DimadSoft.com offering discount to AfterDawn members

DimadSoft.com offering discount to AfterDawn members
For a Limited time only, DimadSoft.com is offering all members of afterdawn.com a discount of 20% on the DvdReMake and DvdReMake Pro programs.

To take advantage of this fantastic offer, you will need to use the discount code "afterdawn0506" (without quotes) in the 'discount coupon' section of their order page. Alternatively, you can just use the following link in order to get your copy with the 20% off:


If you want to get your discount, you will have to be quick, as this special offer only lasts until June 16th.

Written by: Ben Reid @ 29 May 2006 15:17
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  • borhan9

    Taking the same path of Slysoft hey :)

    Preety kewl too see that this site is always progressing, in the wider community. :)

    29.5.2006 17:03 #1

  • gogochar

    Slysoft should sue their a$$e$ off. This is too much!

    29.5.2006 17:05 #2

  • gogochar

    I was just kidding of course :"

    29.5.2006 17:24 #3

  • axlman

    I use DVD Remake Pro and I love it! Although I do not use it to the extent to where I totally edit the entire disk, Menus, etc. I do use it to remove the crap that's on the DVD, etc. I find it easier to use and edit with than I do with Nero's Recode edit options! With DVD remake, I can not only take out or blank out the ads, I can also make it so when the DVD plays, It'll jump right to the menu rather than have to wait a few seconds for the the DVD player to read the blanked areas and then get to the menu.

    Great Program!

    2.6.2006 07:24 #4

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