Sony has not made any direct recommendations on fixing this problem, but on the forum it seems the suggestion is to reconnect their wireless controllers, and attach their PS3 to their Internet router with a direct Ethernet cable. The n1.5 update fixed scaling problems with PS2 games and also added more online functionality.
One thing that becomes apparent is how little patience early adopters have these days. "We shelled out $600 big ones for this console and were loyal to buy the console as soon as we could get our hands on one," one owner wrote on Sony's forum. "We should not have to rig the PS3 by making sure we have our controllers off and the wireless setting is set to work only on Tuesdays and the sun has to be shining and it can't be colder than 30 degrees outside then our Blu-Ray reader should work properly."
Users who have called Sony support lines have been advised mostly to ask for help on the forums.
PS3 forum
Written by: James Delahunty @ 31 Jan 2007 15:10