Samsung ships hybrid hard drive

Samsung ships hybrid hard drive
Samsung Electronics Co. announced today that it has begun shipping its first hybrid hard-disk drives that mix conventional magnetic storage with flash memory. The new laptop hard drives are designed to work with the ReadyDrive feature in Windows Vista, using the flash memory as a cache to limit the amount of time the hard drive spends spinning. Samsung claims this will mean 70% - 90% less power consumption. Currently only Windows Vista supports ReadyDrive, so it won't improve performance under any other OS.

The first 3 models from Samsung are 80GB, 120GB, and 160GB, and are available with either 128MB or 256MB of flash memory. They also have a prototype with 4GB of flash memory. Later this year Intel is expected to start selling their own competing solution which puts the flash memory on the motherboard.


Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 7 Mar 2007 8:15
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  • Mr-Movies

    Seagate and WD both already have these in production for notebooks as well. I like how the marketers have to change terminology from cache to flash you got to love them, not.

    It won't be long and your OS will be on a flash drive or smart card.

    7.3.2007 08:30 #1

  • DarkJello

    I think it would be flash memory serving as a cache for the hard drive...

    7.3.2007 09:39 #2

  • SProdigy

    ReadyDrive works a little differently than your typical 16mb cache. I really enjoy my 250gb Seagate Sata 3G. I wonder how much ReadyDrive will boost performance, as my current drive is pretty quick, compared to everything but the Raptor.

    7.3.2007 10:20 #3

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by SProdigy:ReadyDrive works a little differently than your typical 16mb cache. I really enjoy my 250gb Seagate Sata 3G. I wonder how much ReadyDrive will boost performance, as my current drive is pretty quick, compared to everything but the Raptor.

    basic RYD test,I would think better cacheing would offer 20-50% better data "handling" but then again cacheing helps speed things you've done once already for a OS or large game this could be a amazing boost in speed but focusing on sheer drive speed/interface would be a better stick for mesuerment ,I think.

    think about it if a OS could set aside data in the cache of a HD fr tasks like booting and and such it could help speed up things...or am I think of ramm? *L*

    7.3.2007 14:03 #4

  • club42

    Darkjello is right. Its just flash memory serving as a cache. I agree that it won't be long until flash memory advances enough to have flash-only hard drives. Much faster.

    7.3.2007 15:43 #5

  • zack2005

    I already have a MSI mainboard that will allow a USB device BOOT !!

    9.3.2007 07:07 #6

  • Mr-Movies

    Zippy you could stripe your drives (RAID 1) to get simular HDD access increase but of course you'll need at least a couple of drives which gets a little spendy, this being a cheaper solution and less RAID headaches possibly.

    9.3.2007 08:18 #7

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