Corel buys WinDVD maker InterVideo for $196M

Corel buys WinDVD maker InterVideo for $196M
Corel announced on Monday that it has agreed to buy a DVD software maker InterVideo for $196 million.

InterVideo has been a major player in PC DVD software market for years now and its most famous product is its DVD player application, WinDVD. Company also develops variety of other DVD-related products, including DVD backup software called DVD Copy and DVD creation program called WinDVD Creator.

InterVideo also owns a majority share of Ulead Systems, one of the market leaders in DVD authoring and video editing software market.

The deal is still subject to InterVideo shareholder approval and regulatory approvals. Corel expects the deal to close in the fourth quarter of 2006.

Source: Corel press release

Written by: Petteri Pyyny @ 28 Aug 2006 23:33
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  • ofolion

    I wonder why Corel are interested in InterVideo, could they be expanding software for DVD creation? Sounds likey to me.

    29.8.2006 00:20 #1

  • borhan9

    Kinda a strange move how a company that bases its stuff originally for art stuff like adobe photoshop. And moves on to DVD Creation. Well I figure they probablly will make software for creative label making also. you never know....

    29.8.2006 02:44 #2

  • ZippyDSM

    Art and video are mergeing more and more so it is only logical,altho now what? *L*

    29.8.2006 04:04 #3

  • vadimo

    i hope they will not ruin this great video soft

    29.8.2006 05:25 #4

  • oofRome

    How big is Corel?

    I don't much care for their software. Wordperfect is the worst piece of trash i've ever seen bundled on a pc, but I guess they're not so bad as I previously thought. I just never hear about them in the news.


    29.8.2006 16:47 #5

  • dRD

    Corel is big -- not monstrous, but big. They actually purchased WinZIP earlier this year and PSP was acquired by Corel back in 2004. Their main product is CorelDraw, sorta de facto vector graphics program.

    Market cap of $253M, so not _that_ much bigger than InterVideo, but maybe their product range is not so dependant on one niche as InterVideo's was..

    30.8.2006 03:37 #6

  • Crunk

    Maybe Corel has seen how much Adobe's Encore sucks and wants to fill a hole in the market. I would personally like a good program to author DVD's. Adobe's Encore will do the job but leaves much to be desired.

    30.8.2006 11:47 #7

  • Mr-Movies

    Well if you want good competition Corel isn't it everything they touch goes to s**t, just like Symantec. I loved Jasc PSP before Corel bought them and the first thing they do is foul it up, I've gone to CS2 becuase of them and I can't say Adobe is one of my favorites either but what do you do. It always pays to buy out the competition if they are better then you. Who's next on the list for Corel?

    31.8.2006 09:11 #8

  • ZippyDSM

    I always wondered I use to ahve PSP on a a aptiva 10 or so years ago and it was COREL yet the PSP I have now is Jasc 0_o *L* its stil PSP to me I can at elast use it most of the other pic edit stuff confuses me to no end.

    31.8.2006 09:15 #9

  • Mr-Movies

    One real annoying change was to the Clone Brush cursor which is always present now and blocks what you are trying to change/correct/adjust. There are other things that have changed that is just one off the top of my head. Yes you can still use it for a lot of stuff but there are some new irritants that I would like to avoid and I don't want to rely on six programs to get the job done 2 or 3 is plenty with what I do.

    It burns me to no end when someone takes something that works fine and breaks it with their new great idea or method to accomplish the task at hand, Corel is good at screwing stuff up in my book. Use the Clone Brush in Corel Paint Shop 10 to see what I mean.

    1.9.2006 10:09 #10

  • ZippyDSM

    happens alot in gameing....*mentaly glares at SQUARE*

    1.9.2006 10:18 #11

  • gbillr

    Here's another unhappy long-time PSP user, from version 2 or so. Corel "improved" PSP to ten so well that they're trying to give it away now -- look at the recent sale prices. Corel is batting 1000 again -- bean counters never could run a software company except into the ground.

    1.9.2006 11:08 #12

  • ZippyDSM

    had/have PSP 4 5 7 8 and 9,I am not a heavy user I jsut edit pics now and then *L*

    1.9.2006 11:17 #13

  • rlalika

    I would like to call Mr. oofRome's attention to a mistaken believes of many computer users. That is exactly what he wrote about Wordperfect. I am using it since version 4.0 and I can tell you my friend that while there is no such a thing as the "best" but it is way above the rest of the commercial word processors. I use Word too so I know the difference. WP wins hand down. It does require an attitude change to try, but than it would prove itself. Open mind will bring you reward!

    1.9.2006 16:26 #14

  • ZippyDSM

    I get told that alot with games but BS is still...BS 0-o

    but then we are not talking about WORD we are talking about PSP.

    1.9.2006 16:32 #15

  • bbunny

    Hopefully Corel will do something to make WINDVD Creator a workable piece of software. It is the worst piece of crap I've ever had the misfortune to try to use. Also, for those of you who are putting down Wordperfect, Wordperfect is far and above a better wordprocessing software and more stable than MS Word will ever be. Word is very good for many applications but Word processing is not one of them.

    1.9.2006 17:49 #16

  • pbyk

    If my memory serves me right - the original Corel was the developer of cd burning - then sold to adaptec, then ezcd then roxio and the one that bought roxio -sonic?
    - so what goes around comes around :)

    2.9.2006 14:52 #17

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