The eight players will be chosen by a public vote with the world's top 20 players are attending. The players that get the most votes, receive a train or a plane ticket to Monza, as well as meals and accommodation during the tournament. If a player can't attend, the next in vote result will have the honor to represent instead.
Vote for the players at ESReality.com
The duel tournament will take place on October 19 and 20 with a total prize pool of $8,500. A 2on2 tournament is held on 21 - 22 October and will give away total of $1,500.
Hundreds of players, from 70 countries and 6 continents, will be competing for cash prizes in several games on both Xbox 360 and the PC, the games include FIFA Soccer 06, Counter-Strike 1.6, Warcraft III: Frozen Throne and Dead or Alive 4.
Source: Press release
Written by: Matti Robinson @ 29 Aug 2006 22:45