However, only a day after his comments were blasted across the net, Hecker offered a lengthy apology. "I was trying to be thought provoking and entertaining and fun, and a lot of the stuff went too far over the top on the entertaining and fun side, so that it was no longer thought provoking, just inflammatory. And in the process, I hurt a bunch of people I care about. And so, I want to apologize now," he said.
He insisted that his comments was just him "speaking for himself" and in no way reflected the the views of EA or Maxis and he also apologized to his coworkers, whom he upset with his remarks. "I do not think that the Wii is a piece of s***," Hecker said. He went on to applaud Nintendo for the Wii's unique controller, its user interface, and the system's affordable price.
Written by: James Delahunty @ 10 Mar 2007 20:06