Yes, The Pirate Bay has decided to take donations to purchase the man made, independent nation of Sealand off the coast of the UK. They believe that in Sealand, they will be able to claim themselves as an independent sovereign nation free of jurisdiction and share digital content with no one bothering them.
The owners have setup a domain name to advertise their interest in the tiny man made nation of Sealand. They promise that participation in "making history together" will guarantee you high speed VIP downloads through TPB's website.
Of course, no other countries in the world currently recognize Sealand as a nation and there is bound to be ramifications to come of this, should it ever go through, but you have to give credit to TPB for originality. I, for one, support their idea just for the sheer ingenuity of it and hope that when they do buy the island, they arrive in a huge pirate ship, flying a Jolly Roger and wearing puffy shirts.
Written by: Dave Horvath @ 12 Jan 2007 5:29