Wii past 3 million

Wii past 3 million
In the first seven days, 600,000 Wiis were sold in the US, 400,000 in Japan the first thing in the morning, and 325,000 in Europe in less than two days. G4tv.com has now reported the sales figures for the first five weeks, a whopping 3.19 million Wiis changed owners and the triumph of Nintendo seems to go on.

Eight days ago Sony announced a million milestone for PS3, while Wii had earlier surpassed the two million mark. The pace hasn't slowed down, Wii is quickly catching on Xbox 360, which is currently enjoying the market share lead, due to year lead over PS3 and Wii. The current statistics at VGCharts.org show the Xbox 360 leading the market share of next-gen consoles with 7.90 million sold, Wii is second with 3.54 million, and PS3 waiting to launch in Europe with 1.21 million units.


Written by: Matti Robinson @ 30 Dec 2006 15:50
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  • wetsparks

    Go Nintendo. Show the other two companies fun > pretty graphics.

    30.12.2006 16:31 #1

  • pollution

    At Super Wal-Mart in my town they have had a PS3 60GB version for sale for the past two days but no Wii's on the shelf. Go Wii, I keep checking when in stores to see if they have one in stock. Wii got it right, video gaming is about having fun.

    30.12.2006 16:53 #2

  • limelight

    "Go Nintendo. Show the other two companies fun > pretty graphics."

    X 100000000000000000000

    30.12.2006 18:02 #3

  • xhardc0re

    Take it from someone who's been playing "silly" videogames since 1988...

    Awesome games > pretty graphics > Gimmicks & bullocks > Hollywood Marketing Dept.

    Awesome NINTENDO games FTW!!

    30.12.2006 18:29 #4

  • tabletpc

    great news because sony has announced

    that you will not be able to find a ps3 untill 2008 do to the high demand and low production rates also because sony has to fill the 3.6 million reserves for there console but after the wii has already hit such a high market by the time the ps3 hits all the reserve the xbox 360 and the wii will have taken the market

    to bad sony

    30.12.2006 19:24 #5

  • TheJoxter

    TabletPC: Were was this announced?

    30.12.2006 19:59 #6

  • geeoh

    Companies should learn a lesson from Sony.
    Arrogance + underestimating the consumer and your competitors = failure.

    By the way, Coby could make a better gaming system than you Sony!

    Consumers should learn a lesson from most PS3 people...

    Stupidity (for believing the hype of the PS3) + the desire for instant gratification = Owning a buggy overpriced piece of crap which software developers don't fully understand how to program for, and will take them years to figure it out. Yeah,those who go PS3 will be able to watch Blue-ray disks, but I wonder if Blue-ray will be as popular as Sony's UMD disks for the PsP? (sarcasm)
    Could PS3 be this generation's NEO Geo?

    I intend on getting the WII. I am a PS2 owner, and it hasn't impressed or entertained me yet. From what I've experienced by playing the WII, it is so easy to get in to especially for someone like me who hasn't played a fun and enjoyable video game since the 8bit/16bit era.

    I won't go out and buy a Microsoft XBOX 360. Microsoft can't even get their Os's right, and they are mainly in that business. Too bad the Linux people don't make a open source gaming console like the GP, but with the current gen power. I'd buy such a product that you could develop your own games for and buy them as well.

    Anyway, in reference to the WII over selling Sony...
    WII came, WII saw, WII kicked a$$!

    30.12.2006 21:17 #7

  • sr.bond

    hey nintendo fanboys,the wii is selling so good because its a silly cheap piece of junk, not because of its greatness, if sony had been able to ship 3 million consoles, those 3 would have sold faster than hot pancakes,sony is number 3 because of their bothersome production/marketing scheme, not because of an steroid-driven gamecube.

    31.12.2006 01:44 #8

  • sr.bond

    hey nintendo fanboys,the wii is selling so good because its a silly cheap piece of junk, not because of its greatness, if sony had been able to ship 3 million consoles, those 3 would have sold faster than hot pancakes,sony is number 3 because of their bothersome production/marketing scheme, not because of an steroid-driven gamecube.

    31.12.2006 01:44 #9

  • DamonDash

    Its about supply & demand Nintendo has the supply thats why they are out selling Sony not because people see one system is better than another.Its Microsoft that should be worry Nintendo sold that many unit in a month in a half time span.If Nintendo keep this up they will catch Microsoft by the summer if not sooner.Over 8 million consoles sold in a year is not a lead at all & Nintendo has proved my point i have been saying for the last few months.

    31.12.2006 02:10 #10

  • sssharp

    If microsoft would have lowered there price, they would have sold more. Parents looked at prices this holiday season and Nintendo kicked azz. I personally refuse to pay 400$ for the xbox, that 600$ for the ps3 is outrageous.

    31.12.2006 04:40 #11

  • Moomoo2

    idk guys. This past weekend I saw PS3s scattered throughout the state of Massachusetts not selling. Employees told me that the got shipments of around 14 units and had had them for as long as 4 days.

    Also, at the first store I went to, (a Best Buy,) one employee told a would-be PS3 buying Mom that the PS3 on display had overheated and fried itself already because lack of cooling ability on its little display stand. He then went on to tell the lady why not to stick it in the normal place on the entertainment stand. She promptly walked away.

    31.12.2006 08:45 #12

  • b18bek9

    i think the wii is garbage to tell u the truth but thats just my two cents i know ps3's would be selling off the shelf in my area cuz they have but mainly because its better all around except for price. the ps3 would and will outsell the wii in the long run sony needs to actually make more ps3's thats why the wii of course is beating them in sales but its obvious nintendo is really cheap and will never make a comeback that with a revolutionary console. who here really wants to play video games with a tv remote u can swing?just my two cents go ahead an start the bashing

    31.12.2006 10:34 #13

  • Pop_Smith

    The Wii is awesome, I don't care if its an over clocked 'cube. Its fun and easy to pick up and play unlike the PS3 and XBox 360. I own a 360 and have been playing Vegas and Ghost Recon, but its not easy to explain most of the controls to friends where as the Wii (and I believe a major reason for its success) is extremely easy to pick up and play with almost no explanation needed on how to control the game your playing.

    Quote:hey nintendo fanboys,the wii is selling so good because its a silly cheap piece of junk, not because of its greatness, if sony had been able to ship 3 million consoles, those 3 would have sold faster than hot pancakes,sony is number 3 because of their bothersome production/marketing scheme, not because of an steroid-driven gamecube.Your mistaken about the PS3's selling. My local gamestop has 3 PS3's on hand. They have had them for the past two weeks. The PS3 isn't selling so well because it overheats easily (although if not properly cooled the 360 will too) and is expensive.

    The Wii can be practically stuffed in the back of an entertainment center and be fine.

    By the way, if the Wii is a piece of junk why is it selling so well? Instead of taking pot shots at an opposing console, because it seems to me your a Sony fanboy sr.bond, try backing up your comments with facts instead of just calling other consoles "pieces of junk".

    31.12.2006 10:39 #14

  • yarg100

    the wii is a great console. agreed the graphics are not the best in the world but the gameplay is unique to anything that is out there at the moment. it appeals to all ages and is fun to use. its great to see nintendo back up there wich they deserve, making games that are fun to play

    31.12.2006 14:06 #15

  • bomber991

    I think that all these stories of PS3's overheating are rubbish. Yeah, I'm a Texan and not a brit, but that word just seems to fit.

    I don't actually own a PS3, but I remember last year there were lots of stories about the Xbox 360 overheating as well. Of course a PS3 will heat in that display stand, those things aren't that ventilated. I mean, it's like putting the PS3 inside a fishtank.

    Anyways, the WII is doing good for a few reasons. First off that whole wiimote thing seems neat and innovative to people. It seems like a crap gimick to me personally, but that's just me. All these people on the internet seem to be playing this whole "Games are meant to be fun" card. Well duh, they are. Truth be told, I've got a Dreamcast, Xbox, PS2, PSP, and DS, and the games on all of the systems are fun. Big deal if the Xbox, and PS2 can play dvd's. Big deal if the PSP can browse the internet, play mp3's and play music. All of those features are just afterthoughts, overall the gameplay is the main point.

    So anyways, the wii just has that remote gimick, but the other big factor is its price. $250 for a next-gen console is cheap cheap cheap. A $400 to $600 purchase is something you really have to think about, but $250 you still have to think about, but not as hard.

    But the great thing with the cheap price of the wii, is that it's also actually available in stores. Last year I had the $500 to drop on an xbox360 premium console, but stores were sold out way until February. I get my nice 4.5 week break from college over the winterbreak, so that's the only time I get to play video games. If I can't have my hands on that new console for those 4.5 weeks, then it's no use to me.

    31.12.2006 14:19 #16

  • DamonDash

    Quote:The PS3 isn't selling so well because it overheats easilyIm calling you bluff on that because there have not been any major issue with the PS3 over heating only when Major retailer was in caseing them but anything will overheat if it dont get air.Please show proof where you got this because this is how misinformation get passed out.

    31.12.2006 15:08 #17

  • thekingo7

    I'm calling in the mods because this is becoming a console fanboy flame war.

    31.12.2006 18:34 #18

  • emachine

    you guys are dumb....

    31.12.2006 19:14 #19

  • sr.bond

    the reason i call the wii a piece of crap is because it is that,c'mon guys, the frickin games look like something taken right off the cube, nintendo is ripping off gamers with a $250 dollars game control, thats the only NEW thing they're selling, they could have released the same control for the cube for 40 bucks and call it a day.
    and its no big deal if the wii doesnt overheat, its a 5 yrs old harware restuffed in a new case,it seems they used those 5 years only for developing a very efficient cooling system for game consoles!wow!im impressed!
    if only half of all ps2 owners get a ps3, which is a feasible figure, the "super revolutionary wii" may end up following the steps of the cube as a niche console for all the silly over-milked nintendo franchises.
    and im not a fanboy for any console, but in MY PERSONAL opinion, sony and microsoft are the ones really giving developers the tools to create great games,nintendo is just trying to revive dumb concepts like the power glove and the old nes mat in a new package.
    peace and happy 2007

    1.1.2007 03:22 #20

  • wasprider

    The people have spoken. Xbox360 didn't catch on. Ps3 is taking a dive. Wii is booming straight up the chart.

    <img src="http://www.google.com/trends/viz?q=xbox360,+ps3,+wii&graph=weekly_img&sa=N">

    source is http://www.google.com/trends?q=xbox360%2C+ps3%2C+wii

    1.1.2007 07:51 #21

  • ZippyDSM

    meh please the PS3 has a handicapped launch and the 360 is crawling along well and the WII is doing well enough for its launch all in all nothing stands out,I bet if sony had more stock for the first wave the PS3 would have sold 2X more ...I would expect as much from the horde of zombie gamers they cater to...

    1.1.2007 09:04 #22

  • rihgt682

    wii is doing great!

    1.1.2007 14:01 #23

  • bobiroc

    sr.bond needs to wake up. How can you call the Wii a piece of junk? Nintendo has never made a piece of junk that I know of and I have owned everyone of their systems (except for the portables) and everone of them still work and never had a real problem. My Sister still plays with the 21 - 22 year old NES systems and occasionally she has to do the "Blow in the cartridge" method but it still works. I have had my PS2 replaced twice under the extended service plan and my XBOX once. The Wii is selling well because it is an innovative console and it brings fun back into video gaming in a whole new way. Not because it is a "Silly piece of junk" as you call it. Also the Wii brings many new things to the market besides being an OC'd gamecube and its new controller method. Nice online features and such. Hopefully Nintendo can finally tap into the online gaming market and not let that slip throught their grasps.

    Sorry to all the people and forum MODS that I added fuel to the "Flame war" but it makes me mad when someone that has no clue what they are talking about makes idiotic comments.

    1.1.2007 20:04 #24

  • sr.bond

    first bobiroc, i would appreciate if u dont put any swearing in ur comments ok?second, i stand behind opinion, the wii is an excuse for nintendo to cash in old hardware with an updated powerglove, which is what the new wiimote is,second;i also have owned several nintendo consoles, and those are the only ones that have failed, carts no longer work,n64 controller is a worn out piece of trash, i had to buy a second gamecube because the first one burned out the laser, whereas my old ps1 and my fat ps2 still work flawlessly.
    but u seem to miss that the extra features u mentioned,like online gaming and such, have been standard since the x-box and ps2,even the dreamcast had online gaming for god's sake,so dont get blinded by nintendo's recycling scheme and dont force to believe into nintendo's"gameplay over graphics" excuse to resell the gamecube, if technology wasnt important we would still be playing old pong games!
    at the end of the day these are only our personal opinions,but im pretty sure that by mid 08' the situation will be once again sony on top,and microsoft and nintendo fighting for 2nd spot.
    have a nice day,and try to keep the language clean to avoid censorship!

    1.1.2007 20:41 #25

  • DamonDash

    Okay guys i think we are missing the key word here.Bond said in his post that was his opinion

    Don't get upset because someone gives there opinion.Its life not everyone going to see the same way.

    1.1.2007 21:04 #26

  • bobiroc

    First of all where did I use a swear word?

    Second of all you never stated it was "your opinion" in your first post (actually double post)

    In the future if you would like to state your opinions please refrain from using words like "fanboy" and start the post with something like "In My Opinion" or something. Otherwise it looks like you are insulting people who think a product is good by calling them fanboys. Also it looks like you are stating facts by calling it a piece of junk and speculating that a competitors system would have outsold if it could make more.

    2.1.2007 04:00 #27

  • Irish13

    I don't know where you guys are located but in Toronto and surronding are you can't get a Wii anywhere. They sell in two minutes of arriving to any store whereas the PS3's are sitting on shelves. I managed to pick one up on the 27th of Dec after looking hard for a month and the kids were okay with waiting for it.Just lucked out by arriving in a Walmart when they arrived. Even then there were people milling about the electronics dept. hoping to see a shipment. I've seen demand for toys over the years but this is unreal.
    By the way, it's a great unit, lots of fun from my 12 year old up to his Grandmother. Even my 16 year old who thought it was "just for kids" has had his friends over and they are all converts now.
    Go Nintendo!

    2.1.2007 05:18 #28

  • ZippyDSM

    Facts of First thought
    Over the top Iffy design,over the top price.

    Needs badly
    Price drop,Online network upgrade and games

    Potential potential
    Gaming:Physics is what the SPE's can do best.
    Since Jp devs love the PS2 and thus will make games for the PS3 making it like the PS2 having the most games to play,even tho 60% are crap...

    Media:Not restricted to 20GB media potential unlimited.
    Facts of First thought
    Iffy design

    Needs Badly
    New revision ,new HD,slight price drop

    Potential potential
    Gaming:Nothing new ,will improve little by little year by year like the PS2 or Xbox, games are what limits this system the most.

    Media:Restricted to 15GB(after format?) media potential limited.
    Facts of First thought
    Low power,new control for gamedom

    Needs Badly
    Games without games and god quality games at that this console is DEAD.

    Potential potential
    Gaming:As I stated above this system needs highly polished and refined games to bring the full potential of the new control system to bear if they do not work on the games this system will suffer the most from it since it has a new control scheme and less power.

    Media:retro gameing??? ^0^


    bascily its the same as it was in the 6th gen MS and sony don't seem to see games as games and thus are furthering the hollywoodization of gaming (IE shallow moives for shallow people IE teens and immature "adults")

    Nintendo is the last chance gaming has fr this 7th and probably 8th gen they need to focus on quality and get their 2nd and 3rd party devs to focus on quality if not...they fail.

    Finally another rant,I hate people that diss cartoons yet love action movies that are "cartoons" for immature adults...(my annoyance for this is from the new Transformers movie).

    Its getting to the end of days folks where all media is the all the same bland and luke warm pick your gaming poison and drink it hard for things are only going to get more shallow and watered down....and watered down piss is hard to drink.......

    2.1.2007 07:28 #29

  • Irish13

    sorry I meant Toronto and surrounding area. Don't seem to be able to back into that post and edit it.

    2.1.2007 07:37 #30

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by Irish13:sorry I meant Toronto and surrounding area. Don't seem to be able to back into that post and edit it.http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2/443423

    that should take you to the forum not the news comment system,really they should be fully merged by now >>

    Sony has declared war on importers the consumer will be next with CD's,Videos/Games not far behind that....boycott SONY!

    2.1.2007 07:47 #31

  • TheJoxter

    I just got my Wii, called Fred Meyer's this morning they had fourteen units I drove there in five minutes they had five left, that's got to say something.

    2.1.2007 18:16 #32

  • xhardc0re

    I haven't played a Nintendo console (note: not handheld) since SNES. Why? Because Nintendo64 & GameCube just didn't do it for me. However, the Wii kicks major butt & its really the controller that gives it the appeal. As long as *N can capitalize on the controller, the graphics don't matter as much. The next leap in graphics will come from VHMU (video head-mounted units) like the game .hack// Soooo..$ony can kiss my butt with their $600 system, $25+ Blu-ray disc with DRM & proprietary garbage. I'll stick with PS2, get a Wii and we'll see how things go. I will miss MGS4, DMC4, Final Fantasy 13 and a whole bunch of awesome games but OH WELL!!1!!!!1

    Wii for the mother ****ing win!
    Sony = EXTREME fail
    /smacks $ony with a big floppy fish LAWLzz

    Gameplay & trailers to hundreds of games, free at the website: http://tinyurl.com/yzleo2

    SlimPS2 v12US, TaiyoYuden DVD-R, SwapMagic_v3.6 & BreakerPro 1.1 (No mod)
    Writer: HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GWA-4080N 0G03 Software: DVDDecrypt*r, lastest Nero Ultra 7 & Alcohol 120%

    2.1.2007 21:49 #33

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by xhardc0re:I haven't played a Nintendo console (note: not handheld) since SNES. Why? Because Nintendo64 & GameCube just didn't do it for me. However, the Wii kicks major butt & its really the controller that gives it the appeal. As long as *N can capitalize on the controller, the graphics don't matter as much. The next leap in graphics will come from VHMU (video head-mounted units) like the game .hack// Soooo..$ony can kiss my butt with their $600 system, $25+ Blu-ray disc with DRM & proprietary garbage. I'll stick with PS2, get a Wii and we'll see how things go. I will miss MGS4, DMC4, Final Fantasy 13 and a whole bunch of awesome games but OH WELL!!1!!!!1

    Wii for the mother ****ing win!
    Sony = EXTREME fail
    /smacks $ony with a big floppy fish LAWLzz
    the n64 was a solid system but much like the GC nintedno did not bring all its power to bear on it thus they seemed iffy,Turok on the N64 solidified my love for fps but then I alrady loved fps on the computer so meh

    the GC is like the Xbox in alot of ways dosent have AOT of games but dose have acouple games that are worth the price of the system however like the n64 days nintendo treated it like a lawn ordainment put it out there and looked/cleaned it once a year,I am hoping with the WII they will refocus on gaming and game control,as it is gamedom is getting shallow and devoid of everythign gaming was 10 years ago,gamedom today is like hollywood today how low/shallow/trendy can you go and this destroys game play thus kills fun and mares story and characters which kills the other reason to play a game.

    both SOny and MS are leaving gamedom to get into the "media" glitz,nin remains....if they refuse to focus on game control and quality then its the end of a ear.

    Sony has declared war on importers the consumer will be next with CD's,Videos/Games not far behind that....boycott SONY!

    3.1.2007 08:03 #34

  • Thonor

    Figured I should toss my can of gas onto the fire:

    First off - I own a Wii. I play it everyday. I highly enjoy it. I love the control scheme as it gets you actively involved in the game. It has numerous potential uses and is new and innovative. Whether that wears thin over time remains to be seen.

    The Wii has been consistently sold out since its release. PS3s are moving, but not as briskly. Stores are keeping them consistently on the shevles, but they are not moving out the door in many areas. You can pick up a PS3 for retail price on ebay, but Wiis are selling for about 1.5 - 2 times retail value. That says that at this point in time, the Wii has higher demand. The fact that they can meet the demand with more units shipped just helps their sales.

    I have a very nice HD set, but I am not interested in a 360 or PS3. I don't see the value in the increased price. Once a price drop comes I'll re-evaluate.

    In my opinion, Sony has had too many problems in the past to be trusted with my money. I'm talking laptop batteries, Powershot camera recalls, PS2 "disc-read-errors", PS3 problems, overheating etc.

    For those of you who look at exclusive titles as a reason to purchase a console - (IMO) There is no chance that most titles will remain exclusive in this generation (at least between 360 and PS3). The software development package for the PS3 is $19m. The game has to sell half a million copies just to break even (not including advertising etc.).

    Games like MGS4 and GTA4 will not remain PS3 exclusives for long. Why would a company spend all that money developing a game and not appeal to the largest market possible? There is a small cost to develop a port for another system compared to the cost of a new game from scratch.

    5.1.2007 05:40 #35

  • ZippyDSM

    I ask the same thing about exclusives/regioning every day the PS3 could have done soemthign about the corperate strangle hold on regions yet all they offer is a crossed regioned scheme that lets USA and JP enjoy their games and the EU to only play EU stuff at least movie wise.....

    bah to,the 360 is a upgraded Xbox,the Wii is the only one I really like,but even then...they might not save gamedom with polish and detail,I see everythign going into a bleak and bland corperate future.....

    5.1.2007 07:54 #36

  • johnblaze

    Originally posted by Thonor:Games like MGS4 and GTA4 will not remain PS3 exclusives for long."Grand Theft Auto IV will ship day and date on Xbox 360 and PS3."

    5.1.2007 08:17 #37

  • dwarner61

    I bought my son (now 15) an Xbox 360 for Christmas 2005. This Christmas I got him both the Wii and the PS3. His favorite system is still the 360, but between the two new ones, hands down he much prefers the Wii. And having played it some myself, I must agree. It's just plain fun.

    Right now, there's not much to like about the PS3...even Resistance was, to me, a pale imitation of Gears of War.

    However, there's a truly fantastic game coming around the corner for the PS3 and the demo is available now at the Playstation Store. The game is Motorstorm; and it, and games like it may change the whole balance of power.

    And by the way, I had a friend at Best Buy who told me that the Wii's sell out before they can even wheel them out to put them on the shelves; but he told me they got four PS3's that sat out in the open for a full two days before they were sold.

    Food for thought.

    6.1.2007 16:43 #38

  • ZippyG

    These sales stats indicate the number of units shipped from nintendo to retailers, and not actual end-user sales, so these "units sold" figures can be somewhat misleading.

    Also, the PS3 is expensive but for what you get, it's not overpriced. It is a very capable BluRay player with new technology, $600 is a FAIR price for what you get. Have you priced a standalone bluray player? You're talking at least $1000. As is always the case with tech stuff, the prices go down over time, but for the here and now, I can't agree with anyone who says the PS3 is too expensive.

    Anyway, ever since I started playing World of Warcraft, my consoles have gotten very dusty. :D

    11.1.2007 03:22 #39

  • kabledog


    Quote:........It is a very capable BluRay player with new technology, $600 is a FAIR price for what you get.I and many others have no need for a Blu-ray player, a gaming machine is what I am interested in and sony doesn't offer a gaming machine at a reasonable price. I am glad the Wii doesn't have a dvd player as I have no need for that either. I never even used my PS2 as a dvd player to avoid taxing the system so much that it would fail to work. Seems to have worked out for me, as I still have an Original Launch day PS2 and have no problems with the system.

    11.1.2007 03:41 #40

  • bobiroc

    Quote:...I can't agree with anyone who says the PS3 is too expensive.I agree with Kabledog. I have no need for a Blu-ray player because I do not want to lock myself into one format. Now if it was a HD-DVD/Blu-Ray combo player that would be different.

    Because what is going to happen is most people will eventually buy a combo (HD-DVD/Blu-Ray) player and then the PS3 Blu-ray would be useless for movies.

    11.1.2007 04:49 #41

  • ZippyG

    Technically you don't need a PS3. Your life will continue just fine without one. You may state that you do not WANT a bluray player, but guess what...if you get a PS3 chances are you will have a nice HDTV and surround system already, and with many movies already available on Bluray, can you really say it's a bad thing?

    Most people, myself included, appreciate the fact that they can buy one device which can play games and movies, and I highly doubt that if Bluray was omitted from the console as a feature, that the price would have been substantially lower.

    Maybe the PS3 isn't too expensive, it's more likely that you just need to make more money. :)

    11.1.2007 13:21 #42

  • mitytiger

    ok people all in all it really boils down to what you like alot of people perfer graphics over any thing else but how many of us sit and get fat playing games versus being interactive with them to me that is what nintendo is doing i have played the wii and i think it is awesome ps3 on the other hand is pretty much just like its old system ps2 but with better graphics to me i could car less about graphics the do not always make a game i personally dont care if the stuff in the games look real or not i would perfer to be more active i have owned ever nintendo ever made and still own all of them except the n64 and the wii since in my area they are sold out

    basically what i am saying is first it is a matter of opinion and second it is just what people perfer and how much the are will to pay for it

    12.1.2007 04:55 #43

  • ZippyDSM

    bah the PS3 has pushed the 300-399 thresh hold for a gaming console,the 360 kinda had the right idea but it was poorly implemented the PS3 thinks every gamer will shell out 600 for their "media center".

    SOny would have gained allot of ground and rep if they they gee maybe we could saturate the world with BR players win BR movie support sale BR movies by making the PS3 more modular and selling the core for 390 with the 20GB HD.

    12.1.2007 07:21 #44

  • ZippyG

    The thing about modularity is that it reduces the universal compatibility that makes consoles what they are. If you start making everyhing modular and upgradeable, you no longer have a console - you have a PC. Remember the 32x and SegaCD that cost sega dearly in the long run? Nobody wanted to shell out the extra $$$ after having spent money on the console itself, and the developers were reluctant to release games for these upgraded systems - so the more you can include as "Standard" in the console, the better. Sony is definitely taking a risk by attempting to sell the console for $700, but it's a valid price.

    12.1.2007 13:47 #45

  • xhardc0re

    Awww man looks like someone has cr*cked $ony's game encryption and an imminent release of HDD games is upon us!!1!

    "Originally Posted by •·.·´¯`·.·åkã¹²º·.·´¯`·•
    TeamXecuter Close to booting PS3 games from HDD

    As i was on irc i visit XXXXscene channel i saw the news about teamxecuter
    running games from ps3 hd and getting close however XXXXscene main page
    is down only forums are working therefore cant confirm this thing.

    From team-xecuter:
    Quote:We've been playing with a PS3. Didn't take long to come up with a useful product - codenamed the HYPERDRIVE.

    * Connect any 3.5" SATA Hard Drive to the PS3
    * Developing ability to connect IDE hard drive
    * Supports upto 750GB (maybe more thats all we have here)
    * Switch between external HYPERDRIVE and internal 2.5" HDD
    * HYPERDRIVE USB2.0 Support to dump data to/from HDD

    When you connect the system announces the drive requires formatting etc and then promptly begins to prep it. All system settings are unchanged so they are stored internally to the PS3 and not on the HDD.

    We can assure you that larger hard drives will be essential in the near future. After speaking to colleagues from the Playstation Scene, booting games from HDD is possible and not far off. As the games are Blu-ray (17gb+ dumps available) then the larger HDD the better, and you wont get very large and cheap 2.5" drives, however 250GB 3.5" drives are close to $60 these days.

    We may release a simple adapter first so you can hook up with ease right now rather than wait for release of the HYPERDRIVE, that won't take too long at all to release.

    Product pics / more info soon.

    Here's some crappy pics showing our first attempts at 3.5" hook ups. Drive in this pics was 150GB - note how much OS space is taken up !!"

    so yeah, everyone wants to buy a Wii while everyone else wants to h*ck the PS3. LAWLzzz

    12.1.2007 21:35 #46

  • ZippyDSM

    really? so not getting saturation and not getting BR/PS3 out their dose what for them?

    since the onyl thing the core design misses is wifi,flash reader,hdmi so the PS3 is whole and the games are not effected it plays BR and guess what if around 350 even 400 would have gained them in this format war as it now they lost on the movie side on the game side they should own the market in acouple years.

    12.1.2007 21:45 #47

  • xhardc0re

    i'm losing your there, ZIppy. What do you mean?
    I agree that selling a Blu-ray player this early for $600 isn't bad. However, the real target market is the gamers & many consumers will still not buy a game console like the PS3 to play their movies. Why? Because it's considered a toy/kid's plaything rather than a regular piece of their (future) entertainment system.
    There is still that stigma, that the word PlayStation is the same as videogames. Because of that, many consumers will not want one. Also, the PS3 out of the box does not function as easily as the stand-alone Blu-ray players. $ony should have thought of making the Blu-ray functions of the system as dummy proof as possible when attempting to market it as a Blu-ray player.
    As you can see, $ony has already dropped the ball but they could fix things quick. Include a start guide, remote control, and market the PS3 in high end video/music magazines as a Blu-ray player. Do that without mentioning the fact it plays videogames. If $ony has that type of marketing team, they can pull it off. HD-DVD is not dead yet. Especially if Microsoft enters the market & throws billions at promoting it. Gates & Co. could lose billions of dollars on HD-DVD but still win in the console wars by destroying Blu-ray.
    Remember, Betamax was superior to VHS but the marketing team behind VHS was better. It was technology, and not marketing, that eventually helped VHS win the format wars. Betamax was still used by videographers but consumers dropped their interest by the mid 1980's...

    13.1.2007 01:41 #48

  • ZippyG

    Sony has a lot riding on BluRay emerging as the official format, so I am pretty sure that a large factor in the decision to include BR on all PS3 models is just that - getting BR into more people's homes. I wouldn't say that BR is a requirement or benefit to games, as the 9GB capacity offered by DVDs is still plenty of space for actual game code. As far as people viewing the PS3 as a toy, I could see that being the case with some people, but I think most people would only buy a standalone blueray player if it offered better quality video output than the PS3.

    I can live without a flash reader on my console, and WiFi usually is optional if you purchase a bridge. Wifi still sucks for online gaming, and I'd rather have a wired net connection for anything as intensive as network gaming. Both of these things would work as upgrades, because neither of them are really critical to the core performance of the system.

    As for Beta vs VHS, I always thought that VHS was royalty free whereas Beta required really high "licensing" for media producers and hardware manufacturers to incorporate into their products. I do not know why companies feel the need to stifle progress by trying to make money off formats...I'd just submit it to the ISO and have them make it universal and open to everyone.

    13.1.2007 12:41 #49

  • ZippyDSM

    don't forget there are 2 zippys here :P

    oh well...I am in the end unforgettable :P

    13.1.2007 12:49 #50

  • xhardc0re

    well, it's 8 months past when the first Wii were sold. I think it's pretty clear that Nintendo will become the dominate system & Xbox360/P$3 will be riding its coattails. HAHAHAH!
    it's not all about "tEh grafx!!!1!" folks. I don't care if there are a thousand onscreen characters & 18 million colors. The gameplay is what counts. if the game ain't fun, it wasn't worth the system's price. Go-Go-Nintendo!

    7.9.2007 02:39 #51

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