RIAA / MPAA bust major U.S. piracy gang

RIAA / MPAA bust major U.S. piracy gang
With the assistance of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) alongside the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), Police in the U.S. seized around 40,000 bootlegged discs plus scores of CD and DVD burners on Thursday, in what has been described as "a significant blow to the nation's piracy market," by industry leaders.

One person was arrested after the massive haul was discovered at a garage, said to be "among the largest CD burning labs and movie pirating labs in the country," and also an office. The suspect, Abdouraitamance Diallo, looks set to face a charge of trademark counterfeiting, according to Police.

The Police raid initially uncovered 23 duplicator towers, (similar to computer hard drive towers), which contained more than 200 burners. Then, a second search was carried out at an office where the 40,000 discs were found.

The alleged bootlegging gang essentially acted as a wholesaler according to the RIAA, which was capable of producing over 6,000 CDs per hour. The discs would then be sold off to people who would subsequently peddle them in flea markets.

Movies not yet officially released on DVD were among those being illegally reproduced, including "Snakes on a Plane" and "World Trade Center."

"The more we can minimize the availability of pirate product, the more we help protect artists, record labels and everyone else involved in making music and ensure a positive, high-quality experience for fans," said Brad Buckles, executive vice president overseeing RIAA anti-piracy efforts.

The director of U.S. anti-piracy operations for the MPAA, Mike Robinson, believes pirating operations thrive because consumers are willing to purchase their products. "For us to eliminate this activity we really need to convince the public and cause them to think about what they're doing when they make those purchases," he said.


Written by: Ben Reid @ 15 Sep 2006 16:03
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  • antomic

    good for you. Even though i think the Money Pickpocketers Association of Assholes sucks, selling Someones elses work for a profit is wrong, and its good they busted these goons.

    Score so far:
    1 grandma, 1 dead guy, a couple of teenagers and college students, and of course, a few people without internet.
    rest of the world:
    currently losing to the MPAA. (keep your grandmas protected. They might get sued lol)

    15.9.2006 16:25 #1

  • nrk4594

    They are fighting a losing battle.

    As soon as one piracy ring is broken up, another will pop up shortly thereafter.

    15.9.2006 19:01 #2

  • antomic

    true, but they destroy lives. Even if the person wins the case, they're already in debt from lawyers and bills. They never recover.

    WARS WHICH YOU WILL NEVER RECOVER FROM! console forums, its just not worth it.
    I dont give a Cr@p about my rank, and neither should you

    15.9.2006 19:03 #3

  • Pop_Smith

    In my opinion this sucks
    Quote:selling Someones elses work for a profit is wrongI know this sounds weird but what do you think Retail Stores do? They sell DVDs, as well as other merchandise, for a profit. Its the same effect although this operation is illegal because the "artists" aka the MPAA and RIAA are not compensated.

    15.9.2006 19:06 #4

  • ireland

    Piracy: all it takes is a garage

    On the other hand, the large year-to-year increases in seizures of burning equipment and discs could just as easily indicate that the piracy business is booming. Knowing how many units of anything were seized only tells us something interesting when we know what percentage this is of the whole. Without knowing that, it's difficult to say whether enforcement actions are now less, more, or just as effective as they were five years ago.


    and this article

    Should the RIAA fear that 21-DVD Duplicator?


    15.9.2006 19:23 #5

  • borhan9

    Like everyone else has said I dont like the MPAA and all those kinda organisations cause they go for the wrong people. But on this one they were right. Selling fake bootleg versions are not on. I am totally for making backups for personal use but not for profit in this massive way.

    15.9.2006 19:33 #6

  • antomic

    What i meant was, if you're sharing your favorite movie that you bought from a retailer, you shouldn't make a profit off of it because its not your work.

    15.9.2006 20:13 #7

  • ofolion

    Have the people even been punished? Unless they got them all after another month or so they'll just set up a new one i expect they make a good living from it tbh, everyones pretty much right its daft to sell for profit tbh but they really are fighting a losing battle.

    15.9.2006 23:23 #8

  • ZippyG

    In America you make money ANY way you can. Legal and illegal does not equate to right and wrong - it simply boils down to who is better at dodging bullets, and perhaps who can take a few direct hits and keep on going.

    16.9.2006 00:56 #9

  • limelight

    Maybe the RIAA and MPAA should consider this:

    If people are buying bootlegged movies for less money (and LOTS of them for that matter), maybe the studios should reconsider ticket and dvd prices. YES, $10 to see a movie is TOO HIGH!!! I know that theatres make money NOT off ticket prices, but off concessions, ($5 for popcorn anyone?) YES, $20 for the DVD is TOO HIGH!!! We all know it only costs a couple of bucks to make the damn thing, yet the studios are scamming US, the CONSUMER by heavily INFLATING the price!!

    Another point: Has the "war on drugs" over?? OF COURSE NOT?? As soon as they do a big "bust", another one pops up. Same thing with the "war on terror" and now the "war on piracy".

    16.9.2006 05:47 #10

  • kabledog

    Unfotunately, the bottom line is that there is no use in complaining and making reasonable suggestions because the fact remains that the MPAA and the RIAA are going to continue doing what they want anyway.

    I'm going to be honest and say that on occasion I have copied a movie ot two to give to a friend or relative. Does that make me just as bad as a drug dealer or a terrorist?

    I hope not

    Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2
    Intel Pentium 2.4ghz
    512 MB DDR Memory
    AnyDVD Version
    DVDFab Express Version 2, 9, 7, 90
    DVD Shrink Version
    cdvdgen Version 2, 0, 0, 0
    Nero Burning ROM Version 7, 0, 0, 0
    DVD Decrypter Version
    SlimLine PS2 V13
    DMS Pro, w/Laser Fix

    16.9.2006 06:15 #11

  • antomic

    from the MPAA
    "Kabledog!you pirate! you're just as bad as the terrorists in the middle east! How dare you copy one of our movies and give it to a friend! Your friend needs to pay for an overly priced dvd with retarded copy protection just like you did, so we, the Money Pickpocketers Association of Assholes (MPAA), can mooch on consumers like you and make milions! so you see my point? You're just as bad as binladen, you pirate terrorist! Remember, YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS! MWU HA HA HA HA"

    So that's basically whats going on, kabledog. Your a good decent citizen thats considered a huge problem to the eyes of the already filthy rich Movie company.

    WARS WHICH YOU WILL NEVER RECOVER FROM! console forums, its just not worth it.
    I dont give a Cr@p about my rank, and neither should you

    16.9.2006 10:59 #12

  • kabledog

    That's what I was afraid of, now that your on to me (MPAA) I have to go and find some countries with a lot of tunnels to hide out in for a while.
    Hopefully with all the pirated stuff I am giving to alot of countries they will be kind enough to take me in.

    Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2
    Intel Pentium 2.4ghz
    512 MB DDR Memory
    AnyDVD Version
    DVDFab Express Version 2, 9, 7, 90
    DVD Shrink Version
    cdvdgen Version 2, 0, 0, 0
    Nero Burning ROM Version 7, 0, 0, 0
    DVD Decrypter Version
    SlimLine PS2 V13
    DMS Pro, w/Laser Fix

    16.9.2006 16:07 #13

  • antomic

    "that's right, little customer! but no matter where you hide, If you don't get killed by our bombs, we'll sue the Sh*t out of you, just like if you were convicted of murder. Stupid customer! Get in line, b*tch!"
    Sincerely, The MPAA

    16.9.2006 19:27 #14

  • ZippyDSM

    and with the league sales the artists are sure to get a few pennies.
    Soon the Mifiaa will start paying artists less becuse they ahve to fight the pirates *rolls eyes*

    17.9.2006 11:00 #15

  • neurokasm

    This is good I guess.

    Personally, I don't see anything wrong with copying or sharing with friends & family, but selling for profit is just plain stupid. These guys got EXACTLY what they were asking for on this one.

    17.9.2006 12:51 #16

  • hughjars

    I agree people shouldn't counterfeit discs and try and attempt to profit from this passing them off as originals.

    I'll even agree that making a huge copying business and selling fakes off cheap is wrong.

    But I don't agree with umteen year prison sentences for that kind of 'crime'.

    I also don't agree that sharing is anything remotely similar either.

    As for backing-up the products we've bought and paid for?
    Hell, we need to rip.....given the quality - !? - of the so-called anti-scratch coating on many discs these days you're well advised to back up everything you buy.

    And to hell with them stopping us using the material we've bought and paid for in the manner we choose.

    But the current pretense that sharing equates to 'supporting' terrorism or child pornography is either a laughable and deliberate lie or simply insane in my book.

    But who's thinks anyone is really kidding anyone here. eh?

    In terms of taking cash from artists the biggest parasites and thieves any artist has ever encountered (for decades now) are people like the RIAA & the MPAA.

    A bunch of lying liars lying to us all.....as they extort a handsome living for themselves.....afterall almost to a man/woman these guys have F.A. talent themselves and their lifestyle has to be funded somehow.

    18.9.2006 08:47 #17

  • halfhere

    thats just crazy, I believe that in this situation he deserves that. I don't disagree with alot of things but his actions I do disagree with.

    18.9.2006 12:50 #18

  • garmoon

    What were his Parents thinking? "Abdouraitamance" I'm sure his teachers loved calling roll!

    18.9.2006 13:35 #19

  • gogochar

    Shame, shame, shame.

    19.9.2006 07:52 #20

  • daveg4x

    to me the bottom line here is this:_ if i 'borrow' a dvd or cd from a friend does that make me a criminal? no!
    if i 'lend' a dvd or cd to a 'friend' does that make me a criminal? no!
    however if i 'borrow' a cd or dvd and then make x hundred/thousand copies and then sell them, am i a committing a crime? yes!
    Everyone deserves a Fair Share of the money that is paid
    i won't pay the extortionate prices for dvd's and cd's, nor pay inflated prices at the cinema, to increase the coffers of big business.
    if i thought that the bulk of the money was going to the artists that would be different but lets face it we all know where the money goes.
    borrow yes! steal, no!
    btw my 1st post on the subject

    22.9.2006 15:51 #21

  • GernBlan

    This type of bozo deserves to get caught. There was absolutely no gray area in what he was doing. Stupid is as stupid does.

    As for (THE HORRORS!) the part about actually selling copies of movies before they've even be released from DVDs, all the legal bodies fighting this type of thing need to get a clue. People who get this usually poor quality camera copies of these movies are typically videophiles. They are going to either buy or rent the real DVD when it comes out, so who cares? These studios just need to give up and realize that most of America would rather watch a DVD on their home entertainment center than go to a stupid theatre anyway. And if you actually like the threatres, then quit shelling out $40 for a ticket and popcorn, save up your money, and buy yourself a nice home theatre system so you will want to stay home, too.

    22.9.2006 16:30 #22

  • Tashammer

    Two curious things;

    1. What are some many law & order resources being directed towards what is essentially a civil matter and away from defending America when it is supposed to have a huge need for Homeland Security?

    2. Why are employers allowed to organize to form bodies that can use the peoples resources against the people but labor is not really allowed to organize so they can be trampledc on easier?

    22.9.2006 19:49 #23

  • joschez

    as long as you dont sell, its all good ;)

    27.9.2006 13:57 #24

  • malves

    Blah blah blah who cares any more. Sales still go on everywhere. They are not making any dent at all and never will.

    27.9.2006 14:30 #25

  • Tashammer

    one of the things i read on here and everywhere really, are rationalisations as to why it is ok why we should pirate things. The main one seems to be it is ok to pirate for personal use or between friend or webfriends, but it is not ok for big businesses to "pirate. It is as though size does matter, where small size seems to give and ethical and moral right to pirate provided it is not for money.
    Another thing i see is the David versus Goliath, little versus big.
    And, of course, free versus costing money.

    In fact, most of us steal because we can get away with it due, in part, that it is not worth being pursued by big business and its sniffer dogs. The other part relates to one blade of grass hiding in a field of grass - they can't see us because we are hiding.

    And we go, "Shame, shame", when RIAA, ARIA or whatever takes dead people or old people to court, and rejoice that we can make fun of the enemy. Yet we forget, that the enemy doesn't live for art, music, or film, it lives for money down to the last red cent. And, while you may only one person, there are millions of us "one persons" and that is millions of dollars of money. They want that money; they will do anything to get that money; they will do anything to protect future money as in stopping us whereever they can and making it plain to future p2p'ers that it is not worth stealing. They even go as far as buying p2p clients, slating networks with bad files. You have to remember they are capable of anything, anything at all as each one of us deprives the vampire of business of its blood, its money.

    They are coming for each one of us. They can afford to do that, we can't.

    So sit, sit there and wait.

    Wait for the knock on the door.

    They WILL get to you eventually, even if you have died.

    27.9.2006 16:49 #26

  • gumbied

    I totally agree with limelight, there are wars and battles everywhere and at EVERY level. Funny google seems to be breaking copyright laws left and right wanting to digitize every book ever written. As far as movie DVDs downloaded, havent seen one that I would want to watch again. But then again I grew up on Howdy Doody!

    Quote (limelight):

    "If people are buying bootlegged movies for less money (and LOTS of them for that matter), maybe the studios should reconsider ticket and dvd prices. YES, $10 to see a movie is TOO HIGH!!! I know that theatres make money NOT off ticket prices, but off concessions, ($5 for popcorn anyone?) YES, $20 for the DVD is TOO HIGH!!! We all know it only costs a couple of bucks to make the damn thing, yet the studios are scamming US, the CONSUMER by heavily INFLATING the price!!

    Another point: Has the "war on drugs" over?? OF COURSE NOT?? As soon as they do a big "bust", another one pops up. Same thing with the "war on terror" and now the "war on piracy"."

    3.10.2006 00:32 #27

  • mspurloc

    Um, yeah...last I checked the site is still up, so didn't do a lot of good did it? I find it hilarious that this country uses more taxpayer money helping these corrupt suits than it does tracking down meth makers.

    14.11.2006 20:07 #28

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