The Samsung M55 HD boasts a display of 1,920 x 1,200, which is ideal for 1080p High Definition content. "The screen's driven by an Nvidia GeForce Go 7600 mobile GPU with 256MB of GDDR 3 video memory. The laptop's processor is a 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T7200 backed by 2GHB of 667MHz DDR 2 SDRAM and 120GB of SATA hard drive storage. The package also come with a pre-loaded Windows Vista premium version.
The M55 goes on sale soon for the hefty price tag of $3,186 USD or 2,419€.
This goes to show that there are no real complete supporters of either disc except for Sony and Microsoft. Samsung understands that at this moment in time, it makes no sense to completely back one format or the other.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 4 Mar 2007 10:02