The original sale price was C$659.99 ($560), and now both stores instead list it at C$699.99 ($593). Surely it must be frustrating to attempt understanding why any retailers would push away potential buyers for the sake of C$40. Not all Canadian retailers are doing this though.
"Our EB Games locations in Canada will hold their current PS3 prices...C$549.99 for the 20GB and C$659.99 for the 60GB," a representative for GameStop said. Sony did comment on the price hike...
"Although the suggested retail price (SRP) of the PlayStation 3 in Canada has not changed, some Canadian retailers have chosen to increase their retail price as a result of the weaker Canadian dollar. This increase is solely at the discretion of the retailer, as Sony Computer Entertainment Canada has not issued a price increase," An SCEC representative told GameSpot
Written by: James Delahunty @ 28 Jan 2007 15:06