Nintendo replaces broken wrist straps

Nintendo replaces broken wrist straps
Nintendo has promised to compensate broken Wii wrist straps, which has already become an Internet phenomenon, by replacing all the broken straps for free. The company has received a surge of complaints from customers who have broken not only their "Wiimote" wrist straps, but various home entertainment devices as well.

Despite the obvious disclaimers in the manuals of Wii and games, people have been successfully breaking their Wii Remote wrist straps causing the controller to go airborne, breaking TVs, windows, etc. The angry customers have addressed complaints toward Nintendo. Now the company has promised to replace the broken wrist straps and add new, less vulnerable straps to consoles on production.

Nintendo recommends that people wanting a wrist strap replacement should visit Nintendo website and seek country specific information.


Written by: Matti Robinson @ 15 Dec 2006 1:04
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  • bugzy113

    Yea, i herd the story of the guy who broke his 60 inch tv. Gotta suck. But I still want a Wii. . .

    15.12.2006 02:38 #1

  • thebox

    here's an idea for those who need a Wii Wrist Strap: "Stop swinging the bloody thing like you're trying to battle 10000 Uruk'ai's in one shot". it's a sensor, you don't need to be so forceful. it is nice though that Nintendo is replacing the straps.

    15.12.2006 04:19 #2

  • SGSeries2

    Well put.

    15.12.2006 05:03 #3

  • Thonor

    ^ - Agreed

    Many people are suggesting (and I agree) that many cases of broken straps are people who don't use them, lose their grip then break the strap on purpose to make it look like it's not their fault.

    You can be sure at least a few cases of broken straps are like this.

    I'm not so sure I want to let my brother's friend touch my Wii anymore...he can get a bit out of control and do stupid things...

    15.12.2006 06:02 #4

  • macca30

    with a comment like thats shows you havnt played the wii. For example if you play the baseball game and pitch the ball, the faster the better also natural instics as its a ball is to let go at the end (especially after a few drinks) Also throwing a heavy controller at an lcd screen at any speed with most likely break it

    15.12.2006 06:16 #5

  • navi1199

    I have a wii and I never needed the wrist strap, I remember when I first started to play. I was like "what idiot is gonna actually gonna throw the wii-mote". Few days later I start how people actually started throwing their wii-motes... Guess theres alot of idiots out there...

    P.S. whats a Uruk'ai

    15.12.2006 06:29 #6

  • psyantist

    Is it possible that a person can post on Afterdawn and not know what an Urak'ai is? WOW never thought I would see the day!

    15.12.2006 06:42 #7

  • thecraigc

    yeah, what is that?

    but... i posted here to say:

    how can you acctually play it? do yu loose your temper and throw it?

    15.12.2006 07:27 #8

  • Pop_Smith

    Although the strap looks and feels pretty sturdy, I am sure the force of swinging it over and over when playing things such as bowling could cause it to break.
    After all, I am sure the guy who broke his Plasma TV didn't throw the Wiimote on purpose. :p

    15.12.2006 08:02 #9

  • macca30

    15.12.2006 08:08 #10

  • thecraigc

    i know he didn't do it on purpose - unless he wants nintendo to buy him a better TV... mmmm???

    i mean, you do stuff you don't really mean when your p*ssed off

    15.12.2006 08:13 #11

  • handsom

    I've gotta say that macca30's reply makes him look like more of a drunk than a gamer.

    I play my Wii a lot, it's got over 100 hours use on it(And yes, I realize that others have more already, woopty doo.) I usually don't put the wrist strap on, except for playing Wii Sports, and even then, I've never let it go.

    It leads me back to Quote:Stop swinging the bloody thing like you're trying to battle 10000 Uruk'ai's(I doubt half the users here actually know what that is, I've no idea.)

    In all seriousness, the strap is sturdy, I've tugged on it, to check the strength, you'd REALLY have to abuse it and swing that controller a NUMBER of times to break it naturally. I suspect a larger number of users have lied about the strap breaking, than most people acknowledge. I'm sure there are a few, but it honestly has to be a high number of people who are not being honest. I would suspect that after the first few honest users had breaks, a huge number of gamers took advantage of the situation.

    If you're constantly releasing that controller, that's your fault. They tell you not to. If you honestly want to make an argument about playing Wii Sports while drinking, then I have another suggestion:


    lol. But seriously. You can't expect a company to account for YOUR sloppy behavior, especially your drunkenness. And let's not get into 'how drunk you were/weren't.' If you feel it's strong enough to argue, and causes you to throw the controller like a baseball, odds are your pretty well drunk. Don't complain about a game system that isn't designed for an unsober individual.

    I'm personally not holding out for the Nintendo Wii: DUI Edition.

    15.12.2006 08:54 #12

  • thecraigc

    don't you think they take the idea of drunk people playing it into account when designing it?

    i mean, think about it... it happens quite a lot

    15.12.2006 09:30 #13

  • DEJuliano

    Probably the real reason why people are breaking their wrist straps and even their television sets is because they are not using common sense when it comes to electronics. Inevitably the remote likely reaches a point where where accelerating the remote reaches a terminal point and if I remember correctly a spokeperson from Nintendo had confirmed that when all of the wrist stap hoopla began occurring. I agree that its great the big N is replacing the broken wrist straps but that doesn't fix the human stupidity phenomenon. Stop swinging the remote so wildly!!!!

    15.12.2006 11:29 #14

  • handsom

    Yeah, stop swinging it. And don't assume devices were designed for drunk use.

    After all, if we all assumed that popular products were designed for use with alchohol; we would have banned cars decades ago.

    I know a lot of people are joking around about it; but in all seriousness, "I'm drunk, and I can't help swinging it" is quite possibly one of the saddest excuses I've ever heard. Considering I have been hit by two DUI drivers(One of which attempted to make a run for it) my view of the topic's humor might be skewed.

    Professional Grade Glass Etching - Get your favorite Game/Movie/Anime logos etched into glass, PM me for info.

    15.12.2006 12:08 #15

  • thecraigc

    i didn't say "all"...

    15.12.2006 12:16 #16

  • Leningrad

    Nintendo wii sucks , and thier stupit controller.
    Its better to get a "normal" controller from
    xbox360 or ps3 , waving that stick makes me feel
    like im retarted.

    15.12.2006 12:29 #17

  • RyuKonton

    Its about time

    15.12.2006 13:23 #18

  • Kazi

    the broken strap stuff is bs.

    they were all trying to break it, dumbasses.
    btw uruk ai are the dumbasses in LoTR (orcs), now if they were the ones using the controllers then I could understand the strap breaking.

    Quote:Nintendo wii sucks , and thier stupit controller.
    Its better to get a "normal" controller from
    xbox360 or ps3 , waving that stick makes me feel
    like im retarted.
    point of interest
    retarted: adj. the act of being tarted when one has already been tarted before.

    15.12.2006 13:26 #19

  • Ankoku

    I have a wii, and I always have my strap tied on just in case I lose my grip. But what kind of loser lets go of their Wiimote, I dont care what you're playing, you should be holding onto that thing with your life, especially when you hear stories of a guy breaking a 60in TV...Bottom line, there should be no reason for the straps breaking

    15.12.2006 13:52 #20

  • chubbyInc

    @ Leningrad,
    Worried about feeling like a retard, my question is who are you trying to empress? As much as I like Xbox 360, I think it is very innovative that Nintendo would come up with something that great. It's too bad PS3 is stealing that technology, just like they did for the dual shock.

    And obviously people are going to try and break their controllers, just to get new ones, hopefully people aren't stupid enough to think they can get a replaced TV out of the deal.

    15.12.2006 15:45 #21

  • chubbyInc

    retarted might not be a word but if anyone meant retarded that is, adj. Something offensive : Slow or limited in intellectual, emotional, or academic progress. So I don't think that applies to any game consoles, just certain people, like those that base Afterdawn on LoTR

    15.12.2006 15:53 #22

  • Kazi

    is there a reason we can't edit posts here? or am I just retarted

    15.12.2006 17:22 #23

  • oofRome

    It could possibly be the latter, since you didn't even get the Urak'ai part right.

    15.12.2006 23:25 #24

  • thecraigc

    so what... the guy made a typo...

    and you can edit them. you need to go to the news forum and find the thread, then you can edit

    16.12.2006 01:04 #25

  • tommyg109

    dear all,

    you do realise this is a publicity stunt don't you? please tell me you do.

    for a moment i thought every one here was sucking-off nintendo for being so nice.

    does anyone watch news channels? business reports? the Wii has had some seriously good exposure on prime time TV thanks to the apparent 'thousands' of controllers flying through the air.

    "yeah i heard the story about the guy who smashed a 120" HD1080p tv cos his nintendo Wii was so freaking AMAZINGLY GOOD that he couldn't resist the urge to fly around his room swinging the contoller like a rabid baboon"

    if anyone thinks these stories are true you need to turn off your pc, count to ten, and go socialise with the real world outside.

    16.12.2006 08:44 #26

  • ZippyDSM

    the PS3 has a half arsed motion sensing setup you cant compare it to the WII the PS3s is just tacted onto the pad because they couldn't put rumble into it.

    the kills both the PS3 and 360 in game control alone I am tried of playing pretty looking but overly SHALLOW games.....I hope Nintendo focuses more on game control..

    16.12.2006 09:50 #27

  • wetsparks

    First off guys, its spelled Uruk-hai and I belive that they are a cross breed between elves that had been captured or turned to evil and orcs. And yes that has happened before, if you read the Silmarillion, Sauron is an elf that got corrupted.

    16.12.2006 10:16 #28

  • theonejrs

    "so what... the guy made a typo..."
    English may not be his main language or he just doesn't know how to spell retarded!


    16.12.2006 11:10 #29

  • akaangus

    Interesting that they are switching them with new consoles. Maybe the ones I got after waiting in line at launch for hours will become a rare collectors item in 5 years when everyone has the new super-strong ones ;)

    I can see the eBay listing now... ORIGINAL wii wristband, the ones that broke tvs! Starting bid $99.99.

    16.12.2006 14:06 #30

  • andydawog

    theonejrs, you are possibly the biggest loser i have ever seen. i cant believe u actually signed your post with "theone"....RIGGHHHHTTTT OK

    16.12.2006 14:13 #31

  • timchya

    i don't know what a Uruk'ai is

    16.12.2006 14:24 #32

  • timchya

    nvm i don't even care lol

    16.12.2006 14:26 #33

  • ZippyDSM

    Uruk'ai is a lord of the rings character or class or thing.

    16.12.2006 14:30 #34

  • Tru_dz

    if a guy did break a plasma tv then he musta been pretty stupid the wrist strap is only there for support he must have been swingin it like a mad man cause i does take quite alot of force for the screen to break and also arent you supposed to actualy hold the remote...

    16.12.2006 14:43 #35

  • andydawog

    look if theres at least one wii user out there that broke the strap with normal use, using the device like nintendo intended, then nintendo SHOULD supply new straps to every1. and im sure that not every broken strap was an act of mallice.

    16.12.2006 14:49 #36

  • theonejrs


    And you need to learn a little respect for your elders or know what you are talking about before you shoot off your big mouth! You know, engage brain first!


    16.12.2006 14:55 #37

  • andydawog

    well obviously the more u post the more arrogant you become...chill mate ur opinion doesnt mean more because you've posted more posts than me. grow up champ

    16.12.2006 15:11 #38

  • ZippyDSM

    *takes out a mallet and whacks you on the head*
    here have some of my brain cells :P
    calm down already before a mod comes along and guns down half the people in the thread :P

    16.12.2006 15:17 #39

  • akaangus

    Quote:calm down already before a mod comes along and guns down half the people in the thread :POH GOD I'm holding a controller at the moment!

    16.12.2006 15:26 #40

  • ZippyDSM

    controller or not you still will get shot if you annoy them :P

    Sony has declared war on importers the consumer will be next with CD's,Videos/Games not far behind that....boycott SONY!

    16.12.2006 15:50 #41

  • georgeluv

    the ps3 controller has the same motion technology. i like how it uses normal controller functions mixed with the motion stuff, in madden to do a juke move you just flip the controller to one side realy fast. in resistence when alien thingys latch onto you you shake the controller to shake them off of you in the game.

    16.12.2006 17:50 #42

  • jolo

    A reply to Leningrad.

    You feel restarted about playing on the Wii <b>because you are retarted !!</b>

    The Wii is great and an absolute giant success. Unfortunately the controllers are a little to complex for some people. It actually is a hilarious situation.
    Certainly the Wi controller and the Wi would be extremely difficult for those who haven't risen from their butts in years and focus on tinee buttons. No movement or social interaction with the Sony or Pukebox.
    Not understanding that throwing something like this can potentially cause a dent or hit somebody would be typical of anyone that has purchased a Xbox or other Microshaft products. The Microshaft "cloneheads" are not used to creative thought, but are used to doing and accepting whatever garbage they are told to do by Microshaft.

    This is not a Wii problem, it is a stupid people problem. They are j ust not used to moving, at all. The same people have probably been hurt others by throwing wireless headsets, cell phones and PDAs.

    There is a large culture of spoiled, immature, brats who can't grow up and learn to take responsibility for anything they do.
    Picture some idiot playing Wii tennis, getting totally out of control and think they are funny by swinging with their alcohol filled bodies getting out of controlm falling down and trowing the Wii controller fall down, and throw the controller due to their lack of brains, coordination, sobriety and out of control controller and creating dents on the wall and hitting someone. Then they look to blame Nintendo for their out of control, immature actions !!

    These are the same people who have made the makers of the $5.00, Superman Halloween costumes write a warning on the costume. The warning reminds them that they CANNOT FLY WHEN WEARING THE SUPERMAN COSTUME.

    16.12.2006 19:50 #43

  • emachine

    I can fly in my superman costume.

    16.12.2006 20:31 #44

  • DR34MER

    I prefer to be naked in my birthday suit. I leave flying to the the "retarted" ones.

    16.12.2006 20:45 #45

  • andydawog

    emachine...maybe not all seniors are ************** (who knows wat i said...but trust was rude:P)

    16.12.2006 20:47 #46

  • Leningrad

    I did not mean to offend anyone with a wii , but i would go with a ps3 or a 360 controller because of its interface.moving to A 'normal' controller to a wii , is like moving from organic food to GMO food.

    17.12.2006 06:25 #47

  • Leningrad

    Originally posted by jolo:A reply to Leningrad.

    You feel restarted about playing on the Wii <b>because you are retarted !!</b>

    The Wii is great and an absolute giant success. Unfortunately the controllers are a little to complex for some people. It actually is a hilarious situation.
    Certainly the Wi controller and the Wi would be extremely difficult for those who haven't risen from their butts in years and focus on tinee buttons. No movement or social interaction with the Sony or Pukebox.
    Not understanding that throwing something like this can potentially cause a dent or hit somebody would be typical of anyone that has purchased a Xbox or other Microshaft products. The Microshaft "cloneheads" are not used to creative thought, but are used to doing and accepting whatever garbage they are told to do by Microshaft.

    This is not a Wii problem, it is a stupid people problem. They are j ust not used to moving, at all. The same people have probably been hurt others by throwing wireless headsets, cell phones and PDAs.

    There is a large culture of spoiled, immature, brats who can't grow up and learn to take responsibility for anything they do.
    Picture some idiot playing Wii tennis, getting totally out of control and think they are funny by swinging with their alcohol filled bodies getting out of controlm falling down and trowing the Wii controller fall down, and throw the controller due to their lack of brains, coordination, sobriety and out of control controller and creating dents on the wall and hitting someone. Then they look to blame Nintendo for their out of control, immature actions !!

    These are the same people who have made the makers of the $5.00, Superman Halloween costumes write a warning on the costume. The warning reminds them that they CANNOT FLY WHEN WEARING THE SUPERMAN COSTUME.
    lol , i almost never stay at home

    17.12.2006 06:29 #48

  • ZippyDSM

    I'll take the wii mote,at least its trying to get more ambiguous from left and right handed,I guess you are a normal non south paw,because game control has gone to hell over the years once apon a time full button mapping for FPSs was the normal and now adays you are lucky to get a correct southpaw config,its not like Nintendo is offering button mapping in their system but its a step up from the "pad".

    as for issues with the controlling WII controller you can sit down and relax haveing it by your side you don't have to be up into the TV.

    and heres soemthign I don't get most hardcore gamers love a challenge and learning how a play a game yet I hear most bitch and whine over the WII....the voices in my head tell me they need to focus its the graphics they are bitchign abotu because the system plays fine!

    Sony has declared war on importers the consumer will be next with CD's,Videos/Games not far behind that....boycott SONY!

    17.12.2006 06:41 #49

  • timchya

    well maybe you shouldn't be hearing voices in your head in the first place

    17.12.2006 13:50 #50

  • ZippyDSM

    better to have voices than to be easily distracted by shiny objects :P

    17.12.2006 18:45 #51

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