White PSP ad sparks racism claims

White PSP ad sparks racism claims
If there is one thing Sony is most definitely good at, it's causing controversy with their advertisements for the PlayStation Portable (PSP) console. You might remember, for example, how Sony came under fire for running a graffiti ad campaign. Some slammed Sony for "defacing public property". Sony also ran into trouble over advertisements in the UK. Now Sony has run into trouble in the Netherlands.

This time however, it is a little worse as accusations of racism are being thrown at the company over a particular advertisement for a new ceramic white-colored model of the PSP. Most of the ads are fine. They just include a white woman promoting the PSP console in various ways. However, many claim one particular ad shows the woman assaulting a black woman.

Specifically, on the left on the billboard there is a black woman dressed all in black. On the right there is a white woman dressed all in white. The problem people have is the fact the white woman is holding the black woman by the jaw. The ad contains the words "PlayStation Portable White Is Coming".

Sony claims that there is no ill intent with the advertisement. "The marketing campaign for the launch of the white PSP in the Netherlands focuses on the contrast between the Black PSP model and the new Ceramic White PSP model. A variety of different treatments have been created as a campaign to either highlight the whiteness of the new model or contrast the black and the white models. Central to this campaign has been the creation of some stunningly photographed imagery that has been used on large billboards throughout Holland. All of the images created for the campaign have been designed to show this contrast in colors of the PSP's, and have no other message or purpose." a Sony rep told GameSpot.

Is it racist or not? Decide for yourself! See the ad at DigitalBattle.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 6 Jul 2006 17:46
Advertisement - News comments available below the ad
  • kaosX

    give me a break... people need to relax

    6.7.2006 17:54 #1

  • Dela

    i tend to agree

    6.7.2006 17:57 #2

  • svtstang

    um...the original color is black....is that racist also lmao

    Read Jamaal's tut and you can make one too:D
    http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487 -Forum Rules

    6.7.2006 18:26 #3

  • jziman

    It is just an ad. I see nothing offencive by it. It is just for the color of the consol. It is these people and see black and white people. All I see is two people in an ad for the psp saying the new white psp is here.

    Get a life it is not racist. If you think it is look at how you are dividing by race. You may just be the racist.

    6.7.2006 18:42 #4

  • PeaInAPod

    I wouldn't say the ads are racist purposefully. But are easily offensive to anyone. They could have come up with a better ad, one that didnt include the jaw holding.

    6.7.2006 18:44 #5

  • limelight

    ^^^^ well said.

    Yes its a little on the offensive side, (more like idiotic side.) Looks like sony is trying to shock us like Rockstar did with the GTA games, and look how those games sold with all the "advertising". No such thing as bad publicity i guess.

    6.7.2006 19:33 #6

  • gogochar

    Pretty soon, it's going to be banned in US.

    6.7.2006 19:50 #7

  • joonbugg

    I am black and I dont find it racist at all. I know there will be people who do find it racist though. You cant have anything nowadays without SOMEONE having a problem with it.

    6.7.2006 20:24 #8

  • kylebaker

    My GOD this is rediculous!

    Thank you joonbugg.

    I myself am white and non-racist at that! I'm so sick of white and black people finding rediculous reasons to feel offended! I'm not sure where all of you live, but here in the U.S. while I'm around campus I have many friends who are white, black, spanish, chinesse, etc. but I seem to notice more black people in general taking offense to everything they can find. I mean I hardly ever hear a white person say, "Hey, that's racist towards white people." I almost feel that all of this racism calling is racist towards me and my race. I wish we could all just forget about race and racism and just get along. It's never going to disappear until we can let go of it. Also people need to understand that Television shows many things that we ignore that we should complain about rather than an ad that seems racist when it really isn't. I mean do you honestly think SOny would put out a racist ad people? It's not like they don't want a certain race's money. That is rediculous. ;(

    And exactly as joonbugg said...
    "You cant have anything nowadays without SOMEONE having a problem with it."

    6.7.2006 20:53 #9

  • Cinnjerm

    You people act like sublimal messages don't exist( and racism for that matter). I suppose if ritz started a new ad campaign for a new cracker and put a white guy on the cover with a bunch of black guys laughing at him you wouldn't take offense to that. Oh wait, you probably wouldn't cause when it comes to whites in western nations nothing really does offend you.
    Me personally, i really don't give a shit about this campaign because i hate sony from the jump and im not going out of my way to do anything about. The thing to do is not buy sony; its that simple. Fuq'm. I live in America. Racism is no new thing to me and i put up with it everyday; often times from those who swear to the highest they're not racist. If it doesn't offend you, thats cool, but don't try an act like to any self respecting black man or woman this wouldn't at the least rouse their curiousity.

    6.7.2006 21:47 #10

  • Lethal_B

    It's not racist, but the advert is definetely provocative..
    Quote:Pretty soon, it's going to be banned in US.Unless you are talking about the white PSP itself, this ad isn't even shown in the US. It's on Dutch Billboards.

    6.7.2006 21:57 #11

  • Cinnjerm

    "but here in the U.S. while I'm around campus I have many friends who are white, black, spanish, chinesse, etc."-

    That's cool, but then ask yourself; are these people diverse or are they people of different descents that have all conformed to a white friendly way of life.

    "I mean I hardly ever hear a white person say, "Hey, that's racist towards white people.""-

    GO FIGURE, you live in a population composed of 90% white people. Go live in Detroit for a few years and tell me how you feel about your situation then. You say this with absolutely no idea what it's like being a minority anywhere. You can't imagine living in a society where almost no one looks like you and im sure youll say it doenst make a differnece and thats absolutely bullshit.

    "It's never going to disappear until we can let go of it."-

    This being after the hundreds of years of free labor and the plundering and exploitation of entire continents. A man with no knowledge of his past has no future. Slavery was no joke and until i see a cut of the literally trillions of dollars owed to my ancestors, the ones who made this nation prosperous, if i complaign about whatever i dont wanna hear shit.

    PS. Your ancestors believed whole heartedly in social darwinism and survival of the fittest. You better just hope that what comes around doesnt go around.

    6.7.2006 22:08 #12

  • lxfactor

    Lex Factor

    6.7.2006 22:20 #13

  • lxfactor

    oops i forgot to credit!


    Lex Factor

    6.7.2006 22:21 #14

  • lxfactor

    for those of you who didnt read it this is the racist AD

    Lex Factor

    6.7.2006 22:24 #15

  • drspy00

    It is definately unusual and it does get your attention but I don't really find it racist. I personally don't agree with racism but the world just is getting silly about it now.

    7.7.2006 00:39 #16

  • Darkhadou

    Credit goes to Tim at CAD Comics.

    7.7.2006 01:59 #17

  • Dude2099

    whoa, it diffinately stands out thou.

    7.7.2006 02:14 #18

  • domie

    The point is not whether it is racist or not, it is provocative beyond belief and i do not believe that a company with as many $$$$$ as Sony can fail to have realised what implications this ad would have when released.

    7.7.2006 02:38 #19

  • mystic

    you all know how stupid this is .. man first they hate the game portables now they hat the adds this is crazy if it was a group of people from motal combat then the chiness would be crying its ratial... but give a par of nikes or a can of 7up to magic johnson or o'neil its ok for everyone.... not good.. people just get over it ...and lighten up

    7.7.2006 04:40 #20

  • MrToast

    Cinnjerm, you are why there is a problem between white and black. no on owes you anyhting, the blacks dont deserve anything more than what they strive for. SO here is a 40 and some gold teeth... look at what the idiots did with all that money in new orleans!

    What? YeAH!! Okay

    7.7.2006 05:10 #21

  • max777

    I think this is proof that black people don't show up very well on billboards. Do they even have black people in Holland?

    7.7.2006 05:32 #22

  • The_Fiend

    Yes, we do.

    @ CinnJerm : and who do you suggest the "white' people pay that money to?
    You sound like on of those "affirmative action" advocates that can't get by on his own merrit to me...

    And let's be honest, your point holds no ground as the people responsible for the actual slavery AND most of the actual slaves have all been dead for a LONG time...

    7.7.2006 06:13 #23

  • M1ckran

    I don't think I've never heard of the Japanese being accused of being racist. Perhaps they'll release a yellow version too.

    If anything, you could say the advert promotes antisocial behaviour, but I suppose nobody has thought of that angle, yet.

    It's all a bit silly isn't it?

    7.7.2006 06:42 #24

  • darkwar16

    i think nobody should buy the psp because of this rasist ad sony bought out.

    7.7.2006 07:00 #25

  • lajr1980

    I'm from Washington,DC and that AD IS racist.
    Man, look at the outfits they are wearing and of course look at the jester being portrayed.
    Grab the sistah by the mouth and give her that "I'm
    Superior & You're Inferior!" look.
    This Ad will not make it to the USA or it will get banned!

    7.7.2006 07:13 #26

  • Darkhadou

    Jeez, it's NOT racist- sure it may seem that way but if it was then why would the black man in the picture even agree to doing it? If he can accept, then all the weeners should accept too- end of arguements.

    7.7.2006 07:32 #27

  • daredevl

    isnt it about time the black community stopped playing the race card. How many white people do you see in there music videos ? give it a rest guys.

    7.7.2006 07:48 #28

  • captsteel

    Listen to me everyone Sony could have used animated animals, cartoons, or anything other than two people of different color. A black woman being assalted is every bit as bad as a white woman being assalted. What would people say if the black woman was assalting the white woman. The poster looks like something from slavery the way the white woman is holding the black woman by the jaw.When companies ran by idiots do not excercise good judgement this is the type of result you can expect to happen and it is usually Chaos and people being upset. I am also a black man.

    7.7.2006 07:49 #29

  • Boberto96

    First off... Racism is not a "thing" its a state of mind that unfortunately has a hold of a great many people in the North American continent. Whether it's through the subliminal biggotry that this ad supposedly portrays or whether it is actually white people hating blacks, racism has no place in society today.

    This ad: NOT RACIST
    Rationale: If for example it had been a black woman gripping the jaw of a white woman on an add reading "Black is coming" or whatever, i can with a high level of certainty say that there would not have been even one outburst or racial tension. What if it had been two black, or two white women in the same pose? racist? NOPE.

    So why is it that almost anywhere in the world you go, and correct me if this sounds stereotypical, that the only forms of racism are exerted by white people?

    Yeah, ok slavery happened.. It's no better than the Roman's did. Anyone in here whining about black history month, reparations, letters of apology etc. GROW UP! You are in no way directly affected by the offshoots of slavery, unless you consider the home you live in, the car you drive, the food you eat a bad thing... We could have left you in Africa like i have heard many black people profess is what should have happened. Enjoy your civil wars, starvation, and mass genocides. Where on god's green earth does anyone get off trying to win money from the work of dead people? (besides the art society and music industry) My grandfather was wrongfully accused of a crime when he was in his 40's. His criminal record had far reaching and detrimental effects on my father, and even me in a way. There is not one judge on the bench that would win me a cash settlement for the damages suffered. best part of this story is that my grandfather, my dad, me, and the people who accused and sentenced my grandfather are all alive. I know there is no chance of winning the lawsuit because we tried it, or at least my father did when times were tough. He was reneged and his lawyer fees dug an even deeper hole in his pocket. He picked the pieces up, moved on and carried on life in the usual way (a little more frugally i might add).

    Anyone who has to say that they arent a racist most liekly has racial tension. Whether it be around blacks whites, chinese, indian, latin etc. Racism spawns from insecurity (or potentially mental illness), as does every other type of derrogatory commentary. So why then, if white people are so racist do black people feel so bad? We're all just a bunch of insecure honkey's.

    Another point on the tensions between white and black people is that it seems as though alot of black people dig for, or create reasons in their head to find comments racist or offensive. To be honest someone's race does not effect them in life. If you live on welfare in a ghetto shanty town chances are you deserved to be put there. If you want to sit around, taking odds and ends jobs here and there, not expanding your education, gaining tranferable skills etc that is your life choice. I would sincerely appreciate if lazy ass useless human beings would stop bitching about the fact that they don't get enough fucking handouts already. You may have not had a choice of being brought up in that environment whether it's because of your parents poor decision or let's put it tragically, a disability or TRUE inability to work (mental illness, psychosis etc.).

    The one thing that bothers me about the state of the media is how it shows black people getting high, stealing, raping, crime-oriented in general; and this is the message we relay to the youth in this country... How can we hope to ever break this cycle of racist oppression of any minority group (and the likewise "quick-to-judge" attitude those minority groups hold) when people like 50 cent and G-unit can't take thier dicks out of each others asses long enough to realize that their "gangsterism" is the exact cause of the oppression of their people. If people like 50 (and other black celebrities) didn't give off the image that if you touch him he'll kill you, perhaps people would be less afraid of what might happen if they approach someone and there is an obvious color barrier.


    7.7.2006 07:54 #30

  • max777

    Black people think I'm racist, because I'm white. That's why I don't like black people. lol!

    7.7.2006 08:04 #31


    I myself don't think it's racist at all.. now if the white girl said yo n*gger the PSP white is coming! then yes it's 100% racist. or flip it around if the black girl doing the same thing and said yo h*nkey the PSP black is coming! the same thing. but as it is I myself don't find it racist, Just really controversial. And from what I see it's working because of the debate here in the forums.

    My family (on my mom's side) was traced back to the landing of the Mayflower. and I've found out that I may have some distant relatives that are black (I'm white btw) now that won't make me jump up and say I'm gonna kill all blacks cause they've destroyed my family blah blah blah (KKK thinking) I'm actually even more interested into knowing more about my family roots and how they lived their lives and what sort of struggles they went through in life.

    All i know is that we are all related one way or another. we aren't black or white or asian or whatever race or creed you belong to. we ALL belong to the HUMAN RACE. and that's good enough for me.

    7.7.2006 08:45 #32

  • mJoshua83

    All I have to say is WOW.

    7.7.2006 08:56 #33

  • lo_kee

    The only thing that bothers me right now is that no one is putting up all the pictures from the ad campaign.

    Please take a look at the (at least) three available before you start defending it or defaming it.


    <IMG SRC="http://www.joystiq.com/media/2006/07/sony_whiteiscoming_web_1.jpg">
    <IMG SRC="http://www.joystiq.com/media/2006/07/sony_whiteiscoming_web_2.jpg">
    <IMG SRC="http://www.joystiq.com/media/2006/07/sony_whiteiscoming_web_3a.jpg">

    7.7.2006 10:14 #34

  • Jauzzi

    deep inside we are all racisst... no matter what color your skin is. We are racists but on different degrees, that's all. I've been to countries in southamerica and europe where people, in the same nation ,same skin color, hate each other, west vs east, north vs south... and in USA, all that buzz about immigration... don't give me that "terrorism! gotta secure the border" BS, or "they are taking our jobs, ruining our economy" BS.... just yesterday i read on the news that more than 500 economists, and nobel prize winners from around the globe (US included) just sent a letter to the US congress and MR G W Bush demanding for a fair immigration law, also showing why immigration doesn't ruin the us economy and chit like that... in fact it helps not only the US but also the countries they come from since they send money back and stuff.... do you go out with friends from a different race with different customs, moreover.. would you go out or even marry a girl from a different race, no matter what race? it's just human nature... if humans were all from the same color we would find a way to put stereotypes on each other, hate each other, fight each other... i mean.. god... people on this site insult each other over a freaking console....

    7.7.2006 10:28 #35

  • Lethal_B

    Quote:deep inside we are all racisst... no matter what color your skin is. We are racists but on different degrees, that's all.
    Quote:. if humans were all from the same color we would find a way to put stereotypes on each other, hate each other, fight each other... i mean.. god... people on this site insult each other over a freaking console....I agree wholeheartedly!

    7.7.2006 10:36 #36

  • Boberto96

    Does anyone else here agree that sony has the marketing part of their business down to a T? I can't help but think that regardless of whether you are white, black, chinese....fuck it who cares... You all know that sony has a white PSP coming out. You can all sit on Sony's dick... oh wait, by discussing this ad in millions of blogs across the net Sony wins. I'm surprised no one has made any ad's depicting interracial fetishism sex acts... not going to lie, a white woman holding a black guy by a leash is pretty memorable. Also, i can't help but totally agree with the first 2-comments("it must be racist because it has people of different ethnicity! what an outrage!!11one"). I think it was:"Oh my god, two people of different races together, must be racist".. hahah i laughed because apparently he is the only one whos figured it out. And people only think things are racist, simply because thats how they think. It's all about perception of the context it is in. I think this add (i'm surprised that it didn't) needs to be reviewed by women's rights activists for the scantily clad women in suggestive positions. Unless you are a minority, you will never know how it feels to be treated as such. One thing to take away from this advertising campaign is that most of us are insecure and think we owe Sony a huge public debt for bringing such an issue to light.

    How can this ad be altered to be less racist? It can't, because no matter how you cut the cake someone will take offense to the material presented. It seems like minorities that come to this country for all the great things it has to offer have nothing nice to say about the white folks that live there. "Oppress this, belittle that.." Get off your pathetic ass and quit whining like a little bitch. Ever been a fat kid? prolly 10000 times worse than being the black kid, i'd know from personal experience. All you minorities have to stop feeling sorry for yourselves. if you dont like the world outside when you can't pull the race card then guess what?? STAY THE FUCK INSIDE! White people don't get offended by ad's depicting them being racially belittled, they don't complain about it on the TV, in newspapers etc. I think what people need to start realizing is that we are all a people under one nation and one flag. Yah, ok you came to the states or Canada because it is the land of opportunity..only to be shocked shitless to find out that racism and oppression still exists in this world. WELCOME TO HUMAN NATURE. One group will always oppress, one will always be oppressed. If you think black oppression is bad in WHITE AMERICA, go read a newspaper or pick up a magazine and read about the hundreds of thousands that die in BLACK AFRICA, at the hands of their own government or a neighbouring tribe. People need to not be such pussies, realize that this is as good as its ever gonna get and move the fuck on. How can you get out of the trap of opression if all you do is sit and feel sorry for yourself that you are. COMON PEOPLE LET's USE SOME COMMON SENSE IN THIS ISSUE.

    7.7.2006 10:43 #37

  • blakroach

    Yeah most who've written in already saying that black people should'nt be offended are correct in what they're saying for the most part, but being we all are grownups, at least I think we are have to admit that Sony using that ad was done in very poor taste. There must be countless other ways that they've could've visually shown that they now have white psp other than that tasteless photo ad that they used. What they need to do is figure a way to not offend a potential future base of buyers to their products. Black or White.

    7.7.2006 10:56 #38

  • Boberto96

    What if this ad was not for a PSP and instead it said... "blah blah blah, the new fragrance by Giorgio Armani.." how racist is just that picture? if it is not drawn into the context of the white coming to compete with the black there should be no issues. Because, IMHO, a woman nowadays should be allowed to hold another woman's face... gay marriage is cool remember? Think about it as a perfume ad and its just a sexy, lucrative picture... of course though, when it's the white minority entering the black majority it's racist... most of the post's that denounce this ad are basically using their own imagination to manipulate what might happen if this add was played out as a movie. WTF is all i have to say. How do you know after this photo shoot those two women didnt go out for lunch and talk about fashion and shopping and shoes and not about how racist and controversial their ad would be?

    7.7.2006 11:07 #39

  • blakroach

    the ad would be fine as long as it wasn't an armani perfume that was named black, now that was coming with an offspring now being called white, to most black people offended,it looks to be as a whites coming to reclaim their dominance over the all blacks

    7.7.2006 11:23 #40

  • GrayArea

    IMHO this type of "racisim" is largely defined by the person or people on the recieving end of the exchange. It's like when groups of Native Americans (gotta use the PC term since this story is all about PC) started to speak out about things like having a sports team named "The Redskins". The intention when naming the team was clearly not meant as an offense to Native Americans. Some even argued that it was a statment of respect. The Native Americans did not see it that way.

    10 years of passion anyone?

    Also, this billboard does look pretty racist to me. The angry looking white woman glaring down at the black woman clutching her jaw in a very unfriendly looking way? Come on now. I think Sony knew exactly what they were doing. They are willing to take the hit because all the FREE publicty more than makes up for whatever small amount of damage is caused by the original ad. Can you say "viral advertizing"?

    7.7.2006 12:24 #41

  • Lethal_B

    Everone is entitled to their 2 bob's worth, but please, no more swearing in posts in the news threads. It will be removed..

    7.7.2006 12:46 #42

  • mJoshua83

    lo_kee I just went to that website to see the three ads for myself and all I have to say is "that's hott"

    7.7.2006 13:02 #43

  • tefarko

    they should have used Michael Jackson for the ad...

    7.7.2006 13:50 #44

  • Lethal_B

    After his little hissy-fit with Sony over his "Invincible" album flopping, don't think so ;-)

    7.7.2006 14:17 #45

  • alafossb

    This world needs more sense of humor... We're all either too stuck up or too laid back XD! I find the ads great.


    "Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone."

    7.7.2006 14:25 #46

  • bjc688409

    And I quote by Cinnjerm,
    ""It's never going to disappear until we can let go of it."-

    This being after the hundreds of years of free labor and the plundering and exploitation of entire continents. A man with no knowledge of his past has no future. Slavery was no joke and until i see a cut of the literally trillions of dollars owed to my ancestors, the ones who made this nation prosperous, if i complaign about whatever i dont wanna hear shit.

    PS. Your ancestors believed whole heartedly in social darwinism and survival of the fittest. You better just hope that what comes around doesnt go around."
    Okay... First. We don't owe you crap. Noone alive today is responsible for slavery that ended over 100 years ago. And EVEN IF we owed them anything it would be our ancestors, to your ancestors.
    Okay so second:
    Trillions of dollars? What are you smoking man? I know personally that my ancestors were part of the underground railroad and part of an elaborate plan to help free slaves... Don't give me that, "You owe us," crap. I believe firmly slavery shouldn't have happened. Oh well... That's really old news.
    Third: You made our nation prosperous? Um... ya I'm just gonna leave this one for everyone to laugh at you about.
    Fourth: What doesn't go around comes around? Okay so if your so gung-ho about how cruel it was, are you saying that you'd be willing for black people to enslave white people if it WAS possible. Wow hippocrit.
    My point in all of this: It's an ad. Stop complaining Sony already said they meant nothing of racism when they designed it.
    And um... I'd like to say if you guys want everything to be fair no matter what the color of your skin is, don't complain when someone who is more qualified than you gets a job. They didn't get it because they're white. They got it because their resume fit the job description. Oh wait, we can't do that, we have to hire the underqualified black person for the job even if he doesn't have as much expeireience in the field.
    Hey Cinnjerm-

    7.7.2006 14:40 #47

  • borhan9

    Quote:Specifically, on the left on the billboard there is a black woman dressed all in black. On the right there is a white woman dressed all in white. The problem people have is the fact the white woman is holding the black woman by the jaw. The ad contains the words "PlayStation Portable White Is Coming".See I like the idea of black and white etc.. but what is the holding the jaw all about. What does that have to do with gaming or hardware etc...

    They should be treated equally mayb both holding each others jaws :)

    7.7.2006 14:59 #48

  • Shinraboy

    It really doesnt matter. Sony could have done a WAY better metaphor. But who cares? its only for a few months. PLUS you're acting like you've never seen this before!!! Dont you watch family guy??? or tv for that matter? racism has always been and always will be. especially in the media. THIS IS NOTHING NEW!!!!!!!!
    Face it, if it was a yellow psp, she would have been choking an asian.
    brown, a hispanic.
    red, an aborted fetus or hillbilly

    oh, and if they would have used animals, we would have a psp with cheetah spots and chester cheeta choking a panda!!!! an that would make an issue with PETA, or those animal rights wackos.
    so who gives a flyin f*ck? It would have been controversial no matter what!!
    Personally im not a racist pr*ck but like I said, it doesnt matter.

    7.7.2006 15:27 #49

  • vylin

    I think it is racist. Japan used to fight with hitler and this is a bit childish in Final fantasy they make sefiroth appear as something evil when is actual sort of a tree of wisdom in Jewish Kabbalah. If you have dignity and some basics of ethics you wouldn't make advertising like that.
    I'm thinking deeply if I'm still going to support Sony corporation

    7.7.2006 15:50 #50

  • lajr1980

    Hmm... Sony could have done a cool Ebony & Ivory concept.

    7.7.2006 15:51 #51

  • sundance

    Sony seems to show little respect for it's customer on many fronts, be it installing a virus on your system from their music CD or a racist ad. I'm not sure I would call this ad racist but if it's not it's not because Sony gives a S*&^. They see us a money and nothing else. I will NEVER own a Sony Blu-ray HD-DVD player either. I am hoping that the HD-DVD stomps Sony’s Blu-ray.

    7.7.2006 16:01 #52

  • Lethal_B

    Shinraboy - long time no see =)
    Quote:Dont you watch family guy??? or tv for that matter? racism has always been and always will be. especially in the media. THIS IS NOTHING NEW!!!!!!!!Family guy is way, way different from this ad. Family guy is done in a humourous way. Making ironic jokes about different races in an extremely funny animated show is a little different to a white chick holding a black chick by the throat with that caption. I don't think it's racist at all, but it's tasteless.

    I wonder though, would it have caused so much controversy on the flipside?

    7.7.2006 16:02 #53

  • Gitano71

    its things like this that make me racist at times.

    7.7.2006 16:24 #54

  • ZippyDSM

    meh its not rasciest it is however odd enough to enflame thos that will bitch and whine about any little thing this rmembers the hub bub over pocco locco

    7.7.2006 16:44 #55

  • POEE

    Technically speaking, how can one honestly say this ad is not racist? It is BASED on the concept of race -- visually equating a white woman with a white PSP, and a black woman with a black PSP -- how is this not about race? You can argue that it is a "harmless" flavor of racism, as it does not promote the idea of a superior race. Yes, I know that the ad is all about how the "white is coming" and the idea is that it's better... but that is not the real point of the ad. Sony is selling both color versions of the PSP, because they know that many will prefer black, and many will prefer the "iPod" look, which Sony, like so many other companies, are all too ready to rip off. I read so many of the comments here and at other forums discussing this Sony ad, and I am shocked at how thoroughly racist so many people's basic ideas are. It is so pervasive that most cannot even see it in themselves!

    BTW: the ad is also sexist, of course. But so what? Almost ALL advertising and media plays on racial and sexual stereotypes. The real hypocrisy is the notion that racism/sexism is something from our evil past and that only assholes or monsters are involved with it. Nonsense. We are inundated with it; it has become part of our culture; it is inescapable. Also part of our culture is the paradoxical self-loathing and guilt that we all are supposed to feel about racism -- even as we are swimming in it, blissfully unaware. I think the problem is one of communication. The word "racist" is filled with so much emotional baggage, of both the conscious and unconscious varieties, that it is ill-suited to rational discourse among most people. It hinders more than it helps the goal of communicating ideas from one mind to another. To some people, "racism" is anything that draws a distinction between races -- basically just acknowledging that different races even exist (instead of being "color-blind" and believing that humans are of a single "race"). This definition is too broad to do much good, imo, but it is the most "Politically Correct" formulation (nevermind that it's erroneous from a scientific point of view.)

    The gist of it as far as this ad goes is that Sony's marketing team is either: 1) insensitive to many people's feelings on a hot-button topic; or 2) exploiting the fact that some people get offended by this type of thing in the hope that the ad will generate a lot of free press in the ensuing uproar. In this sense, Sony is only adding to the noise of this difficult subject, not helping matters. They are helping themselves, of course, but they really don't care about anything beyond that. (As to the role of a for-profit conglomerate in the arena of social mores, that is a different discussion.)

    7.7.2006 18:55 #56

  • ZippyDSM

    you can say the same damn thign about 2 or more people of each race in the sma epicture...or at elast "some" can.....I think some are lookign to hard...

    7.7.2006 19:12 #57

  • adachan

    PSPs are made by yellow people, what do they know about black and white relations. How can this possibly be racist?

    7.7.2006 19:14 #58

  • ZippyDSM

    at 200-300 a pop thier made by green people :P

    7.7.2006 19:48 #59

  • megaBLS

    Honestly, I don't think the add is that bad. When I first read the article I expected to to the white charecter punching the black charecter or something like that. I think people need to calm down and think about things before they call something racist. I know that racism is out there(I live in the south) but this is just advertising.

    7.7.2006 19:53 #60

  • peanuts2

    what they should do is put a black person holding the black PSP and Michael Jackson holding the white one side by side in the ad that would be interesting.When is the brown PSP comming, the latino PSP?

    gigabyte k8nf,gigabyte nvidia geforce 6600 gt,corsair 1024 DDR2 ram,200gb Western Digital SATA HDD.Lite-on 16x DVD-Rom SOHD-167T & Lite-on SOHW-1673S 16xDL DVD Burner,ilo LCD monitor,AMD64 3200.Windows XP oem.

    7.7.2006 20:10 #61

  • um_ya_sam

    ok at first i thought it was stuped tht ppl were getting angry...but tht picture is a little iffy!......lol i want to see a picture of a black ganster like beating up a little white kid for the ad...lmao

    im a gangsta g!

    7.7.2006 21:29 #62

  • ofolion

    I don't think this is really racist or intented to be...

    but i really do think they were stupid to NOT expect this...

    i would of thought they would be a little more careful with advertising...

    7.7.2006 22:21 #63

  • john_k

    Is this Unquestionably and bluntly racist? No. Can it be reasonably interpreted as racist? Yes. Can it be reasonably interpreted as a harmless but not so classy ad? Yes. The bottom line is that this ad is very controversial and touches on such a sensitive subject especially in the U.S. With race comes very strong feelings and a lot of anger. Some people are more sensitive to the issue of race than others depending on the environment you grew up in.

    Rember that the civil rights movement was not that long ago. Many young black people have parents that lived during a time when they would wake up every morning in fear that they maybe lynched and forced to live in extreme poverty despite their best efforts. They were deprived of any success they could've had when it was most important. In turn they were not able to give their children(young blacks now) many of the privaliges that many white kids had. Of course your parents are going to have a major influence on how you see the world. So it's not fair to say "Just Get Over it" at this stage in the game. It takes time for things like this to heal especially when so many people who experienced REAL racism everyday are still alive.

    On the flipside, there are many young white Americans (including myself) that had absolutely nothing to do with slavery or Jim Crowe yet we are the ones that have to be very careful about what we say and do because it seems like every little thing thing we do that has anything to do with race can put a racist label above our heads. Many of our Black counterparts can say things to us and not be racist but if we were to say the same type of thing to them it would be racist. And it's all because of events that happened before we were born and that we had no control over. So from this point of view it seems very unfair that we have to carry this burden on our shoulders that is a result of our ancestors actions.

    The people at Sony would have to be complete morons to think that this wouldn't stir up major contrevorsy! Just look at all the mixed feelings of the Afterdawn community. Whether you think this is racist or not you shouldn't take this stupid ad seriously. By doing so Sony wins! Their taking advantage of our personal feelings to make a large profit! This Ad isn't going to affect any of our lives so why pay it any mind? Jesus Christ it's for a box of Circuits! Sony is just doing this for attention not to send some important message.

    7.7.2006 22:33 #64

  • jAmEsTn

    Quote:PSPs are made by yellow people, what do they know about black and white relations. How can this possibly be racist? Ignorant response, although i'm sure they dont care much bout black and white relations anyway. lol

    7.7.2006 22:34 #65

  • vylin

    I'm going to boycot Sony and make my own portable gaming device.... Videogames... I can live without them ... It's a woman I need to tinker with

    8.7.2006 00:41 #66

  • borhan9

    Quote:It's a woman I need to tinker withLOL funniest thing ive read all night :)

    8.7.2006 02:38 #67


    LOL but the question is vylin, is what you going to call it seeing as "playgirl" has already been taken!

    8.7.2006 08:59 #68

  • ZippyDSM

    wemon are meaner and more scary than games....and alot more fustrateing....porn is cheaper altho it can be boreing....meh how needs wemon *L*
    not had one in 30 years dont plan on havieng 1 in the next 30 years!

    8.7.2006 11:30 #69

  • Ballpyhon

    this by far tops the list of stupid BS that i have wasted my time reading. Personally i am not racsist, but this deserves to be said - if they were trying to be racsist, wouldnt they have had poor black kids with scratched up black psp's they acquired used or stolen, and the white ones shiney and new being played by rich white kids they just got at bestbuy?

    8.7.2006 12:19 #70

  • PeaInAPod

    Everyone heres a new view of the subject for you. What if the first PSP was white and the new one was black? And sonys ad in question was reversed with the black woman holding the white women by the jaw. How would everyone view it then??

    I for one believe there wouldnt be a single argument over it. There has not been any true racist actions against the white race. I believe that the only reason so many people are offended by this now is that the african race has continually been the target of racist actions in the past. Those times have past. everyone knows that racism is frowned upon in todays society and the people at sony are smart enough not to anger a huge faction of people (African-Americans), especially with the release of the PS3 just around the corner.

    8.7.2006 12:28 #71

  • vylin

    Maybe that woman is trying to do a heimlich maneuver. And maybe she is blond
    I don't know but advertising is always based on the prejudice of people. Otherwise they won't be interested in buying those products

    8.7.2006 12:41 #72

  • Lethal_B

    Quote:I don't know but advertising is always based on the prejudice of people. Otherwise they won't be interested in buying those productsSince when? I've never seen a prejudiced advert, but I have bought many things based on good advertising. Just look at some of those iPod adverts..

    8.7.2006 12:44 #73

  • djscoop

    if the "white" chick had a swashtica tattooed on her sholder, then yes, its racist. but just cause it says the word "white" doesn't imply anything. people that think its racist seriously are spending way to much time thinking up false senarious in their heads...get back to reality!

    8.7.2006 12:55 #74

  • vylin

    How can you be sure product a is better than b when it only has good advertising? Isn't that a form of prejudgement. I only buy products because of there specifications and not because of the advertising.
    How can you judge about a product If you buy it because of the ad. It's like all those beauty products every buy's them because they think people are going to like them more if they look good

    8.7.2006 13:29 #75

  • Snatched

    Sony should have had both women naked.

    A long passionate embrace. Oh yeah that would have worked for me.

    8.7.2006 13:52 #76

  • paul1085

    This is off topic but what really pisses me off is the fact that if a black person calls a white person 'whitey' then its alright as its not considered to be racist but if a white person calls a black person 'blackey', holy smokes you racist pig comes to mind.

    8.7.2006 14:15 #77


    Snatched: Sure both women naked would work. but you'd have the feminist raising holy hell over it saying its sexist! So no matter what you do someone or some lobby group will take offense, Damned if you do and Damned if you don't.

    8.7.2006 14:18 #78

  • hot_ice

    This reminds me of something. There was a lawsuit in the U.S. claiming that a pool table game is racist since the white pool ball hits the black pool ball...

    Ridiculous. Anthropologically speaking, racism does not exist, we are all of the same race, "human beings". However, human beings may be prejudiced, ethnocentric, bigoted, etc. But racist of your own race, hardly, unless you are misanthropic.

    8.7.2006 14:42 #79

  • rrmk37

    Well i think the ad has help to push the new white sony psp like they had planed.I guess when i see BET tv i should get upset or Jamie Fox s tv show with all black talent i should had gotten upset as to where were all the white talent.I think sometimes we look to hard at things just to complain.I also think if it was so bad why did the black woman do the ad.I beleive in all being treated equaly but we need to stop looking to hard at everything,because if you look hard enough at something someone can find it wrong to someone to complain an injustice.

    8.7.2006 15:05 #80

  • djscoop

    the bottom line is that any publicity, even if its bad, is good publicity. so Sony probably doesn't care that a few hundred morons think its racist...they're getting tons of FREE publicity from it...and nothing beats that.

    8.7.2006 16:07 #81

  • z9999

    I don't know about all the readers of this post, but I consider my race and Nationality to be Human, and Earthling respectively, and the sooner all humans begin to look at it this way the sooner we will end many of the conflicts that occur only because we tend to view these two identities as having some importance. If we could trace our family trees back to the beginning of life we would find that we are all related, and that is a fact that neither the religious nor the scientific view of how life began can refute.
    Get the chips off everyones shoulders and realize that these types of arguements benefit no one but those who in fact create the problems of life and happiness facing the masses. Keep the masses focused on each other as their main source of problems and they will fail to see the real source of their problems. I could elaborate on this much more but doing so would force this thread off topic.
    Sony's ad surely does not imply that white is better than black,or they would cease to sell black PSP's. Obviously what they intended to do was point out that you have a choice of colors. Personally I would pick the black over the white PSP, (I'm light skin colored BTW), and my reason is being hand held the white would probably tend to accumulate a dirty appearance more quickly. A suggestion I have, is when given a form to fill out asking your race, start writing "HUMAN" as the response. The same with Nationality, we all live on the same planet, and Nations in reality are possessions of the governments that run, control, or rule them, as are the inhabitants of them, so enter Earthling as a response. Once we begin to decrease the divisions we have artificially created that create meaningless problems the sooner we will learn to live in peace with one another, and begin to solve the real problems we face.

    8.7.2006 16:57 #82

  • ZippyDSM

    ture it is becuse we raise kids to be "male" or female" or "this" or "that" more problems arise...hell why cant we all jsut be human for a change *L*

    8.7.2006 18:06 #83

  • hot_ice

    This is what I put on the Canadian census form, when they asked what my origin was, I put in HUMAN.

    8.7.2006 19:28 #84


    lol ice! you did the same thing I did! did you also put down your religion as 'jedi' like some people did when the census was done in australia a few years back?

    8.7.2006 20:18 #85

  • cordola

    this seems like a publicity stunt to me...sony has one of the best ad agencies ever, they know they cant get sued for something as small as this so why not make it controversial

    8.7.2006 20:28 #86

  • ZippyDSM

    thats what I think to,its jsut enough to start soemthing.
    thus gaining more pubplicty like the whole WII thing *L*

    8.7.2006 20:37 #87

  • iccee

    it could be worse...but it could be better...

    Either way... it is there and we are all talking about the WHITE PSP now...

    Had it not been for this, I wouldn't have known about it...so i guess it works...

    "No such thing as bad publicity"

    8.7.2006 22:02 #88

  • lxhotboy

    I dont think it was racist myself either. Big deal. I try not to live my life by it being a black or white thing. Doesnot really matter to me what color you are. If a person is cool with me then he or she is just looked at as a person regardless of race.

    I find some people say things like "get over it" or "It is in the past" Well when you are not the ones affected then you wouldnot tend to see racism as much. Dont get me wrong, i am not trying to hold anyone accountable for things that happened in the past. Truth is some of the past is still alive today and i dont mean in the older generations. Being a true racist can get passed down from generation to generation. I have seen financial loans denied b/c of just the name sounded like it was probably african american. I have been denied service at a major chain automotive store just because I am a African american and i am only 26 years old. I was glad to see the guys supervisor recognised his actions as being racist as i lost my temper with the guy and told him about himself while gaining everyones attention in the store. Racism is not dead and never will be. I can say i am glad it isnot running rampant as is was in the past. Maybe for someone who is not a minority yeah it is dead to you b/c you dont see it and get affected by it on an everyday basis. Honestly speaking here, though racist events do take place through all ethnic backgrounds toward a diff backgrounds every now and then, How often do you see an african american ,chain a caucausion to the back of a truck and drag him untill there is nothing left of his body but bones. I dont think i have heard of many african americans committing a hate crime to that extreme, but it did happen to an african american. That is an extreme hate crime that took place in my generation not the past. That is true hatred for another race and african americans do take the majority of those severe hate crimes at the hands of caucasions so can you blame some people for being a bit timid around someone of a diff background every now and then. Hey there are still a few towns where no african americans are allowed or welcome. If a African american were to move to some of there towns they get their house burned down with burning crosses in the front yard if they didnot take the earlier warning signs seriously enough to go ahead and leave the area. Hard to believe? yeah but it is true. Some place will still use ropes and trees to there liking if they have to. I dont live my life in fear But i am not blind to racism. One thing am glad for is that there are those people in this world that dont see things as black and white and more of just human beings. Thanks to everyone who is willing to be try to live life just as humans here on earth without the prejudice and hatred from the mere color of our skin.

    8.7.2006 23:59 #89

  • Ballpyhon

    You guys are missing the whole point here. Clearly the white PSP is far superior to the black PSP. The graphics are twice as good, it runs smoother, and had no bugs. not to menthion that it includes every game known to man preloaded on it unlike the black psp. none of the games for the white psp will run on the black one, but the games for the black psp will run on the white one, if you choose to lower standards and you want to play them. the white psp is high def the black one is not, it might as well have a black and white screen. and to top it all off it will clean your room, and do your homework for you at the same time it calls you in sick that day, only so it can spend more time with you.

    9.7.2006 06:17 #90

  • Cinnjerm

    "You guys are missing the whole point here. Clearly the white PSP is far superior to the black PSP. The graphics are twice as good, it runs smoother, and had no bugs. not to menthion that it includes every game known to man preloaded on it unlike the black psp. none of the games for the white psp will run on the black one, but the games for the black psp will run on the white one, if you choose to lower standards and you want to play them. the white psp is high def the black one is not, it might as well have a black and white screen. and to top it all off it will clean your room, and do your homework for you at the same time it calls you in sick that day, only so it can spend more time with you."-


    Kinda upset. Wrote something here earlier, but apparently what i have to say doesn't matter. What else is new.

    9.7.2006 06:28 #91

  • hot_ice

    Let's face it, there is no racism.

    9.7.2006 09:02 #92

  • bigmac92

    I c no racism in it. If on a TV show a white girl hit a black girl should the whole world hate the producers of that show ... No, of course not and n e way the girl in white is not hitting or swearing at the girl in black.

    Im jus gnna laugh if Sony used a black and white cat in their next campaign. I wonder how many people would moan bout it. Wat do u think

    WE all start out as noobs!!!

    9.7.2006 09:12 #93

  • bigmac92

    Sony should have had both women naked.

    A long passionate embrace. Oh yeah that would have worked for me.
    Man you should work for sony.

    WE all start out as noobs!!!

    9.7.2006 09:32 #94

  • vgaddict8

    YEAH!!! BOTH woman naked..... just like Snatch siad. I VOTE SNATCH for president.

    9.7.2006 10:25 #95

  • hot_ice

    Now that, doesn't make any sense.

    9.7.2006 12:41 #96

  • Ballpyhon

    why do you want both women naked on the comercial? the white PSP comes WITH both women, the black one does not. If you can get them naked thats great, if you cant get them naked, im sure someone will make a patch for it so you can.

    9.7.2006 21:25 #97

  • punqewe

    sometimes the best publicity is bad publicity....everyone will be talking about it,so in that sense the campain worked.

    As for the racism thing....cmon. It's more art than anything. Probably nothing going on in the controversy mill...so they cooked this up for something to do,or to get someones name in the papers.

    .....anything for a buck.

    10.7.2006 02:40 #98

  • Mikiec

    This is ridiculous. It used to be the case that companies were slammed all the time for only having white people in their advertisements. Now Sony is looking beyond that and using all kinds of people, what the hell is the problem! Its all political correctness gone mad - if the black woman had the white woman by the jaw would we still be debating this? I'm guessing not, even though that is exactly the same thing - you don't have to be white to be a racist!

    10.7.2006 05:41 #99

  • hot_ice

    Anyways, I still don't understand racism, how can you be racist of your own race...lol

    The sooner people understand the sun's UV rays darken granules of the skin pigment melanin or the lack thereof, makes people white as a ghost...If anything, our skin pigmentation is due to the sun.

    Therefore, there are only colours in one race, humanity. Therefore, racism does not exist.

    10.7.2006 09:34 #100

  • ZippyDSM

    racism is the hatered for people that have come from diffrent regoins,look at the racism in the baltics and other euro contries(they hate poepl wiht the same skin color),to me racism is childish and stupid,it only goes to show how far we have not grow as sentiant race....

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    10.7.2006 10:03 #101

  • hot_ice


    Racism refers to your race, humanity, you're referring more to prejudice, bigotry etc...

    10.7.2006 11:07 #102

  • Nephilim

    I've seen too much foul language and some offensive comments so far.

    Let's clean up the language and keep respecful of of every race.

    Forum Rules! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
    My movies! http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Rephaim
    "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

    10.7.2006 11:29 #103

  • kermit79

    Well different people have different opinions as we can quite clearly see from the replies of this post alone. What one person might find acceptable, another one might find offencive in one way or another. The fact that Sony, being a major corporate player in today's market, should have forseen that such an ad would create controversy. I myself am not going to say whether I find the ad offensive or not. There are both side, pros and cons for each argument. Did Sony really mean to give out such a bold statement? Or was it a simple error? No one will truly know.
    One thing I will say though is for the people who claim that other races owe them ssomething for their ancestors having been treated the way they were. BS!! Don't get me wrong, like someone said earlier in this post, it is important to know where our roots lie, our history, our ancestry. This is what makes us what we are today, trying to evolve from it. There are still backwards people who still think like the olden days. I am not angry at them, I pity them. What and who we are today was dictated by the actions of our ancestors. Fight for freedom etc... WE DIDN@T FIGHT, WE HAVE IN NO WAY SACRIFICED AS MUCH AS THEY DID. You think racism is bad today, you should try living in the world they used to live in. Then and only then can we truly understand what Racism/ Fascism is. We have come a long way from that and still have a long way to go but we are heading in the right direction. I anybody is thinking that I am white.. well no .. I am not.. I am of Indian origin. My parents coutry and for what I count it, mine as well, was occupied by the Brits for several hundreds of years. We got out freedom in 1947. So I know where my roots lie and because of my ancestors, I am living in a better world today than yesterday but hopfully aa lesser world than tomorrow.
    Anyway, digressed from the original topic a bit.. and now for a bit of humour. Would our ancestors have bought the PSP should they have seen that advert/ I don't think they would have batted an eyelid.. HA!

    10.7.2006 14:35 #104

  • lxhotboy

    @hot ice

    I commend you on your view of how we should all learn to live our lives without the color issue period. But, to say
    Quote:Therefore, racism does not existis not exactly a true statement. It may not exist in your mind meaning you dont live your life in that way but it does definitely exist. Also it is possible to be a racist to people of your own ethnic background and race.

    11.7.2006 04:27 #105

  • vegeta66

    can i be be racist if i hate all peoples equally?

    11.7.2006 07:51 #106

  • hot_ice


    Anthropologically speaking, when we mention the term "race", it passes reference to one thing, humanity. Since I am assuming none of us are aliens, as jocular a comparison it may sound, then racism is a faulty term. However, as for colour, its only skin pigmentation, since at the core, biologically, we are the same.

    So if anything, what does that leave us with, categories like biases, discrimination, prejudice, bigotry, intolerance, not towards a race, but rather a person of ethnical background and culture. That's what I meant to say if anything.

    If anything, the motivators behind any of those intolerances towards another culture or ethnicity, is hatred, and since I share no such view, the concept thereof, remains alien to me.

    11.7.2006 11:36 #107

  • ZippyDSM

    Its ture there is no other race than hmans here,however the word racesim has its owen definition..and I see that def as

    Raceisim=the Dislike of thos diffrent than you becuse you dont feel good about yourself and cant find soemthign better to do.

    Haterd or ignorance or stupidty....one builds each up untill you start hanging people on street conners for no reason other than they are diffrent from you...I still dont see why there are thos that want to go back to the 40s/50s where thigns only seemed better becuse it was illect to talk about them 0-o..

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    11.7.2006 14:06 #108

  • jaysfan

    dam sony and their racist ads

    12.7.2006 13:10 #109

  • darkwar16

    hell yeah jaysfan speak it preach it
    my brother

    17.7.2006 05:55 #110

  • ZippyDSM

    ya about as rasict as green peple can get...anywat it seems they pulled the ads *L*

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    17.7.2006 06:05 #111

  • Boberto96

    Honestly, people that got mad over this advertisement are just jealous that they lack the creative genius to make something so aggressive, so robust that people half-way across the world argue about it day in and day out. Sony = marketing genius. Whether it's racist or not is not the issue... the issue should really be whether or not people now know that there is a white PSP coming. IT WORKED.

    Anyone arguing that this ad is racist and giving it all this negative hype, despite the fact it's negative, is just fueling the fire of Sony's ad campaigns. So boo on racist's, and boo on the uptight anal-retentive paranoid psychotics that perpetuate the stereotypes.

    17.7.2006 06:16 #112

  • lxhotboy

    good dream there. I doubt it serious if the ones that were upset over the ad had anything to do with jealousy but good imagination anyway. LOL Get serious.

    17.7.2006 07:32 #113

  • captsteel

    First of all I would to send this message to Boberto96 because you are not seeeing the forrest for the trees. First of all reperations were earned by my ancestors and others black folks and we have not seen them nor any apology for such wrong doings, second slavery is not something that is a state of mind when people like Willie Lynch started teaching whites how to make blacks turn on each other and hate one another. You need to do some research if you think that sony psp ad is not racist you are crazy.One thing I will leave u with this, and that is God said you are responsible for your ancestors wrong doings so dont be suprised when he makes it and all the people behind it go away.

    18.7.2006 13:46 #114

  • Nephilim

    Quote:God said you are responsible for your ancestors wrong doingsSo what about the African Kingdoms (your people) that exported the slaves (also your people) as a commodity as far back as 1650? Nobody's hands are clean when it comes to slavery so you need to be looking for reparations along the entire west coast of Africa as well.




    **edited because I can't type for crap**

    Forum Rules! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
    My movies! http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Rephaim
    "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

    18.7.2006 13:58 #115

  • ZippyDSM

    Actuly raceissm is a state of mind...one that made others presived races other than them lesser beings thus something they could treat like animals thus we get the whole crappy treatment for blacks for the past 20 or 50 decades,now thigns are changeing altho I'll admit its not the time to NOT stop bringing up the issue to easily we could fall into another seprate be uneaqule standing again,I dont see the AD as raceist simpley becuse not every black on white ad is,look at thigns like games where you have white and black models for players dose haveing one group of white models beating up on a black "palyer" make it raceist.......sure the context is not the best fitting but still close enough to make you think..... the AD did start thos lovely soemthigns not right alarms in my head but I took a secound look and like pocco rocco it seems not raceist,I hope you hold well to your convicions and call thigns as you see them its going to take another 100 or 200 years for humans to become color blind...then we can deal with another human issue the treatment of Females! 0-o LOL

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    18.7.2006 14:02 #116

  • ZippyDSM

    the great joys of thurth how can you blame the white man for everythign when slavery to a exstent was already happening amogst thier owen people 0_o

    altho to me slavery is a old isues that has worked itself out more or less becuse we are now in a age were we try to be eaqule,altho humanity is still a century off from being truley color blind in not more,the blaance of humans being truely eaqule to each other is what I look at history can only show you so much and prehaps a guide map to the return of some things...if we do not strive ahead ...doomed in failure we shall repeat the mistakes of the past.....

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    18.7.2006 14:05 #117

  • Lethal_B

    Quote:God said you are responsible for your ancestors wrong doingsThat's absolutely ludicrous..

    I'm glad I'm not religious.

    18.7.2006 14:37 #118

  • ZippyDSM

    on one hand it has to do with personal resposabilty on the other as a "people" to fix the wrong doings as a people.

    soemthing ike what the US has done for the natives altho its stil rather petty and shallow the reperations that they are resiveing....
    but still tis soemthing,as far as perations for blacks....eaqule treatmnt and some job qoutas are as best we can do,the reason why job qutas are imporntant is get help mix people of diffrent backgounds into jobs its not perfect and cant dimly thought out but in all its not a bad thing,hell nothign humans do is perfect ,as close to a balance as we can get is the best what we can do.

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    18.7.2006 15:09 #119

  • hot_ice

    God said you are responsible for your ancestors wrong doings"

    I think whomever was quoted as saying this, was referring to generational curses. Those who break God's laws are cursed on the 3rd and 4th generation.

    Everybody is entitled to their beliefs, and we should respect and tolerate one another.

    21.7.2006 15:48 #120

  • nanu-nanu

    Though this seems hardly the place for a theological discussion...might as offer an alternative.

    The 3rd and 4th generation thing.

    The Bible says the dead are judged by their works, not the works of their parents. But consider this, stupidity, racism, hate and things like unto them are taught. Taught by whom? More than likely ones parents. And so the cycle continues. So a person is not "cursed" simply because their parents were the founding members of the Black Panthers, or KKK, or the Third Riech. A person would cursed because they accepted and lived the stupidity and ignorance taught to them by their parents who founded the KKK, Black Panthers, or Third Riech.

    As for the Ad.....get over it! Would it make a difference if the new PSP was orange?

    22.7.2006 17:15 #121

  • hot_ice

    Theology is open to interpretation, and besides, it's often branded as generational curses on the 3rd and 4th.

    In any event, racism is lame, its just bias and criticism on someone who is different than you.

    But I tell you this, diversity spices up things in life!

    22.7.2006 17:49 #122

  • ZippyDSM

    *nods nods*
    altho soem spices dun get along well gaaaa I hope the sicutoin in lebanon ends asap.....hamos was just given enough rope to hang itself..I wonder if anyone will let isreal remove hamos like we did the taliban...its avoius they need to go....of corse if they did they wuld be a spring board for terriest like whats happenign in Iraq >< ggaaa it never ends ><

    22.7.2006 18:19 #123


    It won't end for sometime because Hamas, hezbollah the taliban al-qaeda et al etc ad infinitum ad nauseam have it in their belief system that the entire western world are "infedels" and "spawns of satan" and thus must be destroyed through jihad. Most muslims I know do not abide by that but it takes just one extemeist to paint the entire religion as a guidebook to terrorism.

    whether it's the israelis defending themselves or what not. It still leaves innocent victims to suffer and die because of it.

    Welcome to the new WW3 ladies and gentlemen.

    The Problem With The Genepool Is That There Are No Lifeguards! ;-)

    22.7.2006 18:35 #124

  • iPirate

    the worlds not perfect, we have many lovers and many haters. People do what they feel is right, even if it is wrong. Kin John iL wont stop one moring becasue people say its wrong, he doesnt believe that.

    If the world was to be perfect, we would all be the same. Then nobody would fight, but we are all the same, arent we?

    Please stop with the threads, downgrade 2.5/2.6 http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/361257
    Friends Dont Let Friends Upgrade Their PSP
    I hate ps2nfo but this list is good, What game works with what loader, http://www.ps2nfo.com/psp.html
    w00t fun times playing PSP with a raven thats blind, Damn Lebanes Terrorists Brought down the BRNetwork Server
    Got a PSP, ill buy it.

    22.7.2006 20:01 #125

  • hot_ice

    The Middle-East isn't some simple situation, everything started in 1948.

    Everything in the middle-east is about propaganda, CNN for example, has Pro-Israeli bias and it's obvious. That's why when allegations are made, you have to research the issue with 3 or so different source and corroborate the evidence and draw out your own conclusions.

    Let's face it, where were the WMD's in Iraq? There were none, and Iraq had no link whatsoever to Al Quaida, however, that was still the basis for the war in Iraq.

    Let's face it, when it comes to the middle-east, nothing is as it seems and most of the history and or facts are whitewashed.

    22.7.2006 23:17 #126

  • Boberto96

    Religion has no bearing on racism or racist acts... so to say anything involving god's judgment is simply outlandish. First off, I don't believe in god, satan, angels or any of that. When you die, i believe you simply rot in the ground.. yeah it sucks, but hell, some people are already doing that in life so no biggie. I am not an anti-religious type, i won't make a crack if you are into religious things (church going, bible reading, volunteer work, betterment of those around you), I will however argue against you if you attempt to tell me that God is going to judge me because my great, great-grandfather followed a complex and controversial generational, social trend. Racism does exist, as a state of mind, I can see the forest for everything from the trees down to the gnats and ticks dwelling under fallen leaves. I am not dreaming... You are dreaming if you think god is going to strike down and smite the 3rd or 4th generation is, as was said, ludicrous. Mistakes were made in the past we are not a perfect species, as no other is. Change is scary for human beings to adapt to, take the example of the chick(baby chicken) that had a pink dot drawn on its forehead and then was placed back in with his brothers and sisters. Same mother and father, but the pink dot on his head made the other chicks weary and they pecked it to death. Would you say that chickens are now racist? No. They just have a fear of the unknown like every other species on the planet (with the exception of cats, but you know what they say about cats and curiosity). I think that by removing propoganda and horse crap that makes people think about racism we can remove racism in itself. As long as people perpetuate the need to see things as a black and white issue, racism will be right behind.

    I think alot of people get their panties in a bunch over this stuff.

    Zippy says "to me racism is childish and stupid, it only goes to show how far we have not grown as a sentiant race..." Relating back to my chicken example, chickens do not have the mental capacity to sit down and discuss issues like we are doing right now. Chances are that as long as chickens exist, they will be prejudiced against change and unfamiliarity. Take the constant war-torn state of many African nations. These wars are civil ones, in which one tribe hates another tribe based on their history. Not their skin color, not the way they dress, not what they eat or where they eat it, not by what kind of car they drive.. Simply based on some tribal tension that exists between the two. Basically, racism in North America comes down to nothing more than a civil conflict in which one tribe is fighting against another based on historical tension. Let's try and become the civilized nation that we say we are, instead of bickering about history. You can't keep placing the blame on the future generations of people who committed wrong doings, that in itself is as unfair as the so-called racism itself. I'm sick of all the tensions that are still so massively prevalent today. You cannot place the blame on the white man, you cannot place the blame on the black man, they are both equally responsible for racism. They both use it subliminally in some way (or more outright in other cases) but it still a 2-sided issue, with way more than 2 viewpoints causing confusion and getting people into a mental tangle. There is obviously no solution to this issue coming within the near future.. But as long as we keep taking small steps towards the elimination of such historical tensions i feel that we as a human race are proving ourselves. (racism is not a black and white issue, it's a white-white, black-white, white-black, chinese-black, black-chinese, arab-whites etc. etc. etc. people are afraid of things not familiar to them, you can't expect everyone to like everyone, so why is it when a white dislikes a black it becomes racist, or visa-versa)

    24.7.2006 04:35 #127

  • hot_ice

    Human beings are more complex than that Boberto. Since a) we cannot dismiss the fact that we do not fully understand our nature and b) because of it not conclusively dismiss the soul or consciousness if you prefer, therefore, arguably, it is still a possibility.

    Let's face it, everything is about energy in this world, it was discussed by Tesla at first, and even human beings are energy, molecules, etc. Therefore, scientists argue that energy cannot simply dissipate, and as a result, makes the soul plausible.

    There you have it. As for racism, well, I don't understand what the fuss is all about, we have different skin pigmentation due to the sun, and suddenly, this legitimizes racism, when anatomically, we are all the same...

    Therefore, racism is lame, and so passe.

    24.7.2006 06:57 #128

  • Boberto96

    Yeah, I understand the points you bring up, and sure they are valid. You cannot, however, force people to rejoice in the thought of the after-life and souls, and religion if they don't want to.

    If you want my honest opinion, religion is a falsified hope given to people that when you die you will spend the rest of eternity either sipping mai-tai's and playing shuffleboard, or the opposite, stuck in the torturous environment of hell. Religion asks people to live against their animal instincts, follow one man's rules, live your life in one way, etc... to me religion is a dictatorial way to control the masses. I am surprised that it made it much past the 20th century. How come religion has a start date? if god created the earth and everything on it, why doesn't the bible refer to the scientific creation of the earth that has been proven on so many levels to be true that it cant be negated? Religion is like politics, it attempts to alter peoples minds. Prayer: works because you pray until something happens, and draw irrelevant conclusions from silly coincidences. I am not saying religion is stupid. it is a way of life, a life choice, and it definitely 110% deserves recognition as a valid choice as such. But please, do not use religious arguments in the same sentence that you have solid scientific evidence against it. it's hypocritical and i am not a fan. Sure you guys pick apart every line of the posts i put in here.. it doesn't bother me.

    Racism is lame, and it is a confused, fudged term... Prejudice, or hatred are more fitting. If you want everyone to act the same and think the same way try setting up a fascist government... good luck to you all in your quest to wipe prejudice, hatred, racism, sexism, classism, nepotism and all other ism's from the face of the earth.

    I think what needs to happen, instead of whining like little bitches that life is unfair and people are mean, is we need to spread educational material around. Not just black history month flyers or anything small like that. I am talking about classes in school based on tolerance for others and their quote/unquote differences.

    All this arguing about racism and pointing out where one is different from any other is just fueling racism. The more we pick apart our differences, in terms of skin color, body shape, height, hair or eye color, accent... the more that we essentially prove our prejudice tendencies.

    This whole argument is about being tolerant of things, and by trying to lay-bare the nitty gritty in this add we are seperating the races again.

    Religion and science do not negate the tendencies of human nature.. which YOU clearly do not understand.

    If it had been a fat kid getting his face squeezed what would we have been saying about stereotyping against differences in body size? not racist, but equally as hateful and prejudiced.

    The longer people demand to point out these miniscule details, and relay the message that white people hate other races the longer the whites will push back against those pushing on them.

    Africans sold their own people into slavery too, lest we forget... Horrible attrocity, no doubt in my mind. Reparations though? I think not. Slavery was a business venture... where are the reparations that I deserve from the tobacco companies that have taken many of my family memebers lives due to cancer and other health issues? there is none...

    Let's move past the PSP ad, and instead of whoring around in the past, let's take some forward looking opinions on this...try and make things better starting from today forward. No one is saying you have to like or dislike someone because of their skin color... i think that is generally not the case. Let's face it, some blacks are nice, some arent.. Some whites are nice, some aren't.. you can't like everyone, and it frustrates the absolute hell out of me when as soon as someone shows dislike for a person of another color its racism... GROW UP you over-sensitive knit-pickers.

    24.7.2006 09:41 #129

  • tycobb

    Man wow I just read the thread title and was like wtf?

    It's just a handheld game device, there is a white one and a black one ...so what.I can't deny racism exists but people go over the line about something as silly as this.Buy what ever color one you want.

    This may have been said already as I'm just going by the title.
    If you are black(or even another race)and were offended by the white ad then just buy the black one.If you weren't offended just get the white one.

    Personally I'm white, but I would get the black because I'm afraid the white one would get dirty and grimy.I think it looks smoother but it's like shoes I always get the dark ones.

    pc games with gamepad support by tycobb.

    24.7.2006 11:48 #130

  • hot_ice

    "Religion and science do not negate the tendencies of human nature.. which YOU clearly do not understand"

    A meritless inference, what is the basis of your statement? That somehow you, were vested with the powers of insight into what people understand and not understand?


    Please, try to have at least some modicum of decorum when debating with others. Thanks.

    As for racism, as long as we have borders, second class citizens, 3rd world countries, and so forth, will the notion of racism, be entertained. Bear in mind, anthropologically speaking, racism doesn't exist, sociologically speaking, racism is reflective of prejudice, discrimination, bias, ethnocentrism, bigotry, and so on.

    24.7.2006 13:32 #131

  • Boberto96

    hot ice... every time you post here you say "anthropologically speaking..."

    Take your bones, and stick them in your ass. The progression of human origins is a metered path that has been all but totally infered. I haven't been vested with the powers of insight into what people do and don't understand, you are just blind to it. Human nature can be studied, people can be read, nature can be infered. It is not difficult if you just allow yourself to go outside the train of thought of your protective little bubble. Let's be honest here, I didn't say that any one person did, or did not understand anything. My argument was simple. Don't use religious prose written in the middle of a hebraic revolution to try and press blame on the future generations of sinners, especially if they have a totally different stance on the way things are then did their lineage.

    As for racism: as long as there are people like you who choose to acknowledge such differences, and perpetuate their negativity they will exist.

    Anatomical differences do not mold the underlying state of human nature (or at least as i understand such nature).

    I don't know what a modicum decorum is, but i'm sure you weren't using it when you claimed me an inferer of meritless facts. which i am not... Your theory of energy and consciousness i will negate.

    By saying that because we are made up of energy we have a soul is simply a "humans are superior" state of mind. Do all living things then have a spirit or consciousness? my dead goldfish? my chinese bamboo that died when i forgot to water it?

    NO! This energy does not dissipate, obviously. it is recycled back into the earth. There is no soul because energy cannot be created or destroyed, it simply exists...and being vested with the powers of knowledge and education in a simple biological rundown: A soul cannot exist.. Consciousness can exist... Once you die, your consciousness has ended, you are no longer aware of self. You cannot even begin to plausibly and honestly believe then that your "soul" energy is transported to a far off happy place. How could that be? where would the energy come from to create the conscious life after yours? Heaven and hell, soul energy, blech.. makes me sick.

    It's also funny to me how you are using two such totally opposite grounds for comparing this issue. Way to combine the hard sciences with something as soft as religion. The two are designed to offset each other... religion really lacking in the last 100 years or so.

    If god created this earth and all the people on it, shouldn't they all like each other? And again, why would he create such controversial issues, such trifling, little inconsistencies in appearance, if he planned to outright curse everyone who was uncomfortable with them?

    25.7.2006 07:16 #132

  • Boberto96

    Therefore.. YOU, sir...are a wonderful human being and should be congratulated for your attempts to better people by swaying them to your side of arguments. good day.

    25.7.2006 07:23 #133

  • Nephilim

    Boberto96, that last comment was not needed.

    Forum Rules! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
    My movies! http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Rephaim
    "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

    25.7.2006 08:57 #134

  • Boberto96

    I apologize. tell me which one so I can edit it to be appropriate.

    I do get defensive when someone basically calls me an idiot to my face. I am sorry though.

    25.7.2006 09:03 #135

  • Nephilim

    Lol, nice edit. We all have our moments :)

    Forum Rules! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
    My movies! http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Rephaim
    "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

    25.7.2006 10:12 #136

  • hot_ice

    "Take your bones, and stick them in your ass."

    How do you expect me to respect you, or considerer any of the premises to your arguments, when you clearly insult me?

    25.7.2006 10:39 #137

  • Boberto96

    I apologize, it was a childish remark to say the least. That was a situation where i definitely should have respected forum rules and used, said modicum of decorum. I apologize, sincerely I do if I legitimately offended you.

    25.7.2006 10:44 #138

  • BluRay

    I havent read all the posts but just reading the first and second page got me angry, with all those people claiming it to be racist, if you are going to acuse sony of being racist ask them why they havent unveield a brown or beige psp.
    all i can say is that people who look at the picture and immedietly think of race are indeed trying to insight racism themselves and could be subconciously racist, please dont quote me on that though.
    it realy p***** me off when people immedietly jump to the obvious conclusion of racism.
    Let me tell you what racism is: racism is the discrimination in any way whatsoever because of someones race religion or background ect. and thats comeing of the top of my head.
    I try and look at the ad for what it is, a promotion of the new psp, nothing more or less.
    all this extra add ons that come with it like racist, blah blah are NOT needed.

    EDIT This post was NOT intended to offend

    25.7.2006 10:56 #139

  • borhan9

    What I loved about the insults was when Boberto called hot ice sir that was classic I recommend Boberto to check out hot ice's profile page and check out hot ice's gender :)

    Edited by DVDBack23


    25.7.2006 13:09 #140

  • ZippyDSM

    Hot ice is a she?

    My condolenoues *hands hotice a megaton mace to keep all the geeks off*


    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    25.7.2006 13:24 #141

  • lxhotboy


    I understand what you are saying though i dont agree much. I am not a hardcore religious person or claiming to live my life as a saint but i do believe in "GOD" My thing is that you seem to not be able to hold a good debate or listen to others opinions without getting angry if they dont agree with what you think or believe. When i first started posting i use to do the same thing. But remeber as you said yourself, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. So if someone seems to call you an idiot in your opinion but still they never actually said or posted that you are one, then they actually showed you a great deal of respect by being able to listen to your opinion and respong to it without getting mad or posting with unecessary language. Try to do the same as it shows maturity and your respect for the next person even though they may have different views from your own. It helps keep arguments down and threads from being closed for us all.

    25.7.2006 14:03 #142

  • ZippyDSM

    soemones we have a bad day and take it out on the forums without thinking so I always give the benift of the dout..least untill it happens...for the 5th time..in the same day.....oy vay thos cam girls on myspace cant take a hint ><

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    25.7.2006 22:00 #143

  • Boberto96

    Sometimes implications are harsher than saying the insult outright. Read between the lines. Also, i do not believe that I insulted anyone. I'm sorry if you don't like that I don't believe in "GOD", have you ever thought that maybe i don't like that you do? Ragging on my life choice to not be swayed by faith is just as bad as me getting cross with you for following religion. Hot Ice, gender aside, my comments/"insults"/difference of opinons stands. Sorry.

    I have enough maturity to realize the boundaries of cruelty, but if you are taking offense to my posts...then you, like all offended by this PSP ad (original topic of the thread, remember?) need to step back and lighten up.

    Good day...

    ???PS??? a megaton mace to beat the geeks off with? if shes on a website full of geeks making posts then she too is corraled in to the stereotype.

    26.7.2006 04:32 #144

  • DoeLoe

    The New Black PS3 Is The Shit Thow

    26.7.2006 04:51 #145

  • ZippyDSM

    I know acouple girl geeeks they are awesome and have mini fan clubs...soemtiems its scary 0_o
    the mace is for the sertoticpal unwanted male attetion ^_^

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    26.7.2006 05:06 #146

  • Boberto96

    HAhah, Zippy... Classic.

    I understand. I offer my security services too lol.

    26.7.2006 05:17 #147

  • ZippyDSM


    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    26.7.2006 08:36 #148

  • hot_ice

    I've read all your opinions, one notably, the issue of God: logically speaking, God claims to exist outside the normal realm of the universe itself since he created it, therefore, how can we hope to understand something that exists outside the universe when the universe contains us? We cannot rationally dismiss the possibility of God since we cannot provide definitive answers that effectively disprove that plausibility.

    Anyways, I am not trying to proselytize here Boberto, but God had become a personal joy in my life after my terrible accident that left me unconscious for 15 minutes (I'm fine, completely healed). Suffice it to say, in that instance, something wonderful happened, and from that moment on, I was changed and touched in a significant way...

    You can't force God on anyone, you have to accept him willingly. And if not, it's fine, it's your personal choice, and it doesn't lessen or make you more of a person if you choose to do so.

    As for the insults, stick to counterarguments rather than criticism directed towards the person. Nobody gets on the defensive, nobody has to get on the offensive either. And for the record, I never called you an idiot.

    "NO! This energy does not dissipate, obviously. it is recycled back into the earth. There is no soul because energy cannot be created or destroyed, it simply exists...and being vested with the powers of knowledge and education in a simple biological rundown: A soul cannot exist.. Consciousness can exist... Once you die, your consciousness has ended, you are no longer aware of self. You cannot even begin to plausibly and honestly believe then that your "soul" energy is transported to a far off happy place. How could that be? where would the energy come from to create the conscious life after yours? Heaven and hell, soul energy, blech.. makes me sick."

    Energy does not dissipate, therefore, a "residual" remnant or an "imprint" of the self remains. As for Heaven and Hell, etc, scientifically, these would be considered possible dimensions, and since scientist theorize there are over 15 dimensions they can fathom, or more, haven't checked for a while, we cannot dismiss those either.

    As for racism, if anyone is interested on the issue, consider taking a sociology class.

    26.7.2006 15:13 #149

  • BluRay

    @ hot ice.

    thank you.
    your post is by far the best example of a philosophical mind i have come across in years, i am sending a link to my RE teacher right now, he loves your kind of posts.
    :)) I love you for making that post thanks.:))))

    26.7.2006 15:18 #150

  • hot_ice

    Well, thank you I guess...?

    26.7.2006 23:26 #151

  • Boberto96

    In my opinion God is an imaginary friend. Nothing more, nothing less. When was the last time you or anyone you know prayed for something and it came true exactly or even remotely according to the plan you prayed for?

    I'm just saying, blah blah blah yes science has "theorized" that there may be 12 or 15 or 399 dimensions. Regardless of how many dimensions there are, heaven and hell, god and religion - it's all based upon imaginative thinking by a few people. What characteristics of heaven and hell come to mind when you ponder? White castles? Sandy beaches? and hell... A firey pit of lava, "demons" prancing around with horns and tridents?

    The majority if not all of our premonitions of religion are based solely on what our minds have been able to conjure up. Why can only humans be angels? yet dogs and cats rule the underworld? Its another prime example of our sentient thinking placing ourselves above the rest of the living organisms simply because we are able to conjure up such images of a better life for us after death. Don't forget, there are alot of better equipped creatures on this earth than human beings, they have been around many many many eons before we were... how come God cannot be an elephant? or a Great White Shark? No one messes with a great white...

    Science has proven that there are all these alternate dimensions yes... science of carbon dating has proven that the earth was created and populated BILLIONS of years before the first intelligent life was created. This is a solid, proven fact. Can't be denied. The world was not populated in seven days. God did not make the earth and all it's surprises to keep humans busy, humans discovered these surprises because of their keen ability to think beyond that of creatures before them.

    Doesn't it seem a litle coincidental that right around the time that the first civilizations came together religion evolved? Perhaps it was a way to explain the unknown without actually explaining it "It was god's doing, no one knows why.." (which by the way does not convince me in the slightest)... Maybe religion was used as a form of crowd control for unruly populations, binding them together under fear of persecution from a power higher then the ruling authority (when such authority failed to maintain rule over his/her people).

    I just find it fishy that religion has evolved with time (and human civilization) and that no one religion or god has supreme power. How many different theories are people willing to wish-wash around with regarding this topic? And how can something created by a perfect being have flaws? So many so that in recent years they have been challenged. If humans are bound to follow the guidelines of religion, then how are we also at the same time able to modify it to suit our needs?

    Correct me if i am wrong, but does the fact that human beings "theorize" about the possibility of Nth dimensions also mean that they "theorize" about god and religion?

    Religion: Crowd control, a crutch for those who cannot deal with life's problems on their own and need someone or something to talk to about it and can't pick up the phone to talk to a children's help phone or counsellor.

    I am not saying that religion does not have some good to it... it does... but not in the sense that GOD is waiting to smite you if you screw up, and reward you to boot if you don't. I dislike the fact that there is an entity in charge of religion. If it is such an all-encompassing subject, why do we choose to bind ourselves to the will of one man?

    If you live your life totally according to the bible you will be a very, very unhappy person. Although, even I would contest that point saying that you will just be very uncultured. Religion places you inside walls that contain your mind and your body. ( i don't feel like elaborating because i don't want to flood this post with religion)(besides, if you know religion and actually understand it (unbiased) you would know of these walls anyways) The 3 walls of the catholic church. Man is below the clergy, the clergy is below god, and god is the supreme being. He is not a human being, or anything close to it. No human being can be so subjective and fair.(or live for 10000000000 years) Then what is god? If not a physical entity? A MENTAL IMAGE!! or, as it were, ENERGY.

    So you are saying that you put your hands together at night and pray to a tesla coil?

    1.8.2006 11:20 #152

  • Boberto96

    I want to clarify what i meant when i said that religion is a crutch for those who can't deal...

    Religion can also be viewed (IMHO) as an addiction or a habit forming activity. Just as some would smoke their last cigarette for the night, or drink that one last scotch, smoke that last joint, Some choose to pray. "Wholesome" or not is a biased way of applying "what would jesus do" mentalities to others crutches.

    When you pray what do you get from it short of a fix... the same kind of fix that a cigarette or joint can offer someone. When things get bad, some people smoke cigarettes and some smoke the bible.


    Oh man, Hot Ice... Am I ever waiting for you to use more big words and try and rip me a new a-hole. :)

    1.8.2006 11:27 #153

  • ZippyDSM

    Ya so,there are fanboys everywhere soem nicer than others dosent mean all fanboys are evil and bad 0_o

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    1.8.2006 11:47 #154

  • Boberto96

    "reperations were earned by my ancestors and others black folks and we have not seen them nor any apology for such wrong doings, second slavery is not something that is a state of mind when people like Willie Lynch started teaching whites how to make blacks turn on each other and hate one another." - Capt. Steel

    OK... I don't even want to remind you of the current, and past, state of many African countries knee-deep in the shit of civil war...

    Did Willie Lynch tell the 2 zimbabwean warlords to hate each other? Did something Mr. Lynch did cause civil war in Africa? If a group of people (similar or different) WANTS to hate each other, you can't just step in and say...tsk tsk thats racist and expect it to stop. And yes, there will be leaders to these unworthy revolutions... it's an unfortunate cause of human nature, leadership is a category on the forefront of our sentient ability and inherent instincts as humans.

    Look, the way the world works is unfortunate yes... Everyone cannot like EVERYONE. There is definitely bound to be hatred prejudice or racism (even though "anthropoligically speaking, hot ice's point was lame"..) they do exist. Why is it when someone of one race is not a fan of one of another race it is instantly racist. two black kids have a falling out, it is not racist, 2 white kids have a falling out, it is not racist. But as soon as that threshold has been overstepped and a white and a black kid have falling out it becomes a matter of that child being a potential racist. Firstly, i don't think that many young children are capable of understanding what racism is, let alone whether or not to use it... children can't be given that repsonsibility. BUT WAIT... maybe we need to step back from our thesaurai and dictionaries, put down the debate pencils and learn from the children we are trying to protect.


    We can't bury it, we can't make it go away, we can't hide it...racism did happen and it still does happen to this day, it is ignorant and childish and it will never be eliminated. All you can do for someone who is prejudicial enough to hate someone because of coloring is feel sorry for them and hope that they don't ever talk to your children.

    Where is fat peoples reparations? that's my question.

    1.8.2006 12:08 #155

  • Boberto96

    Zippy???... whats a fanboy?

    1.8.2006 12:12 #156

  • goodswipe

    wow..so whens the boxing match?

    -- I 3at Liquid P00

    1.8.2006 12:57 #157

  • Boberto96

    Boxing match? Are you implying that it is getting hostile in here?

    1.8.2006 13:01 #158

  • ZippyDSM

    Mabye not hostile but it dose stink wif all the wise asses in here ...soemone open a window :P

    1.8.2006 13:09 #159

  • goodswipe

    yes i am...we need to take this discussion to a new thread..perhaps the fanboy section.

    1.8.2006 13:38 #160

  • BluRay

    Just cause a child is born does not meen they are going to grow up being a racist.
    They are conditioned into being Racist, by their peers parents mentors, teachers etc.
    But it is wrong to say they would turn out to be a racist naturaly without the pressure of peers and the influence of parents.
    Racism has all got to do with conditioning.
    The reason why racism exists today is because the select few are bringing up and conditioning their children into being racist.
    You may think racism has to exist because you look back at the past, and slavery and stuff but think about this, the white men had never seen a black man before and vice versa both got scared of each other and start to fight, white man uses black man as slaves etc. because they have never seen a black guy before and so decides to use him as a slave.
    But nowadays everyone nows that balck asian beige white people exist and they have nothing to fear as they now we are all human, and therefor the racism should be gone, but a few simple minded people still believe in racism and pass it on to their off spring and that is why it usualy exist.

    1.8.2006 13:44 #161

  • goodswipe

    thats not why white people used the blacks as slaves....its because the indians didn't make good slaves so they chose the blacks..and the funny thing about that..the damn blacks helped the white man get slaves by capturing them and selling them to the whites

    1.8.2006 13:57 #162

  • goodswipe

    And for this stupid thing going on with sony...if anyone with half a fu**ing brain knew what the ad was implying...there wouldnt be a problem...we got all these stupid pu**ies out there that cry about everything...grow up and move on......go play checkers or something

    1.8.2006 14:10 #163

  • hot_ice

    Boberto, I think I've sufficiently made my point. If you will reiterate the same issue continuously, I am definitely not interested.

    1.8.2006 16:28 #164

  • Boberto96

    Hot Ice...

    Your point was not taken because it was simply you trying to deem religion an absolute truth, morally and scientifically. that is not an argument, it is statement.

    Let's quit this religion or anti-religion debate, i don't like going there because like racism, religion and creed are touchy subjects.

    2.8.2006 03:26 #165

  • goodswipe

    I second that...

    2.8.2006 12:03 #166

  • Boberto96

    Hot Ice.. just for one final calrity thing.

    If you feel this way...

    I never meant to downtalk the importance of religion in peoples lives. It just didn't play any importance in this debate. I'm sorry if you were offended by anything I had said regarding God or your religious beliefs. You are no better and no worse than me for believing in "god" ( i don't know which one you pray to, although I assume it is the christian one). Don't think that because i choose to go home every day and smoke pot that I am less worthy of life on this earth...NOT God's earth, OUR earth...human beings. All I was implying when I said to stick the religion was that since god lives outside of this, our realm of earth, he cannot control or manipulate anything that happens on it, therefore he cannot affect racism (or however it is you define it).



    2.8.2006 12:15 #167

  • hot_ice

    I think I got misunderstood, so let me issue a finality on my part as well on the topic.

    I believe in the Judeo-Christian God, just to clarify, and to prove or disprove his existence is impossible. We can only speculate on the matter, nothing more than that, but again, we can't dismiss the possibility either because of this simple fact. We don't know everything in this universe, and when we do gather all the knowledge of this universe, then your opinion will be either proven or disproven. So let's leave it at that.

    You can believe in anything you want, I wouldn't want to be responsible for anybody's hindrance of free will, this world is a wonderful place, because we have both diversity of culture and religion. Buddhism, black people, white people, and so forth.

    So this is my conclusion, I will speak no longer on this issue. Like the latin proverb says "E pluribus unum" (Out of many, one) and it perfectly fits what I am saying. Out of many religions, cultures, ethnicities, one collective; humanity. So I hope after reading this, there are no more confusions on the issue.

    2.8.2006 14:42 #168

  • bigmac92

    I think this whole thing about having religious beliefs is a "crutch" like other addictions is stupid. if u think about it we eat food and drink water to keep alive but we all know we will die sometime so is eating food and drinking water a "crutch" or a "quick fix" to stop us from dying.

    5.8.2006 07:02 #169

  • BluRay

    You know eating food is what keeps us alive and is also what helps the ageing process.
    Well thats what they say, whoever they are!

    I have updated my BluRay AD page take a look

    I think I speak for everyone when I say, please read the rules.

    5.8.2006 08:25 #170

  • tycobb

    @bigmac92 grow up.I know your like 11 yrs old bluray because you've said it, hey bigmac be more grown up like bluray is. You have NO idea what a drug addiction is like or you wouldn't have said that.I know first hand about drugs and I'm not talking about pot.God helped me and helps any who ask off of drugs as long as you are willing to work for it.

    See that's the thing you don't get : Quote:Mat 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
    Mat 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
    So much for your lame food analogy huh? Because that's what christians think it's called faith. I don't mind that you don't beleive in god or whatever but it's not a "crutch" for those that do believe.Oh it's an addiction ...Ok I'm sure there are worst drugs than the lord and most who are addicted to god have a great moral foundation

    So go ahead and name a better addiction.Thought so.

    So if you need guidance,help,or are curious just get a hold of me and I'll teach you about god free of charge.

    pc games with gamepad support by tycobb.

    6.8.2006 09:42 #171

  • Aramisk

    this level of stupidity is beyond measure

    if you make a big thing about nothing then it becomes a big thing, if you make it a big thing to be black or white then it will become a thing

    thus promoting racisim

    only old farts, and stupid neds will look at these and be a. racisit b. jump to conclusions

    i mean ffs, now in primary schools in scotland instad of ba ba black sheep yes sir yes sir 3 bags full- the kids nursery song

    it has been renamed - rainbow sheep

    7.8.2006 05:02 #172

  • JDelta


    These people just want to get more money. What stupidity.

    7.8.2006 06:06 #173

  • tycobb

    Yeah you guys that's already been said look at my responce on page 6.

    People just keep bumping it back up for no reason.Pure nonsense.

    edit**If you want a psp then buy one and buy whatever color you want,if not then don't.

    The end.

    pc games with gamepad support by tycobb.

    7.8.2006 07:01 #174

  • Boberto96

    No one wants your guidance, no one (tha hasnt already taken the steps) wants to learn about god from you...

    why are ou pulling a Hot Ice? You are mor extreme than anything i have ever seen... Yeah sure there is worse things than god, but religion can become an addiction. Don't deny it. Anything used in moderation can be healthy and make a person happy. Using drugs may not bring a person down, some it does, others it doesnt...

    Who do you think you are to come in here and start preaching the "way of god" after we have already ended this thread and a huge long argument on this shit....... Since we decided we cannot prove or disprove god..STOP!! PLEASE!!, stop trying to spread reigion on these posts.

    It is unwanted and is as offensive as racial hatred itself... It shows that you feel you are better than others for following god, and you are wrong. He may be your little crutch, but not everyone feels the need to get on their knees every night.

    8.8.2006 03:40 #175

  • Aramisk

    i 2nd that

    8.8.2006 04:29 #176

  • ZippyDSM

    God is personal,you vbelive what you belive,I belive life is a blance of science and god,to much of either can be misleading.

    8.8.2006 08:03 #177

  • Boberto96

    Better Addiction: NONE!! tool shed. No addiction is a good one, because once you have reacehd the state of dependency so strong that it can be classified as addiction you are no longer balancing life.

    8.8.2006 08:42 #178

  • hot_ice


    Pulling a hot_ice? How lame, is that all you could muster from your repertoire of cynical remarks...

    If tycobb wants to say whatever he wants, he's entitled to this under the human rights charter and the right to exercise freedom of speech. I wouldn't want to censor tycobb's opinions.

    Besides, I don't like to be categorized, and this is what you are doing Boberto, I don't do it to you, so why would you do it to me? Do unto others, as you would have done unto yourself.

    8.8.2006 11:32 #179

  • Boberto96

    Oh shutup.. we ended this thread. If anyone wants to learn how to avoid the same mistakes that religious proliteriates in the past have made then go to: www.EveryWarEverFought.com

    If you need a translation for all the big words that Hot Ice used then go to www.dictionary.com

    If you think Hot Ice has way too much time on her hands, and seems to be taking the reins of the next christian uprising then say "Aye"...

    Ok, I love you bye bye

    8.8.2006 11:49 #180

  • Boberto96

    Zippy, I like your style. Your posts are down to Earth and your theory of balance between science and religion. Too many sweets and you'll get a cavity ;). haha.

    8.8.2006 11:52 #181

  • Boberto96

    PS Hot Ice...

    Who is cynical? God is personal, so keep him in your pants. Please.

    By the way, you are the immature one who can't deal with the fact that all you've believed in may actually not be real..may be real...but may not be, and you madam seem to beunable to take that fact in.

    When you grow up and learn to accept both sides of the argument then we can talk more on such matters.

    And don't try and tell me I didnt get both sides earlier, because I did trust me. I just couldn't battle it out with you because GOD EXISTS!! (according to Hot Ice) and there was no way around your opinion.

    8.8.2006 12:03 #182

  • ZippyDSM

    I try and keep thigns smple..like..lack of spelling simple...but ti oems out as jibberish soemtimes *L*

    You have a nie biteing humor,but soemtiem it reachs into the pettyness box just to have soemthing to say,humor is sweet but it can give you mental cavities :P

    Yes we did end this thread but you and acouple others keep coeming back with more *L* fight the urge to post...oh wait I am posting to ...dmanit look at what uuuu did :P

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    8.8.2006 12:36 #183

  • Boberto96

    Yes, I am often petty... Don't take it personally, it's all out of love for debating intensely. Also most of my debates and the things i talk about are from personal experience and from things i have done and seen. I call things like they are, and alot of people dont like that....sorry... I will watch myself though, and i'm going to try and keep it as simple as you do Zippy. Thanks bro.


    8.8.2006 12:40 #184

  • ZippyDSM

    Ya I always forget cheap shots have a 10% chance for the crowed to love ya and a 70% for rotten fruit to love you 0-o scary the thigns I think of *L*

    I gotta say never lose that driveing edge for competion,it gives you drive to face the comming day,soemthign I and stil figureing out how to do *L*

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    8.8.2006 12:53 #185

  • BluRay

    You know Boberto96, I am beggining to dislike you.

    Your causing war in this topic.
    Why do you see only one opinion, and that to which is yours?
    Bet your a selfish person in real life, but I don't like making assumptions or accussations.

    Look at both sides of the story.

    It doesn't matter if God exists or doesn't.
    You don't like him, thats your problem.
    You don't believe he exists, fine, be that way.

    I have updated my BluRay AD page take a look
    I am now taking Userbar requests please PM me.

    I think I speak for everyone when I say, please read the rules.

    8.8.2006 13:11 #186

  • ZippyDSM

    Mmm prety much but I tried not to be so ahrd on im *L*

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    8.8.2006 13:21 #187

  • Aramisk


    look no offence "who am i kidding be offended"

    i have been on this site very very briefly, in the total amount of time on it, i have

    had religion forced upon me
    had views from a demented 12 yo forced upon me
    listened to the ramblings of a kid caliming to be a veteran it expert.

    and heard more racists comments than sense

    its almost like someone asks a question then everyone has to answer even if they have got no clue

    and those with a supperiority complex have to blast them

    i am a resonable person and those who know me on certain other forums know i favour intelligent conversation

    and quite like to hear other peoples Opinions

    but having them Forced and argued into topics of NO RELAVENCE

    8.8.2006 14:46 #188

  • ZippyDSM

    Welcoem to the interweb,where fools and genius;'s battle for literal supremcy.

    Did I spell that right..mmmm

    8.8.2006 15:07 #189


    Zippy it's supremacy. but we know what you saying.

    8.8.2006 18:55 #190

  • ZippyDSM

    I missed that to eh? :P
    I was thinking of literal theres 2 meanings for it and forgot if there were 2 spellings for it.

    I am thinking literal as in well typed word,frgive if my brain farted its been knowen to be gassy....

    8.8.2006 19:44 #191

  • borhan9


    I feel your pain mate. The way i have learnt to stop the insults and the BS comments that are made here sometimes, is by just not posting after they have made the comment.

    Thats all you have to do. Let them keep posting crapp and if you dont get involved ur not fueling the fire and eventually they will cross the line and then they get banned and then thats one less headache for everyone :)

    8.8.2006 19:49 #192


    Zippy. no problem. Literal has 2 meanings but the same spelling. (Literal. as in from books and literal as in debliberate)

    @Borhan. True but sometimes it gets very difficult to "bite your tongue" and you just have to respond and "vent your spleen" It does wonders to your stress levels but makes for a flame war and possible enemies afterwards.

    8.8.2006 20:43 #193

  • hot_ice


    Complacent are we not, to think some simpleton such as yourself would get away by insulting others, and not expect a response in return.

    For the shut up comment, well, that's a lowlife comment, and I am not saying you are one, but if you wish to continue with this line of derogatory language, then it's safe to say, I think you want to identify yourself as such.

    It's fairly clear that your vehement dislike of my personal conviction has blinded you to reason, perhaps once you calm down, and become fairly rational, you will see the error of your ways.

    8.8.2006 20:52 #194

  • ZippyDSM

    need not...gas on fire....already hot it is with all the pointy headed people around us....

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    anyone know of a DVD palyer that will auto paly a moive?
    skip or play thru all the stuff it cant skip and jsut auto play the darn moive?
    I have a 80 soemthign grandmother and her sis that want to wath moives and cant figure out the DVD remote...

    8.8.2006 21:17 #195

  • hot_ice


    Boberto can be "intentionally" insulting and he is very deliberate with his words. Would you like it if someone told you to shut up, I don't think so, and I don't think anyone else would.

    8.8.2006 22:07 #196

  • ZippyDSM

    Hot ice,I am told on a almost daily basis to learn to spell,I cant underatand you,dumb,stupid,ect,ect,ect I am sure theres a shut up somewhere in there to,One could say I am use to it but it is non the less dis hearting.....*sigh*
    I do not feel well I need to go to sleep yet I cant go to sleep...blah.....*sigh*

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    "Music And Film Industry Association of America.."

    anyone know of a DVD palyer that will auto paly a moive?
    skip or play thru all the stuff it cant skip and jsut auto play the darn moive?
    I have a 80 soemthign grandmother and her sis that want to wath moives and cant figure out the DVD remote...

    8.8.2006 22:13 #197

  • BluRay

    Being told to shut up, is not a big deal for me, usualy when someones tells me to shut up, with out a good reason, is looking for a fight or something, I just stay quite and that infuriates the person more :)
    Whats even better just carry on talking like the person never said shut up.

    I have updated my BluRay AD page take a look
    I am now taking Userbar requests please PM me.

    I think I speak for everyone when I say, please read the rules.

    9.8.2006 01:37 #198

  • Aramisk

    personally i dont like listening to fanatics, dont care much for the opinions of most people under 18 since most of the time, its like talking to someone with a minor grasp of reality

    but it seems theres more flee biting, and angry, flee biting demented people on this forum than most i have been on

    however i do recall the "hackers lounge" on yahoo i went to once was far far worse

    in fact it makes me ill when i think about

    9.8.2006 02:07 #199

  • Boberto96

    look, hot ice... you are getting ridiculous. You can say that i have no grasp on reality and i have no ability to think on your level.. You and everyone on here is more than welcome to google the crap out of things then regurgitate them onto a text box.

    I'm done here so stop talking about me. Unless you want to continue to flatter me by becoming upset with my posts :). I don't even want to say shutup again because I am afraid that i'll hurt your feelings, make you cry.

    I never told anyone that god doesn't exist, i just said he was hypothetical that is all. I never told anyone to learn to not like god, as you did telling them to learn about him, so please before you try and make it sound like I am an asshole why don't you sit back and re-read my posts. I argued along the lines of the topic, albeit very far from the original about PSP's or something....

    If you want to post things about teaching people the way of god, don't be surpirsed when others post things denouncing it. Give and take you religious saps... get over yourselves.

    9.8.2006 03:27 #200

  • Boberto96

    Complacent or not, you are a jerk hot ice... a jerk with a huge superiority complex who probably does not get out all too often. I never said i didnt expect a response... i just expected that when i argued a point you would argue back that point for or against and not simply pick apart my repertoire, or my cynicism or whatever it may be. This leaves you in the hot seat for personal insultation. God would not be pleased.

    The next time you want to throw insults around (shutup is NOT an insult) just ask "What would jesus do?"

    9.8.2006 03:33 #201

  • tycobb

    boberto96 Keep it up with your complaining and personal attacks on people and you won't be here anymore.So when you come out blazing like I know you will DON'T SAY YOU WERE NOT WARNED!

    Page 6 was my first reply on this thread did I say anything about religion? Thought so.bigmac revamped this after 3 days of inactivity NOT me.I responded to him NOT you.My third reply was to end it, but you as usual were wanting an arguement so you attacked me.

    If he doesn't want help that's fine with me but it's on the table that's all.I told him what christians think about his analogy I didn't speak for anyone but my self.Your lame obsession with hot_ice is the reason you addressed me.Am I pushing it on him no I'm telling him the facts from a christian perspective.So don't get all pissy and turn into the incredible hulk.

    @Aramisk if you don't like the site so much then why are you here? If this thread is rediculous and filled with underage fanatics why are you posting?

    pc games with gamepad support by tycobb.

    9.8.2006 07:08 #202

  • goodswipe

    After reading the 1000000000 posts of all you's guys crying about your pu*#$es hurting.. ive come to the conclusion that this thread should be closed out.

    My 2 cents..

    9.8.2006 12:07 #203

  • Boberto96


    When this becomes a beligerent insult, wake me, please.

    Man, I never attacked anyone and YES I am looking for an argument. I am blunt, harsh, and realistic. I say my opinion and I do try not to say things to the extent like "You believe religion you are an idiot" because that is untrue, cruel and i wouldn't want people bashing my life choices. Sorry if you feel insulted by what I said, perhaps you are just too sensitive.

    9.8.2006 12:20 #204

  • goodswipe


    9.8.2006 12:29 #205

  • Boberto96

    Hey, religious types...

    If you thought I was being harsh, let's discuss what the bible (judeo-christian, as i assumed you are) thinks about people that don't like it's viewpoint...

    You aren't christian: Burn in hell

    You are a woman: You are dirt

    Kill, Maime, Wound, Rape, Be Cruel and insulting: It's gonna be ok, just accept baby Jesus before you die and God say's whatsup?

    How come we can't change the Bible?: Because the bible says it is innerant.

    How many hundreds of translations of the new testament are there into english alone? Where is the old testament?

    If you think i'm stubborn and frustrating and really WON'T LAY OFF!! Try arguing against the bible...

    9.8.2006 12:31 #206

  • goodswipe

    Boberto96...your status has prolly gone up by three levels just from this thread..soon you will be an afterdawn addict.

    9.8.2006 12:39 #207

  • Nephilim

    I can't close a news article thread but I'll do this:

    Anyone who posts after this one will be banned for a month. NO EXCEPTIONS!

    9.8.2006 12:47 #208

  • Boberto96

    [Banned for a month]

    9.8.2006 12:48 #209

  • xhardc0re

    [Banned for a month]

    14.8.2006 19:11 #210

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