Chris Hecker apologized for Wii comments

Chris Hecker apologized for Wii comments
As we reported, at the recent Game Developers Conference, Chris Hecker, the founder of "Definition 6", unleashed an attack on the Wii and Nintendo, claiming they fail to recognize games as an "art form". His comments, which referred to the Wii as a "POS underpowered computer", and said the Wii development required "two GameCubes and some duct tape", caused a firestorm of controversy throughout the industry and on the Internet.

However, only a day after his comments were blasted across the net, Hecker offered a lengthy apology. "I was trying to be thought provoking and entertaining and fun, and a lot of the stuff went too far over the top on the entertaining and fun side, so that it was no longer thought provoking, just inflammatory. And in the process, I hurt a bunch of people I care about. And so, I want to apologize now," he said.

He insisted that his comments was just him "speaking for himself" and in no way reflected the the views of EA or Maxis and he also apologized to his coworkers, whom he upset with his remarks. "I do not think that the Wii is a piece of s***," Hecker said. He went on to applaud Nintendo for the Wii's unique controller, its user interface, and the system's affordable price.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 10 Mar 2007 20:06
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  • jetyi83

    uhh.. strange how people just pull 180's like that

    10.3.2007 21:55 #1


    been saying the same since the wii was released, in a couple of years,every developer will say the same about nintendo's wii-wii.

    10.3.2007 23:59 #2

  • pigfister

    a game is supposed to be fun, and with the over 30's market that can still remember games that were built around the "FUN" factor, and not the visual ability, is where the wii is enjoying exceptional sales. you can have fun with your family with a wii, and not just have another fighting game or split screen driving game or sad solo for hours, sitting in the bedroom sucking the life out of him/her teenager game.
    the wii, is like the braidy bunch of game systems, fun innocent and aimed at family entertainment.
    just because someone's life is unfulfilled and have to sit in a darkened room for endless hours and want the epic solo games does not mean another system is useless. sales don't lie.

    11.3.2007 00:41 #3

  • lduych

    Originally posted by pigfister:a game is supposed to be fun...I couldn't agree more!

    But like sports, gaming has become just another big business. Sure, people still enjoy games; however, they are also being TOLD to enjoy them!

    From the corporate point of view (the ONLY point of view these days), the 'gaming industry' is nothing more than the latest scam to get your hard-earned $/£/¥/€ into their banks.

    What does some old fuck in a boardroom know about fun, anyway?!

    11.3.2007 03:20 #4

  • limelight

    Translation: "A lot of people overwhemingly were pissed off at me, and it made me feel really stupid because i thought i knew what i was talking about. In any case, Im now trying to cover it up by saying that it was entertaining and fun, but at the same time I realize that you guys arent a bunch of 5 year olds and you probably read right through me."

    11.3.2007 04:58 #5

  • john_jaxs

    Quote:strange how people just pull 180's like thatWhen people pull 180s like this, it usually means someone put pressure on them to change their opinion.

    11.3.2007 05:23 #6

  • handsom

    Pressure? What, you mean like his job? No, surely not....

    I hope they let him finish whatever big project he's on and can him for making such bold remarks.

    I would can him for making statements that strong about any system, it's completely out of line. Especially after his last year's rant.

    11.3.2007 07:40 #7

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by pigfister:a game is supposed to be fun...I couldn't agree more!

    But like sports, gaming has become just another big business. Sure, people still enjoy games; however, they are also being TOLD to enjoy them!

    From the corporate point of view (the ONLY point of view these days), the 'gaming industry' is nothing more than the latest scam to get your hard-earned $/£/¥/€ into their banks.

    What does some old fuck in a boardroom know about fun, anyway?!
    Fun is something they cant afford they cant afford to deley a game 6-24 months because god forbid they sale a game that sales 30 months after it was launched hell MS and sony have gotten so bad they are starting to pour their contempt for "older" games into bad BWC.

    The corporate way is short trem profit and living on brand names that have a higher chance of selling,I find most newer games to be crap there is no polish and lil fun in them.

    At least the WII is "trying" to bring fun back into the mix....

    11.3.2007 14:37 #8

  • crof27

    im totally for fun games where you can cheer if you do somethin rite or laff at yourself ( or your m8's ) if they get it wrong and i also like games that tax the brain a bit but some of the games that are comin out seem to demand that you know a bit about the subject of the game before hand. isnt the the point of games to find out what it would be like to be in that situation with a little fun thrown in and without the cost and risks? Anyway i've only played the wii once and thot it was good but they'll need to tax their brains to come up with games that consistantly keep the novelty factor of the wiimote runnin instead of it ending up on a shelf gatherin dust like previous gadgets like this ie: the gun, glove etc.

    22.3.2007 05:08 #9

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by crof27:im totally for fun games where you can cheer if you do somethin rite or laff at yourself ( or your m8's ) if they get it wrong and i also like games that tax the brain a bit but some of the games that are comin out seem to demand that you know a bit about the subject of the game before hand. isnt the the point of games to find out what it would be like to be in that situation with a little fun thrown in and without the cost and risks? Anyway i've only played the wii once and thot it was good but they'll need to tax their brains to come up with games that consistantly keep the novelty factor of the wiimote runnin instead of it ending up on a shelf gatherin dust like previous gadgets like this ie: the gun, glove etc.
    Right now the WII dose not need games or "better online" what it needs is polish and care into the control system to get 2nd and 3rd party devs to have a better system to translate the controls into the WII,I fear no one has that ability of "care" in gaming anymore and the wii will be more novelty than game machine.

    22.3.2007 05:16 #10

  • apiao

    spam removed

    18.10.2007 00:20 #11

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