PS3 price drops to $410

PS3 price drops to $410
Sony has announced that it will lower the price of PlayStation 3 to diminish the price gap between PS3 and Xbox 360. The price cut is aimed for the basic version of the console with 20GB hard drive. Sony Computer Entertainment President Ken Kutaragi said at the Tokyo Game Show that the customers had been complaining about too expensive console, and they saw it necessary to cut the price.

After the price cut, basic PS3 model will cost 47,600 yen ($410), while it was originally planned for 59,800 yen ($515). Announced just a few days after Microsoft revealed its plans to release HD DVD player for Xbox 360 to match the PS3 Blu-ray technology, Sony seems to be competing against Xbox 360 also in price tags. The costs are pretty much the same in Japan, Xbox 360 with HD DVD player will cost around 49,600 yen ($427), making a mere $17 difference to PS3. This might give Sony a big boost and equalize with the problems with component manufacturing, pricing and delays.

PlayStation 3 will launch November 11 in Japan, November 19 in the United States, and as reported earlier European launch was delayed to March 2007.


Written by: Matti Robinson @ 22 Sep 2006 1:06
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  • Anrkist

    Not a fan of PS.. but at least they are making some right decisions. Now I get to complain about how much money they are losing on the console everytime one is sold =]

    22.9.2006 02:10 #1

  • Rob1026

    ill wait till they make the mini ps3 and go buy it then; Way to much money for a system

    22.9.2006 02:24 #2

  • deedeebee

    The basic model will also now have HDMI outputs, which is another great move. The basic PS3 is certainly a a more sensible buy than the core 360.

    22.9.2006 02:38 #3

  • 21Q

    ok, which is the best to buy now, what are the differences, I was going to buy a 600 dollar version but I can save some dough on this one.

    22.9.2006 02:48 #4

  • Andrew691

    This is very good news for future PS3 owners, not to mention Sony, the only diff between the 2 versions Quote:are 40 more gigs, wifi adapter, and flash card reader. Oh yeah and the silver trim. <--- oofRome

    So if those things arent really necessary for your needs then def get the "low end" version.
    This will shut up all/most of the people that keep going on about its price being way to high when you could just get the 360 plus extras for the same.

    22.9.2006 04:08 #5

  • connolly

    Someone needed to have checked this article before posting. The price drop is for Japan ONLY. US launch price will stand as it is but all consoles will now have an HDMI slot.

    22.9.2006 04:49 #6

  • hughjars

    I suppose they had to do something after the new XBox 360 HD DVD add-on was announced at Ģ89 (approx $160 US) in Japan.
    Quote:At a pre-TGS event in Tokyo, Microsoft said it would be releasing a HD-DVD player for the Xbox 360 on 17 November in Japan, priced 19,800 yen (Ģ89)

    22.9.2006 04:58 #7

  • dblbogey7

    Does the price drop apply only to Japan?

    Kutaragi says the Japanese media and retailers have complained about the cost of the system. He then confirms that the price for the 20 gig model in Japan will, including tax, now be below 50,000 yen. This model will include the HDMI port. He doesn't give the exact price.

    22.9.2006 05:37 #8

  • Andrew691

    I highly doubt it would be Japan only, the reason this would be thought that is because it is being down priced because of the HD-DVD Xbox 360 release in Japan, it should still be a worldwide price drop.

    22.9.2006 05:43 #9

  • eatsushi

    From Yahoo News - The price cut is only for Japan (so far):

    Sony will cut the domestic price of its basic PlayStation 3 model to 47,600 yen, or about $410, from an originally planned 59,800 yen, or $515. That puts the PlayStation 3 in the same range as the combined basic Xbox 360 and HD DVD player in Japan, where the duo will sell for 49,600 yen, or $427.

    There are no plans to lower prices in the U.S. or other markets, Sony spokeswoman Nanako Kato said. In Japan, the game will hit stores on Nov. 11.

    "The flimsier the product, the higher the price."
    -The 82nd Ferengi Rule of Acquisition-

    22.9.2006 06:11 #10

  • kuffain

    YAHOOO!!! Yes awsome news, just awsome

    22.9.2006 07:54 #11

  • kuffain

    YAHOOO!!! Yes awsome news, just awsome

    22.9.2006 07:54 #12

  • Lethal_B

    It's only in Japan though, so the rest of us will still get ripped off..

    22.9.2006 08:12 #13

  • hughjars

    $410 = Ģ215 approx at todays exchange rate.

    It'll be interesting to see how much of this reduction carries across to other markets (or not).

    It could be a sign of a cut-throat price-war good for the consumer but it probably isn't great at all for Sony.
    Being forced into price-cuts as you launch your brand new and supposedly 'feature laden premium product' cannot have been what they were after, particularly with supply so restricted.


    22.9.2006 08:57 #14

  • gonzax

    the price drop is ONLY FOR JAPAN!!!! with no plans to apply it anywhere else at the moment.
    And it is only for the basic version so, thatīs not great news anyway.

    22.9.2006 09:31 #15

  • oofRome

    Quote:the price drop is ONLY FOR JAPAN!!!! with no plans to apply it anywhere else at the moment.
    And it is only for the basic version so, thatīs not great news anyway.
    Yes, but as I said earlier, this lower end is really a good deal. it already has a 20 gig hard drive and HDMI. all you're missing is a flash card reader and wifi adapter. Those aren't worth the almost 20,000 yen difference between the "basic" and "premium".

    It should be noted that HDMI was added to the basic after MS announced 1080p support for the 360. Granted, this is an upscaling patch unless the game's native resolution is 1080p, and would still have to run through lesser cables. (360 lacks HDMI) So if you are a real image buff, than you should still have your mind made up.

    I hope this price redux makes it here to the States as well.

    22.9.2006 09:51 #16

  • halfhere

    still going to wait for the price to drop again, in about a year or so.

    22.9.2006 10:24 #17

  • tnarulz


    To anyone who thinks the price cut is not just for Japan:

    Sony Corp. (6758.T: Quote, NEWS, Research) on Friday cut the price of its new game machine PlayStation 3 by 20 percent in Japan, in a surprise move that will attract more customers but likely widen losses in its game division.

    22.9.2006 10:24 #18

  • Thonor

    Still won't buy one. That's even if the decrease reaches North America.

    Maybe if the price comes near the Wii, I might think about it...

    22.9.2006 10:57 #19

  • Crunk

    Yeah I agree with halfhere. I'm gonna wait too, maybe in a years time there will be some good mods for the new system. But the price drop is nice, at least Sony has half a chance of staying in business now. The last thing we all want is for Microsoft to be without a major competitor.

    22.9.2006 11:14 #20

  • hughjars

    Quote:It should be noted that HDMI was added to the basic after MS announced 1080p support for the 360. Granted, this is an upscaling patch unless the game's native resolution is 1080p, and would still have to run through lesser cables. (360 lacks HDMI) So if you are a real image buff, than you should still have your mind made up. - Oofrome IIRC they both upscale 1080i to 1080p.
    Neither is a 'true' native 1080p player.

    But really when it comes to it so what?

    There's very little to choose between native 1080p and a 1080p image upscaled from 1080i image.

    Besides, true 1920x1080p TV's are not exactly affordable nor plentiful anywhere really and won't be for a long while yet.

    IMO the Sony claims about a supposedly 'true' HD image has been a little marketing scam for the less well informed (and in any case it's now been busted by the new XBox HD DVD capability).

    But like I said, being forced into price cuts and upping specs at launch in your home market when supply is so restricted just isn't usual.
    I just hope the consumers everywhere benefit.....and totally agree about waiting a while for further price cuts and awaiting reliability.

    Previously I might well have poo-pooed a mere games machine as a DVD player
    if (and I think it's a really big if) each can demonstrate value, reliability and quality this might be a nice cheap low-price entry-point into high def DVD with both systems (seeing as they've managed to go and tie up enough of the possible movie output to one or other to be really annoying)..... least until the stand-alone players have come down significantly in price and have the kinds of reliability, features, ease of use etc we are used to seeing with players now.

    22.9.2006 11:42 #21

  • marsey99

    are we getting the basic pack in the uk or not?

    22.9.2006 11:42 #22

  • nitrous3


    22.9.2006 12:37 #23

  • huskerboy

    i haven't read anyplace that says the core system on the ps3 is going to have an hdmi output on it. and why would you want to play movies on a game system anyway? what if it breaks? no games and movies! stick with a dvd player to play dvd's.

    22.9.2006 13:40 #24

  • Xsilver

    It's a bit of a first. A price cut even before a product is released.

    Sony president says "the customers had been complaining about too expensive console, and they saw it necessary to cut the price"

    Since when have the console makers listened to what customers want. We have all been complaining about the high price of games since the SNES and the megadrive came out and they never done nothing about this.

    Sounds like a desperate act from lame duck. Sony realises how fickle consumers can be and when Nintendo where king of the hill with the snes if you were told then that they would be trailing last in the console wars in less than a decade you would have laughed.

    A lesson to all hardware manufacturers.

    22.9.2006 13:42 #25

  • Xose

    I think that we wont get what we want, but more than we need. Thats a good thing because the PS3 will be ready for the new technologies on the horizon. My concern is not so much on the quality or number of games; but it does help to note that because the hardware in the PS3 is so advanced, programming any games that truely utilize the these advances will take much more time to be released.

    My main center of focus is if the ONLINE component will be streamlined and highly dynamic, similar to the Live network MS has worked up, only made the Sony way. Player Tags, Customizable themes, Player Comments, Instant Messenging, Rating Systems, IMpressive GUI and most importantly: Privacy & Security. I've read that they made a huge new network just for the PS3 release, so i'm praying it'll rock!

    Recent news I've heard in America is that Sony has decided to ship 200,000 LESS units the the U.s.. So expect a huge backorder (whats new). I'm very happy to hear that the price is being dropped because the original $600.00 price tag had me wondering just what kind of "mini-computer" their C.E.O. was talking about. As long as they dont forget about the consumers, players and that this is a Gaming platform? maybe?

    Either way I'm psyched about how this'll all turn out, Sony will get up from all this and I'll be wasting many many many hours mashing and skipping meals. >:)

    22.9.2006 13:42 #26

  • huskerboy

    that 600 price tag is still the same. that was just for the "core" system for japan only. ps3 is all hype .

    22.9.2006 13:49 #27

  • rickster9

    Does anyone still care? The product isn't going to be available for the christmas season so whether they initially sell it for $5 or $5000, it isn't going to be under the tree. Maybe in time for the Easter Bunny to deliver it...

    And of course, by that time, who knows what the prices will be on 360, Nintendo. With the year and a half since the release of 360, you have to know that something new will be coming soon.

    So I ask again, who cares?

    22.9.2006 16:43 #28

  • robtjr30

    This Good, but I would have only made one PS3 model with everything already together for $349.00.Thus saving money on producing two different PS3's consoles is just spending more money.Just make one model Sony.
    Why copy Microsoft Sony?

    22.9.2006 16:45 #29

  • Phoenix09

    "This Good but I would have olny made the PS3 with everything already together for $349.00.Thus saving money on producing two diffeernt PS3's just make one model Sony.
    Why copy Micosuck Sony?"

    Ugh, sheer impossiblity. Would be nice to have things with a release sticker like that. But unfortunately it doesnt happen. And they are following MS because it was a decent manouver to offer diffrent SKU's. While the lowend 360 is pretty much stripped at least the low end PS3 has a HD. But still its expensive and More expensive whereas the 360 dual SKU's were tolerable and expensive.

    22.9.2006 17:27 #30

  • boneslave

    I myself am gonna what at least a year because you know their gonna recall them they recalled the first ones, they recalled the second ones, THEY WILL recall the 3rd gen.

    22.9.2006 19:15 #31

  • Andrew691

    I reckon there will be very few recalls/returns check if it does actually run how the devs say it does then there should be little to no problems with most units.

    22.9.2006 20:32 #32

  • Andrew691

    wtf theres something seriously wrong with this thread, i keep getting emailed about updates yet nothings here. Is there anything between this post and my other one?
    Also the page layout on the news article is really screwed up.

    "Windows is a 32-bit extension to a 16-bit graphical shell for an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor by a 2-bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition."

    Rebuild ISO's to include ARMAX
    V7 ps2 (unmodded, nearly dead laser)
    80gb Seagate HDD
    Memory Card Exploit
    Hdloader 0.8a

    23.9.2006 00:01 #33

  • ZippyDSM

    Can someone really confirm HIMD for the low end?
    if this is ture the only diffrance in them will be the card reader and wi fi and HD?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In this link it restates what Kutaragi said about HDMI...but tis not quite a god enough confirmation for me..

    23.9.2006 00:05 #34

  • Andrew691

    try its true only diff is wifi and card reader, + 40gb.

    23.9.2006 01:02 #35

  • brutepowa

    I think sony caught wind of the new nintendo wii due to come out november 19th for only $250.

    23.9.2006 01:18 #36

  • lxhotboy

    I dont think the article said anything about the price being lowered in Japan "ONLY". I think they just use the prices in japan as a reference to compare the prices and cost. If the ps3 and xbox 360 will be available for about the same price, i really dont think micro has a chance. The major complaint with the ps3 has been the price so this should help out drastically with sales.

    23.9.2006 02:42 #37

  • error5

    I dont think the article said anything about the price being lowered in Japan "ONLY".
    This is from Yahoo news:

    There are no plans to lower prices in the U.S. or other markets, Sony spokeswoman Nanako Kato said.

    23.9.2006 03:32 #38

  • glitchzoo

    cool a price drop yay and cheaper then the normal xbox 360 (when relesed) yay still not getting one for a while though :P and its still being relesed ages away (march)

    i thorght sony announced there was only going to be one ps3 package and that they scrapped the 20 pounds package.

    23.9.2006 07:10 #39

  • Absoloot

    I never buy a system right out of the gate. I always wait at least a year, then let the price drop a hundred bucks. You could always buy used, but I'd rather have my system brand spanking. Unfortunately, sony has really handled this whole launch badly, and it will probably only get worse. They would have been smarter to let Microsoft have at least a years head start and release the PS3 in late 2007. It's not like the PS2 is going anywhere! I don't even know if I want one though, as there is no rumble function(really important for me). I'm just going to stick to my usual method of picking a system: Whoever has the new Resident Evil game!

    23.9.2006 09:25 #40

  • FieroGT42

    I just want to say: Whooooaaaaa! Who didn't see that coming after the initial launch price was released? Hardly a news story as much as confirmation of the passing of this inevitability.

    23.9.2006 09:47 #41

  • rihgt682

    It's only for japan.

    23.9.2006 10:03 #42

  • Phoenix09

    Its amazing how many people dont read through the posts...




    23.9.2006 21:04 #43

  • ZippyDSM

    only some say that and 10 to 1 they will force it world wide in 2 or 3 can not keep from changing stuff.

    24.9.2006 16:12 #44

  • yuzaki

    yes the drop will be only on the japan region of the ps3 but i thing they will iventually lower the cost in onther region of the ps3 .ill buy the japanese console for sure that is lower costand if i have enough money then buy a wii

    24.9.2006 23:52 #45

  • yuzaki

    yes the drop will be only on the japan region of the ps3 but i thing they will eventually lower the cost in onther region of the ps3 .ill buy the japanese console for sure that is lower costand if i have enough money then buy a wii

    24.9.2006 23:53 #46

  • ZippyDSM

    by the time you pay taxs and shipping it would be 20-100 more.....

    24.9.2006 23:54 #47

  • DamonDash

    Quote:In Japan there is a perception that one yen is the same as one dollar and one euro, so Japanese people feel it's a little expensive," said Nanako Kato, a spokeswoman for SCEI in Tokyo. The U.S. launch price is US$499 and the cut would bring the Japanese price in line with that of the U.S. in the minds of consumers, she said.You guys need to clam down and dont get so upset the price drop was to aline the price with the U.S. price.Not totaly but no one is getting cheated.

    25.9.2006 00:51 #48

  • ZippyDSM

    then why dose it equal 410 and not 490? they are cheating..thats why...all I see is sony rearing its arrogant head again....

    25.9.2006 02:29 #49

  • DamonDash


    Cmon bro they are putting up a effort they could say the hell with it we sold over 200 million unit last console so we dont have to do a thing.But they are not doing this they listen to people complain about the price far as Japan because they got to take care of Home first.They add the HDMI cable to the Basic console which make a major differce.They will take care of the U.S. and Eur soon or later because 360 is really pushing them which is good for both buyers of MS & PS3.

    25.9.2006 04:47 #50

  • ZippyDSM

    HDMI is not a C A B L E
    it is a couponit of the motherboard on the PS3 to send HDMI data threw a HDMI cable so the hollywood DRM can OK full power to movies........

    If anyone said HDMI is a ""cable"" has to be a misquote because HDMI cable doth not make HDCP compilable...


    I feel it is playing with us ><

    I dont know witch to be stunned at more MS for makeing a shoty system or Sony for trying to paint a steel block gold.....

    "Hollywood the 4kids of comic moives."
    Looking to swap analog sticks on a PS2 pad,need some help or info

    25.9.2006 05:03 #51

  • gavin8814

    The PS3 when it comes out in Europe should be as cheap as the US and Japan because here in Ireland the greedy retailers are going to over price it for average people who love the playstions the strong rumors are that the 20gb will be 500e+ and the 60 in the region of 600-700e.What do others think of this as it will press on a lot of people to come up with the cash....

    9.10.2006 14:28 #52

  • ZippyDSM

    It will be roughly the price of the US maybe up 50,and then for Ireland maybe another 100 sicne you have greedy retailers,as for the japan launch most are right when they say its to enable them to have a better launch in japan..

    9.10.2006 14:32 #53

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