Suspected PS3 thief shot dead by police

Suspected PS3 thief shot dead by police
The launch of the PlayStation 3 (PS3) console in the U.S. had a well-publicized dark side with the media reporting armed robbery and gun shot wounds among other horrible incidents. It's easy for people to get very angry about this senseless violence and to crave justice on those who commit these acts. One such attack was on a student who waited at Wal-Mart for three days to buy two consoles. He was beaten and robbed by four men.

One man was arrested on Friday in connection with the robbery and Police intended to arrest Peyton Strickland of Wilmington, North Carolina. While serving a search warrant at the 18 year old's apartment, Police shot and killed the man along with his German shepherd. A roommate claims that he was shot while going to answer a knock at the door and that he was unarmed.

The sheriff's deputies had been called in to help the University police serve the warrants because of safety concerns. "No one's above the law. If there's any criminal conduct that can be established, I'm not going to hesitate to treat them as any other defendant," County District Attorney Ben David said.

It is sad and regrettable to have to read about these things towering over the launch of the PS3, Wii and the Xbox 360 last year.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 4 Dec 2006 22:33
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  • redrumbrg

    that's to bad. to think that is the kind of world we live in!!

    4.12.2006 22:50 #1

  • ZippyDSM

    meh anything under 20milloin is not worth stealing....

    4.12.2006 22:55 #2

  • borhan9

    All this for a ps3. What would they do for the ps4 when that comes :P

    If they want to acquire this console and sell it. Why don't they just get the Wii and do that. It's cheaper :P

    What a joke.

    5.12.2006 01:04 #3

  • ripfuel

    That is a shame! People will go crazy over a game system & it should not be that way. I know a lot of people want one, but hey don't put your life on the line for a console of any kind. What kind of world is this?...

    5.12.2006 03:27 #4

  • Thoatih12

    Thats messed up...why dont people just wait...or buy there own system...i dont need one that bad to steal it..its called have pathience and once you get it..its better.

    5.12.2006 04:28 #5

  • MightyOne

    Stuff like this has been happening for thousands of years. We just hear about more incidence because of technology and fast media circulation.

    1000 years ago....they would have been stoned to death..... (ironically...they where probably "stoned" when they stole it).

    I'm 40 years old. I would never do something like that now. However, i remember in my 20's, I contemplated on busting into a Video Rental Store to steal all their Nintendo games. I didn't...but i sure wanted to...just too chicken. I think there is a certain "Stupid" stage we all go thru.... and hopefully we don't get TOO stupid.

    Sometime times its not just stupidity. Some people are just dark entities. They will and always will do crazy bad things like this...and there's not much u can do about it, but lock them up, and through away the key.

    Stealing from piece of merchandise is not the same a beating some guy up and then stealing it from him. I think we are in for some rough times ahead....some rough violent times. I don't live in the US, but i wouldn't want to....knowing so much people carry a hand gun around. I mean...a gun has one purpose !!!

    The thieves probably stole it to re-sell it, not play it. Need some cash for the crack....what a world.

    5.12.2006 04:42 #6

  • PocketQs

    guaranteed the cop took his ps3 to give to his kids for xmas

    5.12.2006 06:07 #7

  • LazyWorkr

    It's called human nature, and it's worldwide. Not just in the US.

    5.12.2006 06:14 #8

  • banderksh

    "guaranteed the cop took his ps3 to give to his kids for xmas"

    Why is there red all over it daddy...cause its a special edition son.

    5.12.2006 06:31 #9

  • gogochar

    That's sad in more way than one. It's far too sad. When will America learn it's just a video game, it's not worth it?

    5.12.2006 06:37 #10

  • john_jaxs

    "The sheriff's deputies had been called in to help the University police serve the warrants because of safety concerns"

    Wow, steal a PS3 and suddenly your like a drug dealer.

    This is Sony's revenge their like steal a PS3 and get a bullet in your ass.

    5.12.2006 07:41 #11

  • psyantist

    When will the rest of the idiots in the world stop condemning the US and realize this sh!t happens everywhere.

    5.12.2006 07:41 #12

  • yetagain

    Judging by the name.............what do you wanna bet that Peyton Strickland is a black person............I mean for crying out loud........blacks constitute 405 of the population and make up 97% of America's crime. Only a nige or white trash would do something as low as this.

    5.12.2006 07:54 #13

  • yetagain

    follow up -- 40% (Not 405)

    5.12.2006 07:55 #14

  • GrayArea

    This story was about a person who got shot in the process of being arrested for being a part of a group who robbed and beat someone. The game console was incidental. They could have just as easily been mugging the guy for his shoes. PS3 is cool and all that crap, just don't give it more importance than it deserves. It's a game console. That's all.

    5.12.2006 08:14 #15

  • lxfactor

    yea right ps3 is the hottest thing out in the market... he got shot for being a re re... cops dont play... you do something bad best believe its coming back to get you... and it came back in bullet form.. and he dog caught one too for being too loud... maybe he should have had a poodle and not been home at the time of the search warrent... even so.. if your going to search a house dont shoot it up... sounds funny... hey can we look in your house.. yeah... boom boom boom.. okay we are done here...

    5.12.2006 08:33 #16

  • Nephilim

    Scratch one idiot spouting moronic stereotypes.

    5.12.2006 09:33 #17

  • jetyi83

    yetagain you are seriously retarded.

    5.12.2006 09:44 #18

  • jetyi83

    mighty one.. not that many people carry hand guns around here. ive lived here all my life and have yet to see a handgun carried by someone.

    a rare few of them might have one at home.. but its pretty rare, unless you live in a ghetto or somethin

    5.12.2006 09:46 #19

  • oofRome

    I guess this proves how stupid PS3 fanboys are.

    Just kidding.

    5.12.2006 10:52 #20

  • ZippyDSM

    *nods nods*
    the me me me factor + common stupidity + mob the only good thing from this is when the government finally fails us and makes us into a 2nd class nation these people will go nuts the down side of it they might go nuts before then 0_o

    Anyway in all I think its par for the coarse now adays info is spread fast so the number of crimes is more or less what they have always been thru a simi stable society.

    5.12.2006 12:27 #21

  • handsom


    Mayhaps you would like to clear his posts? They probably shouldn't be here at all. We don't need the ignorance.

    Anywho, I think there's still some news to be seen, when Australia and the UK get their systems. But the US is huge, and retailers here were not nearly as organized as they were in Japan; it's like creating a breeding ground for muggings and violence... Bad idea. I wonder if by PS4, someone will sue the RETAILER for not having adequate security and preperations... That would actually make a lot of sense to me...

    5.12.2006 14:47 #22

  • Nephilim

    I thought about clearing his posts but I want folks to see exactly what kind of crap won't be tolerated.

    The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
    My movies!
    "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

    5.12.2006 14:58 #23

  • ZippyDSM

    Nephilim lives all hail Nephilim!!!

    hail hail hail!!

    Sony has declared war on importers the consumer will be next with CD's,Videos/Games not far behind that....boycott SONY!

    5.12.2006 15:18 #24

  • Nephilim

    Lol, what's shakin' Zippy?

    The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
    My movies!
    "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

    5.12.2006 21:19 #25

  • lannigan


    6.12.2006 05:13 #26

  • mystic

    maybe the problem in the USA is that the availibility for what is considered the normal is to high for most people can reach. one of the most damning things here is how we raise our kids they want we give most kids have cellphones laptops and ipods now add the statis of who has the ps3 to make you king of toy land then it becomes a war zone. we need to get a grip on whats important like helping people have food on their table and heat for the house that would be a start... most parents mean well but fall way short when then gift of all gifts can be bought on ebay hours after the release and now its 3 time the amount it sold for earlier that day then maybe our judgement is just alittle scued. and maybe we are the cause of our own downfall . when somany people wanted just one of thease toys for under the tree why'd someone walk out of the store with two greed. so he got robbed because he was going to resell it and make a proffit probly like a grand over cost.. makes ya think that theres "karma"

    6.12.2006 05:23 #27

  • TazmanYo

    Hope the police have a good insurance policy.

    6.12.2006 07:16 #28

  • ZippyDSM

    my mind it seems..the caffeine adjtating the body 0-o

    Poice more and more are trained to shoot first ,I tend to side with they are not soilders they need to walk the line better otherwise we get a 90 year old flordia woman shooting it out with police because they night radied home in plain cloths looking for a dealer.....yes it happened a few weeks ago.

    6.12.2006 08:04 #29

  • 2f4st4u

    that sux for the kid but it sux more for the guy who got shot and it also sux for the room mate that had to see his/her room mate die in front of him/her

    6.12.2006 12:55 #30

  • Lethal_B

    I won't get politial but let's just leave it at "more guns than sense" in the U.S.

    7.12.2006 08:23 #31

  • jimmer

    well, he was stupid enough to rob someone. and prolly stupid enough to cause the cops to shoot his dumb arse

    7.12.2006 16:28 #32

  • Nephilim

    Very well said.

    7.12.2006 18:22 #33

  • ZippyDSM

    Ya if you don't treat cops as gods it ups the chance of your sorry but being caped,thus you be nice to them and do as they say when they say it so you wont be beaten into the ground.

    I am not implying anyhtign or being snide cops have hard job and when they come calling be on your toes for them step widely and might crush them.

    I dont mean it as bad as I say darn it ><

    7.12.2006 18:28 #34

  • elroy2055

    To yetagain......r u serious? do you really think that if it were a Wh$te guy that the police would have opened fire? And you say we (Black People)make up 97% of crime in America, why is it when one of us gets pinched the rest of us are kill racism!!!!!!

    8.12.2006 04:00 #35

  • LendaL

    Peyton Strickland was a WHITE college KID..he wasnt black, and i dont think he was 'trash'...either...just a kid that should have found a better class of friends and/or another hobby...

    and he was UNARMED...i just hope now that we know he was WHITE..folks dont start firing warning shots in the backs of unsuspecting white college students with PS3 consoles..

    8.12.2006 04:50 #36

  • Nephilim


    Race has absolutely no bearing or place in this discussion. I already dealt with the first idiot that tried to bring it in here so I don't want to see anymore of it. If anyone thinks I'm not serious just ask any of our regulars if it's wise to push it with me.

    8.12.2006 09:04 #37

  • SolShrike

    It makes a person weep for humanity when:

    A) Person gets robbed and beaten by four guys for a measly gaming console ("hawt" or not).

    B) Police resort to those sorts of extremes, like shooting the suspect instead of, oh I don't know, using mace or pepper spray. Did they really have to shoot him? The report didn't say if the suspect was armed or not... so its hard to say.

    C) People will go to such extremes as robbery to satisfy and quench thier thirst for whatever it is thats driving thier desires that day. Do we have self-control anymore, as a society? Magic 8 Ball says "answer unclear".

    Maybe we can change it, maybe we can't.

    8.12.2006 10:01 #38

  • dezier

    So let me get this straight Nephilim,
    You apparently support the double standard that clearly exisits in America today.
    Why are White people brutilized when they want to exercise their rights of FREE SPEACH, Every other race speaks their minds. Right or wrong you have the right to express yourself. White people- they are the only race who attacks their own and does not support eachother. Dont call me White, I'm German American, and I didn't see that box on the census form.
    One Word describes MOST Caucasian people -COWARDS-

    8.12.2006 12:30 #39

  • ZippyDSM

    DO you know how many sub types to the world "black" their are?

    while its true some humans like to devied people by the general 4 or 5 color types...doing so is not only immoral but illogical as well...there are to many factors to calculate the human equation if you use color as a prime number you wind up devideing by zero and destroying the universe... get a grip....

    BTW the reason for the racial lock down is the same with the politics lock down kids cant use their brains well so in order to stop the bleeding of IQ points across the board they ban acouple convos.

    8.12.2006 12:37 #40

  • dezier

    Ok fair enough, I just get angry when I see or hear people being told they do not have the right to express themselves.
    I don't like or agree with everything I hear or read but never the less we all have the right to speak.
    This would be another topic for a different day.
    I never have classified people by Race or Color - only by Attitude, and Intelligence.

    8.12.2006 12:46 #41

  • moviegram

    It is very saddening that anyone would hurt another human being over a game or to steal from them. That is terrible in itself.
    It does seem like Sony managed to create a demand for the game console. I guess their marketing people did their job; they should be proud of what they have accompliced.
    It certainly sounds like someone's above the law as it does not say why the boy and his dog were shot at all. They were not a defendant at that point. Did they go in shooting?
    A little perspective would go a long way in our world today. To quote the movie Toy Story; Woody to Buzz Lightyear:"You're just a toy"...

    8.12.2006 14:21 #42

  • moviegram

    OOPS... that should read accomplished...

    SolShrike; I do so agree with what you said.

    8.12.2006 14:26 #43

  • SolShrike

    I'm going to pose a question or two, so please take them with a grain of salt:

    If Sony had made "enough" PS3's for launch (as in lets say, the same amount that Nintendo had for its Wii launch), would we have had the same incidents happen? Would people still have gotten mugged for thier PS3 or robbed of thier cash while waiting in line... or would we have seen the same (relatively) quite and successful launch that Nintendo had?

    This isn't a "Nintend0rz r4wkz!" post, but more of a question (or two) that asks us this: would it have made a difference?

    Sony (and the media, the fans, the internet) had hyped up the PS3 to be an extreme uber-console meant to end all consoles with its shine and luster and I believe they accomplished that task, but at what price? Unfortunately there is a thing such as over-hyping a product to the point of near mass hysteria, which is what we've witnessed with Sony's launch.

    If they had supplied enough PS3's at launch, would people have been harmed, beaten, robbed, degraded, etc... or would they have gotten a new console to take home and enjoy? As we all know, hindsight is always 20/20 so its easy to make assumptions based on what we think we may know or through various other means.

    I guess what I'm asking overall is this:

    Would human greed and lack of temperance have been brought to a minimum had Sony made enough for everyone?

    Personally, I doubt it... but its hard to tell.

    Just my 2 cents.

    8.12.2006 14:58 #44

  • ZippyDSM

    you right on,Wiis are only going for 200 more online but PS3s are 600-2000 easy mostly because of sonys wishy washyness over the PS3 hell the PS3 is not even meeting hype its coming out to be as powerful as the 360 witch makes you even more wonder abut the price.
    the corperate way to sell less to get more boggles the mind...

    8.12.2006 15:10 #45

  • Nephilim

    dezeir, you brought up race after I made it very clear not to. You were also pretentious enough to purport to speak for me and my opinions and that really pisses me off. You're gone buster.

    I like how you make this statement,

    Quote:I never have classified people by Race or Color - only by Attitude, and Intelligence.Right after you made this one,

    Quote:One Word describes MOST Caucasian people -COWARDS-That tells me alot.

    The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
    My movies!
    "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

    8.12.2006 15:20 #46

  • lannigan

    All that can be said about this incident is that it is soooo terribly sad..

    This incident speaks to how sick and twisted our society has become. The materialisticness (if that's a word) and how utter selfishness if people over these concoles is disgusting. The fact the police shot an unarmed man is terrible.

    I live in canada and today 3 police were shot while exectuting a search warrant in winnipeg by a 21 year old kid.

    Society needs to keep kindness and non-materialism as values if we are ever going to stop seeing incidents like this. Unfortunately, unbridled capatalism with no conscious breeds things like this. So very, very sad.

    So terribly sad.......

    8.12.2006 16:11 #47

  • venomX05

    You's times like this that I just wonder and shake my head.

    Seriously, you have got to wonder what the hell people are thinking. Like they have some genetic disorder that allows them to act stupid. I guess it is age talking, but if you ask me, nothing in this world is worth a video game system, and I do mean nothing.

    It's just a game...that is all these morons need to say, it is just a game.

    Too bad for the guy though, I am sure he worked hard to pay for that thing or what have you, but people just can't act right.

    8.12.2006 16:34 #48

  • ZippyDSM

    its no worse than robing someone for a Ipod or their jewelery so in alls its nothing new but the heated spin of the anti game crowed.

    8.12.2006 16:35 #49

  • SolShrike

    You're right Zippy. A criminal offense is just that, regardless of the item stolen or amount of money taken, etc. Unfortunately, because its a gaming related offense, the people like Jack Thompson and others like him (people against video-gaming in general it seems) are having a field day with this. Why give them you ammunition you ask? Seems people in general can't help but do things that we all later regret... :)

    8.12.2006 16:49 #50

  • moviegram

    SolShrike, I hear what you are saying but the resale prices of the games speak for themselves; check it out at:
    That's quite a profit.
    Sony keeps the console in demand by not supplying enough and opens the door for this sort of thing. It is not the same as say, NFL tickets. Everyone knows there are only a certain amount of seats which can drive up resale prices and there is nothing more that can be done about that but; IMHO Sony made an educated decision to supply less than the demand that they created. They could have waited until they had enough, but they didn't. I don't think they are totally blameless.

    9.12.2006 01:32 #51

  • lannigan

    Moviegram... you are exactly right.... they do this to get maximum profit, I remember microsoft did this with x-box last year.

    Creating demand leads to incidents like this. Dosent matter if it is ipod, jewlery or whatever. Crime is crime, like the other fellas said, but when it is encouraged by rampant price gouging, that is wrong.

    Sony means to tell us they as a company cannot meet supply for a world-wide market? Hell no, they could if they wanted to. But there is no money in it. Basic law of supply and demand, and the government should step in to stop them. They are the criminals. And no I am not anti-game, I am anti-greed.

    9.12.2006 02:53 #52

  • SolShrike

    I agree that Sony could have waited until they had more consoles before launching. Instead, they chose to rush it out the door to make some dead-line (presumably to beat Nintendo to the punch for the first new cool console of the christmas season...?). Would they have still charged 700 dollars (CDN $$) for the machine if they had enough though? I think so.

    Again, hindsight is always 20/20 so its easy to assume. I just hope nobody else gets hurt because of this thing.

    9.12.2006 03:36 #53

  • ZippyDSM

    MS was in the same boat but not so much as amount of whole consoles but qaultily there off,the trouble is they see thos mystic Christmas numbers and try and launch it then.

    MS launched the 360 completely wrong(march 05) they should have waited till Xmas of 05 to launch it on a more stable footing....I wish nintendo would stop underestimating the stupidity of the Zombie(common) gamer and made the WII a bit more powerful...but then Zombie gamers only care for looks anyway....

    of coarse dose any of this hurt sonys rep or the PS3 no..people will just haply eat it up....

    9.12.2006 04:12 #54

  • JaiQwan

    Just My 10 Cents here:

    Hearing and seeing this, all I can think of is that this a senseless Crime and uncalled for, regardless if it was The Police or the Teenager committing the crime.

    Sony Had To Be BIGGER & Better than Xbox 360. Well at least that is what they were trying to do, I don't think they were very worried about the Wii launch, seeing as the Wii has no where the power a 360 has or as the PS3 was Hyped up to have. And now what is Sony doing? (Firmware Updates) they just had to rush it out the door and on top of the CEO (what’s his Name?) being Demoted, I think that may have had a hand in the way it was launched ???

    Sony Had to be bigger & Bader OOO Blue Ray & That it was Hyped that it was MUCH more Powerful than the 360.
    And it had to be out by Xmas of 06, Yes I do agree with the one post that the MS Xbox 360 launch was pretty much the same, BUT they did it way to early. Why? Maybe just maybe MS had a pretty good idea what might happen if they did a Pre-Xmas launch and did not want this kind of BAD Press and even though I have still yet to get one (360 that is) I did follow the launch and had friends that did camp out to get one, but there was no where this kind of Violence and Killing over a 360.

    And MS did make a statement that they would not have enough on launch day, well not very well but they did give some sort of a figure and I maybe wrong here but I don't remember Sony doing that.

    Okay back to the topic at hand here:

    Just because a picture was posted of them holding guns, does not give the right to go in Guns Blazing, shoot first ask questions last. Ummm how do you ask a Dead man any questions? And with out going into all the sorted details of what I do for a living, I will say this, Every Cop that goes into the Academy For "6 months of training (well here in Jersey anyhow)" IS TRAINED in the use of deadly force (how to when to, how not to when not to and when they should or not).
    Now once they are on the job, each officer gets even more training and rides with a senior officer for anywhere from 3 to 6 months, depending on the Department and state. As to the ins and outs of the town the job and so fourth. "Now this is just speculation here" they may have been a little more than on edge here with what they saw in the picture and did not want to get shot / killed so they reacted and with more than deadly force before they even knew what and if any weapons were in the house, Which I’m pretty sure they were trained when in the Academy, how to enter a house that may have weapons in it.

    I watched the News Stations Video clip, it looked like they shot through the door before it was even opened ??? Unless the door was open and one of the officers was behind it ??? I am not condoning what the Police did and how, But this Student brought way to much attention on him self and even flaunted what he and his friends did. Which leads me to wonder How did his parents raise him, what kind of Values did they instill upon him, Did they teach him what is really right and wrong here and I mean from the day that he was able to walk and talk at a very young age.

    "Crimes like this are senseless and should never happen, as everyone else has said (it is only a game / game console) there is no need to kill each other over it"

    I don't mean that the parents now days should hit or spank and God forbid any Beating, but if the child needs a swift whack on the Bum once and a while then yes to teach the child a lesson. But with the child abuse laws today and how you can raise your child and how you punish a child (in the USA that is) is being regulated by the Government / State / local laws. Why do I say this? Because today in this day in age, If a parent smacks his misbehaving child on the bum or grabs his / her arm a little to hard, the child goes to school tells a teacher who then calls the police who then call child services who then go and put the parents on trial sort of speak.

    Yes Child abuse is a problem and it does need to be dealt with in a proper manor if and when there is a case of it, but the laws today have made it pretty tuff on parents who do not abuse a child to punish a child that is or has misbehaved. And there are the Parents that just don't take the proper care and or are just not very involved in how the child is raised and expect the school system / nanny / society to raise the child. I see it everyday at work, from teens to collage age adults, they just don't know what it is to give or how to give respect, And they are barely out of high school and they are drive a vehicle worth more than I make in a year, is this how parents teach children the value of life and money and how to respect thy neighbor?

    I know this a long posting and I apologize for it but, seeing it, living it, reading it, hearing it. It just makes me really wonder what has this country turned into, what have the people turned into, are we going to start living in a world of "MAD MAX" And maybe just maybe, if society / government / sate & local law makers would just keep their nose out of peoples lives and how the parent raises his / her / their child (unless the child is really being abused that is) would stop telling people how to live their lives, again (unless they are violating laws that is) maybe the children of this world would grow up to be better people and this kind of regrettable violence and killing would not go on as it is.

    And I’m sure Sony Is Sitting very Smug over all this and have no real regret about any of this, because of the way they did this launch, and this just plain ole Frelling ticks me off that corporations like this can do this sort of thing. IMHO the ("Government knowing" how the gaming world is growing how much $$$$ it generates and how strong the gaming community is avidly fighting for the rights of gamers). Should regulate how these mega corporations launch this kind of product and with complete full discloser to the public as to what is and is not being launched.

    10.12.2006 05:10 #55

  • SayYes

    This kid had a ps3...why wasn't he playing it?? then he could have let his roommate anwser the door. sucker.

    11.12.2006 03:53 #56

  • ZippyDSM

    that would require a game and it did not say if he had it sicne he was one of 4,robbers tend to diviy up stuff so the smaller items got "resold" rather fast a hot PS3 might take awhile to find the correct outlet for

    the 360 launch was as luke warm it had a bit more games but they were as or more buggy and sicne they did poor qauilty control on it some 360s fry themselfs,hell the WII had acouple fist fights in the EU so violence over stuff is not rare its jsut more publizied when tis a game thing at least it is now adays with all the calls to ban video games.

    Can any spin the PS3 launch in any good light? the console has been debuged by web sites its roughly no more powerful than the 360,res:fal of man has graphical glitches akin to Halo 1-2 on the Xbox not as bad mind you but they are there,sure I see them being able to get 30-60% more power from it thru coding tricks but in all they have showen the PS3's weakness,they dont have alot of them its going to take months to get more out...I mean this is as bad as the 360s launch.....

    11.12.2006 07:01 #57

  • freemail

    OOOOOoooops.....Peyton was a white kid.........white trash......You people do know that 'white trash' exists right? You also do realize that blacks in America do constitute most of the the crime. A statistical fact.........don't blame me..........I'm just the messenger.

    11.12.2006 11:32 #58

  • freemail

    Scratch one up-side-down, backwards country (Finland) that appeared to have respect for the thoughts of its people. Just another soon-to-be communist country controlling all propaganda in and out. Welcome to the N. Korean club Finland. The only thing you're good for is Even your vodka sucks!!

    11.12.2006 11:36 #59

  • freemail

    Boy oh boy, I am not about violence but an ass kicking really is necessary for most of the world to learn a lesson..........and Nephilim.........your stifling others would merit a pounding if you were in my area. Too bad you're not in Chicagoland where I can take daily frustrations out on you!

    11.12.2006 11:55 #60

  • Nephilim

    Dude, you're a complete loser on so many levels.

    - In the 1939-1940 Russo-Finnish the Finns kicked the crap out of the Communist Russians when Russia figured it would grab Finland for itself. They're as far from communism as we are and they also make some of the finest vodka known to man.

    - Only the most insecure losers actually take the time and trouble to sign back up to A) post more drivel in a feeble attempt to nurse their fragile ego, B) make silly high school jock type of threats and C) get banned yet again.

    - Racism and the perpetuation of ignorant stereotypes is one of the purest forms of stupidity known to man. Folks who have trouble looking at the big picture and figuring out things on their own love to use stereotypes since it's the easiest way to make some sort of statement without requiring independent thought or any semblance of intelligence.

    Bye again.

    And now back on topic........................

    The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
    My movies!
    "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

    12.12.2006 07:01 #61

  • NextLevel

    I know everyone involved in this. From the defendants to the robbed party. Alot of wrong info is going around. I will let you know what I have been told. My buddy was robbed bye 3 guys. He was not beaten bye them. Two of the robbers knew him prior. It was planned it seems. They didn't speak and the other guy did the talking.

    Second part is the two room mates were sitting at home playing the PS3. One loud knock at the door. No "It's the Police" or anything of the sort. So Peyton gets up to answer it. He only took a step or two and the police broke through the door. His German Shepard charged the door and was shot down. As Peyton goes to put up his hands he is shot twice. The PS3 controller was said to be mistaken for a gun. His room mate still sitting on the couch in shock drops his controller and puts his hands up.

    End of story.

    But would like to say these kids were not white trash. They were decent guys that just had a bad idea. They didn't steal them for the money. They really wanted a PS3. They had waited in line for 3 days aswell. They didn't end up getting one. Peyton's father is a big time lawyer in Raleigh, NC. Looks like there will be hell to pay in Wilmington. The others look like they will be getting off. Not much proof, besides the actual PS3.

    12.12.2006 23:09 #62

  • ZippyDSM


    It seems the cop was a bad nut,shot other teens befor and such.
    Still robing a person is not a "BAD IDEA" fckign over your credit is a bad idea.....

    12.12.2006 23:20 #63

  • ZippyDSM

    HOLY FCK!!



    12.12.2006 23:24 #64

  • phobet

    While I feel sorry for the *family* of the guy that got shot while the police were serving a warrant, I don't feel anything for the actual person that got shot. After all, he *was* in a group of four predators that preyed on a poor kid waiting in line to buy a PS3 gaming console. And it's not that I think he got what he deserved, he certainly didn't. But violent people tend think that violence is the answer to any problem(s) that come up in their lives. It's this one-dimensional thinking that resulted in him getting "pwn3d" by the police.

    I also don't fault the University Police for requesting assistance in apprehending this guy. After all, he, once again, was in a group that used violence to prey on the weak. Ei: He *was* in a group that beat the crap of the victim. So he is already comfortable with, and geared towards, using violence in his life style to accomplish his goals.

    I agree with everyone that the PS3 is only a game or console. Unfortunately, the people that would beat someone up over it see it as $600+ in their pockets. And, they see people waiting in line to buy this thing, as easy victims to prey on.

    13.12.2006 05:13 #65

  • ZippyDSM

    the stealing part is a misunderstanding the cops got involved and the guy was shot for having a hyper dog and holding PS3 controller.
    the "Cop" was a bad nut shot acouple other people ,they have even dropped the charges on the guy.

    Sony has declared war on importers the consumer will be next with CD's,Videos/Games not far behind that....boycott SONY!

    13.12.2006 11:42 #66

  • phobet

    I have to disagree.

    He was shot because the officer thought his life was in danger. Not because he had a PS3 controller, and not because of his dog.

    1) There are/is picture(s) on the Internet, of him, posing with a weapon or weapons. Now his friends say that the picture(s) was/were a prank. But the officer(s) involved cannot assume that:
    a) it was all a big joke, or
    b) the weapon(s) were fake.

    2) The police received information that he has been known to carry a weapon. Again, the possibility of the presence of a weapon changes the tone of the encounter.

    3) The crime itself, was a crime of violence. This fact alone would cause anyone at the scene to believe they are dealing with violent people.

    So you cannot blame the police, for having a perception of dangerousness, of the individual that was shot. The violence of the crime, coupled with the perceived presence of weapons, tilted the scales of the encounter towards the possibility of a violent event.

    And when the final decision came to the shooting officer, where it is "Either him or me", they did the right thing to ensure they were going home that night.

    Now, it is very unfortunate that this young man did not survive his encounter with the police. But the odds were stacked against him the moment he and his friends resorted to violence.

    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM:phobet
    the stealing part is a misunderstanding the cops got involved and the guy was shot for having a hyper dog and holding PS3 controller.
    the "Cop" was a bad nut shot acouple other people ,they have even dropped the charges on the guy.

    13.12.2006 23:47 #67

  • ZippyDSM

    and this "cop" has left a trail of dead and injured and a history of shooting frist askign questions later.sorry hes not a soldier and if he has to shot frist every time he needs to find a new job.....

    Sony has declared war on importers the consumer will be next with CD's,Videos/Games not far behind that....boycott SONY!

    13.12.2006 23:50 #68

  • phobet

    Have you looked at the specifics of all the shooting incidents he has been involved in? Maybe he works in a violent area. Maybe he targets suspects that are known to be violent. To say that he has left a trail, is to suggest that he is running amok, shooting innocent people. You cannot really say, until you know the specifics of each shooting incident.

    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM:phobet
    and this "cop" has left a trail of dead and injured and a history of shooting frist askign questions later.sorry hes not a soldier and if he has to shot frist every time he needs to find a new job.....

    13.12.2006 23:57 #69

  • ZippyDSM

    DO dose that give him the right to shoot 2 or 4 innocent people just because he had to shot at 40 dureing the eyars?

    Mmmmm these numbers don't sound to bad actually *L*
    ah well either the cop is a bad nut or he has bad luck,in any case this and the granny shooting a few weeks ago cops need to start getting better at being cops and not soldiers.

    Sony has declared war on importers the consumer will be next with CD's,Videos/Games not far behind that....boycott SONY!

    14.12.2006 00:03 #70

  • phobet

    The ability to shoot someone is not a right. You do not have the right to shoot someone without a very good reason, period. But you do have the right to defend yourself. The police also have this right. This may involve shooting the aggressor. Or it may involve using some other method or weapon to defend yourself against those that would do you harm.

    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM:phobet
    DO dose that give him the right to shoot 2 or 4 innocent people just because he had to shot at 40 dureing the eyars?
    This would imply that the individual drew his weapon, and randomly shot these people. Again, you need to look at the specifics of each incident. We know why the officer shot those people. He feared for his life. What did the individuals do, or not do, to push the officer to the point of no return. What happened to cause this?

    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM:Mmmmm these numbers don't sound to bad actually *L*
    ah well either the cop is a bad nut or he has bad luck,in any case this and the granny shooting a few weeks ago cops need to start getting better at being cops and not soldiers.
    Unfortunately, when the police interact with the public, they never know who they are dealing with. There are people out there that would do them serious harm, just because they wear the uniform. They can never assume someone is safe. To do so would be foolish, and deadly.

    The next time you interact with the police, watch them closely. They will always maintain a defensive posture or attitude. And it isn't because they have anything against you, or wish to do you harm. You are an unknown to them. They just have a desire to return safely home after each shift. So they place themselves in a position to react quickly, and decisively, should you all of a sudden become a threat.

    Just imagine how you would be, if at your place of employment, there were people that may do you harm as you go about doing your job. And these people you have to deal with, because it is part of your job. Some of these people my try to hurt you, and some of them may not. You don't know who wants to do what. You would definitely have a different view of the people you deal with.

    14.12.2006 23:59 #71

  • PaulMann

    I agree with you phobet.
    "Just imagine how you would be, if at your place of employment, there were people that may do you harm as you go about doing your job. And these people you have to deal with, because it is part of your job. Some of these people my try to hurt you, and some of them may not. You don't know who wants to do what. You would definitely have a different view of the people you deal with."
    Police job is not as easy as many people think, and apart from car accidents most of other things that police deals with has a chance that makes them think "whether I will go home tonight or not".
    As to people saying that the police officer has killed before I would suggest that look on the history of each incident, cause if he really had killed an innocent he would have been out of his job long before now.
    Regarding the point of the original crime. Well! is it new or is it something strange. It happens everyday. And Sony well ofcourse they are sitting happy it is free advertisement for them as far as they are concerned.

    15.12.2006 20:34 #72

  • ZippyDSM

    No I was going for a diffrent effect,if he had bad luck and had to use his weapon alot throwout his career 40 people over the corse of 5-10 years in a bad city sounds reasonable.
    shooting a few innocents along the way also sounds reasonable but luck can only be part of it.

    Sony has declared war on importers the consumer will be next with CD's,Videos/Games not far behind that....boycott SONY!

    16.12.2006 08:32 #73

  • 777havoc

    Originally posted by venomX05: You's times like this that I just wonder and shake my head.

    Seriously, you have got to wonder what the hell people are thinking. Like they have some genetic disorder that allows them to act stupid. I guess it is age talking, but if you ask me, nothing in this world is worth a video game system, and I do mean nothing.

    It's just a game...that is all these morons need to say, it is just a game.

    Too bad for the guy though, I am sure he worked hard to pay for that thing or what have you, but people just can't act right.
    Its times like this we should revert to the old ways of punishment and start hanging criminals again that should set an example for the rest of them.

    20.1.2010 23:50 #74

  • xboxdvl2

    Quote:Its times like this we should revert to the old ways of punishment and start hanging criminals again that should set an example for the rest of them.
    i beleive in america they still have the death penalty.correct me if im wrong.killing criminals isnt the answer re educating them is.

    PS2 with 12 games.

    21.1.2010 07:47 #75

  • Oner

    Originally posted by xboxdvl2: Quote:Its times like this we should revert to the old ways of punishment and start hanging criminals again that should set an example for the rest of them.
    i beleive in america they still have the death penalty.correct me if im wrong.killing criminals isnt the answer re educating them is.
    Some states support capital punishment, some don't. I look at it this way ~ Not everyone can change. Not everyone has the ability to change. Not everyone has the desire to change. And those who fail to change have had their chance(s).

    I'm sorry but a hardened criminal or deviant who rapes and or murders children/innocent people or commits crimes that are above and beyond "reasonable" doesn't deserve the chance at a certain point, if at all. I sometimes wonder what people would actually do or choose if their life or the life of a loved one was in true grave jeopardy? Would you want that criminal to live after they are done some heinous deplorable crime to affect you and your family?

    Not me. If you eliminate the threat that threat cannot harm another, but if the Criminal Justice System wasn't so f'ed up it wouldn't have the connotation of The Criminals...Justice System, where they pervert the laws to their advantage to get over on their crimes. You hold them accountable for their actions properly and it will be a deterrent to others who want to follow in their foot steps.

    But honestly this is not the right place, or area for this discussion (especially since this news discussion is over 3 years old) so I have to close it.

    21.1.2010 11:11 #76

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