Swedish Police raid ThePirateBay.org

Swedish Police raid ThePirateBay.org
Slyck.com has learned that the popular Swedish BitTorrent tracker, ThePirateBay.org, is currently being raided by Swedish police. "…The police right now is taking all of our servers, to check if there is a crime there or not (they are actually not sure)," ThePirateBay.org spokesperson brokep told Slyck. With the servers gone, the site will remain offline until the police complete their investigation.

Up until now, ThePirateBay has been viewed by BitTorrent users as almost immune to legal troubles. The site even posted and ridiculed legal threats from entertainment and software companies on its site. In 2005, a new anti-piracy law went into effect in Sweden, but ThePirateBay was defiant weeks before it came into effect, leaving this message on the site: "By the way, we will NOT shut down the 1st of July."

It is unknown if this raid will take the site offline for good or just temporarily. "We are not sure when it will return, but we are moving it to another country if necessary," brokep said. Back in June last year, the site had a few major upgrades to make it faster and far more user friendly. The Google-style layout was also complemented with the addition of 10 languages besides English.

One thing that BitTorrent users should be reminded of however, is that ThePirateBay does not, and never has hosted/distributed any material that is subject to copyright. BitTorrent sites offer only "torrent" files that contain information on how a user can download and share specific files.

Update: According to a report by SVT, the Swedish national TV company, 50 police officers participated in the raid at a dozen locations across the country. Three people have been held for questioning. They are suspected of copyright violations or accessory to copyright violations.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 31 May 2006 4:45
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  • borhan9

    I am thinkinkin about where could they relocate there site knowing that most countries now have crazy laws in place.

    31.5.2006 04:57 #1

  • Davedough

    Thats almost as painful as, back in the day, when the great Suprnova.org went down. It's a sad day in file sharing.

    31.5.2006 06:03 #2

  • gogochar

    Quote: I am thinkinkin about where could they relocate there site [quote]Go to the North or South Pole. :) Their ain't gonna be no laws there for a looooooooong time. Hopefully.

    31.5.2006 06:05 #3

  • gogochar

    Quote:I am thinkinkin about where could they relocate there siteJust go to Antarctica. :)

    31.5.2006 06:11 #4

  • Davedough

    http://piratbyran.blogspot.com/ I dont know how much of a joke it is this time around. They've setup a blog to explain the situation. Although not much is there, they're taking extra steps that they didn't do last year. Plus, the Swedish news (through very rough translations) are all buzzing about the same thing.

    31.5.2006 06:19 #5

  • Lethal_B

    I hope they don't shut down, as they are not only a great source, but they are the "life & soul" of torrenting.

    31.5.2006 06:26 #6

  • Davedough

    You knew it was bound to happen though. Way back in the day, Napster was huge and it got shut down. This gave birth to a more mainstream bit torrent client that allowed users to not have to login to a community and spawned a new world of file sharing. Later, as I mentioned earlier, the greatest torrent site that ever lived, Suprnova.org (I still have a T-shirt) got shut down and the world was shocked. From the ashes, sites like mininova.org, TPB, Torrentspy, Isohunt became the popular hotspots for file sharing people. Now, Torrentspy is locked in legal disputes, TPB is allegedly being shut down by Swedish police and its only a matter of time before the others are made victims of lawsuits and police raids.

    However, with every great technology, there is a shelf life. BBS used to be the "shareware" user's dream. Login to a machine and share files back and forth through the blazing speeds of 9800 baud.

    File sharing will always be a part of networks. Even before the internet, there was a way to send a file to another person. Bit torrent is reaching the end of its lifespan because it became mainstream, therfore more and more sites will take the plunge. But, have no fear, history does repeat itself and another file sharing technology will hit the "underground" and proliferate through to the masses. Sure, there will be some downtime, but where there's a will (and we're talking about a collective will of millions) there is a way.

    31.5.2006 06:35 #7

  • Lethal_B

    Quote:Update: According to a report by SVT, the Swedish national TV company, 50 police officers participated in the raid at a dozen locations across the country. Three people have been held for questioning. They are suspected of copyright violations or accessory to copyright violations.Well, they have always maintained that they do not actually host any copyrighted content, so I don't see how they can be accused of direct copyright violation. As for the second accusation of "accessory to copyright violations", that's a little vague, don't you think? Acessory in what way? In the same way as other torrent sites? As P2P clients?

    I suspect that the large corporations are tired of being ridiculed publicly, and have mounted pressure on the Swedish police to act. I may be wrong, but it just seems a tad strange that they would decide to act now rather than a lot earlier on when they were committing these "crimes".

    31.5.2006 06:51 #8

  • coleken3

    Big business rules the world and police.

    31.5.2006 07:30 #9

  • Cinnjerm

    "Thats almost as painful as, back in the day, when the great Suprnova.org went down. It's a sad day in file sharing"-

    Tell me about it.

    31.5.2006 09:56 #10

  • Valoroso

    It’s been a long time since we’ve all first heard about RIAA X Peer-to-peer strugle. It is a pity that the Record companies cannot comply with the new technologies and, instead of finding new ways to get together with your customers, is trying to fight what cannot be fought. Many computer users download and swap MP3 files for a long time, yet the CD sales is still rising. The discussion about copyrights is continuous - the same happened when recording tapes were released, and the Record companies complained about people recording songs.
    RIAA members have always been GREEDY, and now they are greediest than ever. What frightens the record industry is simple: NO ONE IS GOING TO BUY AN ENTIRE CD JUST BECAUSE OF A SINGLE SONG! The days you could push us bad music are gone. The days of commercial-only music are gone! And take it for real guys, THERE IS NOTHING OU CAN DO ABOUT IT.
    There will came the day when you are going to realize it - and you've lost many time already. Instead of coming closer to your customers all around the world, RIAA members are showing them what they are really caring about: MONEY. How much is the cost of a CD for the manufacturers? How can it reach the stores costing 10, 20, 50 times its costs?
    During this controversy, audiences could learn who are the artists composing - and, why not?, fighting - for them, and who are the ones - Hi, Lars! - against them. Is the RIAA going to sue all people who lend or borrow a CD? You may begin by prosecuting people who work inside the record company, for they, as anyone else in the world, did or are going to do so someday.

    I live in Brazil, a country with one of the richest musical culture in the world. Nowadays we are being loaded with a whole bunch of nasty music, which would shock any American if their lyrics were translated and would never ever be released in the US or Europe. The best of our music - masters of Bossa Nova, Samba and Chorinho, for example - are all locked up in BMGs, Sony's and other companies's archives, being released in Japan, but not in Brazil. It is so absurd that I had to order some CDs from Jacob do Bandolim, one of the greatest Brazilian musicians of all times, from the US, since they were never released in CD in Brazil. Instead of fighting the customers and Napster, why doesn't the RIAA members take advantage of all the money they are spending to release these old catalog titles? I would surely buy those CDs, even knowing I can download every single track of it.
    But, no! The RIAA declared file sharing the source of all its problems. Instead of some self-criticism or some analysis on its procedures, the RIAA walks straight into the abyss, making their customers angry. It should be the time for the RIAA board to meet and try to make things clearer to itself, searching new ways to use the new technologies, instead of trying to fight it.

    Hope you guys can see what I say.

    31.5.2006 09:58 #11

  • Excel2005

    Valoroso, that was just beautiful. Can I copy and paste your words so that others can heed your message?

    31.5.2006 10:44 #12

  • andreasBW

    oh no, the moment i read it i was shocked and opend my client to see if any TPB trackers were on. Thanks not.

    (is my IP logged?)

    What will come next maybe Torrentportal. O i forgot, 8 hours ago i dl torrent von TPB. WHAT SHALL I DO NOW???

    31.5.2006 10:45 #13

  • Al_Capone

    well - RIAA and MPAA, and other industry, OWN the police & laws in US & EU ,

    I assume it is just a matter of time before they make laws that force us to pay then money for nothing.

    EU = organised corruption.

    31.5.2006 10:51 #14

  • KillMan

    I bet anytime soon they will be investigating limewire, also, if they were to relocate, I'd have it somewhere in Africa where noone cares, and there are few laws, but I am glad that this happened as it cuts down on piracy...

    31.5.2006 11:33 #15

  • ZippyDSM

    So if they are just a torrent search then pratell what are the police looking for? any HD/CD back ups that have stuffon it that might violate TOS or EUA if traded or sold but are beign used for back up...realy WTF?!?!?!
    Iemna its like the city haveing the police raid your house for drugs becuse you dont keep your yard the way the city wants it 0-o

    31.5.2006 11:58 #16

  • elusiv1

    Would somebody bomb their headquarters already :)

    31.5.2006 12:29 #17

  • vipuser

    So the USA has strike again.
    This is a black day for all the torrent users.
    One of the best is closed down.
    I'l hope you guys at TPB will be oke.
    Hope to see you back soon.


    31.5.2006 12:31 #18

  • Davedough

    http://wiredfire.org/index.php?q=node/63 slight update

    31.5.2006 12:35 #19

  • Valoroso


    Yes. Sure you can. CC, ok?

    31.5.2006 12:42 #20

  • KillMan

    Man, that article is right, the police have no right to raid their facilities without any proof, and they cannot just shut down the site either...that's just not right...

    31.5.2006 12:42 #21

  • ZippyDSM

    Sadly thats how corpate henchmen work,ISO hunt will probly be next if they manage to keep TPB down ;_;

    31.5.2006 12:53 #22

  • NINVIN21

    I wish it was april 1st

    You said cd sales are up are you nuts

    31.5.2006 14:24 #23

  • hughjars

    Here's hoping TPB fight the b@st@rds off.

    What the hell is that "accessory to copyright violations" meant to mean anyway......and why isn't every manufacturer of any and every recording device available in the dock with them, hmmmm?

    This talk about 'piracy' only applies when it's about stamping on the little guy - who was it that pointed out US Pres. Bush's claims to enjoy the Beatles on his Ipod makes him a pirate (cos the Beatles songs aren't legally available for Ipod and therefore it can't be legal)?

    One (different) law for the big business and wealthy crew as always.

    31.5.2006 15:54 #24

  • pondscum

    What the authorities and the MPAA and RIAA don't seem to understand is that people who do the file sharing are not the people who would buy the goods in the first place.
    If a 'must see' movie comes out, a lot of people work on the principle that it will be on FTA TV soon anyway,or someone you know will have the DVD to borrow,so either
    way you don't pay for it. They still seem to make obscene

    31.5.2006 18:49 #25

  • Sawbuck

    The Golden Rule......He who has the gold, makes the rules!!!! It's all the fat rich cats with money bitchin' about how much they've "estimated" to have lost...bullshit !!!!!!

    31.5.2006 19:00 #26

  • Sawbuck

    sorry for the forceful language
    l'm all verklempt

    31.5.2006 19:04 #27

  • Pyroglade

    Wow. Who woulda thought. Seems kinda crazy that it's finally coming to an end. Eheh. That's crazy.

    31.5.2006 20:03 #28


    P I R A T E FOR A L I F E



    31.5.2006 20:47 #29

  • pondscum

    What happens to all the non-copywrited stuff that was available thru
    torrent sites? Using the same analogy, they will next ban cars because
    they can be used for bank robberies.

    31.5.2006 21:10 #30

  • nazroof

    Firstly bleep YOU MPAA (I promise no more vulgarity).

    I am an accountant by training. So let’s look at the statistics. To avoid biasness, I will only be using the statistics from bleep YOU MPAA (I seriously promise no more vulgarity) U.S. Theatrical Market: 2005 Statistics. You can Google it for the PDF copy.

    In the summer of 2002, a guy name Bram Cohen invented Bittorent. From 2003 – 2005, global box office saw an increase of 14%, that’s USD 2.9 billion more despite the “alleged” piracy activities done by Piratebay.org.

    Yes, there is a revenue decrease of USD 2 billion if compared with 2004. But I suspect that reason has to do more with George FUCKING Bush (I know I promised but wiki the guy and you will see that is actually his real name). The so called WAR ON TERROR is the culprit for the oil shock around the world. In Malaysia (an oil exporter nation), petrol price has increase over 40% within less than 2 years.

    So here is the current illustration of a “file-sharer” lifestyle. John like any other 20 something file-sharers needs to buy petrol to drive to work. At the end of every week he wants to unwind (to avoid a shooting amok on Monday like those crazy Columbine bastards) by going to the movie and watch the latest action flick, something like X-MEN 3. Yet John always finds his wallet almost empty because of the petrol hike. Still he desperately needs to unwind to avoid a shooting amok on Monday like those crazy Columbine bastards. The solution is Piratebay.org. Therefore in essence, Piratebay.org has actually literally saves thousands of lives, if not millions from becoming victims of shooting amok across the world. In other words, if bleep YOU MPAA (let’s just call them this from now onwards) spends more time campaigning for world peace and environmental issues like Gore is doing than anti-piracy campaign, I am confident that we can see growth again in the global box office revenue collection.

    My conclusion: Keep on downloading if you don't have the extra cash...

    31.5.2006 22:30 #31

  • Jannejt

    hehe :)

    1.6.2006 03:05 #32

  • angelXL

    God bless pirate bay!

    After reading the posts above, I'm sure I read as well on the piratebay that they dont host anything illegal, they just show people where to download the torrents from so the police shouldnt have anything to pin onto them.

    1.6.2006 05:42 #33

  • vipuser

    justice has won!
    Can't wait on the the day TPB will return.
    See you soon guys.


    1.6.2006 07:15 #34

  • sammorris

    I'll give them a week to reappear. After that, they're either moving country or not coming back at all.

    1.6.2006 08:54 #35

  • slocko

    this situation is why a good DR strategy pays off :D

    they could have been back up in seconds by failing the system over to a DR site in another country.

    1.6.2006 08:57 #36

  • jtbethel

    I don't think the film and music companies really worry about piracy, theft etc. it's all to do with the lawyers. These large corporate busineses (including Microsoft)continually file lawsuits againt each other for millions and we in the end pay for it in what we buy off them. Not only the claims themselves but the extreemly high court and lawyers costs. I feel that this wastage in time and money is probably a worst crime and that it should be investigated by higher authoritirs like the goverments.

    1.6.2006 09:16 #37

  • sammorris

    Lol... "Data recovery center, how can I help" - "Yes I need some data recovered from a server rack" - "sure, can I have the details of the rack and what happened to it" - "well, it kind of got taken away by the government..."

    Lawyers make their living off this stupid letigious society. If everyone would stop suing everyone for this that and the other, there'd be far more equality. I'm no Martin Luther King Jr, but really, every consumer pays for all these lawyers so big companies can make money whilst suing and getting sued. Half of these suits get thrown out so they're a waste anyway.

    1.6.2006 09:22 #38

  • Nephilim


    Promises don't make cussing acceptable so let's watch the mouth from now on ;)

    Forum Rules! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
    My movies! http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Rephaim
    "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

    1.6.2006 13:14 #39

  • sammorris

    Promises that are then broken anyway... Oh and Neph, you missed one. The 2nd from last line in the main paragraph on my screen.

    Athlon XP 3000+, Arctic Cooling Copper Silent2l, MSI MS-6775, 1GB (2x512MB) Nanya-Elixir PC3200 CAS3, 2x WD Caviar SE 250GB S-ATA, Maxtor Diamondmax +8 40GB IDE, Sapphire 256MB Radeon X800 Pro, LG GSA-4163B, SuperFlower SF-464T2-S, Hiper Type-R 480W.
    <logos removed by request of herbsman>

    1.6.2006 13:46 #40

  • lyrik

    The digital rivers flow
    and nobody can stop the waves
    it will soon wash the DRM away
    and we shall have URM(User Rights Management)
    some bright and sonny day.


    1.6.2006 15:49 #41

  • zeroxvoid

    The sad fact is they probably will NOT be back up. If they find even one media file or even a torrent, they will be charged. You can bet they have a least one or more of those types of files on their site. I have seen it happen over and over again. They were not the brightest bulb when they thought they could not be touched because it did not break their countries law. Because it DID break their countries law, in order fo any movie to be viewed in a country (or any area) they agree to certain iron clad terms and conditions. Sweden makes alot of money from the motion picture industry, and must abide my the agreements made in order to show and sale those movies. If they take no action in a case like this, not only will Sweden be sued for breaking their contract, but they can also lose the right to sell or show these movies at all. Pirate Bay is not worth the monetary loss to Sweden, so you can bet they will make an example of them.

    1.6.2006 17:38 #42

  • malekite

    zeroxvoid has it dead on the head folks. The government is going to give over to the lawyers and corporations because of...(say it with me kids)$$$$$$. Thats all any of this comes down to the TPB guys probaly wont do time, just have all theyre money removed in various forms (I live in FL, here if you break a law they go for your wallet). Then when theyve bled em dry theyll just go for someone else like Torrent Portal and claim they have to do this to make up for theyre lost proffits. Also the advent of the Internet 2 will naturaly be an even greater push to thwart us. To all my brethren and the guys at TPB, I say Aargh.

    1.6.2006 18:51 #43

  • skyhack

    TPB, I'm pulling for you. Gave me a chance to test a couple of items, then I went out and bought the shrink wrapped version of the one I liked. For me, it's a great way to try before I buy.

    1.6.2006 22:51 #44

  • janolsson

    Take it easy Folks. If TPB doesn't make it back, there will be some others who will help us poor devils. Again, it was not all fun. Many are the nights I´ve spent trying to download a file, and getting only rubbish.
    So much for film and music - we dont need their garbage - I´ve never had a TV for that very reason, and I'm 61. Movie theaters are much better ...¨:-)
    Different with software. We MUST have it to see what it can do. Or it may be priced for commercial use, which no private person can afford. And there are better ways to get it than TPB. Look around! - and It's right there. They charge a little, but it's worth it!

    2.6.2006 02:57 #45

  • ZippyDSM

    SOmuch for gray aera stuff staying in teh shadows even the coperations are digging in the dark ><

    2.6.2006 05:32 #46

  • eklipz

    the swidish police can seize thier servers because prob cause just because they even think that they have somthing that is illegal. it is another way that the goverments are trying to take control of what we have and that is freedom how many of u take cassette tapes and dub them and give them to your friends the goverment made that legal but when u start shareing music/movies across the internet it then becomes a problem is there a diffrence i dont see one but the only thing that i can see is that there money hungry freaks God Bless "The pirate bay" and shall u make that server back up

    2.6.2006 06:05 #47

  • sammorris

    Nothing yet on fixing that post, mods?

    I said I'd give them a week to be back or I'd doubt they'll ever return. 5 days left, boys.

    2.6.2006 07:16 #48

  • ireland

    update on the story....

    YARR! Swedish police site broadsided after Pirate Bay raid

    6/2/2006 8:45:00 AM, by Eric Bangeman

    It looks like the raid on The Pirate Bay and confiscation of its servers upset somebody. That's one conclusion to be drawn from the sudden unavailability of the web site of Sweden's national police. Beginning last night, the the site came under a widespread and intense denial of service attack, according to National Police Administration Director Lars Lindahl.

    "Our homepage had to handle 500,000 visits per second and it's obviously not going to handle that. It's sort of like 10,000 people calling the same phone switch at once."

    According to Lindahl, the attack began at 9:30pm local time. Judging by the time it's taking to load polisen.se, the attack seems to be still going on in full force, despite assurances that the site would be back up by now. The Swedish police are investigating the origin of the attack.

    Warner Music and Sony's web sites were also attacked, but in this case, a single Turkish hacker is thought to be responsible. It's doubtful that the hack is related to the DoS broadside against the Swedish police, although the timing is interesting.

    The Pirate Bay is arguably the largest and most popular torrent site in the world, and news of the raid was met with great dismay by fans of the site. Piratpartiet, a Swedish political party affiliated with a view on copyright very similar to The Pirate Bay, has called the raid illegal. They have also accused the Swedish government of responding to pressure from American media companies, a concern shared by others in the country.

    "We want to find out whether pressure from the U.S. government was behind the action," Center Party spokesman Johan Linander said. "I think all of this smells of direct political influence and we want to reach clarity about who really did what."

    Three people affiliated with the torrent site were taken into custody after the raid and have since been released. Swedish police say that despite their release, they still face possible criminal charges.

    The Pirate Bay maintains that the raid was a violation of Swedish law and that the site will be back up "soon," operating from another country this time. In the meantime, Piratpariet and the Pirate Bureau are organizing "Pirate Demonstration Saturday," a protest in Stockholm beginning at 3pm local time.

    "This is no longer about just a raid on the Pirate Bay, but has become a major justice scandal. We have contacted all Parliamentary parties and their youth organizations regarding a demonstration we are planning," says Pirate Bureau spokesman Marcin de Kaminski.

    Let's be clear about one thing: taking a law enforcement site offline with a DoS attack is bad, m'kay? That said, it is apparent that the action against The Pirate Bay has struck a nerve with the public. It's doubtful that this marks the start of any widespread backlash against Hollywood, the MPAA, and the RIAA. But in Sweden, this looks to be turning into a major political scandal, as accusations of knuckling under to US influence are growing.

    Thanks to Anders Bylund for the Swedish-English translation.

    2.6.2006 07:39 #49

  • sammorris

    I very much doubt the owners of TPB are responsible for the DoS attack, though no doubt the MPAA will force it upon the swedish government to say that "your site induced it". That'd be conspiracy to instruct the public on methods of copyright fraud-related espionage. Or something like that.
    Cool story.

    Athlon XP 3000+, Arctic Cooling Copper Silent2l, MSI MS-6775, 1GB (2x512MB) Nanya-Elixir PC3200 CAS3, 2x WD Caviar SE 250GB S-ATA, Maxtor Diamondmax +8 40GB IDE, Sapphire 256MB Radeon X800 Pro, LG GSA-4163B, SuperFlower SF-464T2-S, Hiper Type-R 480W.
    <logos removed by request of herbsman>

    2.6.2006 07:46 #50

  • Nephilim

    Thanks for catching that one Sam :)

    Forum Rules! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
    My movies! http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Rephaim
    "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

    2.6.2006 10:35 #51

  • sammorris

    Any time. I must admit, with all that ranting, it's hard to spot those little profanities sometimes, yet you can always depend on someone finding it who shouldn't.

    Athlon XP 3000+, Arctic Cooling Copper Silent2l, MSI MS-6775, 1GB (2x512MB) Nanya-Elixir PC3200 CAS3, 2x WD Caviar SE 250GB S-ATA, Maxtor Diamondmax +8 40GB IDE, Sapphire 256MB Radeon X800 Pro, LG GSA-4163B, SuperFlower SF-464T2-S, Hiper Type-R 480W.
    <logos removed by request of herbsman>

    2.6.2006 11:33 #52

  • ~RoNin~

    I feel that the pirate bay going down is really not that big of a deal. Sure since it was one of the more popular it sends a message but really folks how many other places are there where you can get the things you need. And don't get me wrong i'm not saying that I don't care that it went down because I do. I was reading how the swedish are going to protest in stockholm because they felt that the US had a large part to do with pushing the swedish police into taking action... I'm moving to canada... :) The thing is; The RIAA and MPAA are fighting a losing battle. We know it and they know it. What they are trying to do is send a message saying "look what we can do...better watch out"... but again both parties know that fileshareing of copyright material will never end....ever. So good luck to the people behind TPB...who knows one of them may be amongst us...

    thx to DVDback23

    2.6.2006 11:52 #53

  • sammorris

    They almost certainly are. Only the next country along!

    Athlon XP 3000+, Arctic Cooling Copper Silent2l, MSI MS-6775, 1GB (2x512MB) Nanya-Elixir PC3200 CAS3, 2x WD Caviar SE 250GB S-ATA, Maxtor Diamondmax +8 40GB IDE, Sapphire 256MB Radeon X800 Pro, LG GSA-4163B, SuperFlower SF-464T2-S, Hiper Type-R 480W.
    <logos removed by request of herbsman>

    2.6.2006 12:12 #54

  • linax9

    so yeah i always find this funny as hell lol. Close down a site that basically posts links to other sites. Really might as well shut down like 99% of the internet lol. If Pirate Bay provides them a way to actually send out the torrent (which i believe they dont) then mabye they have something but really aside from that there is no valid point to it.

    4.6.2006 09:45 #55

  • Nephilim

    Quote:might as well shut down like 99% of the internetThey would if they could.

    4.6.2006 11:42 #56

  • In_Chains

    They should all move to my wonderful country (CANADA!!!!!) I know its legal for us here to download anything we want now.As long as we dont make copies and distribute. Mind you the American government owes our governmnet 5 Billion that they wont pay (I'm not sure if anyone is aware of the softwood dispute in which a world court ordered the U.S government to pay us the 5 Billion and they still wont). So I'm sure our country will be a lot more "nice" to those who host those types of sites.

    Hey, Wait, I've Got a New Complaint,Forever In Debt To Your Priceless Advice :P

    6.6.2006 17:40 #57

  • Nephilim


    Politics DO NOT belong here so knock it off.

    Forum Rules! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
    My movies! http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Rephaim
    "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

    6.6.2006 17:48 #58

  • ZippyDSM

    He has a point,and I think Politics do belong here,as long as flameing is kept to a minuim.
    But dont mind me I dun have a brain :3

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    6.6.2006 18:16 #59

  • NINVIN21

    Post was edited do to me being out of line,sorry

    If you use an animated picture in the signature, it should not be too distractive. Eg. blinking images or images with quick movement are not allowed.
    The old afterdawn members might have a seizure!

    6.6.2006 18:42 #60

  • ZippyDSM

    Ya flameing is bad but normal conversations is not *L*

    Mods dont need a heart that need big brass balls to lay the hammer down when its needed ^^

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    6.6.2006 18:59 #61

  • Nephilim

    I'd love it if folks could discuss politics without getting idiotic about it but it simply doesn't happen.

    Forum Rules! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
    My movies! http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Rephaim
    "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

    6.6.2006 19:21 #62

  • ZippyDSM

    mods are to keep morons from being moronic sad to say.
    Keep up the good work ^^

    To get back on topic,how long has The Pirate Bay been down?
    Should take acouple months for the sized items to return to the sever,but a mirror site should pop at any time right?

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    6.6.2006 19:26 #63

  • NINVIN21

    piratebay was only offline for only a day or two, Afterdawn posted a couple differnt news threads on these issues.Check them out there is alot for info in them.

    Ps. ZIppyDSM, search this site for Windows Vister It aint lookin good at all. It allmost looks like they got togather with the M.A.F.I.A.A as you put it in your sig. lol

    Senior Member

    Well if your planning on d/l music/games/movies then don't waste your money! Vista will make you pay for everything you download to make them work!

    Sorry I also went a little off topic

    DELL intel pentium 4 with HT tech and intel celeron,
    W/customized Fans,Lights.
    Geforce MX4000 pci graphics card
    ATI TV wonder pro
    internal Sony DVD-DW DW-D22A BYS2 Dual layer burner.
    external seagate barracuda 160 GB HD, in a light up Galaxy metal Gear box.
    OLDer dell dimension 4100,with upgrades
    PS2 Slim 70012
    Swap magic 3.6
    Linksys wireless router
    I got to much shit to list.

    Shareing is careing

    Common sense USE IT

    Hackers unite

    7.6.2006 00:49 #64

  • In_Chains

    SO what does *** stand for hmmm? Go to a library?? yeah ok buddy I live in the damn country so I think I would know what I'm talking about so stick to what you know (a bottle of lotion and porn sites) Anyways as to Nephilim I wasnt trying to start any political arguments and what not I was just stating a fact as to why they should all come to Canada and giving what I think is one of the reasons why that we are so easy going when it comes to that issue thats all.

    Hey, Wait, I've Got a New Complaint,Forever In Debt To Your Priceless Advice :P

    7.6.2006 05:35 #65

  • In_Chains

    My Bad they settled the dispute in April, so I guess i was still right NINVIN21 so I guess your going to have to slip a couple more bucks to "the wizard" to get a brain to go along with the heart :P

    here's the link


    Hey, Wait, I've Got a New Complaint,Forever In Debt To Your Priceless Advice :P

    7.6.2006 05:52 #66

  • sammorris

    Heh, you're absolutely right to stop the politics, Nephilim, even if you came down hard. If that's what it takes! We could have a nice jolly old political debate here and there be no problems, but when does THAT ever happen? Come on. If there's no more to discuss, comb the other forums.

    About Vista, fortunately anyone with:
    X2 4200+
    X2 4400+
    X2 4600+
    X2 4800+
    X2 5000+
    X2 5200+ / FX-60
    X2 FX-62
    Is fine because then they can run the AMD Live media system, basically the Windows Live bits, all with the DRM stripped off and all free to AMD X2 users!
    Vista also advertises being a new gaming platform because of "reduced loading times since games don't need installing"
    So how does that work then geniuses? Load the game off the 20MB/s DVD rather than the 60MB/s Hard Drive? They only need to do this because there's no room left on your HDD for games because Vista is so sodding big. It may be a mere 15GB install, but early beta versions accrue undeleted temp files that within a week racked up 70GB. Sort it out Bill!

    I'm Here to Help newbs and n00bs, not Pwn them!

    Athlon XP 3000+, Arctic Cooling Copper Silent2l, MSI MS-6775, 1GB (2x512MB) Nanya-Elixir PC3200 CAS3, 2x WD Caviar SE 250GB S-ATA, Maxtor Diamondmax +8 40GB IDE, Sapphire 256MB Radeon X800 Pro, LG GSA-4163B, SuperFlower SF-464T2-S, Hiper Type-R 480W.
    <logos removed by request of herbsman>

    7.6.2006 06:12 #67

  • ZippyDSM

    I know its so sad I might as well remove the vister comment altogather,freedom and corpate rule do not go hand in hand.
    Beside the lock down on video,I bet Audio and even pictures wont be far behind....

    frankly I dont know why they are handicaping vista so much,hell I'd be happy with a more complable hardware wise XP,vista is just a pain the price shcemes seem ok but shit handicaping the OS to the point where its a bloated game machine with surfing abilty...oy vay ><

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    7.6.2006 06:59 #68

  • NINVIN21

    @In_Chains,Canada is a bunch of cry babys. Do you know how much money the USA gives away to retarded places almost every day?

    why should anyone move there? when there not doing anything wrong.

    As for money the USA makes it all day long it aint worth anything what do we care, Are president is the most hated one ever.

    You said the USA owes canada money well What does that have to do with anything in this thread go tell someone who cares.
    by the way how many terrorists are you guys harboring up there yet.

    As for vista Its only beta but im still scared to touch it.
    I read every thread on it and I dont no,

    DELL intel pentium 4 with HT tech and intel celeron,
    W/customized Fans,Lights.
    Geforce MX4000 pci graphics card
    ATI TV wonder pro
    internal Sony DVD-DW DW-D22A BYS2 Dual layer burner.
    external seagate barracuda 160 GB HD, in a light up Galaxy metal Gear box.
    OLDer dell dimension 4100,with upgrades
    PS2 Slim 70012
    Swap magic 3.6
    Linksys wireless router
    I got to much shit to list.

    Shareing is careing

    Common sense USE IT

    Hackers unite

    7.6.2006 07:01 #69

  • ZippyDSM

    Canada is not so bad,at least there not anal on pot and some other thigns but they are just as likly to roll over and fetch for coperations as any goverment

    http://www.percyschmeiser.com/SC Hears Case.htm


    Bascily a corpate farm moves next door to a bunch of farmers and its monster palnt polanates near by fields and the corperation get to sue and take land crushing a 10+ year old family seed bissness....

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    7.6.2006 07:10 #70

  • sammorris

    Please guys as we've already discussed. No politics. Take it elsewhere.
    IMHO Vista offers too little for the steep increase in system requirements. You can get relatively good performance in XP with an old 2Ghz CPU and 384MB RAM, whereas for Vista I wouldn't recommend anything below an Athlon64 3200+ and 1GB of RAM.

    I'm Here to Help newbs and n00bs, not Pwn them!

    Athlon XP 3000+, Arctic Cooling Copper Silent2l, MSI MS-6775, 1GB (2x512MB) Nanya-Elixir PC3200 CAS3, 2x WD Caviar SE 250GB S-ATA, Maxtor Diamondmax +8 40GB IDE, Sapphire 256MB Radeon X800 Pro, LG GSA-4163B, SuperFlower SF-464T2-S, Hiper Type-R 480W.
    <logos removed by request of herbsman>

    7.6.2006 07:27 #71

  • ZippyDSM

    I am not takeing politices but the sillyness of soem goverments.

    I have gotten XP to work on a ADM 450Mhz K6 with 128 of ramm
    It was slow like Win 3X on a 386 slow,but it ran good enough for basic PCing *L*

    Recntly I installed XP SP 2 on a 1.4 P4 512MB 166Mhz rambus Gateway with a BFG OC 6600 AGP card ,it hits about 1989 in 3dMark whitch makes it bad for anyhtign game wise in the past 5 years but its not for gameing mostly older cad progras and light gameing like Warcraft 2-3,star scraft ,ect,the 3d performacne might be icky but it runs good for everythign else.

    XP is a decent oS they would have been better off perfecting it and expanding the driver base,hell I wouldnt mind a ME like verion XP that would be nice but not with XPs SP2 setup on it god that SP2 is horried ><

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    7.6.2006 08:01 #72

  • In_Chains

    #1 The reason I said they should move there is because we are protected against retarded laws and cant be sued for downloading music, movies, ect. #2 As for harbouring terrorists your country has the biggest one (George W. Bush) #3 What it had to do with the thread was that I was stating that it was one of the possible reasons why we dont let the R.I.A.A,and other organizations sue or citizens. #4Last but not least, I'd rather be a cry baby than a huckleberry redneck goof and if you wish to continue this start a new thread based on the subject matter so we can stop bothering the people who are discussing the topic of this thread.

    Hey, Wait, I've Got a New Complaint,Forever In Debt To Your Priceless Advice :P

    7.6.2006 09:23 #73

  • ZippyDSM

    and on the other hand the goverment at any tiem can ban violant video games or pron like Austrila has,or pull back certain rights like russia,its not prefect but in all its far from bad,the US is realy f'd up but meh its home untill they us poor out *L*

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    7.6.2006 09:30 #74

  • sammorris

    I'd say that's still politics!

    I'm Here to Help newbs and n00bs, not Pwn them!

    Athlon XP 3000+, Arctic Cooling Copper Silent2l, MSI MS-6775, 1GB (2x512MB) Nanya-Elixir PC3200 CAS3, 2x WD Caviar SE 250GB S-ATA, Maxtor Diamondmax +8 40GB IDE, Sapphire 256MB Radeon X800 Pro, LG GSA-4163B, SuperFlower SF-464T2-S, Hiper Type-R 480W.
    <logos removed by request of herbsman>

    7.6.2006 10:23 #75

  • ZippyDSM

    yup it seems I fell into the gutter :P

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    7.6.2006 10:38 #76

  • sammorris

    Yep well. Any more topical thoughts?

    I'm Here to Help newbs and n00bs, not Pwn them!

    Athlon XP 3000+, Arctic Cooling Copper Silent2l, MSI MS-6775, 1GB (2x512MB) Nanya-Elixir PC3200 CAS3, 2x WD Caviar SE 250GB S-ATA, Maxtor Diamondmax +8 40GB IDE, Sapphire 256MB Radeon X800 Pro, LG GSA-4163B, SuperFlower SF-464T2-S, Hiper Type-R 480W.
    <logos removed by request of herbsman>

    7.6.2006 11:01 #77

  • jziman

    Talk about getting off topic. Wasent the article about ThePirateBay.org?

    7.6.2006 11:11 #78

  • sammorris

    Yeah. Glad to see they're back, if with a primitive interface. I don't mind it though, very googley.

    7.6.2006 11:24 #79

  • bobpeers

    Pirate Bay is great but I can´t understand Afterdawn advertising LiveDVD Inc. LiveDVD Inc is nothing but as rip off.You pay 19 bucks for them to show you where to download Films,Pics,Music ect.Including Pirate Bay.
    Whats going on Afterdawn??


    8.6.2006 03:06 #80

  • sammorris

    I got caught by one of those scams a while back, Downloadshield. Now I know better.

    8.6.2006 03:12 #81

  • Nephilim

    The ads are supplied by google, we have no control over what's advertised.

    8.6.2006 08:48 #82

  • sammorris

    ...and there's your answer!

    8.6.2006 09:03 #83

  • ZippyDSM

    Anyone know if usernet is worth it at 13ish a month?
    do they realy limit files by types (moive,mp3,pic,other) or just limit monthly band width ?

    8.6.2006 13:02 #84

  • sammorris

    I use Usenext, and although the speeds are impressive (600-700KB/s on my connection, that's about max) the selection of files isn't all that and you have to check every multiple part archive to see if all the rars are there, countless times i've downloaded stuff that's missing .r13 or something. I wouldn't say there's a great deal on there you can't find elsewhere tbh.

    8.6.2006 13:10 #85

  • ZippyDSM

    pretty much what I thought,I have used Newsgroups on and off thruutmy time on the net they are rather....annoying ,if someone built a program that would hunt forall parts of a file and other thigns then it might improve but its like BT with little to no seeds and a ton of peers with with 70% of the file...and for a pay serivce thats a nono.

    8.6.2006 16:52 #86

  • NINVIN21

    One thing about piratebay I dont get is the recent torrents link on the homepage Whats that for? There is tons and tons of torrents with no seeds or completed DL,

    And whats really the point of the I'm felling lucky search button?

    and when you go into top 100 its the same as browse torrents but there is a top 100 link there,cant they link stright into the 100?

    I wanna add I love the top 100 This is the only site I seen that has this well another one has top 20,

    I Also love that that you can leave comments

    one more thing people like to donate by buying tee-shirts,
    Where can you find piratebay shirts?
    the shirts on jinx.com, Does jinx take a % from the companys when You buy from them or what How does that work?

    I dont think piratebay is back to the norm yet, there seems to be missing torrents or theres just a lack of them.

    If you use an animated picture in the signature, it should not be too distractive. Eg. blinking images or images with quick movement are not allowed.
    The old afterdawn members might have a seizure!

    8.6.2006 19:52 #87

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