PS3 console, and it may be months before they can start manufacture if these problems aren't resolved.

    "Sounds like the purpose for Sony's delay is to get right all the things XBOX360 failed to accomplish. We'll know better"

    17.3.2006 10:33 #38

  • 074kev

    I'm getting the PS3 when it comes out, and I wouldn't be surprised if I bought every PS3 game that's released on launch day. The games will be that good. Every launch title will be truly a next generation game, not like the 360 launch lineup. I have the 360 also and am not impressed with their launch lineup at all. Although the games are starting to look better as they get released in 2006. When you think of 60 gig discs compared to 9 gigs, you will have the potential for games to never end. Imagine Sony filling up all 60 gigs of a blue-ray disc and still using compression tools to fit the game on it. Micorsoft will still be using 9 gigabyte discs and are already talking about upcoming games being on up to 4 discs or more.

    17.3.2006 10:58 #39

  • pirkster

    There aren't any "problems" with Blu-ray drives. I don't get where you're spewing this misinformation. What they're doing is going over technical specifications and standards that need to be decided on before rollout, which is yet another thing Micro$oft couldn't accomplish with HD-DVD. Helloooo, this is new technology. It works, but industry standards need to be developed and adhered to before technology like this hits the market. Sony is the only company that will be using Blu-ray, so there's more to consider than just slapping in a drive and saying "we're done."

    I've owned a Dreamcast, and I own both an XBOX and PS2. So, I'm brand neutral. Go back farther, and you can include my Atari 2600, Colecovision, and Sega (but you're probably too young to remember any of those.) The XBOX360 launch was pretty much a failure no matter how you look at it. I considered purchasing the XBOX360, but the problems, poor selection of great games, and lack of standard equipment like a hard drive and HD-DVD, and the fact the PS3 isn't far off made the decision not to buy the 360 a no-brainer. The XBOX360 simply doesn't have enough to offer compared to the PS3.

    17.3.2006 11:54 #40

  • pirkster

    Sorry for the typo - should have read "Sony is NOT the only company that will be using Blu-Ray"

    17.3.2006 11:58 #41

  • Jigen

    From another article that you can find online. From Sankei:

    "Japanese site Sankei Web is reporting that Sony has acknowledged the possibility of a delay in the system, and that such a delay would be due to problems with the mass production of the console's built-in Blu-ray drive."

    You're the fanboy spewing nonsense.

    17.3.2006 12:46 #42

  • neurokasm

    Quote:I'm guessing Sony will do their best to make standard off-the-shelf HDD's unusable with PS3 in order to sell their own brand for a lot more $'s.Judging from my own personal experiences with their products, I'd say you can bet on it.

    17.3.2006 13:54 #43

  • spooky2k

    Jigen - actually, you'll find that pirkster was right.
    there are absolutely no problems with the blu ray drives functioning (hence why they've had demo's of working blu ray players at conventions)>
    The problem is the copy protection or something along those lines.
    Sony can't put out a Blu-ray device into the market without tech specs complete on it (and this includes copy protection).
    The PS3 will probably be in production in about a month or so's time, and at the rate ( confirms) of around 2 million consoles per month (give or take a few for manufacturing defects every circuit board suffers).

    The tech specs will be done well before november, so Sony can and will launch the PS3 then.

    The delay of the console (its only a delay for the japanese territory, why are all the news channels reporting it as delayed in Europe!?thats journalism for you- most people expected the ps3 here around xmas anyway!)will do it wonders.
    It means:
    -MOre launch games
    -more time for developers to work on titles (make them better)
    -Less buggy system
    -LArge supply of the product.

    Where's the part where this was a big problem?
    Dan x

    17.3.2006 14:02 #44

  • dhs58

    playstation 3 is going to suck ass. It is delayed which means more money for its competitors. We know the 360 will beat that I wouldnt even doubt Nintendo will beat it.

    17.3.2006 14:58 #45

  • janrocks

    Don't want to get involved with the xxx vs xxx but Euronews 15/3/06 reported that the release of the PS3 was postponed until November because of ..
    [Quote] Difficulties with the Blueray drive [/Quote]

    JVC announced release of a Blueray burner in January so those are available but expensive..check out club-cdfreaks for info..

    17.3.2006 15:14 #46

  • bluejet

    Well we all know ur a 360 fanboy. Ps3 will crush the 360. That's not an opinion that's a FACT. We all know the newer consoles have better technology. Xbox games aren't that good, ps2 games are always good. Now which one is better, a console that comes out first with not so good games or a console that comes out later with good games? You do the math

    17.3.2006 15:59 #47

  • ZippyDSM

    UUmmmm no.......

    and saying all PS2 games are great makes you a PS2 fanboy :P
    the PS2 might have 3 times the games of the Xbox but only 1/4 are great 1/2 are good the rest are....crap...*L*

    I will agree the 360s launch was horried,all these delays will only make the PS3s launch better IMO unless the industy has fallen so that they cant look out of thier arse's anymore...

    17.3.2006 16:52 #48

  • sukhvail

    have you seen the trailers and some of you might have played it already- ghost recon advanced warfighter looks amazing. at first glance, i thought it was a rendering of a ps3 video. since the 360 will ship an HD-DVD later on, there wont be such a big difference in the game depth.

    17.3.2006 17:51 #49

  • bluejet

    Look it's a good thing that the ps3 got delayed. This is how it's going to go down. Honestly I don't think sony's having any problems, I think that their just delaying it to give the game developers more time to make the games and to get ready to advertise it(something the 360 never really did) Then after they get everyone hyped over the commercials for about a month or so then they'll release it and what a better way to do it right next to christmas. Then after all the advertising everyone will see what the ps3 can do and what the 360 can't do especially when everyone sees that it has a blue ray player making the 360 look kind of dull

    17.3.2006 19:53 #50

  • dhs58

    ZIppyDSM um? yes. and bluejet when the ps3 comes out they are going to have to rack up the money to even stay in the race lets not say they are going to win because it isn't a fact, they have to dig themselves out first. And bluejet I read an article that the HD-DVD is the best you can get and blueray probably wont beat that. and yet the ps3 will still have as many problems as the 360 or even more, so I wouldnt rule out the problems yet just because it is delayed. I dont really know why you people are going to waste your time to buy that big-ass piece of metal shit?

    17.3.2006 20:28 #51

  • Jigen

    Spoken like a true fanboy jet. If it was a good thing, their stock wouldn't have gone down after the announcement. If there was no need for a delay, as you speculate, it would be RETARDED to delay it after swearing up and down that it would be ready in the spring. They hadn't even manufactured ONE, and the fanboys were still saying "everything's a go for spring 06" two months ago.
    Unfortunately for them there are problems with the Blu-ray. Admitted to be the case by Sony. Look it up. If they are able to resolve those issues quickly and actually start making the damn things, maybe I'll start to believe the hype. If however it takes until June or July to FINALLY start manufacture, there is no way in hell that everyone who wants one will be happy this x-mas.

    17.3.2006 20:37 #52

  • noprobalo

    Generic Sony fanboy jargon cerca 2003: "The PS2 is way better than the xbox because of its crazy awesome game lineup, specs mean nothing and it was all about getting the system out first"

    Generic Sony fanboy jargon cerca 2006: "The PS3 is way better than the xbox360 because of its crazy specs, it's all about the more advanced system."

    Ah, I love it.

    17.3.2006 20:39 #53

  • borhan9

    Too me this whole article is ur typical press release that is the samp crap that they always say. The only part of this article that got my attention is the part that blu ray was mentioned and even then im not a fan of either formats at the moment soo ill wait and c for further news on the ps3.

    For the past recent years i have really not cared for consoles i just stick to pc, mainly because if a upgrade is needed its easily done and i dont have to worry about buy console after console.

    I have a ps2 and its just sittim in the shelf at the momment i havent even bought a new game for it.

    The last game i bought was sonic heros and that was ages ago and mainly because i was feally nustalgic about the good old sega days... otherwise i would only have one ps2 game and all up i have 2.

    Anuwayz thats enough ranting soo ill catch u laterz....

    17.3.2006 21:11 #54

  • anubis66

    you know, they wont release any games on dvd for the ps3, it was annouced. they wont because it will cut down in piracy with a new encryption and DRM.

    18.3.2006 01:17 #55

  • techguy26

    nintendo already stated a release date of around thanksgiving this year, sony doesnt want to be last, seeing as how they will try a worldwide release this november and if they can get some really great must have laubch titles, it will be a no brainer that these consoles will be scarce, and shooting upwards to a grand on ebay for christmas, hell I remember hunting down the ps2 on release, scalpers will have a field day this christmas.

    18.3.2006 04:02 #56

  • spooky2k

    Why do you only respond to those you consider fanboys? Oh, that's right, allow me to sink to your level:
    It takes one to know one.
    Evidently a microsoft fanboy yourself, you should know that your argument is going no where.
    We've seen everything microsoft has to offer with the 360, and its not enough.
    If anyone will topple sony this year, it'll be Nintendo, the underdog.
    In all honesty, i wouldnt find it suprising if nintendo ended up a comfy 2nd place. Sony and Microsoft are purely going to end up first, or last.
    And besides, stop running your mouth. You sound too angry and its making me laugh. Typical passionate microsoft fanboy who thought the 360 could make his toast in the mornings....then it was announced 'nope, that functionality will be added in a year or two's time with a possible HDDVD drive'.
    (You gotta give hats off to Sony, purely for the PS3 actually having ALL its functionality upon release).
    Microsoft have made enough mistakes to shoot themselves in the foot here, and that could definetly work to Sonys advantage.
    I'll simply say this to you:
    After reading this post, please don't post a reply back to me. Simply go away from this page and do something else with your time. You're impressing no one, and you're certainly proving yourself to be a Microsoft fanboy through and through. Wait 6 months after the PS3 is launched, then come back here and make a forum post either apologising or saying 'told you so'. Until then, just stop. you're getting no where.

    P.s: please excuse my grammar and typos. Not feeling to well today and i'm sure this screen is burning my iris'.

    18.3.2006 04:37 #57

  • dhs58

    Spooky leave Jigen alone he is just speaking the truth and you know it.

    18.3.2006 05:12 #58

  • spooky2k

    Based on your earlier post that you think HD DVD is 'the best you can get', i recommend you go read some of the actual facts than peoples opinions on the matters. If we're being factual then lets look at some facts on the ol' HDDVD/Blu ray discussion:

    HD DVD - Single layer capacity of 15GB(Double layer 30GB), and a format similar to existing DVD disc structure.

    Blu Ray - Single layer capacity 25GB (Double layer 50GB), and because its a new completely format, it requires that retooling and/or construction of new disc manufacturing and replication plants.

    So it seems both have an advantage and disadvantage. And, again staying with the facts:
    HD DVD - cheaper to produce, the more 'convenient' of the two formats.
    Blu Ray - More expensive initially (as DVD's were when they were first put onto the market), but ultimately, the format which has the most potential for quality/content because of it's huge storage capacity.

    If you wanan read up on these yourself, go here, its a good summary:

    BUt yeah, read up on somethign before you post, or at least make sure you know about it, and have your own opinion on it. Personally, im more partial to blu ray, as its an actual next gen format, as opposed to simply the same ol' same ol' with some spit shine.

    I think that is also the very reason im more patrial to the PS3 than xbox 360. 360 is jsut a better looking xbox., So far, the games i've played have a distinctly non-next gen look and feel to them. It's all been done before. So i'm hoping that Sony (as the company who arent doign what Nintendo are doing and being different, kudos to Nintendo for this, i wish them and think they'll have every success), scratch that, it's already been shown that Sony have the actual next gen console, through the hardware to the software.
    if you disagree, that's fine. We'll see who's right 6 months after launch (i say 6 months because of the xbox's 6 month head start...its only fair to compare equally).
    Dan x

    18.3.2006 07:36 #59

  • ZippyDSM

    "playstation 3 is going to suck ass. It is delayed which means more money for its competitors. We know the 360 will beat that I wouldnt even doubt Nintendo will beat it."
    the comment is as bad as my mindless rambleings on stuff.
    the PS3 is not out yet and thus you cant auto fail it,the 360 gets and F- for effort altho by next year it might have enough games on it to score it a C or a B..

    Sega is DEAD..let it go...I had to... with every game they destrioed to cash in on it....uuhhgggggg..still waiting for the Phansty star remakes.....

    the fail rateign on the 360 is the highest yet..better cooling they lack....overheating they are....the PS2s launch was shakey but 360s.......

    Again Jigen has a point the game lineup for the PS2 even if roughly half suck is alot better than Xboxs Nintendo clone attempt minus the core qauilty games

    Jigen has some points deleying it to get it right,and there might not be enough systems for Xmas.

    truth is 360 is crap and maby in a year will be good the PS3 is looking to have a more stable release with more better games :P

    From my point of view unless the jap devs jump on the 360s bandwogon and port thier games over to it the 360 will be 3rd untill they have a desent game lineup the Rev is comming with a insane retro gameing theme whitch should win more supprt than the 360's launch however even with this is might takes 3rd palce and the 360 can take 2nd leaveing the PS3 with the crowen more or less but thats only if they have the games..for me its all abotu the games(gamepaly,quailty,ect,ect) next is hardware and finaly graphics.

    18.3.2006 07:45 #60

  • ZippyDSM

    Are both formats practily dead if they get a scrath?
    they realy need to start puting the Dskin like thigns on them from the start...

    18.3.2006 08:13 #61

  • ireland

    off subject,
    i feel ye guys should read this about P2Pers,

    Help Su Llewellyn

    p2pnet special: The MPAA and RIAA (and their international cronies) would have the lamescream media and general population believe file-sharers are calculating, apathetic, thieving pirates.

    Actually, that description fits the MPAA and RIAA to a T, and has absolutely nothing to do with filesharers.

    But you already knew that.

    P2Pers are in reality warm, caring, and considerate people - yes people, not faceless conglomerates – with strong, unbreakable ties to community. P2P means People-to-People, not Pirate-to-Pirate. That's what filesharing is about: sharing and caring, as proved once again by this recent urgent appeal for assistance, and the tremendous response to it so far.

    (Saturday 18th March 2006)

    18.3.2006 08:24 #62

  • esco600

    I couldn't agree with you more.
    Quote:Generic Sony fanboy jargon cerca 2003: "The PS2 is way better than the xbox because of its crazy awesome game lineup, specs mean nothing and it was all about getting the system out first"

    Generic Sony fanboy jargon cerca 2006: "The PS3 is way better than the xbox360 because of its crazy specs, it's all about the more advanced system."

    Ah, I love it.[quote]um, i don't care enough to look back and see what your name is, but getting the the system out first is important, but not making the same dumb-ass mistakes your competitor made is more important.

    18.3.2006 08:27 #63

  • ZippyDSM

    Would you know if the Xbox or Cube is number 2?
    I see them as almsot eaqule nowadays altho I think the Cube has alil more games.
    oh well I guess it dose matter the new systems will be out by next year *L*
    I still need to get a Xbox.. *L*

    18.3.2006 08:37 #64

  • ZippyDSM

    Your a mod you can get away wif it ^_~

    18.3.2006 08:41 #65

  • MrMexican

    This is my prediction of the new systems and and the old systems and the reasons why.

    1st Place PS3

    (It is going to have a lot of things to offer from blue ray drives, a hard drive, weird but cool control , well i think its cool unlike Nintendo's control, and you can play PS2 and PS1 games and standard DVD's so what I know)

    2nd Place Nintendo Revolution

    (You can play almost everygame that Nintendo ever released on the NES, SNES, N64 , and you can play your gamecube games on the Revolution. We can already play most of the games on emulators but some still don't work or do work with a few problems. Even if the console is gimmiky people will still buy it because it will be cheaper than the rest of the consoles.)

    3rd Place PSP

    (This is still considered a better system than the 360 because it has good graphics, portable music unlike the 360 , cost less , pictures, better than the ds except when it comes to playing back up of your games and a lot of people work on the psp to crack it once and for all.)

    4rth Place Xbox 360

    (The games do look good but some people want games to play not just to admire how the games look even do they play the same in every system ( when its multi-system), bad line up for the system (games that are only in the 360 and not in any other system), a lot of bad systems had to be "replaced" (see how i mean replace and not fix that means they had more systems with them but they didn't give all the working system to the people just the ones that didn't work so when you return it you will wait a long time before you get your new one. (This happend to me so don't try saying that this is a lie)

    5th Place DS

    This system is good for some games but most of the games aren't really good.(Except for a few that I was really impress that I thought wasn't good like Meteos)
    But it really didn't have a lot to offer comparing this to the PSP but still this is a good system when it wants to be. (Like the Metroid Hunters being said that it wasn't going to be releashed and later it was but had to delay it for something and untill I saw the commercials of Metroid(which gave me a sure feeling that this game was going to be releashed) I then started playing the demo of it and getting prepaired to beating this game before my friends do.

    As for the PS2 , Xbox , and Gamecube

    I think that the PS2 had a lot to offer and still does like you can play PS2 games,PS1 games ,play DVD's, listen to Music, and more. This is why this system was better than the rest.

    Xbox was only good if it was modifiyed if it wasn't it really didn't have a lot to offer (except for you can listen to your music in some games but i just listen to music with my cd player while i play my games)

    Gamecube now you can play back up of your games but it really isn't so satisfying to put in work and time to find or make isos of the gamecube games because most of them weren't good( except for a few games like super smash bros and the new legend of zelda game that i think is worth playing.

    Well this is my opinion if you don't like it thats your problem

    18.3.2006 08:55 #66

  • Jigen


    You mean my argument that Sony is having trouble with the Blu-ray and this delay is NOT good news? Sorry, but Sony IS having trouble with the Blu-ray, it's NOT good news. Also, I haven't said one word about how "great 360 is". WOW what an MS fanboy I am. Oh, and you're a schmuck.

    Quote:Evidently a microsoft fanboy yourself, you should know that your argument is going no where. I'm too angry? Naw, just sick of the fanboys drooling all over a machine that hasn't even been manufacturedm but is supposed to be the best thing ever seen by man or something.

    Quote:You sound too angry and its making me laugh.

    18.3.2006 09:28 #67

  • noprobalo

    ZIppyDSM, I never mentioned sega, as I let that go a long time ago when I bought my playstation.

    esco600, the "dumbass mistakes" that sony made (significantly lower specs in almost every field, no HD, poor quality online play) were what they sacrificed for an earlier release date in the face of the upcoming Xbox, that put them in more homes faster (as did an already large fanbase that the PSX created). Which is what got more developers to focus primarily on making PS2 games, which caused a snowball effect. So it looks like solving those "dumbass mistakes" aren't really as important as getting the system in as many homes as fast as you can.

    18.3.2006 09:57 #68

  • bluejet

    All I can say is: when has sony ever dissapointed? Sorry to say but with all the features the ps3 is going to have and the big name game creators, the 360 is going to have it's hands full.

    18.3.2006 10:18 #69

  • dhs58

    are you on drugs

    18.3.2006 10:54 #70

  • spooky2k

    My point is that the delay makes NO difference for the USA or European territories (it was said the spring release was japan only anyway, an rumoured USA/European release was around xmas). So what's the problem there?
    And besides, as I said, the delay simply means it's in a better situation games wise and supply wise when it gets released at xmas. Of course there won't be enough to fill demand. There never is on console launch day. But Sony have 7 months to ready the PS3's launch hardware wise. Thats plenty of time to get well over a million units out for each territory, and you know they'll sell out in each territory.
    Therefore, even if they only manage 1 million in each territory (japan, USA, UK), they'll sell 3 million consoles right there. And there'll be rabid demand for more easily.

    18.3.2006 10:54 #71

  • dhs58

    Zippy how is the 360 crap when you have nothing to compare it to yet????

    18.3.2006 10:58 #72

  • ZippyDSM

    I think MrMexicans comment is well balanced ^^
    the 360 is crap currently becuse there are 6 games on it and 3 of them are on PC...not to mention the still spoty hardware troubles.....

    18.3.2006 11:01 #73

  • sukhvail

    a lot of the ppl in this thread are ps3 fanboys... i myself am a 360 fanboy but still think the ps3 and rev are still very good systems. a lot of you seem to base the results of this gen consoles on the # of games. if you continue this point of view to this gen the 360 would be your winner because it has a familiar type of media in the dvd and the hd dvd is said to have similar structure. since there will be more 360 games there is a greater chance that the 360 will have more amazing games than the ps3 (ex. this gen- xbox-halo ps2-god of war, grand turismo and many more). i guessthis is a fair way to judge the system but you cannot asume that one of them will fail bcuz two consoles are yet to come out.

    18.3.2006 13:26 #74

  • dhs58

    Zippy there is more than 6 games. Are you from America?

    18.3.2006 14:10 #75

  • bluejet

    Sony will win for a big reason and that is the blue ray. It will be too expensive to get anywhere else so why not get a ps3 so you can have the blue ray player and play ps3 games. It certainly has my vote because you can bet your ass that that will be the only affordable blue ray player out.

    18.3.2006 15:03 #76

  • ZippyDSM

    so the number of quailty games dose not matter? no wonder the DS is better than the PSP *L*
    (games matter,without games there would be no diffrance between the systems)

    I know I know,what I mean is it dosent have enough worth while games to make it worth it right now, plus I can get the same or better graphics on my comp *L* so its not realy next gen however in a year or 2 when the codeing is at its peak I bet they will make some games that will even give computers a hard time (think quake 4 in reverse) as I have always said for the 360 to be number one it has to have the j-devs behind them other wise they will be fighting with nintendo with the 2nd spot...I dout the REV will be number one the PS3 seems the best bet..but then again I dont think MS has released the 2nd wave of 360s they might be waiting for sony to stick its head out so they can be even with them.

    eh only 10 or 20GB diffrance HDDVD is the better for the short run Blueray might be better in the long run,B-R iseems a bit over kill to me,Totaly new format means everything in the indusrty has to change...altho it happened with DVD..mmmmmmm

    Any Xbox gamers here?
    I am gathering a list of Xbox games that I want to get,best controler new Xbox models that dont have any hardware troubles for them,I'd like help makeing my Xbox(not 360) list,PM me if you want to help ^^

    18.3.2006 15:40 #77

  • sukhvail

    the number of quality games does matter though if you had the choice between a psp and a ds can you honestly say you'd choose ds unless your a huge nintendo fanboy? you also have to take in consideration which one is better catered towards you.
    the ps3 is also aiming to be a cheap blu ray player

    18.3.2006 16:46 #78

  • ZippyDSM

    Mmmmmmmm well frankly game wise neither the DS or PSP scream out at me,PSP is a all around media player least it can be and the DS has GBA games and mario paint....0-o LOL

    B-R will be pointless unless hollywood jumps on it...B-R or HDDVD will either wind up being a data storage fade away or it could cling on like VCDs 0_o

    The 360 dose have 1 advantage thats devs will elarn to code better for it and should be able to bing its full potional out in 2 years I cant wait for that but untill then I can hang back and let pll pay 500 to be beta testers *L* I hope sony gets stuff in gear its going to be intresting in this years 4th Q

    18.3.2006 17:00 #79

  • dhs58

    I get your point Zippy, Im not going to argue anymore points, so best of luck to you on your console choice.

    18.3.2006 18:09 #80

  • odreian78

    "5th Place DS

    This system is good for some games but most of the games aren't really good.(Except for a few that I was really impress that I thought wasn't good like Meteos)
    But it really didn't have a lot to offer comparing this to the PSP but still this is a good system when it wants to be. (Like the Metroid Hunters being said that it wasn't going to be releashed and later it was but had to delay it for something and untill I saw the commercials of Metroid(which gave me a sure feeling that this game was going to be releashed) I then started playing the demo of it and getting prepaired to beating this game before my friends do."

    Sorry but DS is out selling PSP due to PSP dont have any original games

    19.3.2006 06:04 #81

  • Bubzilla

    Ok here is the truth as I see it.

    PS3 will come out on top #1 reason jap support as pigheaded as we Americans are we are not the ones driving the game industry without the support, talent and games from japan a console does not stand a chance ie xbox, xbox 360. As proof in point to the best of my knowledge xbox still has not sold all of the intial realese 360's in japan last i heard total sell was somewhere around 65,000. Pretty dismal launch if you ask me.

    The xbox 360 is still running off standard dvd 9 format and if you want to get the HD-DVD format, which xbox does not support right now, you will have to purchase a external drive for it. Hmm, that sounds like another system, sega cd anyone? Fact is consumers dont like to purchase add-ons and add-ons lose support quickly just like the eye toy for ps2. On the other hand you have the ps3 which will have its new media built into will come out of the gate with the best storage and performance. Just a little late.

    Reason #3 it all comes down to the games

    I am not a xbox hater just to put that out there but there really isnt that great of a selection of original games. yeah yeah I know it has Halo! Ok after that name another one..... This is where the revoultion and sony are going to have the biggest competition. Lets face it we all have a place in our hearts for Mario and Zelda. XBOX just doesnt have the same loyalty as ps2 and nintendo and thats what it all comes down to.

    Good luck xbox you will do in the U.S. but thats it.

    19.3.2006 12:01 #82

  • ZippyDSM

    hehehehe I "win" most arguments like that..I tend to forget past conversations 0_o
    Same luck to you ^^

    the PSP has acouple RPGs I been keeping an eye on but you are right..they had to dig up medievil 2 to put on the PSP for lack of support 0_o,its kinda like the troubles MS has with the 360 it can never be king without the games.

    I wonder if I should start gathering Dskins to put on NEWER games.....the way things are goign one scratch or smudge and you have a dead game...all the more reason makeing a backup will be important or takeing insanely good care of tehm 0-o

    19.3.2006 12:49 #83

  • lecsiy

    Personally, I think the ps3 will be the best because:

    Sony has always been better than microsoft think of the consoles!

    Blue-Ray Is the New format with the most potential.

    Dvd is getting old now, its like a hip old man it will die out soon!

    Blu-Ray is new and full of exciting potential, like a hip young man lol!

    Well think what you like but in the end when theyve sorted out all theese problems its impossible for the PS3 to fail!

    20.3.2006 12:03 #84

  • ZippyDSM

    you have a point but it all comes down to whitch hollywood will support,untill then its a fancy game system format like DC's GDrom or the GCs mini dvd like formats,that some sonyis releaseing tis frist B-R player soon its only 1000$ 0-o

    20.3.2006 13:18 #85

  • bluejet

    Sony isn't dumb. Were they dumb when they put the dvd player in the ps2? Hell no. Will they be dumb when they put the blue ray player in the ps3? No because it's the next best thing and i'm pretty sure sony's sat down and thought about if it's a good idea or not and from the looks of it they think it is and so do I.

    20.3.2006 16:13 #86

  • ZippyDSM

    MMmm forgive me but niether format has is better security wise than the other right? I emna it might take longer to figure out how B-R works,becuse HD DVD is a high format DVD it should be easier to "crack".

    even still.....B-R is looking nice as long as its not picky about my storageing my collections on it I dont care *L*

    20.3.2006 16:23 #87

  • hot_ice

    Sony better charge under 500$, or it falls within the no buy policy.

    20.3.2006 16:58 #88

  • ZippyDSM

    Hot ice
    if thier building it around B-R and I think they are....500 would be the minuim...I think it could hit 650...but 500 is the holy grail in dont want to go over it...thier going to lose with anythign they do so priceign the B-R players at 1000+ to keep the ps3 at 500 or under,I think doing it this way they could gain a footing into more non gamer markets,just becuse its the frist B-R palyer.

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    20.3.2006 17:04 #89

  • hot_ice

    Its official ladies and gentlemen!

    The PS3 price will be 550$ here in Montreal Canada!!Got that information from a friend who works at EBGames!

    Its not bad, but its still expensive, ill wait a year before buying.

    4.4.2006 09:52 #90

  • ZippyDSM

    Ooooo 550...might get oen for Xmas.... if I can find at least 2 games I will drool for..

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    4.4.2006 09:59 #91

  • hot_ice

    resident evil 5 and devil may cry 4!!!

    4.4.2006 10:34 #92

  • ZippyDSM

    Ooooo 550...might get oen for Xmas.... if I can find at least 2 games I will drool for..

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    4.4.2006 10:36 #93

  • derhama

    creaky got me, i'm such a tool

    12.9.2006 11:48 #94

  • lecsiy

    Spamming scum reported

    12.9.2006 12:23 #95

  • oofRome

    Quote:Ok here is the truth as I see it.

    PS3 will come out on top
    #1 reason jap support
    Reason #3 it all comes down to the games
    Good luck xbox you will do in the U.S. but thats it.
    1. Mhmm the Japanese market plain doesn't like Xbox. I don't see that changing anytime soon.
    2. Sony has great hardware, but Microsoft sure is giving them a run for their money. And better hardware doesn't mean a console will come out on top.
    3. Exactly. Reason #3 should be reason number 1, because in every console war to date, the games make the console. Period.
    and xbox will also do pretty well in europe, too.

    12.9.2006 12:38 #96

  • ZippyDSM

    double postage 0-o

    I have a brain...I think......
    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=
    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."
    "Hollywood the 4kids of comic moives."

    12.9.2006 13:21 #97

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