HD DVD and Blu-Ray hacked even further

HD DVD and Blu-Ray hacked even further
Only one and a half month after the first vulnerability in HD DVD encryption was found, hackers have discovered the processing key, which can be used to decrypt all HD DVD and Blu-Ray discs released so far. The key was discovered by arnezami, and it has been posted at Doom9 discussion forums along with a description on the process of locating the key.

Basically the key was discovered by the same means as the volume keys are extracted -- by dumping memory at key points while playing back a HD DVD movie using a software player. Arnezami didn't specify which player he used (or abused) for the hack, but there aren't too many around to choose from really. Frankly it doesn't matter which player is to "blame", because all software players need to store the decryption keys in memory at some point of the execution.

With the processing key out in the open, it shouldn't take too long before tools taking advantage of it become available. One can only hope that the move to High Definition formats isn't hindered too much by this latest vulnerability in the "unbreakable" AACS DRM. AACS-LA can always implement a new processing key, as well as revoke the device keys for current software based HD players (ie. WinDVD and PowerDVD), and have the software manufacturers do a better job at implementing AACS securely. But that will always take time, and there will always be hackers that outwit the software engineers.

Thanks to Pop_Smith and Gidgid for the news submission!

Doom9 forums
Engadget HD

Written by: Jari Ketola @ 13 Feb 2007 13:16
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  • halfhere

    absolutely fantastic, good job, now I just need to wait for the proper tools to come out.

    13.2.2007 13:26 #1

  • pollution

    So someone had the idea of news submission before I submitted the idea in the contest?

    13.2.2007 13:53 #2

  • Pop_Smith

    Originally posted by pollution:So someone had the idea of news submission before I submitted the idea in the contest? I thought the ability to submit news has been around for a long time, since even before the contest.

    If you mean the line that is thanking Gidgid and I for the news submission (you're welcome by the way) I thought that aD always tried to thank whomever submitted the news to the site using the Submit News forum as you have to be logged in to submit news so the crew knows who to thank for the submission.

    13.2.2007 14:53 #3

  • pollution

    I didn't know you could submit news before, sorry.

    13.2.2007 18:17 #4

  • PeaInAPod

    - Double Post -

    13.2.2007 18:30 #5

  • PeaInAPod

    In somewhat related news:

    AnyDVD HD

    This version fixes a bug which prevents OpenSeason R2 (UK & Netherlands) to rip correctly. As always, there are many other small fixes and improvements. Additionally, it supports decrypting and "on the fly remastering" of HD DVD discs:
    Its beta only and only certain people have been chosen to participate in the beta test. But I had my hands on a setup file and it is the real deal. :)

    13.2.2007 18:30 #6

  • Dunker

    Arnezami is a hero along with muslix64: They have proven that the entertainment Nazis cannot continue to screw consumers. Although I still believe hi-def to be a waste of money and time - and IMO there isn't anything out there worth backing up to begin with - hopefully the pendulum will finally swing in the direction of the consumer and allow them to protect their investments.

    13.2.2007 21:35 #7

  • hughjars

    Excellent, both Blu-ray and HD-DVD wide open.

    That's an nice little portfolio of high def movies to be had.

    Instead of spending multi-millions on DRM
    (which not one retail commercial example has ever escaped being cracked or avoided)
    they'd probably be much better off not bothering and turning out a cheap quality product the public will buy - in numbers.

    14.2.2007 03:13 #8

  • solarf

    yeah they are just throwing money away with DRM. Make it cheaper and everyone would buy them, leave the DRM out, it just makes things a little more annoying and stops no one.

    14.2.2007 06:58 #9

  • Rikoshay

    Nice one. Anti-DRM FTW.

    14.2.2007 08:39 #10

  • ivymike


    15.2.2007 17:06 #11

  • garmoon

    And someone will crack the next best thing. The never ending story!

    15.2.2007 17:41 #12

  • SamNz

    half the time people must wonder wat the point of even tryin to stop copying, its just goin to get cracked anyway. there are maybe (and im geussing for agruments sake) 100 people makin the copy protection and 1000's just waitin for it too come out so they can try to crack it. they will never win

    15.2.2007 20:53 #13

  • Chanta

    Ohhh come on!! Like nobody expected it to happen??? You canīt help but wonder if this was a dumb move by the developers or who "accidentally" left a "vulnerabillity" or perhaps a smart move towards something else, like hardcore regulatrions by some power driven, moneyhungry corporations that eventually, somehow, ends up in congress and "Hello! abra-kadabra-ala-ka-spam! ITS A LAW AGAINST SOMETHING, THAT ENDS UP FILLING THE POCKETS OF THESE GUYS. It just seems fishy if you asked me...

    16.2.2007 10:20 #14

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